Monday, October 14, 2024

Busy, Busy Week and more to follow

Sissy here and life is just busy.  Too busy for me right now.

Kim is so caught up in the shop and that makes us so happy.

I am putting finishing touches on my Freddie Krueger basement, and it needs to be vacuumed badly, but I have left the vacuum in the middle of the floor, and it is haunting me, and this is not like me?

I have an attack of the lazy.

Daniel and I are leaving once again for Montana and another wedding this weekend and that is the last for the year.

I will be glad I do not have to make that trip again anytime soon, although we may drive over for Thanksgiving if the weather holds, and the passes are good.

Kim is going to Eldest over Thanksgiving, and I just do not want to make the drive.  Traveling cross country less than five months ago and then four trips to Montana and a weeklong trip to St. Louis have jaded me.  I just want to be Home.

Today I must run a couple of errands, and I forgot my cellphone at Home as I am up at Kim's to make sure She is up! Have not convinced her to get to work yet?  It is going to be one of those days where I just putz around and accomplish little, so why should I expect Sissy to work?

Now I am off to fetch cellphone and run errands...

Kim here, Sis just back from Montana, and I have had grandkids of some sort for the last several days. I go there, then they come here, it gets somewhat confusing, and I sure hope the ones that are here are mine...

I cannot tell you how nice it is to be caught up in the shop.  I can actually be lazy and not feel guilty.  Oh, who am I kidding I can be lazy any time and not feel guilty.  Hence Sissie nagging.

Have a wedding dress to work on today and a few other dresses. I want the wedding dress out before Thursday.

I actually got out in the yard and did a good job of weeding a whole section of the rock.  The grass seed Dan planted is coming up, so we know the method works.  However, the weather will turn here soon, and I doubt anymore seed will sprout. But we have our method ready for next year!

Hope to blog more, now that I am... well I can't really say what I am.



  1. Good to see you post. We get worried!

  2. Kay I will tell you what I often tell Kim. Give yourself some grace. You don't have to do everything every minute of the day!
    Kim, enjoy your lazy time!
