I had a nice relaxing time with daughter and her husband and our grandson. Hubs stayed home to help someone move and I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. I was not nagged and drug around and forced into cooking, cleaning, hiking, riding and going all the time. It was great. Now don't get me wrong I love to hike and bike and go but I really at this point just need rest. A weekend of quiet and rest.
Friday we were able to get mom's car sold and all the paperwork done. What a mess. I picked up the check on Sunday and took it to my sister to put it back into mom's estate. That should be settled soon and we will all know where we stand.
We looked at a couple of places with land but decided that they were too far out for us. We need to be able to split the distance between our daughter and us. I fear if the place is too far out we will not enjoy it as much as we should.
I am not looking forward to the long car ride tomorrow for Uncles funeral but it must be done. Hub's will play at the funeral. I think we will come home late Wednesday which I would like, if not we will leave Thursday sometime. I hope this is the last funeral trip for a while. Out west we spend so much time in cars traveling from place to place. It is nothing to drive 5-6 hours to get somewhere. But it gets very old.
I am trying to decide what my problem is, and I think it boils down to, grief, not allowing myself enough time to really grieve, and just feeling like I am in limbo, fluttering around through jello like fog. Can one flutter in jello? Having to go constantly is not helping or maybe it is a blessing. I cannot decide. I just want to be left alone so I can be. I keep thinking wouldn't it be nice to have a schedule I could keep and have everything really neat and tidy. But I have decided life just ain't neat and tidy, at least mine isn't. Is anybodies? If yours is please let me in on your secret. I just keep going on with my habit of frugality, trying to save where I can and pay off debt. All this traveling isn't super kind to the budget.
Monday's money saving madness July 22-29 2018
1.Eating out of freezers and pantry
2. no shopping of grocery sales
3. Eating out of garden, lettuce, tomatoes, squash cucumbers, lots of salads
4. Eating all our leftovers.
5. feeding food scrap to chickens
6. running fans in bedrooms, and letting cool air in at night, we also stay in basement saving on air conditioning.
7. I found .13 this week in three different places. just keeping an eye out. At this pace I should be able to retire in about 1 million years.
8. Avoided buying anything I did not need at stores I went into. (you have no idea how hard this is for me)
9.Skipped getting the old haggy nails done again but I am afraid this is at its last
10. kept the water bill down under 200.00 this month for the first time in years.
So how are you doing in money saving? Any frugal habits you want to share?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Thursday, I just knew this would happen....
Hub's Uncle passed away early this morning. He has been suffering from Alzheimer for a couple years now. It is a blessing and we have been expecting it anytime now. But did I prepare for it? No. We will have another long car ride down to the Boise area next week and I am dreading it. I loved Hub's Uncle he was a wonderful man. I want to honor him, I just wish I was more ready to take off again.
Yesterday we had the littles and I was still able to get 4 bridesmaid dresses sewn. They are not pressed and they need straps put on from the hem scraps. I have 4 more to do today plus a pile of alterations. I was called to take a meal into another family that had a death, I threw together chicken enchiladas, jello(kids), and brownies. So yesterday was a zoo. Hubs and I took a nice bike ride last night along the levy. It was 104 here and the breeze off the river was great. But then I came home and stayed up way too late watching Netflix. Now I am tired I have a dirty house, and sewing that needs to be done.
This would all be fine, except, we had agreed and I need to drive to Spokane tomorrow to get the stupid car that mom would not put in my name sold. It took some effort and we finally got the local people to put it in my name as an heir, but now we can't get Washington to recognize this. So I need to appear. What a pain. We were also supposed to look at land with our daughter and son-in-law up in the Northern part of Idaho where we want to build a small cabin for our family someday, hopefully sooner than later. Now hub's must stay in town to help the same widow I took food into move on Saturday. I don't know if I am ready to be gone 3 days next week. I have brides on my tail.
