Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday, Working hard

 I have been missing Joel more lately, possibly because Sissie is not here. All I can do is work through it and yesterday I was a workhorse. I was able to get through many piles in the shop.  I am very happy about that.  I also finished a wedding dress and got a good start on two others.  I am hoping to finish those two today and get to some dresses.

It was a long day. Today will be the same.  I dream of having no wedding dresses in the shop.  I can't wait.

We have had a steady drizzle of rain for two days now, which is nice.  It will really help knock down the fires. I wonder how long this will last.  I have a hard time believing that it is still from the hurricane.

Both my daughters had bad days at work yesterday and then my youngest called and I said please don't tell me you had a bad day, I have already listened to your sisters.  See what a supportive mom I am? Mom the sounding board for all grievances.

I sent Sissie home with an ambulance bill that I cannot get the company to bill correctly.  I have called 4 times and sent three letters with all the info.  She was going to talk directly to them. I called again this morning and low and behold they had not billed Medicare yet.  I pulled out the bill from the month before and in it was Joel's Medicare card and insurance info.  I knew I put it somewhere. Anyway 8 months later we might get this thing paid. They keep billing the wrong state and then added charges back on.  IT is such a mess.  But I don't think anyone follows through.  When I finally got through the phone tree and was able to speak to the person, she had all the right numbers.  So why? No just keep sending me bills.  Crazy!!! I have done my part and you will receive no funds until you do yours. Can you believe I am still dealing with this crap?

I wore white shorts yesterday and then went down to feed the menagerie.  That was a mistake. Came home filthy.  What was I thinking?  Obviously, I wasn't.

Well, I am off to get some things done around here!



  1. Glad you found the documents(Sissie told me they were missing)! I have had a whole year of medical billing incompetence! One thing gets fixed and they come up with something else that's a cluster. It's enough to drive a sane person batty!
    I miss you.....

    1. I miss you too. It has been too long since we were together.

  2. Glad you got so much done. Nice to have the rain.
    They will get it all figured out at some point - persevere! I got the last notice almost a year after - so I understand.

    1. Isn't it amazing how long it takes to get everything done after a person passes?

  3. You really got a great deal done. As Cheryl says keep at that ambulance bill, eventually they will get it correct.

    God bless.

    1. I know but 5 phone calls and three letters and still not done. Amazing!!!

  4. We were really happy to have rain at our house as well.

    1. I know just the cool down and reduction of smoke is a blessing.

  5. Aww Kim. Wish I could just hug you right now. Grief is so much harder when you're alone. I hate incompetence. Hope they get your bill sorted out soon. Hugs my friend.

  6. I have had a very bad day at work also so expect my phone call in the line up… lol. JK. Cindy in the South

    1. I am so sorry, I will be glad to listen. The courthouse caught on fire last week where Jess works and they were evacuated.

  7. When a hurricane hits the Gulf Coast, rain and wind sometimes moves up to Canada. Sometimes, it turns east and hits New York and Maine. Getting that many animals tended is bound to be dirty!
    Tending to daughters is a good way to help you think of someone else. I know it sounds weird to tend the feelings of others when you are so stressed, but I think it helps. Maybe I am wrong.

  8. Here's what I got in the mail in the last week. 1) IRS bill saying we didn't pay the taxes due and here's the amount plus penalty fee and interest. Yes, it was paid and removed from my account on April 14. 2) Car payment bill notice for 5¢ 3) Addressed to DH no less, an invitation for him to rebook cremation services. I think they are 7 months too late. I want to scream and cry with incompetence, but what good would it do. I'm sorry you're still dealing with bills. Enough already.

    1. It really is amazing isn't it? It is like they can never be put to rest and you can never get over it, (if that is even possible). But I have to say an invitation to rebook a cremation is a good one.

    2. Jre sometimes even years later! My husband got notified of jury duty about 20 years after he died (which actually triggered sad thoughts and then I was pissy) we hadn’t moved and it was still in the county he died in. I did nothing, more notices came and then the threat to arrest him! I finally called them OMG

  9. I got bills for a solid year after Garry died.

  10. Checking in to be sure you're "ok". Hugs.
