Monday, October 14, 2024

Busy, Busy Week and more to follow

Sissy here and life is just busy.  Too busy for me right now.

Kim is so caught up in the shop and that makes us so happy.

I am putting finishing touches on my Freddie Krueger basement, and it needs to be vacuumed badly, but I have left the vacuum in the middle of the floor, and it is haunting me, and this is not like me?

I have an attack of the lazy.

Daniel and I are leaving once again for Montana and another wedding this weekend and that is the last for the year.

I will be glad I do not have to make that trip again anytime soon, although we may drive over for Thanksgiving if the weather holds, and the passes are good.

Kim is going to Eldest over Thanksgiving, and I just do not want to make the drive.  Traveling cross country less than five months ago and then four trips to Montana and a weeklong trip to St. Louis have jaded me.  I just want to be Home.

Today I must run a couple of errands, and I forgot my cellphone at Home as I am up at Kim's to make sure She is up! Have not convinced her to get to work yet?  It is going to be one of those days where I just putz around and accomplish little, so why should I expect Sissy to work?

Now I am off to fetch cellphone and run errands...

Kim here, Sis just back from Montana, and I have had grandkids of some sort for the last several days. I go there, then they come here, it gets somewhat confusing, and I sure hope the ones that are here are mine...

I cannot tell you how nice it is to be caught up in the shop.  I can actually be lazy and not feel guilty.  Oh, who am I kidding I can be lazy any time and not feel guilty.  Hence Sissie nagging.

Have a wedding dress to work on today and a few other dresses. I want the wedding dress out before Thursday.

I actually got out in the yard and did a good job of weeding a whole section of the rock.  The grass seed Dan planted is coming up, so we know the method works.  However, the weather will turn here soon, and I doubt anymore seed will sprout. But we have our method ready for next year!

Hope to blog more, now that I am... well I can't really say what I am.


Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday, Back and working

 I don't think myself is going to return.  But I have altered a ton of wedding dresses!!!!

There are 4 dresses in the shop now.  Two for October which I will do this week.  One for November and One for December.  I do have one coming in tomorrow for January. I hope I can keep better control of the work now that Sissie is here and helping, and nagging๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ She is so good at that.

I will start a wedding dress right after this blog. Yippee!

I worked in the yard all day Saturday and I am still a little sore.  I just got the front done.  I am hoping today to get out sometime this afternoon. Dan is here mowing, and we are going to plant grass seed in the front.  That may be all we get done this year.  There are three areas that need to be reseeded.  Plus, I have a back area that is totally weeds and needs to have something done. Have not figured that out yet.

I can really tell you it is so nice to have the pressure off. I feel like I can breathe, and I have not felt that way for a long time.  It was actually chili this morning and I have turned the air conditioner off. We will see where the thermostat goes.  I put on a sweater which is such a weird feeling. When you wear shorts or a skirt for months and then put on pants and feel like you are getting strangled; or my legs feel like that are getting strangled.

Well, I am off to get a few things done. 


Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday, Finally Done!

I loved this image; it shows how I feel moist of the time. Me wandering in the semi dark, trying to reach a castle of my dreams.  

I am going to admit that grief has kicked my butt. I have so neglected the blog, although I think of all my friends here all the time. I am so grateful for all of you, and I mean that. I know I have not been in touch, but I have to say between grandkids, Sissie's, good friends and all of you I would never have made it.

I was bummed that Slug's did not get to come.  I worry about her and her Hubby.  They are just the most wonderful people.  But if she does not get better soon, I think SIs and I will be on our way out there, come hell or high water.

Talk about sewing my hands off, I completed t.5 wedding alterations in a day.  You have to understand that so much of wedding alterations is hand work.  I sat for 10 hours doing hand work.  Then that evening I went to practice my piano and I had terrible shooting pains up my forearms. I told my teacher about it and she said she got those when she over practiced trying to get ready for a jury. Anyway, finished the last dress Wednesday afternoon, bride came and picked up.

Yesterday, was free.  I still had 10 pairs of missionary pants to let out at the waist and a couple of shirts to put darts in, but SIs and I just took the day and putzed.  It was so nice.  No pressure, took a few things back, went out to lunch and split a salad, just a nice day.

My Motto

I got up this morning, actually was woke up by Sis per usual, and she started ragging on me per usual.  I ignored her for a while per usual and then proceeded to get to work.  It only took 1.5 hours to complete the sewing and call the client.  The shop is done!  I have 4 more wedding dresses to complete for the year.  Two are due out in October, one in November and one in December. I will get those done when I get home and call it a year.  Although more will come in the heat will be off.  

Per Anne in the Kitchen, I will be raising my rates again.  Brides always seemed shocked that my rates are so low even though I have raised them significantly. I have a dress coming in when I get home for a January wedding and I will be raising the price on all dresses coming in from now on and for the new year. I am the only game in town, and I just need to act accordingly. 

I am sure I told you about the bride coming in right before I left for Jethelyn's house, that had been charged $695.00 to take up the shoulders in a dress and hem it.  Well, the breast points hit her about three inches above her breasts. She was getting married in less than a week. I had to remove the sleeves which were horrid, and place three inches of material at the shoulders to drop the neckline to the appropriate length.  I did this as she waited on her first fitting.  Just to show her how I would fix it.  We decided that the dress was much more flattering without the sleeves and that gave me lace to work with to hand embroider over the fabric I had put in to drop neckline.  I added a few other Kim touches from my bag-o-tricks, like a waist belt covered with seed pearls, made from two straps I had cut off another dress and then a beautiful rhinestone broach type center piece, also from another dress.  I save all lace and straps and accoutrements. They come in so handy when there is an emergency.  She looked radiant and no I did not charge her, she had been through enough and I am blessed with work. I have never in my life charged anyone close to $695.00.  Just think I could be rich.  But I also think that is usuary and I could not live with myself.

So here I am ready to go to a very sad funeral.  My niece called me last night about 10:30 at night and we talked about death and widowhood. She is so young, but then I feel young for a widow.  All we can do is go through our grief.  We cannot hide from it.  We cannot wish it away. It will always be with us.  I did get to talk to her about the guilt of death, and second guessing oneself and blaming oneself. I hope it helps her a little.

I had this fabulous surprise weekend plan for my buddy, as a good friend of mines daughter is getting sealed in a Temple in the Tri Cities. I had gotten a hotel room and thought we would have a nice girl's weekend, with a Temple session a nice dinner, hotel stay and drive home.  But the family death messed that up. Oh well we will surely have another chance to get in trouble.

So, we are off tomorrow, back late next week.  Stay tuned I think big changes might be coming as in Kim will get to slow down a little and Kay will get to quit hollering at Kim.  Both will be grateful.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another tragedy strikes

 Greetings from Kay as Kim is working like a crazy woman to get out of dodge.

