Daughter #2 and family came in late Friday afternoon. Nate (d #2's hubby) brought a large pressure washer and washed the house down so the painter can start on Monday. Love my son in laws, buy then nice tools and them let them do the work.
Of course Schmills was here and he made everything great! We spent yesterday on the boat in the Snake river. It was so much fun. I am a little sunburned on my face, but not bad. It was almost 100 here and very humid, which we dry desert heat people do not tolerate well, so getting on a boat really helped. Lil sis went with us and we had such a good time.
Hubs came home yesterday afternoon so my vacation is over, drats! But we had a nice evening with the Schmills.
Schmills on the beach with his cousin Zeke. They played and played and had so much fun.
I just had to take this picture of a bed room that was spotless and needed to stay spotless for home showings. This was taken this morning right after the kids got up. It is very hard to show a house when people are in it. Yesterday before everyone went down to the river, I had to shoo everyone out, so I could get the house ready. Actually the kids did clean everything up really well, but it does not take long for all three bathrooms are trashed. They also bring their dog so it is double the hair and paw prints. I am not complaining, just stating the facts.
Here is a picture of one of the new lights in the shop. Boy is is better than the old florescent. I also gave away a 30 year old mangler that I do not use. I used to use it a lot but once I finally bought a really good iron I did not need it. It just gathers dust, so now I have a place to put my wall unit that keeps all my small sewing items. This plastic dresser will also go buy buy as I am going to replace it with another antique dresses that is in storage.
New light and a clean window, everything nice a clean with new paint!
As you can see I have plenty of work to do, tomorrow June 1st, Kim is back to work, for real this time....
The paint made such a difference in how bright and clean this place is. I am so happy I made the decision to do this.
I also down sized two large thread racks and pulled some that my mom had. Then I rid myself of many really small spools of old thread that were either given to me or I inherited from my grandmother. It was just collecting dust and spider webs. I have longed to do this. If we do move I will never have a shop as big as this unless I custom build, so I needed to downsize.
I have to cook dinner this afternoon, boo hoo. So I think I will go walk the levy to give myself encouragement.
Have a wonderful Sabbath.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Friday, Friday already?
Okay where did this week go? It was so nice in some ways,(no cooking) but so chaotic in other ways. It don't know about you guys but this Corona thing seems to have sped up time for me, maybe because it started in the dead of winter and took away Spring. I feel like I lost spring. Not in the sense of enjoying how beautiful the weather change was, but in the sense of time itself. One week just rolls into the next week and with me doing so little sewing (mostly my fault) I feel disconnected in life someway. Like I want my life back, but I can't figure out how it is missing. One thing is for sure, I don't want to be as busy everyday like I used to be, the down time is nice.
My shop is so clean and nice and I want to take pictures but the handyman is in there,fixing the last light! I also need to take the tape off the other two lights. Wish Lil sis and I forgot to do.
There is another showing of the house at 2:45 and I need the front yard mowed. May have to get the handy man to start the mower and I do the work. I have to mop some floors, for puppy prints, and do some sweeping out back to get the house ready for viewing. I do hope to get some sewing in today. I also need a trip to Joanns!
Yikes just ran through the upstairs and I need to vacuum up pet hair. This house selling is not for the faint heart.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
My shop is so clean and nice and I want to take pictures but the handyman is in there,fixing the last light! I also need to take the tape off the other two lights. Wish Lil sis and I forgot to do.
There is another showing of the house at 2:45 and I need the front yard mowed. May have to get the handy man to start the mower and I do the work. I have to mop some floors, for puppy prints, and do some sweeping out back to get the house ready for viewing. I do hope to get some sewing in today. I also need a trip to Joanns!
Yikes just ran through the upstairs and I need to vacuum up pet hair. This house selling is not for the faint heart.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Thursday, Whirl wind day, let me tell you.
Yesterday was like a tornado day, but boy did a lot get accomplished. I was amazed! Even though the morning was a fiasco in many ways, things turned out great!
The babies were here for a little over two hours and they were fun. I have sure missed them. Both were really mad when their older sister came to get them. They did not want to go home, but wanted to stay at Grammi Kims.
Our Painter showed up at 10:30 and I only had a gallon and a 1/2 of paint, so I got him started as I watched the kids. As soon as they were picked up, 4 missionaries arrived and I gave one a roll of painters tape and told him to tape all the rubber molding on the floor and all the door hinges and light fixtures. The next I gave a screw driver and a small roll of tape and told him to remove all the wall plates and tape the screws to the plates so I could put them back. The third I gave a hot soapy bucket and a rag and told him to wipe down the walls and spider webs. The 4th had to take things off the walls and move all furniture outside to the hall. Then I hurried a left for Home depot to get paint. The missionaries could only stay for an hour, but they got everything prepped and it was lovely. I returned with paint and they were gone but all my prep work was done.
Now I did a quick run though of the house, as there was a showing at 1:00. The painter was done with the entire shop by 3:30 and it looks lovely. I started to clean up and then realized I would not be able to get many of the things back up by myself. I think having the shower curtain rod that suspends my curtain for the dressing room fall three times and last time on my head, told me I would need some help. So what did I do? Headed for Lil sis's.
This was Lil sis's first day back to her office in 2.5 months. She was not too excited to be my slave for a couple of hours. Her left foot is still really inflamed from her auto immune disorder. Actually we were both limping, me from my left hip and her from her left foot. We are quite the pair. I let her make her self an apple martini and sit on the deck for a while. I am kind like that. She took off her shoes and went into her house to get something and heard this huge CRASH/SHATTER. Scared me to death and I knew she was barefoot. So I screamed DON'T MOVE! She was taking a glass out of the cupboard above where she keeps a large glass container of dog treats. We don't know what really happened other than a glass (which did not break) hit the container just right and shattered it. It was like an explosion. Glass every where. I had her stand and not move until I was able to get some of it cleaned up. We live exciting lives.
At about 7 p.m. we headed to my house and we worked until 9 p.m. putting things back on the walls, then I took Lil sis home. So grateful for her help. I knew she was tired and it was a sacrifice for her. After she left I painted my old desk that I have had since childhood. It serves as my sewing table. The shop was so beautiful and clean and the desk was so dirty and old. It did not take long.
I still have a lot of little works tings to complete today, but I can't wait to get in there and get some sewing done. I am not putting many things up on the wall to prevent nail holes and I did get rid of a few things in the shop that I just don't use enough to justify them.
So today I will get everything done in there and I will take pictures.
Kim is back to work!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
The babies were here for a little over two hours and they were fun. I have sure missed them. Both were really mad when their older sister came to get them. They did not want to go home, but wanted to stay at Grammi Kims.
Our Painter showed up at 10:30 and I only had a gallon and a 1/2 of paint, so I got him started as I watched the kids. As soon as they were picked up, 4 missionaries arrived and I gave one a roll of painters tape and told him to tape all the rubber molding on the floor and all the door hinges and light fixtures. The next I gave a screw driver and a small roll of tape and told him to remove all the wall plates and tape the screws to the plates so I could put them back. The third I gave a hot soapy bucket and a rag and told him to wipe down the walls and spider webs. The 4th had to take things off the walls and move all furniture outside to the hall. Then I hurried a left for Home depot to get paint. The missionaries could only stay for an hour, but they got everything prepped and it was lovely. I returned with paint and they were gone but all my prep work was done.
Now I did a quick run though of the house, as there was a showing at 1:00. The painter was done with the entire shop by 3:30 and it looks lovely. I started to clean up and then realized I would not be able to get many of the things back up by myself. I think having the shower curtain rod that suspends my curtain for the dressing room fall three times and last time on my head, told me I would need some help. So what did I do? Headed for Lil sis's.
This was Lil sis's first day back to her office in 2.5 months. She was not too excited to be my slave for a couple of hours. Her left foot is still really inflamed from her auto immune disorder. Actually we were both limping, me from my left hip and her from her left foot. We are quite the pair. I let her make her self an apple martini and sit on the deck for a while. I am kind like that. She took off her shoes and went into her house to get something and heard this huge CRASH/SHATTER. Scared me to death and I knew she was barefoot. So I screamed DON'T MOVE! She was taking a glass out of the cupboard above where she keeps a large glass container of dog treats. We don't know what really happened other than a glass (which did not break) hit the container just right and shattered it. It was like an explosion. Glass every where. I had her stand and not move until I was able to get some of it cleaned up. We live exciting lives.
At about 7 p.m. we headed to my house and we worked until 9 p.m. putting things back on the walls, then I took Lil sis home. So grateful for her help. I knew she was tired and it was a sacrifice for her. After she left I painted my old desk that I have had since childhood. It serves as my sewing table. The shop was so beautiful and clean and the desk was so dirty and old. It did not take long.
I still have a lot of little works tings to complete today, but I can't wait to get in there and get some sewing done. I am not putting many things up on the wall to prevent nail holes and I did get rid of a few things in the shop that I just don't use enough to justify them.
So today I will get everything done in there and I will take pictures.
Kim is back to work!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Wednesday, I thought it was Tuesday
I know I wrote Tuesday post, but in my brain it was really Monday. This is what happens when I have a Monday holiday. I also have to say the last 24 hours have been crazy. I had to take my cell phone into the company twice yesterday. Both times took over an hour, in between I was trying get some things done in the shop. The electrician came to finish the lights and the painter came to give me a bid when they were here I had three real estate calls. One for 4:30, one for 6:30 and one for 1:00 today.
