Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesday, Will I ever return?

Enlarge and look at the pip squeak at the end of the line with the Buddha belly.  It is Kelsa Kay who is potty trained and started gymnastics!  She is so small she had to be helped up on every device.

Look at that flexibility, just like her grandma.  If I did that now I would need a block and tackle to get up.  But a girl can dream, right?

Both William and Kelsa at gymnastics.  Oh, I love these two and they make my life great.

Not to forget the cutest lil boy ever. My Oliver! He just got done with a haircut and he looks like the Campbell's kid. So fun.

I have been super busy catering a wedding (don't ask) and taking care of grandkids and of course sewing. I am still struggling with just wanting my old life back and that is not going to happen.  I want the schedule back.  Get up have a soda, look at phone messages for shop, get dressed and blog, then sew.  But I can't get any kind of consistent schedule.  Even with Sissie here I could not. It frustrates me to no end.  Really what is so different? Oh, so many things......

Talked to Sissie this morning and she was on me to blog more consistently.  It has been 8 months and I still feel upside down most of the time.

Kelsa celebrated her 3rd birthday, and she was so excited.  She actually understood what was happening and that it was just for her.

She has a new kitchen set at grandmas and food and pots and pans.  She just plays and plays.  Such a joy. I don't think I could have survived Joel's death without these little munchkins. They keep me busy and that helps so much.

I have 15 shirts to put patches on today and then 31 yes 31 pairs of pants to hem.  I would also like to get to a couple of wedding dresses if I can.  Yeah, right, let's just skip the wedding dresses, shall we? There are still 11 lurking behind me taunting me with their evil laughter.

I did get 5 dresses hemmed (bridesmaid) yesterday, and a wedding dress done plus a few piles, so it was a good day.

I have a headache and some sinus drainage today, it is very smokey out, so I am hoping it is just a reaction to the air quality.  I have been so healthy (well except for my eye) and I don't want to go back into the sinus infection crap. It seems like once it starts it last an entire season.

Oh, by the way I am going to DC the 17th to the 31st of October.  I will be joined by my middle daughter and her husband for part of that.  The fall girls' trip cannot take place as Slugs is having surgery.  But maybe Kay and I can get Anne to come up or drive down and harass her. Hey anyone want to join? We will laugh a lot. Bring extra panties (I don't have to explain do I) 

Well, the shop is awaiting. Thanks for your patience with me as I travel this awful, stony, slippery, dragon infested road of grief.  Well, all except Sissie who has no patience.

Uncle Jeff will recover, he is very ornery with the nursing staff, which bodes well for his recovery. For this I am grateful. 



  1. Oh gees, it would be grand to meet you but I will be knee deep in renovation at the end of October….plus DC is quite the trip from Phoenix…maybe your next getaway ;). Glad to see your post, and true to form, your sewing piles are astonishing, the concept of hemming 31 pairs of pants makes my toes curl! Hilogene in Az

  2. Happy to see you post. Oh my gosh, look at tiny little girl - she looks like a little fairy!!!! The kids are adorable.
    You sure keep busy - guess that is good.
    You have to make a new life - like it or not - and it does take time and effort. I am just getting to the point that I am getting comfortable going to events and leaving the house after over 4 years. Yep, TIME!!!!!
    Hang in the kiddo.

    1. I know going to meet people is hard and I don't like it.

  3. If I wasn't on a business trip early October, follow d by a medical procedure, while juggling my own crap, I'd be there. Maybe I still will- just run away. Hilogene- business trip is in Phoenix. I thought my youngest was tiny, but your Kelsa is just so so little. I'm sure she makes up for it Iin spunk. You say they are getting your through- that's wonderful. I feel very empty. My kids are great, but they really don't need me, and I've been a lot for them.

    1. SAM,
      Your kids absolutely need you, just in a different way.

    2. Sam I feel like I am a drag on my kids especially Signe' who is here the most. I have to remember that they too are suffering the loss of a father, it is not just my pain. So you and Hilogene should get together and then take pictures!

  4. Kelsa is so very tiny. My older daughter was very tiny, but once I cut out foods to which she was allergic, she started getting muscles in her spindly little arms. I was still toilet training my son at three. It will happen.
    You know how you and Joel just took time to go on the cruise because you wanted to do things before it was too late? Well, maybe letting go of work you can let go will be good for you. Of course, I don't know the situation there.
    I thought sluggy was going to be out of surgery in time for travel. I suppose I got that wrong. I am only good for short spurts. I doubt anyone anywhere would want to drag me Hey, I do have enough panties for anything!
    You are so right about the sinus thing lasting! I have had a good run of being free of sinus problems, but expect it to start again!

  5. Kelsa is so tiny I just want to,pick her up and hug her! I’m glad you have them to help ease the pain from losing Joel.

  6. Congratulations on the potty training! Although maybe with the need for extra panties, we all may need a refresher course. ;) Your grandchildren are all precious! I'm glad that they provide some comfort during the hard times. Sending hugs.

    1. YEs and if my cold gets worse I will need more panties.....

  7. I think things will get better for you emotionally when your twin moves closer to you, or is at least in the same state. It is so hard sometimes to grieve alone. Cindy in the South

  8. Woohoo on the potty training! I hope you are able to find more consistency & a schedule that works for you. Good luck with your sewing.

    1. I just want a schedule I will keep and so far it has eluded me.

  9. I'm glad you have your grands to give you comfort as you navigate this chapter.

  10. How I wish I could still sew....and paint. But ET has taken that away from me. And my son has married an evil controlling woman who holds the hope of seeing my grandchild over my head like I am a trained seal who has to behave a certain way or I can't be in her life. Life is cruel and unfair sometimes. Pity Party at table 7. lolz If I can get through what I am facing, you will get through the grief brought on by Joel's passing. Life is always changing and we have to roll with it.
    I love you and Sissie too!

    1. Let me have 10 minutes with her. I'm so tired of hearing about people trying to control other people and manipulating situations. Life can change on a dime. Those that think they have control never know who they need to rely on later.

    2. I'm finding out she is a master manipulator and control freak. She has my son firmly under her thumb and he is lost to us now. We are horrible people in her eyes and I am done dealing with her and my son who can't seem to stand up for his parents.

    3. Ugh, I'm sorry. Sounds like an awful situation, and I'm sure that your son is torn between his wife and his parents, and he has chosen his wife/daughter. Has she always been so controlling or could she be experiencing post partum depression/psychosis?

  11. So the meds are not working I take it. I still think she will come around, for Mathew's sake. But I would like to see you act like a trained seal might be good for a laugh or two.

  12. I will be helping Hubby cut wood for this winter. Think of a 12 ft. wide, 16 ft. long and 8 ft high shed that has to be filled... WHEN I found the roof was leaking and the ceiling was molded (which I am allergic too... meds like crazy now) and he has to fix it BEFORE we can cut wood. SIGH.