On Monday evening we got a phone call from Lil Sis to come to her house right away and found out that her eldest daughter's husband of 42 years of age had passed away.  It was horrible.  We managed to get Lil Sis on a plane on Tuesday (no small task as getting out of this small town is next to impossible,) but we did it.

Kim and I made arrangements to fly today but things got complicated as our nephew in law had been in Hospital for 10 days when they took Him for a CAT scan his heart stopped, and they could not get it restarted.  As of Monday night, we were told there would be no autopsy (which really bothered me) but I was helpless.  We were told the Funeral would be Friday. 

We had so many wedding dresses to complete to get out of town and we worked and worked and worked.

Yesterday (Tuesday) we were then told there would be an autopsy for which we were very grateful, but the Funeral was to be next Wednesday, and we were booked to fly back on Tuesday.  Three hours on the phone with Delta and we got the tickets changed (which cost us a chunk of change but sometimes in life you just have to write the check) to leave Saturday and come back next Thursday. In the meantime, we are caught up and all dresses have been picked today we are trying to relax and pack.

Kim is on the sofa with a diet coke making lists, and phone calls to brides (whose weddings are coming up to let them know she is leaving town) Bride's call weeks ahead as they panic and must be reassured that their dress will be completed. Even though Kim keeps a rigid schedule Brides still panic.

I simply cannot believe we got all the work done but we are two very tired women.  I have what I call ironing arm, and it is very sore.  Those dresses are hard to steam and iron and bridesmaid dresses are worse.

WE still have so many unanswered questions and will find out more when we arrive on Saturday, and I am so hoping that the autopsy reveals something? I mean really after 10 days they should have known something was up but....

So, keep our Family in your prayers and I will fill you in when we return.



Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Going down memory lane

 Kay here and it is the 10th of September.  The picture I am attaching is in Kim's Shop and it is of her putting the final touches on her middle daughter's wedding dress.  I had these made about 11 years ago from an old ad that Sissy found from a Singer sewing machine magazine.  I hope you can read it!

Sissy has slept horribly the past several days and is not feeling well, so I spent the night last night to make sure I could get her to sleep, and sleeping she is!  Finally.

I woke many times last night to listen to her breathing beside me and she was indeed sleeping, probably from exhaustion.

Now I am not a great believer in catching up on sleep, once lost hard to regain, but having experienced insomnia many times in my working life (always from stress) I have learned many sleeping techniques that work for me.

I took her cell phone away from her!  Quite your brain Sissy, breath in and out and focus on your breathing, relax every muscle in your body (this takes time and practice).  When doing this I can no longer feel my hands or feet, they have sunk into the mattress, and I fall asleep.  Too much stimulation before bed can really be an issue.

I was up at five this morning and watched the sun rise and prayed on Kim's deck enjoying my three cups of coffee.  I then slowly made my way around the house and picked up last night's mess and have set up my sewing space in Kim's dining room.  I have a lot of mending to do today, as I got nothing done yesterday due to a small issue that could turn into a very large issue.

Yesterday morning...

Daniel and I are early risers and we like to have coffee outside on our back covered porch.  We knew when we bought the House that the property next door to us was abandoned, and it is in terrible shape.

I segue...

The property belonged to an elderly woman who has two sons in prison.  She passed away in 2012 in the state of Wyoming and Wyoming slapped a lien on the property for 95 thousand dollars for medical bills.  The house has been vacant since and is falling apart.  She is a beautiful old craftsman with great lines but.... it is tied up.  

As soon as we purchased the House, we made the rounds of the neighborhood to introduce ourselves and ask about the property and got an ear full.  But has anyone tried to do anything about it? NO!

Well, they don't know me, and I am going to take action.

Yesterday morning continued...

Dan and I are on the back porch and Dan looks to his left and says, Oh Honey we have a problem and points to our tall fence next to the abandoned property. (At least we do not have to look at the mess)

The property has a large lean to building probably used for wood storage leaning against our fence and it is pushing our fence over as the roof has collapsed.  Now said property has no trespassing signs everywhere as it is dangerous, all windows broken out, gutters falling, ivy everywhere (which will destroy a home).

Our fence has an electrical conduit that leads to our detached garage.  If the fence comes down and it will this is a bad fire hazard.

So, I whipped out my camera took pictures and went to City Hall ay ten o'clock.  After being directed to four (yes four) different buildings blocks apart I finally got to the Office I needed to be at, and everyone was at lunch.  I explained the situation to the Secretary and She said someone would call me (like yeah) I knew that was not going to happen as I am sure others have complained since 2012.

Also, I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday and living 36 years in the DC area has made me a bit jaded, but also politically correct and focused.  I would not leave until She gave me at least two phone numbers and email addresses of the Persons I needed to speak with.  I then called both left a very nice, detailed message and sent them the photos.  I then went to the power company and showed them the photos and they agreed that it was bad.  I then came up to Kim's (Dan is at Lil Sis's painting).  She was a mess, so I called Daniel and said I was spending the night with Sissy and to come up for dinner when He was finished.  Pulled a chicken pie and beef pie from the freezer for dinner (this is why I cook ahead) and my cellphone rang, and it was one of the Gentleman from the City.  He agreed to meet me at my property in 10 minutes and so down the Hill I went.  He took many pictures and knew very well about the property, but it is tied up because of the Son's and the Lien.  He agreed to get the city to take down the Shed.  (We shall see) ...

I may be making a trip to Wyoming...

Too be continued...

Now I must go wake Sissy as it is almost 9 O'clock.

As Rosanne Rosanna Dana used to say!  It's always something!

Hugs Kay

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Thursday, Down 4 more!


This is an image of my book of life on the left, but the actuality on the right.
Worried about Sluggy.  She is in hospital and may not be able to come. Please send prayers her way.  If she is not able to get out here, I swear Sis and I are going down there. That should scare her into getting well, I know it would me.

Sissie is in the other room sewing and I am blogging, (this is Kim) I have a wedding dress to hand sew lace onto and then one to hem.  Then only 3 more for Sept.  But they all 3 came in late so they get them late.  I swear if I lived close to Linda, I would deliver this dress and get her to hand sew on the lace.  Why should I get all the fun?

I have to pick up the Kids in Colton today and then Kelsa is going to spend the night.  It is Lil Sis's birthday so we will go over there with an ice cream cake about 7 and celebrate.  I think I am going to get the kids to go pick out a gift they think she would like just to see what they would choose.

I am so grateful to Sissie and Dan, they keep me going.  Dan is very helpful and well so is Sissie.  But Dan does not nag. (I am interrupting to tell you all I do not nag, I issue orders! Kay)

So, 4 wedding dresses out this week, and I am just plugging along. Then one came in for November this morning. But I have to say I think it is slowing down. Knock on wood, I hate to jinx it!

Saturday will be a Kay Day as I will be helping Sis at her house.  She has just been doing and doing for Lil Sis and I and her place gets neglected. 

Well, I am off to join the salt mine!


Kay Here!