The shop is pretty torn up, as I am moving everything to one side, have the painting done and then everything back to other side. I called hubs and we decided to just have the whole shop painted as it is so dirty and has not been painted for over 18 years. Hubs also gave in and is allowing me to have the outside painted. I think just getting him out of the house brought him to his senses.
In trying to get the shop ready to paint, I have had to move things and I finally crawled down into the widow well (three times) to scrape the red paint that has been splattered on the large window for that last 10 years. You need a ladder to get down into these windows. This took so much work, but the window finally looks great!
Then I had to spend time wiping down cobwebs and dust behind pictures and things that have hung on the wall of the shop. The missionaries called for more service hours.(I think they are desperate). That is okay I can use the help.
My plan this morning was to go with painter to home depot and get paint for the outside of the house, then the other painter was to arrive at 11:00 to start the inside. The missionaries will arrive at 11:00 to help move everything. But now where are we going to put things and still make the basement look nice? Too much going on and it is hard for me to keep straight.
I was just starting this blog about 8:15 and Hubs calls from Twin Falls, saying our neighbor had called him and I needed to go over and get the babies immediately. So now the kids are here, I called and cancelled one of the painters until tomorrow, and we will just work around the kids. They have destroyed the family room, but it will be easy to clean up. At least the upstairs is spotless and 1/2 the shop is ready to paint.
I am telling you the saying when it rains it pours is so true... It is pouring here.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
The shop is pretty torn up, as I am moving everything to one side, have the painting done and then everything back to other side. I called hubs and we decided to just have the whole shop painted as it is so dirty and has not been painted for over 18 years. Hubs also gave in and is allowing me to have the outside painted. I think just getting him out of the house brought him to his senses.
In trying to get the shop ready to paint, I have had to move things and I finally crawled down into the widow well (three times) to scrape the red paint that has been splattered on the large window for that last 10 years. You need a ladder to get down into these windows. This took so much work, but the window finally looks great!
Then I had to spend time wiping down cobwebs and dust behind pictures and things that have hung on the wall of the shop. The missionaries called for more service hours.(I think they are desperate). That is okay I can use the help.
My plan this morning was to go with painter to home depot and get paint for the outside of the house, then the other painter was to arrive at 11:00 to start the inside. The missionaries will arrive at 11:00 to help move everything. But now where are we going to put things and still make the basement look nice? Too much going on and it is hard for me to keep straight.
I was just starting this blog about 8:15 and Hubs calls from Twin Falls, saying our neighbor had called him and I needed to go over and get the babies immediately. So now the kids are here, I called and cancelled one of the painters until tomorrow, and we will just work around the kids. They have destroyed the family room, but it will be easy to clean up. At least the upstairs is spotless and 1/2 the shop is ready to paint.
I am telling you the saying when it rains it pours is so true... It is pouring here.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Tuesday, So much to do
I really have so much to do and I am having a hard time doing anything, at least I got a good nights sleep last night, so I am grateful for that.
Mt cell phone is possessed so the first thing this morning was a trip to the cell hone place, to find out I had not updated the thing in 2 years? I have to update it? Yes it is like not changing the oil in the car. The car runs fine until it doesn't. So I have been updating now for over an hour and we are still at 52%. It is a long process.
Yesterday I drove up to Moscow to help our youngest set up a nursery for our new soon to be grandson, who is due August 3rd, but could come earlier. Since there is nothing really open it was hard to find anything at the two stores we were able to go to, we bought nothing.
What we did do was clean and organize. These kids have a great handicap apartment that can no longer be rented to a wheelchair person as it doesn't meet code, so they get it for a great $700.00 a month. Large rooms, so you can turn a wheel chair around in, the only down side is the sinks are lower in the bath and the kitchen. But for the perks of huge rooms and closets it is so worth it.
However these two are pack rats. Both of them. Every HUGE closet was full to the brim with stuff. The babies things were in these three drawer plastic bins I had purchased for daughter over 10 years ago. So the first order of business was to clean out closets and downsize stuff. Now I am not saying the place was dirty, just they save everything.
Dresses from when she was 19, she is now 28. I had her go through every drawer in a huge dresser she inherited from my mother that has 18 good deep drawers. We were able to free up 9 drawers for the baby with plenty of room for other things to come. Thus we eliminated the plastic storage drawers that were taking up too much room and needed to go by by.
We cleaned out a huge closet off the laundry room and by the time we were done my car, which holds a ton of things was completely full to the top with donations. We took it to goodwill and dropped it off. Lots of nice clothes no longer worn, linens for beds that no longer existed, books, shoes, boots, sports equipment, video game crap just stuff, lots of pillows and blankets they were not using.
We also threw away boxes, of nothing, Why do you save boxes? Lone shoes, slippers and boots that had no mates. I could not believe the things we found in corners of closets. When all was said and done we had four huge closets cleaned, so you could actually see the floor. Barely anything left on shelves. We just freed up so much space. Her husband was going from closet to closet just looking at the space. SO now babe can come and they have room for strollers and car seats and such.
Then we got online and ordered things for the nursery that were needed and everything should arrive before the babe gets here. Her older sister is coming to host a shower for both of the younger girls on the 13th of June. I can't imagine that she will need to buy much after what they already bought and what we ordered yesterday.
When everything arrives I will go back up and help her put it together. She is so excited and wants the baby to come. I told her he was easier to take care of inside than when he comes out. I do worry a little, as her job is outside and very manual right now. She is getting big and I cannot imagine what would happen if her water broke at the plant. I see several old men running around in a quandary and the older female lab supervisor(who B will someday replace) boiling water on a bun son burner. But B tells me that her boss and the men are very accommodating and the Lab supervisor makes sure they are accommodating. B as she is so small was always the one that got lowered into the holes in the sewers. But now the guys have to go down. B's boss forbid this kind of work the minute she told him she was pregnant. B also cannot fit into her protective gear, so no sludge pits for her.
Anyway today I am going to drag Lil sis's butt over here to help me with something, if I can get her dressed.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Mt cell phone is possessed so the first thing this morning was a trip to the cell hone place, to find out I had not updated the thing in 2 years? I have to update it? Yes it is like not changing the oil in the car. The car runs fine until it doesn't. So I have been updating now for over an hour and we are still at 52%. It is a long process.
Yesterday I drove up to Moscow to help our youngest set up a nursery for our new soon to be grandson, who is due August 3rd, but could come earlier. Since there is nothing really open it was hard to find anything at the two stores we were able to go to, we bought nothing.
What we did do was clean and organize. These kids have a great handicap apartment that can no longer be rented to a wheelchair person as it doesn't meet code, so they get it for a great $700.00 a month. Large rooms, so you can turn a wheel chair around in, the only down side is the sinks are lower in the bath and the kitchen. But for the perks of huge rooms and closets it is so worth it.
However these two are pack rats. Both of them. Every HUGE closet was full to the brim with stuff. The babies things were in these three drawer plastic bins I had purchased for daughter over 10 years ago. So the first order of business was to clean out closets and downsize stuff. Now I am not saying the place was dirty, just they save everything.
Dresses from when she was 19, she is now 28. I had her go through every drawer in a huge dresser she inherited from my mother that has 18 good deep drawers. We were able to free up 9 drawers for the baby with plenty of room for other things to come. Thus we eliminated the plastic storage drawers that were taking up too much room and needed to go by by.
We cleaned out a huge closet off the laundry room and by the time we were done my car, which holds a ton of things was completely full to the top with donations. We took it to goodwill and dropped it off. Lots of nice clothes no longer worn, linens for beds that no longer existed, books, shoes, boots, sports equipment, video game crap just stuff, lots of pillows and blankets they were not using.
We also threw away boxes, of nothing, Why do you save boxes? Lone shoes, slippers and boots that had no mates. I could not believe the things we found in corners of closets. When all was said and done we had four huge closets cleaned, so you could actually see the floor. Barely anything left on shelves. We just freed up so much space. Her husband was going from closet to closet just looking at the space. SO now babe can come and they have room for strollers and car seats and such.
Then we got online and ordered things for the nursery that were needed and everything should arrive before the babe gets here. Her older sister is coming to host a shower for both of the younger girls on the 13th of June. I can't imagine that she will need to buy much after what they already bought and what we ordered yesterday.
When everything arrives I will go back up and help her put it together. She is so excited and wants the baby to come. I told her he was easier to take care of inside than when he comes out. I do worry a little, as her job is outside and very manual right now. She is getting big and I cannot imagine what would happen if her water broke at the plant. I see several old men running around in a quandary and the older female lab supervisor(who B will someday replace) boiling water on a bun son burner. But B tells me that her boss and the men are very accommodating and the Lab supervisor makes sure they are accommodating. B as she is so small was always the one that got lowered into the holes in the sewers. But now the guys have to go down. B's boss forbid this kind of work the minute she told him she was pregnant. B also cannot fit into her protective gear, so no sludge pits for her.
Anyway today I am going to drag Lil sis's butt over here to help me with something, if I can get her dressed.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Sunday, Quite a day
It was a busy Saturday and so nice to be able to take care of problems with no one arguing with me and stalling and have fits. Just got things done. It was so easy. Bagged up the meat took it to the land fill. Helped the handy man load up the fridge. No nagging or begging, just did it.
Had the missionaries, paint the closet, had two cut back the ivy, and two pull the rocks off the pond seams where it is leaking. It was great.
I picked out three LED lights again no arguing about which ones, or how much they cost and no one ranting about having to call someone in to fix something.
