Friday, July 13, 2018

Friday, Hey look, Hey look

     We are under the the $40,000 on the house!  Yeah, this is the lowest we have ever been even with debt payoff and home equity nonsense.  It is going to go fast now.  I can just feel it.  Even if we don't accelerate at the (my game plan)first of the year we will drop into the 20's by April of next year.  I just keep telling myself to stick to it.  Even though it is boring and hard a times.  Okay let's be truthful most of the time.

     I had a major boo,boo yesterday in the fact that my fog brain is not keeping track of the right clients.  I have a wedding dress ready for pickup that was the  wrong dress.  I needed to do another dress. So now I have two dresses to get done today and a bunch of other things.  It was embarrassing, but at least they were understanding.  I just have to pull out of this state.  I mean really?  What a mess.

     I have a laundry up the wazoo, and soon I will be out of ironed cotton clothing.  I just can't seem to keep up.  Of course I keep telling myself that I did get the house ready for two renters and that was no easy task.  I also have had to be out of town for the last three weekends and now this next Monday.  It is hard to keep up when you are on the road so much.  Plus not paying attention to the studio emails, puts me at odds with performances and rehearsals.  I will get to the rehearsals the new owner can deal with the performances.  It is not mine to worry about and I just can't right now.  Adding rehearsals onto my schedule really threw me this week. Crap!

     I need to get into the shop and hem a Wedding dress and then alter another, I hope to be done before 1 p.m. so I can get to the house and other piles of things that need to go out. I have to quit getting myself confused all the time.  I used to be an intelligent person, I think?  (Sluggy no comment here )  Anyway I am off to try and set my world right.  Say a prayer will you?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.

BLAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!  Splat......



  1. thats fantastic to reach $40,000! its a long way off for us yet.

    1. Sad thing is it should have been paid for about 7 years ago. except for the debt.

  2. You have earned brain fog. Start writing everything down so you can check it off and not have the fog in the way.

  3. During times of extreme stress (and we've had many), my husband and I have something we say and do: We extend an extra measure of grace to ourselves and each other. We have unfortunately had enough practice at hard times to know that we just aren't ourselves for up to a year after a big catastrophe in our lives. So, we purposefully be more patient and kind to each other and to ourselves until we come out of the brain fog and are more like ourselves.

    I think you need to give yourself an extra measure of grace right now. It's amazing that you can keep putting one foot in front of the other, sew a straight seam, make it to any rehearsal, clean at are doing a lot of stuff right.

    1. Thank you Becky. My sister's and I kept saying that to each other during Mom's funeral as our tensions were so high. Good advice.

  4. I was in a brain fog for weeks, going into months, after my parents died. So much to think about, but life goes o, and then it all merges and nothing is sorted. Congrats on your financial milestone.

    1. Thanks Sam. I just did not think I would react this way.

  5. Burying parents is soooooo hard. Be gentle with yourself. You will get through it 1 day at a time.

    Paying down mortgage? Awesome! nothing boring about it....the day you say DEBT FREE is so fabulous! You'll look back and be so grateful for the commitment. Keep your eye on THAT ball :-)