I guess what I am saying is I have procrastinated the day of my repentance and now I have to really kick my butt into gear and my butt is so happy to sit and watch netflix. I just want to take a nap and feel sorry for myself. I want to whine and carry on and this is no ones fault but my own. I do work well under pressure so the fact that I have to push myself is no problem. You just have to hear about it :) See how I roll?
Crap, double crap, more crap......
I am off!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Yesterday we had the littles and I was still able to get 4 bridesmaid dresses sewn. They are not pressed and they need straps put on from the hem scraps. I have 4 more to do today plus a pile of alterations. I was called to take a meal into another family that had a death, I threw together chicken enchiladas, jello(kids), and brownies. So yesterday was a zoo. Hubs and I took a nice bike ride last night along the levy. It was 104 here and the breeze off the river was great. But then I came home and stayed up way too late watching Netflix. Now I am tired I have a dirty house, and sewing that needs to be done.
This would all be fine, except, we had agreed and I need to drive to Spokane tomorrow to get the stupid car that mom would not put in my name sold. It took some effort and we finally got the local people to put it in my name as an heir, but now we can't get Washington to recognize this. So I need to appear. What a pain. We were also supposed to look at land with our daughter and son-in-law up in the Northern part of Idaho where we want to build a small cabin for our family someday, hopefully sooner than later. Now hub's must stay in town to help the same widow I took food into move on Saturday. I don't know if I am ready to be gone 3 days next week. I have brides on my tail.
I guess what I am saying is I have procrastinated the day of my repentance and now I have to really kick my butt into gear and my butt is so happy to sit and watch netflix. I just want to take a nap and feel sorry for myself. I want to whine and carry on and this is no ones fault but my own. I do work well under pressure so the fact that I have to push myself is no problem. You just have to hear about it :) See how I roll?
Crap, double crap, more crap......
I am off!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Wednesday, pays to check.
We are planning on going on a little adventure with Sluggy and her other half sometime late September. Hopefully we will go into Canada. I just happened to think I had better check my passport and sure enough it expired last November so I am going to get that taken care of asap. I am so glad I checked it now and not the week we were leaving which would be something I would do.
I actually got all the ironing done yesterday and then I did last weeks laundry and the basket is full again. Why do I try? But hub's is happy he has lots of shirts.
I am a little headachey today and have a sore throat coming on, so don't know if it 's allergies, something in the air or I am coming down with the crud, but time will tell.I spent all day yesterday except for a little sewing on the couch. I just slept and slept as I was so sore from my arthritis. Today I feel a lot better.
As you can see I completed another chart and I am onto #13. We received the bill for the electrician it was over $500.00 and I have another bill over $400.00 so there goes the money I was trying to squirrel away. Drats!
Besides keeping up with ironing I have 8 teal bridesmaid dresses to get done today so I had better get busy. Plus I really need to pull apart a wedding dress for a fitting. I have no excuses not to be busy and producing.
Do you ever get tired of just working, paying debt, to get up and work to pay off debt? I sure do. I know that I am nearing the home stretch but I am just so tired. I don't know what I can do to motivate myself any more.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I actually got all the ironing done yesterday and then I did last weeks laundry and the basket is full again. Why do I try? But hub's is happy he has lots of shirts.
I am a little headachey today and have a sore throat coming on, so don't know if it 's allergies, something in the air or I am coming down with the crud, but time will tell.I spent all day yesterday except for a little sewing on the couch. I just slept and slept as I was so sore from my arthritis. Today I feel a lot better.
As you can see I completed another chart and I am onto #13. We received the bill for the electrician it was over $500.00 and I have another bill over $400.00 so there goes the money I was trying to squirrel away. Drats!
Besides keeping up with ironing I have 8 teal bridesmaid dresses to get done today so I had better get busy. Plus I really need to pull apart a wedding dress for a fitting. I have no excuses not to be busy and producing.