Updates from last week as it is now Sunday afternoon.  I did get 18 egg rolls made finally, and they are delicious. Froze most of them.  I then thaw in fridge and bake off in oven and they crisp right up!  So now all I have to do is make fried rice and egg drop soup and I can put on a Chinese spread.  Most for the work is done.

I also made five miny Lasagna's and we had one and the others are in the freezer! Yummo!  A quick salad and a loaf of Italian Bread and dinner is made!

I did quite a bit of mending for Kim last week, and well it was just busy and now it is Sunday., where does the time go?

Kim did come to my house yesterday (Saturday) and helped Dan, and I hang quite a few things, so we are getting there slowly but surely.  WE are just trying to live with the space and deciding where we are going to put all the artwork we have collected over the years.  Our walls are plaster and lath, and one must be very careful when deciding where to put heavy artwork.

I am up at Kim's cleaning as Her Son-in Law is coming tonight and Kim is flat on Her back with vertigo, and She feels horrid.

When I called Her this morning (having no plans to come up the hill) She had completely forgotten.  So, I stopped what I was doing (as in my own ironing) and traveled up and She was up and running around like a wild Ape.  But we got a lot done and then She collapsed.  She was sweating like a pig and that is a bad sign and now I know she is not good. I am learning so much more about her illnesses and they just fly out of control.

I have made a decision that Dan and I will take Son-in Law to dinner.  I am tired and in no mood to throw together a gourmet meal or any meal for that matter.  I will bring Sissie leftovers.

We have a busy week ahead and I have so much to do as Dan and I are leaving Thursday for Montana and another wedding of a Great Nephew.

Will try and help Sissy all I can and keep you posted, must try and call Sluggy!



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday, It's Me!!!!!

 I have been back for over a week but had so many wedding dresses waiting that all I did was sew and get yelled at by Sissie!

I have at least 6 more dresses to get out in the next two weeks.  It is hell I tell you Hell! It is a white hell, which is not how I really imagined hell would look.

Anyway, enough about me. The two 4 year old grands started school! Yes, full time school! Both were so excited.  Kelsa came home and told her mom about how much fun she had and immediately asked for a glass of milk and went to sleep on the couch.  The child that has been fighting naps for the last

6 months. Oliver started school today at the University preschool.  He was so excited.

This means that I will have much less time with them, which is good and bad.  They are growing up and I miss them as babies. It is so fun to see how excited they are to start school.  I know that won't last.

Sis and I have been working on the finishing touches to the bathroom and bedroom. We are almost done. I am loving it.

Had a great time at eldest's house.  Did not want to come home as I knew how much work was waiting for me. I sewed curtains for her and di a lot of yard work and slept and read.  It was wonderful.

I am still struggling with depression and grief.  It is much worse than it was the first year. But all I can do is put one foot in front of the other.

This is my new motto for life.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Kim is Home!

Kim is home and very busy with wedding dresses!  Three came in this morning.  She has eight due out for the 14th of September and they just keep rolling in.

Her master bedroom and bath are still a work in progress and at least the furniture is in place and the mattresses are on and I am drying the new sheets so I can iron them.  Hopefully we can do the big reveal soon!

Kim wants to work on her bedroom, and I have said no, and she is listening and doing hand work on a dress.  We have to stay caught up.

I have quite a bit of mending to do and I got nowhere near my machine yesterday as there were too many errands to run.

Today I must get the Egg Foo young gravy made which will not take long and I must get the egg rolls made.  I did do the filling yesterday but feel like it needed more cabbage, so I went and got more. 

This morning I came to the House and woke Kim up with a cold diet coke and then went to the dump, the Salvation Army to drop off old lamps ( I gave Sissy two milk glass lamps that I have had for forty years for Her new bedroom and they look great, also some beautiful dresser scarves and Doilies that were made by our Great Grandmother Henderson.  Yes, I inherited all of my mothers and Grandmothers old linens as I love them and use them.  They were easier to ship east than dishes and silver, and copper and you name it!)  I then went to Winco and got some groceries for Kim as the Grands will be here tomorrow and Thursday and the cupboards were bare for the littles. I then stopped at Bruneel Tire and auto and made an appointment to get my oil changed and my tires rotated.

Dan is at little Sis's new House today painting a very large bedroom that was all bright cobalt blue, even the ceilings, just awful.  He has a lot of work to do in that House as well as Kim's, not to mention our place, but it will all get done one room at a time.

Now I have to get to work as I have so much to do!

Picture is of four chicken pies, six beef pies and a chicken stoop for the freezer.  I ran out of pie dough and was too tired to make more so soup it was.

The freezer is getting stocked!

Well, here it is the next day as our day got away from us.  Kim's bedroom has more done in it, and Dan and I are ready to take the Car in.  It is very cold this morning and that tells me fall is near.

I did get the Egg Foo young gravy done yesterday, but not the Egg Rolls, so that is my first priority when we return from the Garage. Kim is still sleeping.  I will then get some mending done and Hubs is going to work on hanging mirrors and artwork in the bedroom.  The Grands will be here shortly.

I am determined to have a productive day and Kim finished two wedding dresses yesterday! Yeah!



Friday, August 23, 2024

Sissy here and Happy Friday!

So yesterday was a little crazy and I did not get done what I wanted to, but priorities change!

My Husband has been complaining about his ears being plugged and gurgling and his sinuses were stuffed up.  This has been going on for a while.  I suggested that He take some allergy meds, as it did not appear to be an infection.

Well, it got much worse, and He was not sleeping as it was driving Him crazy, (which was driving me crazy, and trust me it is short trip to crazy for me) so yesterday morning I insisted that He go to an urgent care. We did and it is not His ears, but his sinuses and they are very swollen red and sore.  The Doctor said definitely allergies, but also put Him on an antibiotic for the swelling and we bought allergy meds.  I am so hoping he will get some relief in a day or two.  We were there for four hours but got some answers and then had to wait for the prescriptions to be filled.

I brought Him up to Kim's as He wanted to mow the grass and do a little work outside and I started on egg foo young and fried rice.  I was able to make 18 egg foo young patties (used up some of the overstock of eggs!) and enough fried rice for dinner last night and made 8 servings for Kim's freezer.  Today I will make more gravy for each serving and freeze that also in glass Oui yogurt containers.

This recipe freezes beautifully, egg foo young patty on bottom, add fried rice and a layer of saran wrap to prevent freezer burn and then the lid.  Thaw in fridge, dump in bowl and nuke it covered for 1.5 minutes.  Easy nutritious dinner.

I flash froze the leftover patties and took them home to my freezer and will make more fried rice in the next few days.

This morning, I had to go to Walmart which I hate, but there is very little shopping here and sometimes Walmart is it!