Today I ran into the painter when I was walking the dog and he will be over this week to fix the ceiling. I just told him it had to be done before Hub's got home, so I would not have to deal with 1000 questions and argue about how it was done. Nor would I expect any help which would not come in a timely matter without 4000 reasons why my way was not right.
Can you tell I am enjoying my freedom? Not that I needed all these things to go wrong but if things are going to go wrong at least I can fix them without a scene.
Right now my phone has stopped allowing me to txt or pick up messages, but the company is not open until Tuesday to see what is wrong and for some reason I can't seem to download photos off the phone either.
I finally got this one, and you can see the black marks. I have three fixtures that did this. I think the power surge that did the freezer also did all three of the lights. So this is a major fix.
It is in the low 80's today with out a cloud in the sky and I am going out for another long walk.
What are you guys doing today?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Had the missionaries, paint the closet, had two cut back the ivy, and two pull the rocks off the pond seams where it is leaking. It was great.
I picked out three LED lights again no arguing about which ones, or how much they cost and no one ranting about having to call someone in to fix something.
Today I ran into the painter when I was walking the dog and he will be over this week to fix the ceiling. I just told him it had to be done before Hub's got home, so I would not have to deal with 1000 questions and argue about how it was done. Nor would I expect any help which would not come in a timely matter without 4000 reasons why my way was not right.
Can you tell I am enjoying my freedom? Not that I needed all these things to go wrong but if things are going to go wrong at least I can fix them without a scene.
Right now my phone has stopped allowing me to txt or pick up messages, but the company is not open until Tuesday to see what is wrong and for some reason I can't seem to download photos off the phone either.
I finally got this one, and you can see the black marks. I have three fixtures that did this. I think the power surge that did the freezer also did all three of the lights. So this is a major fix.
It is in the low 80's today with out a cloud in the sky and I am going out for another long walk.
What are you guys doing today?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Saturday, It's always something...
While enjoying my first day of Hubs freedom, I had three brides in, so a lot of time in the shop for fittings. Since the ballast blew out in one of the florescent lights in part of the shop it is dark, plus I am going to have to repaint the ceiling. Crap and double crap!
Called the local handyman and he came over and we decided to replace all three old ugly florescent lights with new LEDS. Great! no hubs to argue with about it. These lights have needed to go for a few years. I was to go and pick up handy man at his place this morning to go to Home depot, so I could use his military discount.
I stopped at Dairy queen and used a coupon for an Oreo blizzard for dinner. Hee Hee! Then came home and went to put some soda in the downstairs outside garage fridge and found out that it was dead! All the meat in the freezer section is rotted. Smells awful! So that will be dealt with today.
I took the 6 missionaries Effie burgers last night and they all begged to come over and do some kind of service project. I was going to have them paint, but now when they come at 1p.m. I am going to have them catch me up on some lawn things I can't get hub's to do, and we will triple bag the bad meat and move the fridge out to the drive way, hose it out, and the handy man will come take it to scrap. As Hub's has the truck, I will triple bag the bad food and run it to the land fill this afternoon. I am not waiting for the stench let me tell you.
Went with handyman this morning and picked out three new lights, did not want to spend the money, but they will look so much nicer.
I am going to have the missionaries finish laying the bark out front, and trim the ivy wall, I will find some honey do jobs for them. Yeah free labor without a lot of arguing and question asking. Who can say no to that?
I think I will try and paint that closet later today or maybe put a missionary on it? I will let you know in tomorrows, fun filled and exciting post about Kim's freedom from spousal BS. Now I do love my Hub's but a little break is good for the soul.
Have a great and productive day staying porsitive while you are in the negative.
Called the local handyman and he came over and we decided to replace all three old ugly florescent lights with new LEDS. Great! no hubs to argue with about it. These lights have needed to go for a few years. I was to go and pick up handy man at his place this morning to go to Home depot, so I could use his military discount.
I stopped at Dairy queen and used a coupon for an Oreo blizzard for dinner. Hee Hee! Then came home and went to put some soda in the downstairs outside garage fridge and found out that it was dead! All the meat in the freezer section is rotted. Smells awful! So that will be dealt with today.
I took the 6 missionaries Effie burgers last night and they all begged to come over and do some kind of service project. I was going to have them paint, but now when they come at 1p.m. I am going to have them catch me up on some lawn things I can't get hub's to do, and we will triple bag the bad meat and move the fridge out to the drive way, hose it out, and the handy man will come take it to scrap. As Hub's has the truck, I will triple bag the bad food and run it to the land fill this afternoon. I am not waiting for the stench let me tell you.
Went with handyman this morning and picked out three new lights, did not want to spend the money, but they will look so much nicer.
I am going to have the missionaries finish laying the bark out front, and trim the ivy wall, I will find some honey do jobs for them. Yeah free labor without a lot of arguing and question asking. Who can say no to that?
I think I will try and paint that closet later today or maybe put a missionary on it? I will let you know in tomorrows, fun filled and exciting post about Kim's freedom from spousal BS. Now I do love my Hub's but a little break is good for the soul.
Have a great and productive day staying porsitive while you are in the negative.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Friday, Hubs is gone for the week!
I know I should not be excited, but I am. HE is off and I am alone. I can control the TV, I don't have to cook! I can eat cheerios three times a day is I want. I have no cheerios but I could buy some.
I do have to feed the missionaries tonight, but I will order take out for them, this girl is not cookin'.
I have another wedding dress in the shop as of this morning. I actually got sewing done yesterday, pretty proud of myself, I'll tell you.
NO plans for the weekend, but to bask in quiet, although I will take long walks, and go visit Lil sis.
Still have to paint that closet and plant some more corn and weed the garden, trim the ivy wall, clean some cupboards. All without a thousand questions and accusations. Yippee!
I know this does not sound like fun to many of you, but to me it is bliss.
Any of you have great plans for this Covid 19 Holiday weekend?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I do have to feed the missionaries tonight, but I will order take out for them, this girl is not cookin'.
I have another wedding dress in the shop as of this morning. I actually got sewing done yesterday, pretty proud of myself, I'll tell you.
NO plans for the weekend, but to bask in quiet, although I will take long walks, and go visit Lil sis.
Still have to paint that closet and plant some more corn and weed the garden, trim the ivy wall, clean some cupboards. All without a thousand questions and accusations. Yippee!
I know this does not sound like fun to many of you, but to me it is bliss.
Any of you have great plans for this Covid 19 Holiday weekend?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Thursday, really must get busy
I can waste time better than anyone I know. I just don't know where it gets off to. Yesterday was a prime example. I was in the shop working on a pile and then I had a second fitting with a bride and then back to the pile. A real estate agent called for a quick out of town showing, so Hubs and I ran around for 1/2 an hour and then out the door for an hour and then back. Did I get back into the shop? No! Could I have gone back in the shop? Yes!
I am going to blame the lack of work ethic on the fact that it rained for 24 hours straight here and we have a 90 % chance of rain today! Also I had a ballast burn out in one of the lights in my shop and I need to call an electrician, or at least the handy man. I might have to also paint the ceiling if I can't get rid of the dark marks caused by the burn out. Fun times at the shop.
I had to giggle at hub's as he is leaving tomorrow for his mom and dad's place. His mom already called this morning to see if he had left yet. She is very anxious for him to get there and is already wondering why he has not left. He came down stairs for sympathy and got none. Remember my mother lived with us for almost three years. He just has to visit for a couple of days.
Some one asked if I was worried with Hub's memory issues in staying with our grandson James and watching him. No, James is a very risk adverse child and Hubs will keep a very close eye on him. James is also 4 years old and not a child to get into things or wander. They have a fenced back yard and my daughter and son-in-law come home for lunch. They will be fine.
I do plan on getting something done today, I swear.
1. finish pile
2. mend jeans hem jeans
3. Cut hem on wedding dress for fitting tomorrow
4. mend coveralls
I will get these tings done, I will,I will.....
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I am going to blame the lack of work ethic on the fact that it rained for 24 hours straight here and we have a 90 % chance of rain today! Also I had a ballast burn out in one of the lights in my shop and I need to call an electrician, or at least the handy man. I might have to also paint the ceiling if I can't get rid of the dark marks caused by the burn out. Fun times at the shop.
I had to giggle at hub's as he is leaving tomorrow for his mom and dad's place. His mom already called this morning to see if he had left yet. She is very anxious for him to get there and is already wondering why he has not left. He came down stairs for sympathy and got none. Remember my mother lived with us for almost three years. He just has to visit for a couple of days.
Some one asked if I was worried with Hub's memory issues in staying with our grandson James and watching him. No, James is a very risk adverse child and Hubs will keep a very close eye on him. James is also 4 years old and not a child to get into things or wander. They have a fenced back yard and my daughter and son-in-law come home for lunch. They will be fine.
I do plan on getting something done today, I swear.
1. finish pile
2. mend jeans hem jeans
3. Cut hem on wedding dress for fitting tomorrow
4. mend coveralls
I will get these tings done, I will,I will.....
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Wednesday, Hubs it is a struggle...
Hubs is trying to paint the house, which I do not think he is capable of doing, but he persists so I do not argue. He so badly needs to feel useful. Don't we all? (no comment from you Slug) I have now determined that he is having trouble with anything mechanical he operates. He forgets what kind of gas goes in the lawn equipment. He forgets the oil, he has major breakdowns. Both the lawnmower (the damage was hubs fault) now the Trimmer again it seized because of the wrong gas combo. I just can't keep up on his shenanigans. I can't watch him all the time.