Do you ever get tired of just working, paying debt, to get up and work to pay off debt? I sure do. I know that I am nearing the home stretch but I am just so tired. I don't know what I can do to motivate myself any more.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Monday, Money saving madness
It was a lovely weekend although I probably worked too hard. Can you believe that? With the last 4 weekends spent in the car traveling to and from funerals it was nice to just be. Saturday I de cluttered at least car full of things from the house to good will. My eventual goal is to open cupboards and find them bare. (like this will ever happen) But little by little I am getting rid of things that I don't love or need.
I took hub's out to purchase a couple more short sleeve outdoor shirts. But he had to get rid of 4 older shirts. That was the bargain. He is loath to get rid of anything.
I have still not packed up the Christmas china to take up to D#2, but I will do that this week as we will be driving up there this weekend.
In trying to keep with my goal of cleaning out the freezers and pantry I had two families with similar age children over for dinner Sunday after church. I was able to use up several frozen meats that needed to be eaten. We have enough left over for at least the next two nights. Yeah!
I spent about 6 hours weeding in the back yard. I swear another truck load and I just hit the garden and living areas. This yard is just too big. The front needs love so bad right now. I am very sore from Saturday.
Money saving madness, July15-22 2018
1. Ate all meals at home with no eating out.
2. Cooked up green beans, squash, from garden
3. Made several salads from garden, lettuce, tomatoes, lots of cucumbers, and onions.
4. Got rid of several laundry baskets full of clutter from around the house, freeing up mind and space.
5. Husband gave away all old laying hens and put 6 new babies into the coop. They are laying pullet eggs so cute.
6. Husband saved all the chicken coop cleanings and placed in garden as compost. Smells.
7. Picked up several plant for pennies on the dollar to add to garden
8. Did not buy anything on Amazon prime day Score!
9. Went to several second hand stores and Ross and TJ Maxx came home with nothing. Didn't need anything. How boring am I?
10. skipped the nail salon for one more week but can't for too much longer.
11. found .11 to put in pig bank
12. had an old debt paid of $178.00 that I did not expect.
So how was your thrifty week?
The shop will be busy today and I have bridesmaid and wedding dresses to do so no complaints in that department.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I took hub's out to purchase a couple more short sleeve outdoor shirts. But he had to get rid of 4 older shirts. That was the bargain. He is loath to get rid of anything.
I have still not packed up the Christmas china to take up to D#2, but I will do that this week as we will be driving up there this weekend.
In trying to keep with my goal of cleaning out the freezers and pantry I had two families with similar age children over for dinner Sunday after church. I was able to use up several frozen meats that needed to be eaten. We have enough left over for at least the next two nights. Yeah!
I spent about 6 hours weeding in the back yard. I swear another truck load and I just hit the garden and living areas. This yard is just too big. The front needs love so bad right now. I am very sore from Saturday.
Money saving madness, July15-22 2018
1. Ate all meals at home with no eating out.
2. Cooked up green beans, squash, from garden
3. Made several salads from garden, lettuce, tomatoes, lots of cucumbers, and onions.
4. Got rid of several laundry baskets full of clutter from around the house, freeing up mind and space.
5. Husband gave away all old laying hens and put 6 new babies into the coop. They are laying pullet eggs so cute.
6. Husband saved all the chicken coop cleanings and placed in garden as compost. Smells.
7. Picked up several plant for pennies on the dollar to add to garden
8. Did not buy anything on Amazon prime day Score!
9. Went to several second hand stores and Ross and TJ Maxx came home with nothing. Didn't need anything. How boring am I?
10. skipped the nail salon for one more week but can't for too much longer.
11. found .11 to put in pig bank
12. had an old debt paid of $178.00 that I did not expect.
So how was your thrifty week?
The shop will be busy today and I have bridesmaid and wedding dresses to do so no complaints in that department.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Friday, Finally catching up!
I have had two wedding dresses go out yesterday and I only have 5 more in the shop. Oops! I have 6 one more just came in. So other than a slew of bridesmaid dress to go out I am finally catching up. The shop is still very busy but I don't feel too far behind.