Kim was out of toilet paper and I needed to buy a mattress pad for Her new mattress that hopefully will be installed tomorrow

The Kids were supposed to come today to help Dan, and I put the furniture back in Kim's bedroom, but their plans changed, and they will do so tomorrow.  Dan is home working on our yard, and I am up at Kim's doing a few chores.  I will meet my Lil Sis for lunch, and then back to Kim's to do some more cooking.  Today I plan to make eight pie crusts and put together, chicken and beef pot pies.  I am stocking my freezer with prepped meals, and Kim's also!  If I can get this done in a timely manner, I will also make egg rolls.  We shall see.
This method really does prevent freezer burn.
Just try it!

I order these heavy weight Chinese to go plastic containers from Amazon in pint and quart size and they last a very long time and so much cheaper that Tupper ware type containers.  I use a black sharpie on the lids, and it will wash off when soaked for a bit.  I cooked for so many Seniors during Covid and they were not afraid of breaking glass containers.  Dan and I do not like to waste nor do like a lot of leftovers, so I have learned to cook and portion out for meals, and this saves me so much time and a lot of money.  If you cook in bulk, when things are on sale (loss leaders) you can save a ton!

Hope you all are having a wonderful day, now I am going to dust the guest bedroom, and it will be done!



Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Wow, I worked hard yesterday and was able to get my sauce done and it took the majority of the day.  I made eight quarts of Beef Sauce and 16 pints of beef and sausage.  A quart will feed Daniel and I for two meals and the pint for one.  So, all in all I made 56 servings and have done a cost analysis.  Now the tomatoes and basil and onion were free.  I bought burger, sausage, mushrooms and red, yellow and orange peppers.  Guessing on the olive oil, butter, and other spices I think I spent about $65.00.  Now that is great for a homemade sauce! ($1.10 per serving, and 28 meals) This sauce freezes beautifully. I have four pints in Kim's freezer!

I destroyed my kitchen and there was sauce everywhere as I am a very messy cook.  My new kitchen is white, with black and white linoleum, very retro looking, and what a mess.  I finally got it cleaned up about four in the afternoon.  Had a bowl of cereal for dinner as Dan was staying up at Kim's to finish a project.  I did the Kitchen floor and the rugs this morning.  I also did three items of mending for myself which I have wanted to do since I got here!

I am really tired, and it is already 3:40 in the afternoon.  I have been to Costco and have done many errands and am back up at Kim's helping my Husband finish up some things.

The bedroom and bath are done, and the carpet has been shampooed and came out beautifully.

Kim's middle Daughter and Son-in law are coming over Friday to help us set up the bedroom and take a load to the dump. 

I still have things to do here but I have the time.  Right now, I just want to veg out.  My feet have a heartbeat of their own which means I have overdone it.

I still have to make fried rice and egg foo young and will do that tomorrow. just too damn sore to process now.  I did get the bacon fried up and everything is ready to go so now it is just getting it done, and it will get done, but not today.

I also want to make at least eight pie crusts and four balls of pizza dough to freeze and hope to get that done this week.

Talked with Kim briefly and She is relaxing and having a good time and my Niece loved all the Artwork I sent and plans to hang it all and that makes Dan and I so happy!

Now I am going to have a glass of wine and put my feet up!

Have a wonderful evening!


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sissie here and it is sauce cooking day!


It is Tuesday and I started my sauce this morning, but left it turned off to bring my Husband up to the House.  Today He should finish the final coat on Kim's accent wall and then we can shampoo the carpet and start putting Her bedroom back together. 

Yesterday I worked all day in my Office and got so much done and Dan took a break from His paint brush and worked in our yard.  I made spaghetti for dinner to use up the last of the sauce I made several months ago.

I also went yesterday to our favorite Carpet Store where the owner had large area rugs that Sis and I were admiring when I picked out my Carpet.  Kim's family Room rug was tried and so I went to see if they still had the rug she admired, and they did!  I offered $200.00 cash, and it was gladly accepted (saved $100.00) brought it up to the House and laid it and it looks wonderful!  Kim will be so excited.

Now to finish this room I just need to do the shelf, but probably not today as I need to get home and finish my sauce.

I still have to do the guest bedroom as is dust and vacuum, and I want to clean out the fridge.  Also, a couple of sewing projects for myself that I can tackle.  I miss my Sissy, but She needed a break from the shop and possibly from me?

Now I will get back in the Car and go Home to cook and create havoc in my own kitchen which I am trying to get used to!

Have a great and productive day!


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Blessed Sunday and a beautiful day!


  • Sissy here and I am running with scissors trying to get the Family Room put back together and I am almost done!
Yesterday I pulled the couch covers off and washed then and hung them outside to dry.  I also ruined the Sofa pillows which I washed, but I did not like them so...Kim will have to  forgive me.

Putting those covers back on was a true exercise in patience, but does it ever look good.

One of the Grands left an ice cream bar between two cushions and what a mess, but Spot Shot to the rescue and I got it all up.

I have pulled everything away from the walls and rolled up the rug and swept, vacuumed and mopped.  The dog hair and sewing string was unbelievable and I think it is still breeding...

Also cleaned Mom's spinning wheel and now just one small portion of floor to go and it will be done!

It is 10:30 and here I go...Okay it is 11:13 and the Family Room is done!  Whew!

Now I am going to fry up 10 pounds of burger and then do my onion, garlic and red and yellow peppers for my marathon spaghetti sauce making which will happen tomorrow.  Both of my sisters have too many tomatoes which they cannot eat so I have cleaned and frozen them all and will start that process which is very messy.  Also, we have way too many eggs from Kim's caring for Neighbors Chickens, so I am going to make Egg Foo young, and flash freeze it also.

Here I go...well I got way laid... It is now 1:50 and Husband needed me to go to Home Creepo for a new vent cover and face plates for the bathroom.  I also needed more onion for my sauce so off I went, and then got a call from Baby Sister for some quick help!  

However, when at Winco picking up onion they had their chubs of cheap burger for 2.49 a pound and I bought 10 more pounds, and now have 20 pounds cooked up and cooling.  I will process some into taco meat and portion it out in dinner size portions.  Kim has been eating horribly since Joel died and I am determined to have some quick meals for Her to heat and eat. 

Will not be able to get to the vegetables or the Egg Foo young today as tomorrow is a desk day and it will take me most of the day to get so much paperwork done. So will not make sauce tomorrow, pooh!  It can wait.

We have now been in Lewiston for three months tomorrow and I need to change our address with the IRS and with the Military and get my Husbands Meds in order which are a mess.  Find new Doctors, and also contact Social Security with our change of address.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  But what I say to Sissy always is:  How do you eat and Elephant?   One bite at a time.

I also thought I was finished with the Family Room and discovered that I had not cleaned or dusted the large shelf my Grandfather built which stores the Flo Blue serving pieces that came from Sweeden and I know they have not been cleaned since the hardwood floors were laid, which means pulling the very clean sofa away from the wall and getting the step stool out and pulling down all those pieces, but I will get it done, just not today.!

I need to go clean up the kitchen and then go Home and make dinner which will be steak Cesar Salad and I will have a couple glasses of wine and put my feet up!  I am tired.

A productive day just did not accomplish all that I wanted, and that is okay!