He goes out to paint and gets up on the scaffolding and then I get a call on my cell phone, he has dropped a brush or a scrapper, would I come out and get it for him so he does not have to climb down? Well of course I will, but yesterday, he forgot he had put the paint can at the top of the ladder and he went to move it causing 3/4 of a gallon of ($52.00 a gallon) paint to fall and cover him, the scaffolding, the rest of the already painted house below, the hosta, the trees. He was so slippery with paint he could not get down off the scaffolding. It was a scary bit of time, wondering if I would have to call for help. Of course this upset him so his tremors were just awful. I managed to get him down, and then it took me two hours to clean up the mess. He felt terrible, but really we all could have done this. He just has so many accidents and I can't seem to get him to see reason. It is really raining hard today so no painting thank goodness.
Yesterday he also told me the same story 5 times, I worry, but that does no good. He is going down to Nampa to help his mom and then onto Twin Falls to watch James for a week. I need a break from his breaks, if you know what I mean.
I made a large pan of chicken enchiladas yesterday and they are so good. Froze a good bit of chicken broth and have enough chicken leftover to make a good chicken salad. I am trying to make the meat stretch as it is so expensive right now.
The shop is busy mostly with wedding things and I am getting calls for more wedding things coming in, so that is good. I also started to investigate how to get appraisals on many antiques that were my Dad's. I need to downsize many of them and I want to get a fair price. I have three or four items that are worth a great deal of money. But it is hard when you are dealing with 17th century Swedish things. DO we sell it here or ship it to Sweden? Where will I get the best price? It is time consuming. But I am serious about getting rid of some of this clutter, no matter how nice it is. I think it is stupid to just keep it in storage.
I have never done ebay before and I have been watching tutorials, I just don't think it is the best place for the things I have to sell.
Well the sewing machine awaits and need to earn some money.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
He goes out to paint and gets up on the scaffolding and then I get a call on my cell phone, he has dropped a brush or a scrapper, would I come out and get it for him so he does not have to climb down? Well of course I will, but yesterday, he forgot he had put the paint can at the top of the ladder and he went to move it causing 3/4 of a gallon of ($52.00 a gallon) paint to fall and cover him, the scaffolding, the rest of the already painted house below, the hosta, the trees. He was so slippery with paint he could not get down off the scaffolding. It was a scary bit of time, wondering if I would have to call for help. Of course this upset him so his tremors were just awful. I managed to get him down, and then it took me two hours to clean up the mess. He felt terrible, but really we all could have done this. He just has so many accidents and I can't seem to get him to see reason. It is really raining hard today so no painting thank goodness.
Yesterday he also told me the same story 5 times, I worry, but that does no good. He is going down to Nampa to help his mom and then onto Twin Falls to watch James for a week. I need a break from his breaks, if you know what I mean.
I made a large pan of chicken enchiladas yesterday and they are so good. Froze a good bit of chicken broth and have enough chicken leftover to make a good chicken salad. I am trying to make the meat stretch as it is so expensive right now.
The shop is busy mostly with wedding things and I am getting calls for more wedding things coming in, so that is good. I also started to investigate how to get appraisals on many antiques that were my Dad's. I need to downsize many of them and I want to get a fair price. I have three or four items that are worth a great deal of money. But it is hard when you are dealing with 17th century Swedish things. DO we sell it here or ship it to Sweden? Where will I get the best price? It is time consuming. But I am serious about getting rid of some of this clutter, no matter how nice it is. I think it is stupid to just keep it in storage.
I have never done ebay before and I have been watching tutorials, I just don't think it is the best place for the things I have to sell.
Well the sewing machine awaits and need to earn some money.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Tuesday, Try and set a new goal....
This has been such a weird year. We all really are just trying to survive in this crazy epidemic. I am sure at least with me, it has affected the way I approach life. After the house fell through yesterday, I went back to the blog page where I have posted goals for the last few years. Many of the things I listed just will not take place, but one of the goals was to have a new grandchild and I was reminded that B was not even supposed to be able to have children and I will get two babies this summer! I mean really does anything else matter?
We have been working very hard on the house since the first of the year and there is still much more to do. I think the wind is out of my sales, right now and I just have to readjust my goals a little. We can't go on a mission until there is a vaccine, so that is out. I can still serve where needed in my community as soon as I deem it safe.
Financial goals have really been thrown out the window by me, since every penny (other than my savings, of pennies and 5 dollar bills and all my excess change) has gone into house improvements. I really need to concentrate on trying to get something paid off. I am going to turn my efforts into a couple of goals.
The shop is really down in because of the virus, but it is slowly picking back up. The fact that we have not gone anywhere and we have not been able to really spend any money has made somewhat of a difference in our bottom line. It has offset the fact that no real money has come in in the last 2 months. Now I need to start concentrating on paying something off.
Remember how lazer focused I was on paying off the house last year? I have decided that I am going to focus my energy on paying off the car. It is at zero percent, but has a huge payment. $500.00 a month. Once that is paid for, I will concentrate on the money we borrowed for fixing up the house. We are not debt free, but I feel like we are becasue the house is gone.
Today I am going to run to another insurance agency and see is I can get a better rate for my homeowners insurance. I might not but it is worth a try. Kim has let several of her money saving skills slip a little, and I need to sharpen back up.
Have a any of you felt like some of your goals have gone by the way side?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
We have been working very hard on the house since the first of the year and there is still much more to do. I think the wind is out of my sales, right now and I just have to readjust my goals a little. We can't go on a mission until there is a vaccine, so that is out. I can still serve where needed in my community as soon as I deem it safe.
Financial goals have really been thrown out the window by me, since every penny (other than my savings, of pennies and 5 dollar bills and all my excess change) has gone into house improvements. I really need to concentrate on trying to get something paid off. I am going to turn my efforts into a couple of goals.
The shop is really down in because of the virus, but it is slowly picking back up. The fact that we have not gone anywhere and we have not been able to really spend any money has made somewhat of a difference in our bottom line. It has offset the fact that no real money has come in in the last 2 months. Now I need to start concentrating on paying something off.
Remember how lazer focused I was on paying off the house last year? I have decided that I am going to focus my energy on paying off the car. It is at zero percent, but has a huge payment. $500.00 a month. Once that is paid for, I will concentrate on the money we borrowed for fixing up the house. We are not debt free, but I feel like we are becasue the house is gone.
Today I am going to run to another insurance agency and see is I can get a better rate for my homeowners insurance. I might not but it is worth a try. Kim has let several of her money saving skills slip a little, and I need to sharpen back up.
Have a any of you felt like some of your goals have gone by the way side?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Monday, Bumped on the house...
Well we did not get the house. We got bumped by another party that gave them the same full price offer and did not have a home to sell. I am sad, as I really liked that house, but I have to look at facts. I could go and take out a loan for it using this house as collateral, but then I would have thousands in costs and I am not willing to put that money out.
The sellers wanted out immediately and gave us an extremely limited terms to sell ours,(like 2 weeks ) plus we had to give them additional funds even for that. I am blue and depressed, this too shall pass.
It is wet and cold here and supposed to be for the next week so that is not helping my cranky mood.
I need to be cheered up, chocolate.....
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
The sellers wanted out immediately and gave us an extremely limited terms to sell ours,(like 2 weeks ) plus we had to give them additional funds even for that. I am blue and depressed, this too shall pass.
It is wet and cold here and supposed to be for the next week so that is not helping my cranky mood.
I need to be cheered up, chocolate.....
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Saturday, Hubs out with a buddy!
Here I have a whole day to myself, well I think I do as I have no idea when Hubs will return. He is out with a friend doing guy things. I have no idea what I am going to do today ALTHOUGH THERE IS PLENTY TO DO AROUND HERE.
Last night we ordered an Effy burger, onion rings and tots and took it to my Lil sis's house and ate on her back porch. It was nice to visit with my niece and sis. Then Hubs and I took a long walk on the levy just before sundown.
I had another wedding dress come in and completed another that needs to be picked up. I also was able to stop by the nail salon as I saw that their door was open, (they were just cleaning) I made an appointment for Monday at 10:00. I will take a bunch of masks with me, so they have extras.
Hubs and I went all over trying to find a reasonably priced trimmer. So far no luck but we can use Lil sis's for now. If we get the house we will be able to share all yard tools and that will be nice.
I am trying to decide what to do with myself today..... Hmmmmm I guess I could start with getting dressed and brushing my teeth, or maybe my hair. Yeah I will brush my hair. I think I feel a list coming on, boy do I need a list today.
1. brush teeth :)
2. fix hair
3. makeup?
4. get dressed?
6. hang laundry
7. start another load
8. make beds
9. empty all trash cans
10. scrub out all three toilets
11. wipe down all bathrooms
12. wipe down all mirrors (puppy nose)
13. pull rugs and vacuum/sweep all hardwoods
14. vacuum rugs
15. clean family room (I am a slob)
16. vacuum family room
17. straighten desk area
18.vacuum stairs
19. redo fresh flowers in living room
20. water all flower boxes
Let's see just how long this will take me. It is 11:02 hmmmmm.....
Do you have any plans for today? I mean anything more exciting than this? Please tell me you have something more exciting than this.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Last night we ordered an Effy burger, onion rings and tots and took it to my Lil sis's house and ate on her back porch. It was nice to visit with my niece and sis. Then Hubs and I took a long walk on the levy just before sundown.