I think I can slow down a little and spend some time working on this house and in the yard. Which really needs some love right now.
So today I have the littles and they are all over the place. I will try and get some laundry and ironing done in between running and saying no, no.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative,
I think I can slow down a little and spend some time working on this house and in the yard. Which really needs some love right now.
So today I have the littles and they are all over the place. I will try and get some laundry and ironing done in between running and saying no, no.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative,
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Thursday, Too much stuff....
Last night after dinner Hub's and I went over to help a new family move into our church community. We came late and we were helping with the larger furniture and of course the piano! Well I was carrying smaller boxes and the men did the larger stuff. I could tell the poor mom was just so tired and overwhelmed.
The house they rented was older with many small rooms. I swear every room was full to the ceiling with boxes. Who has this much stuff? Shelving unit after shelving unit came off that truck. I was totally amazed. One of the kids said that there were boxes that they had not unpacked from the last move on the truck. My though was if you didn't unpack it last time you don't need it. Then......
I drove into my own garage and thought what if people came to my house and drove into this garage? They would think the same thing. I mean really. Why do we have so much stuff?
Anyway I am going to take dinner into them tonight which she was very grateful for that offering and then go over after our dinner to help her unpack. I don't know what I am getting myself in for as it looks like a chaotic mess. But then when is moving not chaotic and messy?
I had put out frozen bananas to make banana bread today. Have no idea what I will make for them but I know chicken is on the menu:) Gotta get rid of all that chicken.
I was able to get two more Wedding dresses done yesterday and three more bridesmaids. Today I must hem pants and work on a few other odds and ends. I know there are a couple of zippers to do. I don't think the ironing will ever get done. Tomorrow the littles come so I have no idea what I will get done with them under foot.
Anyway I am busy and that is good. Doing for others really helps heal the broken heart.
Have a a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
The house they rented was older with many small rooms. I swear every room was full to the ceiling with boxes. Who has this much stuff? Shelving unit after shelving unit came off that truck. I was totally amazed. One of the kids said that there were boxes that they had not unpacked from the last move on the truck. My though was if you didn't unpack it last time you don't need it. Then......
I drove into my own garage and thought what if people came to my house and drove into this garage? They would think the same thing. I mean really. Why do we have so much stuff?
Anyway I am going to take dinner into them tonight which she was very grateful for that offering and then go over after our dinner to help her unpack. I don't know what I am getting myself in for as it looks like a chaotic mess. But then when is moving not chaotic and messy?
I had put out frozen bananas to make banana bread today. Have no idea what I will make for them but I know chicken is on the menu:) Gotta get rid of all that chicken.
I was able to get two more Wedding dresses done yesterday and three more bridesmaids. Today I must hem pants and work on a few other odds and ends. I know there are a couple of zippers to do. I don't think the ironing will ever get done. Tomorrow the littles come so I have no idea what I will get done with them under foot.
Anyway I am busy and that is good. Doing for others really helps heal the broken heart.
Have a a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Wednesday,Chart completed and remembering
Well I completed chart #11 and I am onto #12! I hope to complete that before the end of the month. Wouldn't that be nifty?
We had to call in an electrician yesterday due to a smoking, stuck on light switch that froze the fan on in our bathroom. Not a project I would let Hub's tackle. I wouldn't be able to tell if his shaking was due to his parkinson's tremor or electrical current. I had the electrician fix another light in the garage that is stuck on and also replace the outside porch light that has been broken for over a year. I replaced it with a motion sensor. We have had skunk and badger sightings in the neighborhood and I am hoping this will help keep them at bay. We have three lights in the front wall of the house that are not working so we are trying to fix those also. I don't know how much this will set us back, but it will be done.