Friday, August 16, 2024

Kim has gone to Idaho Falls


Sissy here and I truly believe an emergency Kitten can solve all problems!  It is Friday the 16th of August.

Kim left for Idaho Falls yesterday morning to visit her eldest for 10 days. I spent the night Wednesday to make sure she was loaded up and ready for the trip!  She said she was going to be on the road by nine, and I managed to get her on the road by 9:30 which on Kim time is a Holy miracle!

I made her promise to take it easy as she has been ill since the second week of May.  Her neck is getting much better and the shop is caught up.

She left Roscoe with Dan and I and we love it! So we are up at Kim's during the day working and we take Roscoe home at night.  We have a fenced backyard, and He is a very good Dog.  Our Cats don't particularly like it, but they are used to Him and my fatty Bud seems to be warming to Him a bit more, but Lucy (who hates everyone but my Husband) will have nothing to do with Him and hisses every time He walks by her.

My Husband is busy painting Sissies Master Bedroom and Bath, and it is looking so good.

I have torn up her house and am doing a major Spring or should I say summer cleaning.  I am starting with the shop and have everything pulled away from the walls and will sweep and vacuum and then mop and you all will work with me.

It is 10:05 do here I go...Okay it is 10:45 and I am about of a third of the way through this project and am taking a short break.  I will be meeting our little Sister for lunch today, but I do not know what time as of yet, am waiting for her text. So now I go back to work... it is 11:10 and the Shop is clean.  Swept, vacuumed and mopped and everything wiped down, windows washed, and large mirror cleaned. Smells wonderful in here. There are thirteen wedding dresses and five bridesmaid dresses and about ten things to mend which I will do what I can, but not today. 

I spent four hours yesterday doing all the ironing and it was a lot!

Now I will focus on the dining room for at least a half hour and do the same thing...but will take a five-minute break

It is now 12:09 and I am finished with the dining room and have swept and mopped the kitchen floor and I feel that is enough for one day as my back is starting to TWANG!

When I came Home with Kim after Joel passed and stayed with her for several months I got as sick as I have ever been in my adult life.  Tested for Covid four times. Nada! But I had as cough that was so bad that I blew muscles in my lower back, and it took about six months for it to heal.  If I push myself too hard or move a certain way too often, I can feel the twinge come back and I have learned to stop.  I do certain yoga exercises every morning before I get out of bed and that is the only way I healed it. Three different antibiotics and finally Codeine cough syrup (I hate narcotics and refused to take codeine until the Doctor said I could not get on a plane) I caved.  Had to get Home to do our taxes.  Found out later I had RSV nasty stuff.

well Lil Sis just cancelled as She has a crisis at work, so I am going to go and get Daniel and I some lunch somewhere and return to work on the Family Room a bit.

Hope everyone has a great and productive day!



Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Wednesday and things are getting caught up!

 Sissy here...

Kim went to the bank before the shop opens and I have been sweeping and cleaning up our sewing messes.  Sewing is messy and the whole house needs a good vacuum as we drag thread all over.

My Husband is out cleaning the garage again as it gets so dusty and dirty as the wind blows a lot here.

Customers enter through the garage, so the door is kept open during the day.

I think Kim and I are starting to develop a system and that is wonderful.  I see things coming together and Sluggy will tell you I like to run a tight ship!

I do not work well in clutter, nor leave things to the last minute.  I am a planner and a plodder, but things get done.  Kim is just the opposite but still manages to get things done.  So, we make each other crazy but do so with love. ( I think?)

Kim is feeling better today, I can tell and we are taking it easy.

On the home front, I broke a shelf in the freezer of the new house, and it cannot be fixed.  The refrigerator is only two years old, but it is a piece of garbage, and we knew that when we bought the house.  The brand is a Beko (???) it has terrible reviews, and the shelves break all the time.  I cannot fit a gallon of milk on the door or any shelf.  The space is small, but I have found several brands I like online so later today it is appliance shopping.  I will not live in fear of a damn fridge.  I cook too much and need something reliable.

Kim now has two new Irons for the shop. The heir and the spare.  That was my project last week.  This week I have purchased new sharp, larger needles that have larger eyes for hand work as I have terrible up-close vision, and it takes me five minutes to thread a needle.  I also ordered new Clics in a 3.0 and a 3.5 for close up hand work.  I will have to wait a week to ten days for them to come in and in the meantime, I am wearing a pair of Joels that are too big, but they work in a pinch!

I need to call Sluggy today and see how she is doing, as She has not been blogging and may not have taken her laptop to Virginia.  Now the vacuum cleaner is calling my name, and this is going to be a chore and there is a ton, and I mean a ton of ironing to do.  So back to work for me!

Sissy four days later... yes life has been hectic...Kim feeling so much better.  I have a new refrigerator ( a Whirlpool) and a new small chest freezer in the basement.  I can finally buy groceries, and they will fit!

Trying to get Kim ready to leave town on Thursday of this week and Dan and I have her house torn up as Dan is painting Her Master Bedroom and Master Bath while she is gone.  She is ensconced in the Guest Room.  Our House can wait as this needs to be done.

I did manage to get a hold of Sluggy and She is on the mend, but it will take time.  She sounded good though and there was a lilt in Her voice I have not heard in quite some time.

Taking Kim to have the oil changed in Her Car at noon and I will run a couple of errands and then back to Kim's to sew seven pair of pants and get the shop organized again for what really needs to be done before she leaves and what she will start when she comes back.  I plan on deep cleaning the her House as much as possible while she is gone.  We will also put Her bedroom and bathroom back together as much as possible.

Kim here, as you can see, I have my slaves busy doing my dirty work. It is wonderful.  I am feeling much better, just have to be careful.

Yesterday was mostly hand work trying to get these wedding dresses out and at 4:30 I told myself to stop.  I had done enough. It is so easy for me to overdue.  We are not sure what caused the terrible pain, but we have theories, one being the use of my neck during hand work. SO, I am keeping track of the hours.

Leaving Thursday for Jessies. Will be there 10 days. Just getting a change of scenery.  Although getting out of town is hard.  SO many dresses!!!! When I get back, I will have 8 dresses to get out for September.  Some of them are started or almost finished, but I will be busy.

I have three mother of the bride/bridesmaid dresses to do and a couple other things to knock out and then I can concentrate on packing and bills and all that it takes to get out of town. 

Okay off to set the world on fire!  Not really it is already too smoky here.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday, Holding my breath!

 I am sitting at the computer, (naturally as I am posting) and next to the keyboard is a list of all the money I owe Sissie for her work. She is so worth it!

I woke up with very little pain today and I am taking it slow.  I keep trying to feel for it.  It is not my friend.  But I have had it for so long I feel like something is missing. 

I have been using heat and ice alternating on the back of neck to help with the swelling and nerve pain. 

Kids are here today, and Kelsa is a kitten. You have to call her baby kitty, or she will not answer. Her imagination is so funny.