I had another wedding dress come in and completed another that needs to be picked up. I also was able to stop by the nail salon as I saw that their door was open, (they were just cleaning) I made an appointment for Monday at 10:00. I will take a bunch of masks with me, so they have extras.
Hubs and I went all over trying to find a reasonably priced trimmer. So far no luck but we can use Lil sis's for now. If we get the house we will be able to share all yard tools and that will be nice.
I am trying to decide what to do with myself today..... Hmmmmm I guess I could start with getting dressed and brushing my teeth, or maybe my hair. Yeah I will brush my hair. I think I feel a list coming on, boy do I need a list today.
Let's see just how long this will take me. It is 11:02 hmmmmm.....
Do you have any plans for today? I mean anything more exciting than this? Please tell me you have something more exciting than this.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Friday, the weeks just pass
It seems like time is passing faster for me than usual. You would think with this Covid thing it would be dragging but it is not. I feel like it is Monday and then boom it is Friday. I also know that trying to stay busy and motivated and not allowing myself to fall into depression might be the reason time seems to pass.
Hubs is out trying to see if he can get the yard trimmer fixed for a reasonable amount,although he had to call me because he forgot how to get to the repair place. This is my life now, his tremors, his memory issues, scary. We had been up to this place twice with him driving in the past month, I just shake my head.
I have to run and pick up an prescription today, and I want to get another wedding dress done along with a few other things in the shop. I really have to make myself work and it is so aggravating.
We are going into stage 2 reopening of our State tomorrow, but things will not change here. I will still be wearing a mask if I go out to stores, we will not be going out to eat in a restaurant any time soon. Might go down and order an Effy burger to take out. We will just be playing it safe for a long while.
Hubs is back and the small engine place said to throw it away, which means we can finally get an electric rechargeable one that I can handle. Yeah! I like to trim up the lawn and if we get this other house the yard is so much smaller and we will not have a 1/3 of an acre in the back to keep mowed down. We could get sheep.... just a thought.
I just had a bridesmaid dress picked up and I need to get into the shop and earn some more money. Earning money does make me feel better. It makes me feel almost normal.
Take care my friends, I don't know what the future holds, but we are all in this together and if we hold onto each other we will make it.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Hubs is out trying to see if he can get the yard trimmer fixed for a reasonable amount,although he had to call me because he forgot how to get to the repair place. This is my life now, his tremors, his memory issues, scary. We had been up to this place twice with him driving in the past month, I just shake my head.
I have to run and pick up an prescription today, and I want to get another wedding dress done along with a few other things in the shop. I really have to make myself work and it is so aggravating.
We are going into stage 2 reopening of our State tomorrow, but things will not change here. I will still be wearing a mask if I go out to stores, we will not be going out to eat in a restaurant any time soon. Might go down and order an Effy burger to take out. We will just be playing it safe for a long while.
Hubs is back and the small engine place said to throw it away, which means we can finally get an electric rechargeable one that I can handle. Yeah! I like to trim up the lawn and if we get this other house the yard is so much smaller and we will not have a 1/3 of an acre in the back to keep mowed down. We could get sheep.... just a thought.
I just had a bridesmaid dress picked up and I need to get into the shop and earn some more money. Earning money does make me feel better. It makes me feel almost normal.
Take care my friends, I don't know what the future holds, but we are all in this together and if we hold onto each other we will make it.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Thursday, thanks for the reality check!
Thanks guys, I really needed a slap up alongside the head. Where is my common sense? I think it flew out my window (snort) during this crisis. Every comment yesterday hit home and made me realize how silly I was. All I can keep saying to myself is, What was I thinking?Was I thinking? It is so nice to have this blog to vent on and get some really good needed advice.
Yesterday our daughter #2 came down with their boat and the Schmills and we went out on the lake. It was a little cold, but soon warmed up enough that we had a good couple of hours on the water. We then came home and I made a nice spaghetti dinner with the sauce I had previously frozen. I had a coupon for a free loaf of french bread and we can now pick lettuces out of the garden. Schmills ate a lot of spaghetti as he is now a dinosaur. Just ask him he will roar at you.
My niece is here from St. Louis, as Lil sis flew her out here for a week. She was getting really house bound and Lil sis was worried about her, so we will have a good time visiting.
I had a wedding dress picked up today and that was good, as I am very motivated by money and as so little has come in recently it makes it hard for me to sew. I have a another wedding dress ready for try on and I can't finish it , so as soon as the bride calls back I can get that going. Then there is another I will work on today. I will get a suit altered and a bridesmaids dress done. If only I could get myself to finish up the piles that have been here for two months. It is embarrassing.
Still finding it hard to motivate myself, but I feel so much better about the house after yesterday's post.
It is rainy and cold out and will be until Saturday. So I have no excuse not to work in the shop. I have noticed that there are really no decent sales in the paper at the grocery stores. I am used to just buying loss leaders and there are none. So other than a few fresh veggies, I am buying nothing. Now that the garden is producing lettuce that is one less thing to buy.
Found a penny on the boat dock yesterday, and also found one today at the pharmacy!
Make sure you are all saying prayers for our dear Anne with the loss of her mother. I think of her constantly and pray for her comfort.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Yesterday our daughter #2 came down with their boat and the Schmills and we went out on the lake. It was a little cold, but soon warmed up enough that we had a good couple of hours on the water. We then came home and I made a nice spaghetti dinner with the sauce I had previously frozen. I had a coupon for a free loaf of french bread and we can now pick lettuces out of the garden. Schmills ate a lot of spaghetti as he is now a dinosaur. Just ask him he will roar at you.
My niece is here from St. Louis, as Lil sis flew her out here for a week. She was getting really house bound and Lil sis was worried about her, so we will have a good time visiting.
I had a wedding dress picked up today and that was good, as I am very motivated by money and as so little has come in recently it makes it hard for me to sew. I have a another wedding dress ready for try on and I can't finish it , so as soon as the bride calls back I can get that going. Then there is another I will work on today. I will get a suit altered and a bridesmaids dress done. If only I could get myself to finish up the piles that have been here for two months. It is embarrassing.
Still finding it hard to motivate myself, but I feel so much better about the house after yesterday's post.
It is rainy and cold out and will be until Saturday. So I have no excuse not to work in the shop. I have noticed that there are really no decent sales in the paper at the grocery stores. I am used to just buying loss leaders and there are none. So other than a few fresh veggies, I am buying nothing. Now that the garden is producing lettuce that is one less thing to buy.
Found a penny on the boat dock yesterday, and also found one today at the pharmacy!
Make sure you are all saying prayers for our dear Anne with the loss of her mother. I think of her constantly and pray for her comfort.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, Kim tries on normal
I am trying hard to be normal. I have found out it does not fit well. Just can't get into a routine. I have not had one for so long. Or maybe I have had the same one for so long I am sick of it. I really think that is it. I am sick of this routine.
I also think that the house thing has be befuddled. Every house we have sold has sold on the first day we put it on the market. We have only had 3 showings in 6 days, so that has me worried. Then again maybe I should just calm down. You think?
I did not go into super cleaning mode this morning as I figured if I tempted fate I could leave the house a mess and a realtor would call for a showing in and hour. Then I would have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off. I am really good at that role.
Hubs is out mowing and just came in and said our trimmer seized up. Great! Although it is a gas trimmer and too heavy for me to use. I would prefer a cordless, but with this huge lot a cordless does not have the power. He is going to let it cool and spray it with wd-40 and see if he can fix it. We live such an exciting life.
The kids are coming down with the boat today, although I think it is a little cold for boating. It will be nice to see Schmills again. Every day with the the Schmills is a good day.
I had better go look for some meat for dinner, as I will be cooking for the troop. I also need to get some sewing done. Really the wedding dresses are getting out of control.
I did complete a really hard wedding alteration yesterday and it will be picked up tomorrow, but I have a bridesmaid dress and a grooms suit due out Friday, also another wedding dress. I just cannot get myself to go in and sew for hours like I used to. Will I ever get that mojo back?
Is it the crazy times that are doing this to me, or am I just developing some really lazy habits? I don't know. I can't figure me out. Struggling with this.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I also think that the house thing has be befuddled. Every house we have sold has sold on the first day we put it on the market. We have only had 3 showings in 6 days, so that has me worried. Then again maybe I should just calm down. You think?
I did not go into super cleaning mode this morning as I figured if I tempted fate I could leave the house a mess and a realtor would call for a showing in and hour. Then I would have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off. I am really good at that role.
Hubs is out mowing and just came in and said our trimmer seized up. Great! Although it is a gas trimmer and too heavy for me to use. I would prefer a cordless, but with this huge lot a cordless does not have the power. He is going to let it cool and spray it with wd-40 and see if he can fix it. We live such an exciting life.
The kids are coming down with the boat today, although I think it is a little cold for boating. It will be nice to see Schmills again. Every day with the the Schmills is a good day.
I had better go look for some meat for dinner, as I will be cooking for the troop. I also need to get some sewing done. Really the wedding dresses are getting out of control.
I did complete a really hard wedding alteration yesterday and it will be picked up tomorrow, but I have a bridesmaid dress and a grooms suit due out Friday, also another wedding dress. I just cannot get myself to go in and sew for hours like I used to. Will I ever get that mojo back?
Is it the crazy times that are doing this to me, or am I just developing some really lazy habits? I don't know. I can't figure me out. Struggling with this.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Tuesday, new normal for me I think?