We went to the cemetery while we were in Missoula to clean up all the family graves. We were going to do this when we were there for mom but it got away from us. Here is Hub's using a pocket knife to clean around our daughters head stone. Going there did bring back memories and I have to say I was just as goofy after her death as I have been with moms. I was trying to graduate with a double major and she came a few weeks early, throwing papers, and projects into chaos. My professors were so kind. Not many women went to school pregnant at that time. I had turned down a job a Boeing because I was to have a new baby and then I had no baby. I was a mess for about a good month and then took a job with a company in Idaho. I swear I cried everyday all the way to work for an entire year. Hub's was over seas at the time. It was vary hard. So now I realize that what I am going through is normal and I will be okay. Franka was a darling short, fat little baby. She looked like me. All my other girls look like their dad.

This did give me a perspective on normal. I am normal. The brain fog is normal. It will pass and I will be left with good memories as long as I don't dig too deep.
The shop was crazy busy yesterday. So much for catching up. So I have plenty to do. We ate entirely out of the garden last night, but I am going to add some meat tonight as I was hungry at about 10 p.m. I did do 10 pieces of ironing yesterday. So I am making some progress just not as much as I need to or would like. Today I will be better. I need to go to the bank and finish a couple of bridesmaid dresses and two wedding dresses. Also I have several pairs of pants to alter, and couple of zippers to replace. So I will not be bored that is for sure.
We had to call in an electrician yesterday due to a smoking, stuck on light switch that froze the fan on in our bathroom. Not a project I would let Hub's tackle. I wouldn't be able to tell if his shaking was due to his parkinson's tremor or electrical current. I had the electrician fix another light in the garage that is stuck on and also replace the outside porch light that has been broken for over a year. I replaced it with a motion sensor. We have had skunk and badger sightings in the neighborhood and I am hoping this will help keep them at bay. We have three lights in the front wall of the house that are not working so we are trying to fix those also. I don't know how much this will set us back, but it will be done.
We went to the cemetery while we were in Missoula to clean up all the family graves. We were going to do this when we were there for mom but it got away from us. Here is Hub's using a pocket knife to clean around our daughters head stone. Going there did bring back memories and I have to say I was just as goofy after her death as I have been with moms. I was trying to graduate with a double major and she came a few weeks early, throwing papers, and projects into chaos. My professors were so kind. Not many women went to school pregnant at that time. I had turned down a job a Boeing because I was to have a new baby and then I had no baby. I was a mess for about a good month and then took a job with a company in Idaho. I swear I cried everyday all the way to work for an entire year. Hub's was over seas at the time. It was vary hard. So now I realize that what I am going through is normal and I will be okay. Franka was a darling short, fat little baby. She looked like me. All my other girls look like their dad.

This did give me a perspective on normal. I am normal. The brain fog is normal. It will pass and I will be left with good memories as long as I don't dig too deep.
The shop was crazy busy yesterday. So much for catching up. So I have plenty to do. We ate entirely out of the garden last night, but I am going to add some meat tonight as I was hungry at about 10 p.m. I did do 10 pieces of ironing yesterday. So I am making some progress just not as much as I need to or would like. Today I will be better. I need to go to the bank and finish a couple of bridesmaid dresses and two wedding dresses. Also I have several pairs of pants to alter, and couple of zippers to replace. So I will not be bored that is for sure.
Have a a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.!
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Tuesday, the Blah of debt repayment
The funeral we attended yesterday was beautiful. We saw good friends we had not seen in years. It was a long drive but worth it. Only out west do you drive 12 hours for a funeral. To us this is a hop, skip and a jump. The weather was beautiful and it was nice just to be.
I have so much to do in the shop and I need to get busy. Between laundry, ironing, sewing and gardening I have no reason to be bored, unhappy, ungrateful or have the blahs, but I do. I think I just need a swift kick in the behind. I am very grateful for all that I have and the progress that I have made and I know I will continue to do well if I continue to work hard. The hard work never bothers me, it is that after a while I just go blah.
There are so many things I want to do and should do and I am having a hard time getting anything done. Watching the debt go down and filling out charts and keeping small daily goals motivates me but even that is losing its luster. I am not sure how to beat this.
