Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, Progress!

     Here it is chart #4 completed, since the first of the year. and I am onto another one.  As it is only the 19th and I have 10 more days in April I might just get another one.  Wouldn't it be grand if I could knock out the $1800.00 balance to that loan before the end of the month?  If all goes as planned I may be able to.  But I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch.

     Look at that side bar  under $2000.00.  I am ahead of schedule.  It will be so nice not to have that loan hanging over my head this summer.

     When I woke this morning the sun was actually shining.  Something I haven't seen in a long time. I bought some flowers last night for my boxes out back and I am going to plant them this weekend.  I am also going to work on the front flower beds and put out new bark.

    Hubs asked me to order rock to complete the front of the house which has been a mess for two summers now. I think Hub's may till the garden this afternoon and we are having the rock delivered asap.  So I will have plenty to do outside.  I don't even care about the work, just to be able to be out in the sunshine will be the best gift I can give myself.

     Now I have  to get my butt into the shop and get more dresses out.  I was only able to get 3 out yesterday as I was so busy with the littles. I want to get 5-7 out today if possible.  I have a major dance costume to construct and more dresses coming in.  But you all know I way over plan what I can get done.

     I think I am more excited about yard work and sunshine right now then I am about my debt pay off.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. That is great progress. I have had three days of sun and still have not gotten outside. Ill with uti!

    1. I am sorry. Now get out there it is so beautiful.

  2. We have sunshine today, too! Very welcome after so much snowy and gloomy weather. Your debt payoff is amazing! Keep at it~I know you will!

    1. It was so ice yesterday. I know I am smoking but at what price?

  3. Woo hoo! Congratulations and enjoy the sunshine!

    1. Thanks Anne at least one area of my life is going in the right direction.

  4. I am trying to get Hubs to get manure, dirt and mulch before the sale is over and in time so we can get the manure to ripen in the soil so we can then plant in time to actually grow something. lol

    You go girl on the $1K sheet!!

    1. We have chicken manure and a tiller. Hub's cleaned the chicken coop yesterday. Fun for him.

  5. Isn't this weather amazing? :) Hubby and I just had a late lunch out on the back porch. I am so proud of you for how well you are doing paying down your debt! Woohoo!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Rhitter, this feels great. But all I can think about is the next debt.