After getting the house back to snuff, late yesterday afternoon, I took a two hour desperately needed nap. Then Hub's and I stuffed down a fast dinner and went for a walk while the realtor was here. It was the 5th morning of getting up and making beds first thing, checking all rooms for things out of place before anything else was done. Of course it was much easier yesterday and today with no 4 year olds helping. Even so I can see where I will have to do a thorough dusting, sweeping and vacuuming before we show the house again. The dog seems to like to rub his nose along the mirrors and of course he sheds and so do the cats.
We had a zoom realtor here this morning doing a video of the house for an out of town buyer, so Hubs and I went to McD's for a diet coke and then drove to Lil sis's house and sat in her driveway and read the paper. You can't go any where and it was too chilly this morning to stay outside. The dog was in the back seat. I wonder if that will be part of the new normal?
Even thought the shop is open I have had no clients except wedding attire. So that is what I am working on this week. I have two piles of alterations from before the crisis and a few other small jobs and then 7 wedding dresses. I am blessed with work.
I need to earn money right now, because if this house thing goes through the more money I have for closing costs the less I have to take out of retirement savings. Every penny counts right now.
So today I am going to finish a wedding dress and paint one of the closets upstairs, those are my goals. Maybe do a few other piles.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
We had a zoom realtor here this morning doing a video of the house for an out of town buyer, so Hubs and I went to McD's for a diet coke and then drove to Lil sis's house and sat in her driveway and read the paper. You can't go any where and it was too chilly this morning to stay outside. The dog was in the back seat. I wonder if that will be part of the new normal?
Even thought the shop is open I have had no clients except wedding attire. So that is what I am working on this week. I have two piles of alterations from before the crisis and a few other small jobs and then 7 wedding dresses. I am blessed with work.
I need to earn money right now, because if this house thing goes through the more money I have for closing costs the less I have to take out of retirement savings. Every penny counts right now.
So today I am going to finish a wedding dress and paint one of the closets upstairs, those are my goals. Maybe do a few other piles.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Monday, sad and exhausted
I have been on a dead run since last Thursday and I am so tired, but I am also sad, as I just realized that Anne has lost her mom. I cannot imagine waiting at the house for the ambulance to drop off my mother and to have a doctor call and say she had passed. No matter how much work, or how sick a parent is, the final notice is so hard and shocking. It is not something you can prepare for. I am just sick for her, and there is nothing I can do but just be very sad.
We have all worked so hard on this house, and it is still a work in progress. All the upstairs closets are clean but one needs to be painted and I hope to get that done today or tomorrow. It was only 4-5 closets not 45 as in the previous post. Yes my sight reading skills are defunct as are many of my other skills right now.
Having all the girls and the three grandsons here yesterday, was so fun and also so much work. We loved every minute of it, but after they all left the silence was golden. I forgot how much noise everyone makes in this family,(we all are talkers) and then add three boys on top of that. Crazy chaos. We have to keep this house show clean and it was impossible. I have a showing at 7:15 tonight and a video zoom tomorrow at 10:00. But with three little boys it was impossible to keep this place clean. Now that they are all gone I don't know if I have the strength to get the house back.
Even though I had swept all the hardwoods on Thursday, I pulled all the rugs yesterday morning and did them again and got a pile of dirt big enough to plant a geranium. So I will have to do that again today. The mirrors that are within the height of a 4 year olds hand must also be redone. The trash can that was empty on Friday is now full to the brim. We just found a dead mouse in the family room, don't know which cat brought it in. GREAT!
I mean it is non stop, plus I have wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses due out this week. I have not tackled the closets in the shop of under the stairs that still have to be cleaned out. They are actually clean I just have to move all the bins to my sister's basement.
Last night all three of the boys pulled the lights out of flower boxes that light up the yard at night. We took out the pointy ends before someone poked out an eye. They then proceeded to run around in the dark chasing each other and playing police dogs. What ever that is? This involved much barking and screaming. Finally at 10:00 we made them come in so the neighborhood could sleep.The girls and I sat on the back porch and laughed at them.
Both the younger girls look so cute. B is 7 months pregnant and just as skinny as a rail, with this bump out in front. S is much shorter, but has lost so much weight as she has been so sick ad she is 6 months pregnant with her 2nd baby. S is like me when she is pregnant and I feel for her.
I got the eldest packed up and her boys loaded this morning and of course at the last minute she pulls two pairs of jeans out that need to be patched and a pair of navy dress pants that need hemmed. So I was frantically trying to get sewing done after making Swedish pancakes for the troop.
She has a 8 hour trip a head of her and has to be back at the court house tomorrow morning.
I am so grateful for her help I don't know what I would have done without her. Lil sis has also worked like a dog over here. Family what would you do without them?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
We have all worked so hard on this house, and it is still a work in progress. All the upstairs closets are clean but one needs to be painted and I hope to get that done today or tomorrow. It was only 4-5 closets not 45 as in the previous post. Yes my sight reading skills are defunct as are many of my other skills right now.
Having all the girls and the three grandsons here yesterday, was so fun and also so much work. We loved every minute of it, but after they all left the silence was golden. I forgot how much noise everyone makes in this family,(we all are talkers) and then add three boys on top of that. Crazy chaos. We have to keep this house show clean and it was impossible. I have a showing at 7:15 tonight and a video zoom tomorrow at 10:00. But with three little boys it was impossible to keep this place clean. Now that they are all gone I don't know if I have the strength to get the house back.
Even though I had swept all the hardwoods on Thursday, I pulled all the rugs yesterday morning and did them again and got a pile of dirt big enough to plant a geranium. So I will have to do that again today. The mirrors that are within the height of a 4 year olds hand must also be redone. The trash can that was empty on Friday is now full to the brim. We just found a dead mouse in the family room, don't know which cat brought it in. GREAT!
I mean it is non stop, plus I have wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses due out this week. I have not tackled the closets in the shop of under the stairs that still have to be cleaned out. They are actually clean I just have to move all the bins to my sister's basement.
Last night all three of the boys pulled the lights out of flower boxes that light up the yard at night. We took out the pointy ends before someone poked out an eye. They then proceeded to run around in the dark chasing each other and playing police dogs. What ever that is? This involved much barking and screaming. Finally at 10:00 we made them come in so the neighborhood could sleep.The girls and I sat on the back porch and laughed at them.
Both the younger girls look so cute. B is 7 months pregnant and just as skinny as a rail, with this bump out in front. S is much shorter, but has lost so much weight as she has been so sick ad she is 6 months pregnant with her 2nd baby. S is like me when she is pregnant and I feel for her.
I got the eldest packed up and her boys loaded this morning and of course at the last minute she pulls two pairs of jeans out that need to be patched and a pair of navy dress pants that need hemmed. So I was frantically trying to get sewing done after making Swedish pancakes for the troop.
She has a 8 hour trip a head of her and has to be back at the court house tomorrow morning.
I am so grateful for her help I don't know what I would have done without her. Lil sis has also worked like a dog over here. Family what would you do without them?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Saturday, quick update!
Since our offer was accepted, we put our house on the market yesterday. Yikes! That meant pictures had to be taken and we were all running with scissors. Well except Hub's who is still disgusted. Luckily my eldest daughter got wind of this Thursday at noon that our offer had been accepted and she had all of her cases divided up among other attorneys, jumped in her car with the two boys and drove 8 hours and was here by 8:30 our time.
Between my Lil sis and daughter and myself we worked like dogs, to get the house picture ready. Our realtor was here by 2:00 to lists our house and we already had someone look at it this morning. Even though I have been downsizing for quite some time, we still have closets that are a night mare. So today we are getting45 different closets, cleaned out and pared down to a decent level.
Hubs is upstairs practicing a cello piece and our youngest grandson is playing the piano, or at least pounding on it. Lovely combination.
I will have all three of my girls here tomorrow and daughter # 2 will be here Monday -Wed, I am going to try and bribe my son-in-law with a new boat cover if he will help us paint the house.
Well I have to go, time is a wasting. Had one wedding dress picked up and two more will go out this week. So that end of my life is in full swing. The piano stopped so what is that 4 years old up to?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Between my Lil sis and daughter and myself we worked like dogs, to get the house picture ready. Our realtor was here by 2:00 to lists our house and we already had someone look at it this morning. Even though I have been downsizing for quite some time, we still have closets that are a night mare. So today we are getting45 different closets, cleaned out and pared down to a decent level.
Hubs is upstairs practicing a cello piece and our youngest grandson is playing the piano, or at least pounding on it. Lovely combination.
I will have all three of my girls here tomorrow and daughter # 2 will be here Monday -Wed, I am going to try and bribe my son-in-law with a new boat cover if he will help us paint the house.
Well I have to go, time is a wasting. Had one wedding dress picked up and two more will go out this week. So that end of my life is in full swing. The piano stopped so what is that 4 years old up to?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Thursday, Wedding dress need to be done
I am having a really hard time getting myself into my sewing shop and getting things done. I don't know why. But I have lost the ability to discipline myself into a schedule and getting work done. What is my problem? I almost keep thinking, wouldn't it be nice to close the shop and not have to sew anymore? Then I think am faced with not having enough money to really do anything extra, so I think that is not a good solution. It is like my get up and go is gone. Will it ever come back?
Is it the virus? Is it the house ? Or maybe I just work better under pressure.