It used to be that I would start a new project, but projects cost money and I have so many other things that are pressing. I used to go shopping for things I did not need, but now I don't do that. It really no longer brings me joy.
I just have to work through this. I don't know if it is mom's death, or I am just tired of the long uphill battle of debt. Pushing that rock up although it is much smaller. It is like I am a small child and I need a treat to keep going. Silly I know. When you are trying to get out of debt and trying to not spend money on things you don't need, going out and spending money on anything not necessary is just counter productive.
Can any of you say? NEW CAR! Yes I have a new car, that can't be a treat? Well yes it is, but that shows how quickly the new wears off and we are right back into what can I buy, get, obtain, next to make me happy. It isn't things. I am trying to get rid of things. So here I am. What can I do to beat this?
The only thing I know to do is work or be in the service of someone who needs me.
I am heading for the shop, where I will turn on my iron and start to figure out my day. All I can do is keep going forward. Does anyone want to go forward with me?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Sunday, Money saving madness early and a new goal?
Since we are leaving again for Missoula right after church to attend a funeral tomorrow, I thought I would do my Monday money saving madness early as not to miss it. Things have been so turned around lately.
Also I have reached both of my goals this month and it is only the 15th so I felt I needed to come up with another goal. I have two more debts that are larger than I would like to kick to the curb before I can just start concentrating on the house. So I have set another goal of trying to get another $1000.00 toward the first of the two debts. If I work hard I should be able to knock these out before Christmas, which was my goal all along, but being able to start now is an added bonus. GO me!
I will talk more about these and my future money strategy next month. Things are just too up in the air right now and future plans are a little too scary for me. I am just doing what I had planned to do before mom passed and if things change they change. Buying the car was a change and I am alright living with that right now. Adding anything else just seems too....
Monday's money saving madness July 8th-15th 2018
1. Cut all makeup remover wipes in 1/2 in my new pack. (I only need 1/2 to remove eye makeup)
2. concentrated on only doing 2 loads of laundry one dark and one light (haven't been able to pull this off for a while)
3.Cooked all meals from scratch and ate leftovers even though I really did not want to cook at all.
4. Ate lettuce, squash, green beans, onions, out of garden.
5. Used up several packages of frozen chicken saved from food brought over by neighbors. Still plenty more to go.
6. Decluttered and donated many, many items to Goodwill to free up space and my mind
7. Purchased really expensive dog food at 50% off.
8. Purchased new plants for garden on closeout to replace ones that are spent.
9. Bought nothing this week unless it was needed.
10. fed food scraps to chickens
11. Did all of my usual money saving things, reused jars, and wax wraps.
12. Ate all dinner leftovers for lunch the next day so no food waste.
13. Asked for a bereavement rate at hotel and dropped cost from $99.00 plus tax to $79.00 plus tax.
During the long drive to Missoula and back I am going to try and come up with a food plan to use up our freezer and food storage back log. I am not much for menu plans as I have a hard time sticking to them, but I can at least come up with dishes that will use up much of what we have that will need to be used in the next few months.
Well I am off to take my puppy to Lil sis's and to attend church.
Have a restful and peaceful Sabbath.
Also I have reached both of my goals this month and it is only the 15th so I felt I needed to come up with another goal. I have two more debts that are larger than I would like to kick to the curb before I can just start concentrating on the house. So I have set another goal of trying to get another $1000.00 toward the first of the two debts. If I work hard I should be able to knock these out before Christmas, which was my goal all along, but being able to start now is an added bonus. GO me!
I will talk more about these and my future money strategy next month. Things are just too up in the air right now and future plans are a little too scary for me. I am just doing what I had planned to do before mom passed and if things change they change. Buying the car was a change and I am alright living with that right now. Adding anything else just seems too....