Three new bridals have come in the last 24 hours, and 2 are for early Sept.  I told them I am leaving the 15th of August, and they would not get their dresses until the first week in Sept. That is the way it is. 

Well, I am off to hem a couple of pairs of pants and then do one pile and I swear I will get a couple of wedding dresses started today!


Sissie, Is going to buy new needles she hates mine.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday, Trying to be chipper

 Tried to relax most of the weekend. Did play for choir on Sunday. Sissie and I did things at her house and still have a lot to do, but it is a little here a little there.

Still have pretty bad pain on the right side of my face.  Just keep taking meds. May have to go on a series of steroids which I dread, but this is going on too long.

I have 4 wedding dresses that I want to get out this week and many piles.  So, it is piles today and one dress. I really just want to go to bed so badly.  Slept terrible last night.  Mostly bad night sweats and pain.

Sjogren's flair is not for the faint hearted let me tell you. 

Anyway, I am going to work through this, onward and upward my friends.


Sissie here...Kim is still not good, but she is persevering, and I am making her rest as much as possible. I must get to the second machine, and I am dragging my feet because of sewing insecurity and this too shall pass.

I tend to spray when I am avoiding things that scare me, so I am now going to swap the laundry...?Okay that is done and now I have set up machine and am waiting for Kim to finish a phone call to get me started........

I did it!  I was able to get about 10 pairs of pants done.  Very proud to me.  Applause please. Now Kim does not have to squeeze these into her schedule!!!!


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday, My life for a decent iron!

 So read and follow, need some more weirder in my life. Because Sluggy is not weird, nor is Anne.... well maybe a rethink?

Still in pain , still taking drugs like candy, like candy better.  I have one set of dress blues to get done today and then I am done until next Monday. 

Sissie is still in search of a decent iron.  She just ran to the quilt shop. I hope she finds one. An iron is the most important tool other than your sewing machine and they just do not make an iron that holds up. Many people just don't iron any more.  And people think I am weird?

I cannot believe it is the first of August. Where has my summer gone? I wish I could get out more, like in the sunshine.  I am going to concentrate on that some.

Well, this uniform is staring at me in a mean way do I had better get it done and over with.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Tuesday and Kim is sleeping

 Dear Ones;

Sissie here and I am up at Kim's ready to start sewing.  Kim is still sleeping, and it is 8:00 in the morning.

I will let her sleep until nine.  Hoping She is feeling a little better. 

I read your comments, and I think that Cheryl maybe onto something.  Kim needs to rest, and I mean a lot and She just will not stay down, so I will try and make her!

Of course, the Grandkids will be here tonight and tomorrow night and that is no rest on anyone's part, but it is what it is!

I am working on what I consider a very hard alteration on a trench coat and am a little stymied, but will persevere, and must finish that and then two knit dresses and I hate sewing on knits!

After that I have six, yes, I said six bridesmaid's dresses to hem and press and the list goes on and on.

It is now Wednesday morning, and my day got away from me yesterday.  Kim was up and managed to get another wedding dress done.  She is doing okay but not at 100% , and this morning the pain is back on the right side.  

The chiropractor that she saw yesterday morning for the second time thinks she severely strained her neck muscles.  We know now that it is not a pinched nerve as the pain travels from side to side?  The mystery continues...

I did not get to the bridesmaid dresses yesterday as I had an emergency alteration for a young Man that was leaving for Italy, so I helped Him and then I was just done.

Now I have three bridesmaid dresses to press and will call them and then start on some trousers...only working until 11:00 today as I have errands, I must run and things to get done at Home.

Trying to keep Sissie down is difficult,

 but I am working at it.

Hi this is Kim.  I have an earache and a headache, and I am not going to let it get me down because I can't.

I have gotten 4 wedding dresses done Monday and Tuesday and also hemmed 4 bridesmaid dresses.  Sissie has to iron them and of course our expensive iron crapped out. Sissie just went in search of a new one.  Good luck in this town.

Made hotcakes for the grandkids this morning, might make cookies later if I can get the military uniforms done.  Of course, there is a military ball, and 3 full sets of regalia came in this week.  Oh, and the ball is this Saturday. You all know how I loves me a military uniform. All those stripes, ribbons, plackets and patches that have to be sewn on with precision.

Again, I remind myself I am blessed with work. This mantra is supposed to make me feel better and somehow....

Had a bride come in last night about 5.  No appointment and she was obviously upset.  What a mess.  I was so proud of myself as I was able to get all the August dresses done by the end of July which was hard as I have felt like CRAP.  But I did it.  Well as Kim plans, we know God laughs.  The bride's dress was two inches too short in the shoulders, making the breast points up above her breasts. All I can do is shake my head.

I had her take the dress off and I removed the sleeves, dress back on and released the shoulders, now have to find lace to applique into shoulders.  Wedding is August 24 so I still have an August dress.  The universe is against me I tell you.

Okay enough whining for today.  I am off needle in hand.  If I did not truly love what I do I think I would run away.


Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday, surviving

 I would like to say I am all better but that would be not true by a long shot.  Three Doctor appointments last week and we are still fishing for why and what is wrong with my neck.  The pain is radiating and moving from left to right.  I was in tears many mornings last week and I stay on top of pain meds like crazy.

Now I am not a medication taker.  I take what I have to and very little tylenol or other NSAIDS. To be taking 6-8 tablets a day just so I can keep from crying very odd. One thing I did insist on was an anti-biotic which believe it or not has helped some. I had fever of 102 two nights in a row, with severe chills and night sweats, lots of sinus drainage. So, I flat out would not leave the third doctor's office without one. My pain level is greatly reduced but not gone and I still have to stay medicated.  It is just a mystery.  My next step is an ears, nose and throat, doctor if I can get into one.

In the meantime, I have only sewn what I have to, and Sissie has been a good nurse. I am determined to get caught up in the shop as last week I spent more than my fair share on time on the sofa.

I am really tired of being in some sort of pain or dizziness.  I feel like I have been under the weather since May 1st, and it is leading to depression.  Don't like it one bit.  I just want to wake up and feel good.  I must just be a spoiled brat. At least that is what I feel like. Whine, whine whine.  Don't really like myself right now, but I can't get away from myself and believe me I have tried.

Last night I spent the night at Sissie's with Kelsa, that way I had help if I needed it.  It was Nate and Signe's anniversary, so they got a night alone with Champaine, gift of Auntie Kay.

I have 4 wedding dresses to get out this week among other things. Sissie will be a big help with the among other things.

Sissie here...well I think I am here?  Kim has been quite ill, and it is concerning.  I feel like we are grasping at straws, so prayers are in order and lots of them.

The move in is in progress and we still have a long way to go.  I have made over seventeen trips to the dump with cardboard, and at least ten trips to the Salvation Army.

There is still a ton of artwork that needs to go on the walls, and so much of it will have to be given away.