For those of you who are interested the house we put an offer on yesterday, can be seen as 915 9th ave Lewiston Idaho. You can see why I love it. But right now I need to concentrate on getting many things done in the shop. Yesterday our realtor came by about 2 o'clock for us to sign papers. I found out at noon so I was a sweaty mess trying to clean up the upstairs. I did finally get our room and both bathrooms done. She did walk Hubs and I through our house and told us what to downsize., so that was nice.
Hubs also had his eye surgery yesterday morning. I was not allowed to go in with him. They called when he was done and he was delivered to my car by a nurse. What a mess. He looks terrible. I feel bad for him but he doesn't seem to be in much pain. His eyes are weepy and so swollen. I kept exchanging out bags of frozen peas for him and he had to sleep in the recliner last night. He looks worse this morning. He cannot take a shower, so I suggested a bath and I would come and help him wash his hair. He needs a hair cut so bad. His hair is very thick and gets curly when it is long. One thing he does have is a lot of hair. No balding for this guy.
The surgeon said that one of the muscles on his left eye, that controls the movement of the lid was almost attached, so that eye was a little more extensive. I wonder how long it will take him to finally look normal?
So I am going to force myself into the shop and get one wedding dress done and at least another ready for a fitting before I work on more masks which are all over the place in various stages of not done.
Please wish me luck I am having trouble with mt get up and goer.....
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Is it the virus? Is it the house ? Or maybe I just work better under pressure.
For those of you who are interested the house we put an offer on yesterday, can be seen as 915 9th ave Lewiston Idaho. You can see why I love it. But right now I need to concentrate on getting many things done in the shop. Yesterday our realtor came by about 2 o'clock for us to sign papers. I found out at noon so I was a sweaty mess trying to clean up the upstairs. I did finally get our room and both bathrooms done. She did walk Hubs and I through our house and told us what to downsize., so that was nice.
Hubs also had his eye surgery yesterday morning. I was not allowed to go in with him. They called when he was done and he was delivered to my car by a nurse. What a mess. He looks terrible. I feel bad for him but he doesn't seem to be in much pain. His eyes are weepy and so swollen. I kept exchanging out bags of frozen peas for him and he had to sleep in the recliner last night. He looks worse this morning. He cannot take a shower, so I suggested a bath and I would come and help him wash his hair. He needs a hair cut so bad. His hair is very thick and gets curly when it is long. One thing he does have is a lot of hair. No balding for this guy.
The surgeon said that one of the muscles on his left eye, that controls the movement of the lid was almost attached, so that eye was a little more extensive. I wonder how long it will take him to finally look normal?
So I am going to force myself into the shop and get one wedding dress done and at least another ready for a fitting before I work on more masks which are all over the place in various stages of not done.
Please wish me luck I am having trouble with mt get up and goer.....
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Wednesday, So excited, so scared....
It looks like the first offer and counter on the house was not excepted, so they are onto our offer, which is full price with a cash out so now I am scared and scared and well scared.
Hubs is not full on happy about the move, and I don't like that. I think it is very important that when you are married to someone that on big decisions like buying a house, having another baby, purchasing large items, both of us should be square on. Unfortunately Hubs does have a real no change in my life condition so even moving a picture from one wall to another is trauma for him. We need a smaller foot print and as he wants to get some toys to romp around in the woods we need someplace to store them. This place has a one car garage, and a three car carport plus a huge cement pad to hold a trailer for said toys. (Hey Sluggy is Dan up for another razzor ride? We will check the weather this time) I am putting my foot down and buying this house if possible. Also this is a much smaller yard and it is flat apposed to our 1/2 acre on steep levels. Our taxes and water bill will go down, along with our heat.
It will put us cash broke, which is scary for me, but I will work hard to replace this and we still have savings and more than enough coming in every month with our retirement and ssi. Now we will still have a small cash savings, but not as much as we had before.
If this goes through we still have to finish painting the house and the house is in no way show ready, so I am waiting to see what to do next.
In the mean time Hubs is at the eye surgery place having his eyelids lifted. He was approved for this by our insurance. He is have trouble seeing with the skin that comes down over his eyelids. He has also lost 20 lbs which probably does not help. Do you have fat under your eye lids?
I made masks yesterday and I have two wedding dresses due out Friday, as it is really rainy out I have no excuse not to sew. I need to go through the house with hubs and start making it show ready. I will make Lil sis come over this weekend and help me with a few painting items in the kitchen. We also need to do major cleaning in the yard as we have not been allowed to take anything to the land fill dump, during lock down. They are not open so I foresee a major dump run in my future. Plus we have to really clean out the garage. Yikes, I am getting anxiety just thinking about the work involved.
The surgery center just called and Hubs is ready for pickup.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Hubs is not full on happy about the move, and I don't like that. I think it is very important that when you are married to someone that on big decisions like buying a house, having another baby, purchasing large items, both of us should be square on. Unfortunately Hubs does have a real no change in my life condition so even moving a picture from one wall to another is trauma for him. We need a smaller foot print and as he wants to get some toys to romp around in the woods we need someplace to store them. This place has a one car garage, and a three car carport plus a huge cement pad to hold a trailer for said toys. (Hey Sluggy is Dan up for another razzor ride? We will check the weather this time) I am putting my foot down and buying this house if possible. Also this is a much smaller yard and it is flat apposed to our 1/2 acre on steep levels. Our taxes and water bill will go down, along with our heat.
It will put us cash broke, which is scary for me, but I will work hard to replace this and we still have savings and more than enough coming in every month with our retirement and ssi. Now we will still have a small cash savings, but not as much as we had before.
If this goes through we still have to finish painting the house and the house is in no way show ready, so I am waiting to see what to do next.
In the mean time Hubs is at the eye surgery place having his eyelids lifted. He was approved for this by our insurance. He is have trouble seeing with the skin that comes down over his eyelids. He has also lost 20 lbs which probably does not help. Do you have fat under your eye lids?
I made masks yesterday and I have two wedding dresses due out Friday, as it is really rainy out I have no excuse not to sew. I need to go through the house with hubs and start making it show ready. I will make Lil sis come over this weekend and help me with a few painting items in the kitchen. We also need to do major cleaning in the yard as we have not been allowed to take anything to the land fill dump, during lock down. They are not open so I foresee a major dump run in my future. Plus we have to really clean out the garage. Yikes, I am getting anxiety just thinking about the work involved.
The surgery center just called and Hubs is ready for pickup.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Tuesday, House offer and masks
I am making masks like crazy, and people are picking them up. I actually ask then to call or txt me from the driveway and them I ask how many they want and I take them out to them. Social distancing.
I was able to make 40 masks yesterday, after I called a girlfriend who has been working through this mess and has had to wear a mask the whole time. She has many different varieties, but told me the one she thought was the most comfortable. So I used that design. Also a coffee filter can be slipped in to add extra protection.
I will be making more masks today. But I really need to get to some regular sewing also. Also the shop is a disaster with all this mask sewing , so I will have to do a quick clean up this morning.
The hip is much better, I am still however taking it easy. I was able to sleep a whole lot better last night. Thanks goodness.
The girls are due in about noon and I can't wait to see them.
I made an offer on a house last night, much to Hubs chagrin. We have looked at several and I have wanted to place offers on two others, but he in his Sheldon Cooper ways has thrown a fit, so I backed down. But this time as it is the third perfect house, I went over him. His biggest thing is not going back into debt, which is almost impossible, as we can't really buy a fixer upper like we used to as he cannot do much of the work. We need a smaller, flatter yard a smaller foot print. So when I found this house I just put in an offer. We will owe about $20-25 thousand in closing costs, but I can cover that with cash on hand and some savings. If we get the house, I will have to live tight for a while to make up for other savings removed. This house needs no real work. There are things I will want to do to it, but nothing that has to be done immediately and I can wait until I have the money.
I doubt we get it, as there was already an offer on it,and we have to put in a contingency to sell our house. We will see. If it does go through expect all out panic here as our house is in no way ready to show. I will have to really get my butt in gear. But don't worry, I have plenty of butt.
More masks, made out of leftover quilt backing. I knew that our realtor sewed and asked her if she had any elastic as I cannot seem to get anymore until maybe August on Amazon. She had several yards so I have enough to do more masks and for that I am grateful.
I just received our House insurance renewal and it has gone up again! Not only does it not cover the replacement for the house it is heading toward $100.00 a month. Ridiculous. So I am going to search for a better company. Also the yearly premium is due the same month as the taxes and I don't want two huge bills in one month, so I have to fix that. When you pay off your house and you have to start paying things yourself and not out of escrow it becomes obvious how much you have to put away.
Well I have to go and start cleaning up my messy sewing room and maybe put on a little makeup. Don't want to scare my children.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I was able to make 40 masks yesterday, after I called a girlfriend who has been working through this mess and has had to wear a mask the whole time. She has many different varieties, but told me the one she thought was the most comfortable. So I used that design. Also a coffee filter can be slipped in to add extra protection.
I will be making more masks today. But I really need to get to some regular sewing also. Also the shop is a disaster with all this mask sewing , so I will have to do a quick clean up this morning.
The hip is much better, I am still however taking it easy. I was able to sleep a whole lot better last night. Thanks goodness.
The girls are due in about noon and I can't wait to see them.

I doubt we get it, as there was already an offer on it,and we have to put in a contingency to sell our house. We will see. If it does go through expect all out panic here as our house is in no way ready to show. I will have to really get my butt in gear. But don't worry, I have plenty of butt.
More masks, made out of leftover quilt backing. I knew that our realtor sewed and asked her if she had any elastic as I cannot seem to get anymore until maybe August on Amazon. She had several yards so I have enough to do more masks and for that I am grateful.
