Monday, August 21, 2023

Monday, Missing my Sissie

 Have not done much since Sissie left, mostly due to just an overly busy schedule.  But it is Monday and I need to saddle up and get things done.

I have piles upon piles that I want to attack today and a couple of wedding dresses. No kids today so that is a blessing.

We are back into smoke due to the wildfires in the area, but it is raining now so hopefully that will clear the air up a little. If it rains hard enough, I won't have to water always a plus.

Froze two-gallon bags of tomatoes this morning, for sauce later.  Lots of cucumbers and tomatoes here not much squash. Anyway, more than I can eat, so into the freezer they go until I can do something with them.

Taking care of the neighbor's place is way more than I should be doing.  I have done it for a weekend, and it is not bad, but this is overkill. I will say no next time. There are several huge water troughs and pools that need to be emptied and refilled and it takes forever. I am trying to do a couple a day so I can rotate.  My daughter has gone with me twice to help me.

I am missing Joel so much lately.  Sundays are hard for me, just so many memories. Kelsa asked to see pictures of Papa the other day, it was very hard.

I am looking forward to a rip-roaring week of sewing and I am anxious to see how I do without my bossy sister behind me. 

I had a friend come over and get a bunch of meat out of the freezer that was going to burn.  Just too much and I would never cook it up, so let it bless someone else.

Uncle Jeff is recovering.  He is a doctor, and they make the worst patients. He is true to form, which I love as it shows he has fight in him. So, I am very happy about that.

Still practicing the piano for choir which is good for me.  It gives me something to focus on that is hard. 

Well, I had better get busy, and thanks for sticking with me, even though I am inconsistent and not replying like I should.  But I am getting better little by little I think and then wham!!!! down I go.

This is hard.

Love you guys more than you know.



  1. I gasped when I heard about the zoo you were tending. I know that is dirty work, so you must have to change your clothes lest one speck of dirt or water on your clothing be transferred onto a wedding dress. I know sewing cannot be done in anything less than spotless clothing. It was a worry to even eat or drink, much less wade around in animal poo and water and general dirtiness.
    Everything you do translates into sewing in my mind.

    1. Well I went in the evening to the animals and I wore white shorts, that was stupid.

  2. You got this. The piles will dwindle and the time will pass quickly. I can't even imagine working on so many projects - for others! YIKES.
    Yep, it is hard. God gets us through it each day - to show us we are stronger than we thought.

    1. I just can't wait to get some of these wedding dresses out of here. But I know there will come a time when they are all done!

  3. You do not need to explain yourself to us, my dear friend. Just do what you feel up to. The rest will fall into place. Hugs!

  4. And we love you right back, dear Kim.

  5. I agree with April, we love you right back! And yes, please say no to the neighbor next time. I suggest (although it might go against your nature) that you might want to set aside a bit of time for just you…not the kids, not the grand kids, not sewing, not gardening, not the choir, you see where I am going. I took a five day break in May and went to a different town, by myself. Ate healthy food, walked around, read, watched movies, thought about exercising. Didn’t call any of my friends or family but did text so they knew I was alive and well. Eventually, I enjoyed not having anything to do but it took me two full days to get used to that feeling. I had spent 40+ years as a spouse and then five months frantically dealing with the aftermath and felt like I was at sea in a power boat that I wasn’t sure I could control…not a great analogy but for sure I had lost my equilibrium. Anyway, food for thought for you. Hilogene in Az.

  6. Your Sissy must get her "Take Charge!" attitude from all her fetching pink footwear!

    I have to ask--just WHAT is going on with that Ronald McDonald statue?!?