Monday's money saving madness July 8th-15th 2018
1. Cut all makeup remover wipes in 1/2 in my new pack. (I only need 1/2 to remove eye makeup)
2. concentrated on only doing 2 loads of laundry one dark and one light (haven't been able to pull this off for a while)
3.Cooked all meals from scratch and ate leftovers even though I really did not want to cook at all.
4. Ate lettuce, squash, green beans, onions, out of garden.
5. Used up several packages of frozen chicken saved from food brought over by neighbors. Still plenty more to go.
6. Decluttered and donated many, many items to Goodwill to free up space and my mind
7. Purchased really expensive dog food at 50% off.
8. Purchased new plants for garden on closeout to replace ones that are spent.
9. Bought nothing this week unless it was needed.
10. fed food scraps to chickens
11. Did all of my usual money saving things, reused jars, and wax wraps.
12. Ate all dinner leftovers for lunch the next day so no food waste.
13. Asked for a bereavement rate at hotel and dropped cost from $99.00 plus tax to $79.00 plus tax.
During the long drive to Missoula and back I am going to try and come up with a food plan to use up our freezer and food storage back log. I am not much for menu plans as I have a hard time sticking to them, but I can at least come up with dishes that will use up much of what we have that will need to be used in the next few months.
Well I am off to take my puppy to Lil sis's and to attend church.
Have a restful and peaceful Sabbath.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Saturday, What havoc can I create today?
I swear I worked in the shop all day yesterday and it was so busy. One of the brides picked up and the other is coming today at noon. Her plane lands around that time anyway. I just had clients all day long and I really need to get into the shop and get it somewhat organized as things are all over.
I also did not get any house work done and I am going to do that today if it kills me. It probably will. Just say goodby now my friends, it has been nice knowing you.
Every where I look in this house there is a mess, oh and hub's and I will have to go and buy a new vacuum today as the old one is eating belts up, dang. Well at least that is an excuse not to vacuum, right? I will use that excuse thank you very much.
So here is my list as I think a list may motivate me. It also might scare me.
1. Start laundry
2. clean cat box
3. clean laundry room
4. sweep entry and hall
5. Organize shop
6. steam mop, hall, laundry,entry, and shop
7. straighten family room
8. Clean myself up (HA!)
9. Straighten bedroom, put things away
10. Deep clean kitchen (stove area is a site)
11. wipe down and straighten back porch.
12. Water, flowers, back and front
13. go get a vacuum
14. vacuum, family room and rugs upstairs.
15. replace all dead flowers in vases
There I think I may be able to do a few of these things. Maybe......
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I also did not get any house work done and I am going to do that today if it kills me. It probably will. Just say goodby now my friends, it has been nice knowing you.
Every where I look in this house there is a mess, oh and hub's and I will have to go and buy a new vacuum today as the old one is eating belts up, dang. Well at least that is an excuse not to vacuum, right? I will use that excuse thank you very much.
So here is my list as I think a list may motivate me. It also might scare me.
5. Organize shop
6. steam mop, hall, laundry,entry, and shop
10. Deep clean kitchen (stove area is a site)
14. vacuum, family room and rugs upstairs.
15. replace all dead flowers in vases
There I think I may be able to do a few of these things. Maybe......
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Friday, Hey look, Hey look
We are under the the $40,000 on the house! Yeah, this is the lowest we have ever been even with debt payoff and home equity nonsense. It is going to go fast now. I can just feel it. Even if we don't accelerate at the (my game plan)first of the year we will drop into the 20's by April of next year. I just keep telling myself to stick to it. Even though it is boring and hard a times. Okay let's be truthful most of the time.
I had a major boo,boo yesterday in the fact that my fog brain is not keeping track of the right clients. I have a wedding dress ready for pickup that was the wrong dress. I needed to do another dress. So now I have two dresses to get done today and a bunch of other things. It was embarrassing, but at least they were understanding. I just have to pull out of this state. I mean really? What a mess.