We have a mystery that will never be solved.  Our white stone wear (service for eight) was packed by Kim and my Brother in Law... the dinner plates, salad plates, large and medium bowls are missing. Just vanished and we don't know where they went.  So, I have eight small (think Egg Drop soup) bowls to the set and that is it!  There is no shopping here to speak of and Walmart has nothing I want, and I will not order glass wear from Amazon.  We are getting by on four Corell plates and that is it.  Small egg drop soup bowls for sides.  This is not a third world problem.  Just one box that went astray?

There is a ton of mending to do in the shop and I must get busy and get it done.

Prayers for my Sissy please.

Hugs Kay

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday, Already?

 Yes, every year we have buffalo deaths.  They are large, quiet, usually stand very still.  As they are allowed to roam, they can congregate by roads, or buildings.  Their heads are larger than a Volkswagen. In fact, their heads are the largest part of their body.  When they hit you, it hurts.  Leave them alone.  Just stand far away, park far away, take a picture far away.  If you are in the frame with the buffalo, you are too close. Little tourist tip for you guys. Just in case you thought of coming out to our smoke-filled region of the country.

Kay and I went to Wally world last night as I needed bridal buttons.  Also, Joanns for bridal satin.  We are getting a hobby lobby here and I am so excited as it will be so much cheaper to get notions.  Mostly I order from WAWAK.  It is a tailoring supplier.

I can't believe it is Thursday already.  What happened to the first 3 days of the week?  I know I lived through them.

Had a dental appointment scheduled, but had some problems with vertigo yesterday, and I know going to the dentist is one of the triggers, so I cancelled that puppy.  I am going to run a Hamberger, fries, and a milk shake lunch to an elderly couple in about an hour.  He is on hospice. Just a nice little change to what they usually eat.  Then back here to the grindstone.

I was able to get quite a bit done yesterday and just have to make a long tie for a lace up back to complete a wedding dress.  Then onto the next one.  I think there are 4 or 5 for August and I want them done by the end of the month. Then my model came in with a pile of things that are due out for the 28th  photo shoot.  So, there is no rest around here.

We had terrific lightning storms last night with not so much rain, so I have no idea what the forest fire situation is, but it can't be good.  Ahh summer when it heats to 110 and you can't breathe. 

Also, piano lesson tonight, and Dan gave me his beloved metronome.  I think he is trying to tell me something, but the grace notes in this march I am learning are killing my rhythm.  He asked if my teacher gave out demerits. Funny, funny man...

Stay busy, have some fun, or better yet make fun of someone, this always helps my mood.  Sissie makes it so easy.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday, I want to go back to vacation mode

 Stayed up until 11 last night doing the hand work on a wedding dress that is done!

Today is all about getting another ready to go and few other goodies, like a bridesmaid dress or two and a groom's suit. 

Wedding work is coming in like crazy and I really have to produce which I don't want to.

Loved what was done to my hair yesterday.  I am so tired of not getting the color I want and as I am totally grey, I am constantly touching up the roots.  The root spray I use is never consistent and it is expensive and frustrating to use.  I feel it makes my hair look dirty. 

This turned out perfect as she lifted the color off that had been used and there is so much grey incorporated into the mix now.  This will make touching up if I have to at all much easier.  

Anything to have less time on fru fru.

Oh, by the way Kay wants me to lose 10 pounds....

The valley is filled with smoke again as we have a wildfire near us with evacuations in process.  Our annual disaster.  Sure, feel sorry for the people that have to evacuate. Most have livestock and it is a mess getting everyone out and then of course back in after the danger is past.

I would really like to go on some kind of a no spend challenge this next 30 days. Don't know why? Just gets me into a vacation mode, I guess.  My $5.00 box is empty, and it needs to be refilled. I think I just like a challenge.

Oh, my I just realized I have a chicken in the fridge that needs to be roasted. Here comes chicken salad and enchiladas!

Sew much to do and sew don't want to do it at all, but it is smokey outside so at least I am not tempted to escape to Lil sis's pool.  Small blessing that is...

I am going to hem a bridesmaid dress and start on a wedding dress!  Hooray!

What are you doing today for fun, or because well you have to? 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday, Just Happy!

 See you can always find a way to blame others for your stupidity. This should make you Happy!

I have 17 wedding dresses in the shop right now.  That should make me scared.  But I will blame it on Venus, the planet named after the Goddess of love.

Leaving in an hour to get my hair done, this should be an adventure.  I will show pictures tomorrow.  If I have a bag over my head, I will have to find a planet to blame it on.

There are a batch of Baby bunnies living under the grape vine. They have found the hidden garden and have eaten every green bean and pole bean I have planted.  But they are so stinkin cute.  Next year we will fence. Right now, it is salad bar season.

When I get home from my afternoon of beauty, I will get to work on a couple of wedding dresses that are due out tomorrow, mostly hand work. 

Catching up on blogs.  Anne's husband problem made me laugh out loud.  GO read my comment.  Then there is Cheryl with her $167,000 necessary income to live post.  I mean really?  Where do people get these figures?  I forgot how much I missed all of you.

I really wonder at how little I could live on if I tried.  I might have to if I don't stay home and get some work done.

Going to get beautiful...


Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday, Back to work you peasant!

      This should be my life's motto.  It is the Talbots website that gets me....

Any way I am back to the salt mines.  It was a lovely two weeks off, although it has been longer for blogging. I hope all is well in the blog world. Please advise me if I missed something crucial.  Or don't as something crucial could be the death of a beloved.  And I guess I had better know. How morbid a way to start a post.  Shame on me.

I have already had two brides in here today, oops three.... So, I guess I do need to get busy, dang. It is a little before 11 in the morning.

Quebec City is beautiful. We stayed on an inlet of the St. Lawrence River.  It had a tidal system, but the water was sweet. I spent many hours collecting sea glass it was so relaxing and fun. Signe' and Nate both got sick the last day and when we got home the Canadian relatives all had COVID.  So did the kids.  I was spared again although I don't know how.

Then it was off to hockey camp with William. That was in Couer d'Alene Idaho. Arrived home late Friday and helped Kay and Dan on Saturday.  It is very hot here as per usual and they are suffering with it. They still have a boat load to do, and I don't know if it will ever get done.  They are that point where you ask yourself, will a lighted match help?

When is all gets done it will be a darling little cottage, perfect for them, I am sure. 

Sluggy is coming in September, I am going to Twin Falls in August after I get all the August and early Sept dresses out.  I am also going to fly my mother-in-law to Florida in October if her health permits.  Kim is a traveling fool.

Right now, I need to stay home and earn money so I can pay for all my fun.

Yesterday I cooked a nice dinner, of meatloaf, potatoes, corn on the cob, and made Dan a homemade banana cream pie. It is nice to cook for other people.

Kay gets up early and takes my car down to the house and works while it is cool outside as most of the boxes are on the back covered patio. Then she comes home and bosses me around the rest of the day. They are going to buy Dan a vehicle when the dust settles, but right now my car is available, and it holds quite a lot with the seats down.