I just received our House insurance renewal and it has gone up again! Not only does it not cover the replacement for the house it is heading toward $100.00 a month. Ridiculous. So I am going to search for a better company. Also the yearly premium is due the same month as the taxes and I don't want two huge bills in one month, so I have to fix that. When you pay off your house and you have to start paying things yourself and not out of escrow it becomes obvious how much you have to put away.
Well I have to go and start cleaning up my messy sewing room and maybe put on a little makeup. Don't want to scare my children.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Monday, I'm open!
This day is taking off at a full run, let me tell you. After having not sewn for over 6 weeks, I will be busy today. I have at least 15 masks to complete along with other things. Still have not received elastic, but I am going to come up with a new plan or design today. It is too hard for seniors to tie masks behind their heads. Also young kids can't keep them tied, so I will mess around until I can get it right.
It is My mother-in-laws 92 birthday today, so I have already sent flowers, she is as chipper as she can be and still taking care of Hub's dad who has dementia. I think we are going to visit them in a couple of weeks. I am excited as I get to see both of my pregnant daughters tomorrow. It has been at least 6 weeks since I have seen them. I can hardly wait. I really want to see the baby bumps.
My left hip really blew up with my arthritis on Sunday. I had to get up early in the morning because no matter how I tried to position myself in bed the pain was too bad. So I have been on anti inflammatories for a steady 48 hours now. I don't like to take additional meds because I already take such invasive medications that has such bad side affects. But I cannot stand the pain and I have a high tolerance. Yesterday was spent with a heating pad and virtually no movement. I have been getting about 12,000 steps a day with walking and hiking, so this was a real plug in my exercise goals. I have to slow down until this inflammation stops so I don't do more joint damage.
The thing that really irritates me is that now that my left hip blew the right one will follow in a few days or weeks, and then they both will blow together. Then they will give me fits for a year to 18 months before moving to another set of joints. I can handle it but I hate becoming immobile in any way. I really had a hard time with stairs the last few days. If I take Aleve the pain goes away, but using the joint to any length can cause erosion so I have to be careful, something I am not good at.
Enough about my boo boos. Let's talk it's May and I need to report my April goal achievement, for which I will need praise, as I am shallow like that.
1. Completed another 1000 dollar saving chart, by the skin of my teeth. This was hard as the shop was not open and I was relying on past work.
2. I have $750.00 in my $5.00 bill savings, so that is almost on track for the year.
3. I put money in my penny savings up to May 7th, so $73.21 so far.
4. Money found and extra change into the pig bank although this has really suffered, as I am not out spending money and I really have no change coming in, or at least not much.
I have a great start on my spring yard work and I am ahead on that. There is still so much left to do but I love to be outside so I really don't consider it work, but play. (Remind me of that when the garden is producing whole hog.) Now the inside of the house and things that I wanted or needed to be done I am dismally behind. Because I let this virus make me into a lazy daisy. I don't even care. I want to say I survived, but I think this thing is far from over.
Now I need to get some laundry started, make a bed and get my butt into the shop, I have 20 masks due out and climbing!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
It is My mother-in-laws 92 birthday today, so I have already sent flowers, she is as chipper as she can be and still taking care of Hub's dad who has dementia. I think we are going to visit them in a couple of weeks. I am excited as I get to see both of my pregnant daughters tomorrow. It has been at least 6 weeks since I have seen them. I can hardly wait. I really want to see the baby bumps.
My left hip really blew up with my arthritis on Sunday. I had to get up early in the morning because no matter how I tried to position myself in bed the pain was too bad. So I have been on anti inflammatories for a steady 48 hours now. I don't like to take additional meds because I already take such invasive medications that has such bad side affects. But I cannot stand the pain and I have a high tolerance. Yesterday was spent with a heating pad and virtually no movement. I have been getting about 12,000 steps a day with walking and hiking, so this was a real plug in my exercise goals. I have to slow down until this inflammation stops so I don't do more joint damage.
The thing that really irritates me is that now that my left hip blew the right one will follow in a few days or weeks, and then they both will blow together. Then they will give me fits for a year to 18 months before moving to another set of joints. I can handle it but I hate becoming immobile in any way. I really had a hard time with stairs the last few days. If I take Aleve the pain goes away, but using the joint to any length can cause erosion so I have to be careful, something I am not good at.
Enough about my boo boos. Let's talk it's May and I need to report my April goal achievement, for which I will need praise, as I am shallow like that.
1. Completed another 1000 dollar saving chart, by the skin of my teeth. This was hard as the shop was not open and I was relying on past work.
2. I have $750.00 in my $5.00 bill savings, so that is almost on track for the year.
3. I put money in my penny savings up to May 7th, so $73.21 so far.
4. Money found and extra change into the pig bank although this has really suffered, as I am not out spending money and I really have no change coming in, or at least not much.
I have a great start on my spring yard work and I am ahead on that. There is still so much left to do but I love to be outside so I really don't consider it work, but play. (Remind me of that when the garden is producing whole hog.) Now the inside of the house and things that I wanted or needed to be done I am dismally behind. Because I let this virus make me into a lazy daisy. I don't even care. I want to say I survived, but I think this thing is far from over.
Now I need to get some laundry started, make a bed and get my butt into the shop, I have 20 masks due out and climbing!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Saturday, staying home and cooking
We had a really nice time yesterday, but stayed a little closer to home than we expected. Took many logging roads for hours and ended up at a reservoir that Hub's had flagged a road into, that later became a State park. We took a long walk around that area (5 miles) then came home. IT was nice to get out and get away. Probably won't be able to do this again for a while and I will miss it. Although we may just say the heck with the shop and do it anyway. We will see.
Have you noticed that I use the phrase we will see a lot? My whole dang life is ,we will see. This does not make me happy. I am a woman of action and I hate waiting, I have little patience and my patience monitor is about done.
In the mean time, Hubs is out trying to get the lawn mowed before it starts to rain and I have to pay bills today and get a couple of large batches of banana bread done, and bone the ham I made a few days ago. I am going to start a big pot of bean soup.
As the weather is going to be rainy, I am stuck in the house so I will have to figure out something to do that is active. Like maybe clean something.... Nah too much work.
What are you plans for this Saturday? Doing anything fun tomorrow?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Have you noticed that I use the phrase we will see a lot? My whole dang life is ,we will see. This does not make me happy. I am a woman of action and I hate waiting, I have little patience and my patience monitor is about done.
In the mean time, Hubs is out trying to get the lawn mowed before it starts to rain and I have to pay bills today and get a couple of large batches of banana bread done, and bone the ham I made a few days ago. I am going to start a big pot of bean soup.
As the weather is going to be rainy, I am stuck in the house so I will have to figure out something to do that is active. Like maybe clean something.... Nah too much work.
What are you plans for this Saturday? Doing anything fun tomorrow?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Friday, Headed for the HIlls!
I pulled 4 huge 2 gallon bags of frozen tomatoes and one bag of green peppers out of the freezer yesterday. I really needed to find out just how much meat we had left with what appears to be an upcoming shortage. It made 5 large bags of spaghetti sauce to put back in the freezer. I also found 13 bananas that I thawed and put in a container in the fridge I will make banana bread this weekend to freeze.
This did not really take very long (except for the thawing). I had to let it coke down for 1.5 hours. Then we just put the pots on the back porch to cool over night and I bagged it this morning.
I have about 15 jars (quarts) of tomatoes that need to be used and I am going to make tomato paste out of those this weekend. I do this by emptying them into a sieve, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of oil per jar and then boiling down the contents until is is thick, then transferring it to cookie sheets and roasting it in the oven (I stir every 1/2 hour) until all liquid quits coming out. Then I freeze. If you have never had homemade tomato sauce you are missing something. I freeze in old sour cream containers and when I need a bit of paste I just cut a chunk out with a spoon. It kind of has the consistency of hard ice cream.
Here is my planted garden, now I just have to water and weed and pick. I am always so excited at the beginning and then those days of late August and early September come and I am picking a bushel of all different kinds of produce a day and trying to put it up or eat it or give it away. Then is gets old fast.
We are going up to the mountains today, probably our last trip for a while as the shop opens back up on Monday and I will have to get back to work.
Are any of your areas getting back to work?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
The back half of the garden, I still have corn to plant here, when it gets bigger.
This did not really take very long (except for the thawing). I had to let it coke down for 1.5 hours. Then we just put the pots on the back porch to cool over night and I bagged it this morning.
I have about 15 jars (quarts) of tomatoes that need to be used and I am going to make tomato paste out of those this weekend. I do this by emptying them into a sieve, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of oil per jar and then boiling down the contents until is is thick, then transferring it to cookie sheets and roasting it in the oven (I stir every 1/2 hour) until all liquid quits coming out. Then I freeze. If you have never had homemade tomato sauce you are missing something. I freeze in old sour cream containers and when I need a bit of paste I just cut a chunk out with a spoon. It kind of has the consistency of hard ice cream.
Here is my planted garden, now I just have to water and weed and pick. I am always so excited at the beginning and then those days of late August and early September come and I am picking a bushel of all different kinds of produce a day and trying to put it up or eat it or give it away. Then is gets old fast.
We are going up to the mountains today, probably our last trip for a while as the shop opens back up on Monday and I will have to get back to work.
Are any of your areas getting back to work?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
The back half of the garden, I still have corn to plant here, when it gets bigger.
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