Taking my girlfriend out tonight so we can catch up and solve the world's problems. Tomorrow I am actually going to get my hair colored by a professional.  Like actually pay someone to make me pretty....
I just want to not have to touch the roots up so often and I need to have it foiled (I think that is what they call it) I really hate putting on makeup and messing with my hair. But alas my public demands that I look human.  I also loath spending money on makeup and haircare.

Kim must be very good the next month and get many dresses out plus whatever.


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sissy Here! Kim is in Quebec!

 Dearest Readers (totally plagiarized, but loved the show...too much sex if you know what I mean so I just fast forward...don't need to see that...I am old);

Sissy and I have been on a dead run since she last blogged, and She is now in Quebec!  Daniel and I have been out of town for four days and just got back late this afternoon.

We went to a wedding of a great Nephew (Husband's side) whom I had not seen since he was about two and He is now 26.  We had a Grand time seeing everyone and we have missed so much! However, we are tired.

We have two more weddings of greats this year!  Hubs was a whoop's baby and more than twelve years younger than his next sibling, which means that his nieces and nephews are closer to our age than His siblings. His nieces and nephews love Him to death as He was their playmate, so all were very excited to see us. Daniels reputation amongst His family is famous and we were welcomed with open arms.

We stayed in Missoula (our Hometown) with my only Auntie on my mother's side who is lonely and had a wonderful time with Her.  She is to have a Knee replacement in the near future, and we readily agreed to go back and stay with her during the healing process.  This is why we came west!  To be of service!

I was able to connect with a couple of Girlfriends from grade school and high school and it was wonderful!  We are only four hours away.  Four hours is nothing when you have spent the last 36 years in the DC metro area!

When arriving back, we picked up Kim's dog Roscoe from the Sitter, that also watched our two Cats, and we paid her well.  

Tomorrow we will have a toilet replaced in the basement of our new property and out internet will be hooked up.  The Cats will go to the new House tomorrow.  I will stay at Kim's with Roscoe until Wednesday morning.   We have a fully fenced back yard so he will come to the new house then as we have a Neice and Her Husband and Friend who are coming on the fourth to stay at Kim's.

A very busy week ahead with the Holiday on Thursday.  Electrician comes Tuesday morning for some minor repairs. 

It is so hot here that Daniel and I can only go to storage in the early mornings, and we are booked early with appointments, both Monday and Tuesday. Oh well, it will get done when it gets done.  Long story here and too long to tell as I am very tired.

Today is our fortieth wedding anniversary, and when we got home, and I made frozen corn dogs for dinner with chips!  I am that kind of Wife, and we both had a good laugh.  Just too tired to go out after an almost five-hour drive, after attending early Mass with Auntie, visiting the Catholic Cemetary and going to a late breakfast before we headed back to Lewiston.  Then had to unpack and pick up the Dog.

Sissie Kim left Her bedroom a mess with Her packing, and I must go straighten that as it is making me crazy and then I am going to have a glass of wine (or maybe two) and kiss my Husband and go to bed!

Hope all of you are well, and I will keep you posted!



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday, Not to worry

 This could be me, but I would mess around by reading a book, or contemplating my navel. 

Y'all need to quit worrying about the vertigo.  It has never been as bad as when it first hit. I am very aware of the signs and the symptoms.  A slight tip of the head and I woosh to another dimension.  I don't drive when it is bad. I am just careful.  It aggravates me as I am not a careful person.  I am a full speed ahead let's run over anyone in the way kind of person.

My grandkids are so funny, as I have set rules with the vertigo.  When grandma goes down, she is down.  In fact, the two little ones were playing with a doctor kit and pretending to be me. One was me with a headache and the other the attending physician.  So funny.  I overheard, "Grandma has to rest now, so you go watch a cartoon."  Yes, I use Netflix, to bribe my grandkids.

Poor Sissie, is getting frustrated in the shop as she is afraid and so careful with everything she does. Way too particular.  Something I can do in minutes takes her forever.  She needs to build up her confidence again.  She will improve her speed with practice. 

I have a wedding dress to finish and another to start.  Also, a couple of piles.  Need to get to work.  But really don't want to work. Story of my life. 

I might as well go brush my teeth and comb my hair and maybe make the bed and face the day.... What do you think?


Sissy here...Kim's vertigo is a little better, but she is her own worst enemy and I cannot fix this!  She would not listen in the womb so why would she listen now! NUFF said, or I can smother her with a pillow????  Thinking, thinking...

WE are slowly getting the house in order and by slowly, I mean it.  My Husband, (God Love Him) is a perfectionist and things take forever, but His work is top notch.  His bedroom is done, and I am hemming the drapes.  It is beautiful and everything we could hope for.  WE actually hate drapery, but it has so much light, and it gets so light here so early that he needed room darkening drapery.  It will work.  Now we just have to wait on the mattress and the rug and then get things out of storage.

One room at a time or we will be so overwhelmed. WE chose to get his bedroom done first as it needed the least amount of patching, in fact very little but our Office and my Bedroom needed a ton.  The patching is a work in process and very messy.  We are dealing with plaster and lath walls and thank goodness my Husband has spent the last 20 years of his career as a Custom painter in the some of the wealthiest Homes in the Nation and has learned His craft.  It is not the painting that takes time, it is the prep!  Prepping plaster is no joke!

I have now ordered all the rugs for the rooms except the Office where it will have to be a runner.

WE are finding little goofy things every day and we just laugh and say we will have to live with it.

We have two electrical sockets in the kitchen.  Now really who can live with that?  Just might have too as I am not ripping out the subway tile!  My Car will not fit in the garage? Hmmm? The toilet in the basement will have to be replaced and it is special order...yeah me!  This will be my bathroom and Sluggy will tell you I need my bathroom...waiting on the Plumber.

Gutters are being replaced. Electrician comes tomorrow for an estimate.  Carpet for my bedroom comes Thursday morning and furniture for family room, and all mattresses come Thursday afternoon.  Still have to find a Roofer for some goofy things. 

Just a lot of work but fun in a way... Now I must go and help Sissy, but She is staying caught up for the most part. Yesterday I made a career out of seven pair of shorts that still are not done as I am afraid of them, but they are ripped pinned and ready for Sissy so she can show me how to handle the side seam.  I am so afraid of ruining someone's clothes!  But I am learning as I can sew!

The Grands have been here for three days, and they are leaving tonight (yes! Thank You God, and I am not being sacrilegious) I need a break.  They are messy and noisy, and Dan and I are not used to it, but we love them all the same and they seem to love us.  Well, the truth be told they love Great Uncle Dan and me they look at sideways and approach with caution. However, they come with a crisis and know I will help and not admonish... so that is all I ask!

This is why my Nieces (the mothers of the Grands) call me the "House Nazi" (do not mean to offend with this title, I know very much about the Nazi's, and I come from a deep Jewish background) after all they gave me the name.