I have a laundry up the wazoo, and soon I will be out of ironed cotton clothing. I just can't seem to keep up. Of course I keep telling myself that I did get the house ready for two renters and that was no easy task. I also have had to be out of town for the last three weekends and now this next Monday. It is hard to keep up when you are on the road so much. Plus not paying attention to the studio emails, puts me at odds with performances and rehearsals. I will get to the rehearsals the new owner can deal with the performances. It is not mine to worry about and I just can't right now. Adding rehearsals onto my schedule really threw me this week. Crap!
I need to get into the shop and hem a Wedding dress and then alter another, I hope to be done before 1 p.m. so I can get to the house and other piles of things that need to go out. I have to quit getting myself confused all the time. I used to be an intelligent person, I think? (Sluggy no comment here ) Anyway I am off to try and set my world right. Say a prayer will you?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
BLAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! Splat......
I had a major boo,boo yesterday in the fact that my fog brain is not keeping track of the right clients. I have a wedding dress ready for pickup that was the wrong dress. I needed to do another dress. So now I have two dresses to get done today and a bunch of other things. It was embarrassing, but at least they were understanding. I just have to pull out of this state. I mean really? What a mess.
I have a laundry up the wazoo, and soon I will be out of ironed cotton clothing. I just can't seem to keep up. Of course I keep telling myself that I did get the house ready for two renters and that was no easy task. I also have had to be out of town for the last three weekends and now this next Monday. It is hard to keep up when you are on the road so much. Plus not paying attention to the studio emails, puts me at odds with performances and rehearsals. I will get to the rehearsals the new owner can deal with the performances. It is not mine to worry about and I just can't right now. Adding rehearsals onto my schedule really threw me this week. Crap!
I need to get into the shop and hem a Wedding dress and then alter another, I hope to be done before 1 p.m. so I can get to the house and other piles of things that need to go out. I have to quit getting myself confused all the time. I used to be an intelligent person, I think? (Sluggy no comment here ) Anyway I am off to try and set my world right. Say a prayer will you?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
BLAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! Splat......
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Thursday, Another funeral
Took care of the babies yesterday and it was fun, as they are so cute and full of life. I am also getting great enjoyment out of my puppy. He never fails to bring a smile to my face.
I did no sewing or ironing yesterday but I will get things done today and I also have another rehearsal this afternoon at 3:30. Hope the kids come back with a little more oomph today as it was so hot yesterday and they were really lagging.
I am doing a stir fry for dinner this evening trying to use up the chicken from mom's funeral and the veggies from the garden. We have bag after bag of frozen chicken in the freezer to use. Thank goodness I like chicken and it can be used so many ways.
I am going to make a couple of pans of enchiladas this weekend to freeze and maybe do up a batch of spaghetti sauce if it is not to hot. I need to make up some lasagnas as I have all the cheese and it is taking up room in the fridge. I feel like baking something ,but baking with out mom seems so sad right now. We will see.
Mentally I am going through my house room by room and getting rid of things. I am packing things up in boxes in my mind. Trying to get rid of as much clutter as possible. Everyday I physically a do a little something. Yesterday it was a cupboard in the kitchen that was full of things we never use. I have 4 items that will put in a sale or given to good will the rest was just stuff that could be tossed. I have several places in the house like this and it is helping me feel better to let go.
Why do we hold onto things we do not use? Why do we accumulate things? Did this used to make me feel better? Because now it just feels like a big waste and a burden.
I had better get busy, there are things to do around here.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Wednesday, I actually accomplished something!
I really sewed yesterday. I mean I actually got things done. Not half done and then meh.... but done! All the police uniforms are done. A bride dress is done. Pants are hemmed. I cooked dinner. I cleaned out a cupboard. I completed something. I paid all the months bills. I sent Hubs for stamps. I picked all the green beans. I may survive this.
I have Hub's account back up to where it needs to be so 1/2 my goals are reached for the month. Now I have to work on getting my emergency fund back to $1000.00. Right now I only have $400.00 in the account.
Our good friend who was best friend at our wedding just lost his mom, she was 99 and just 6 days short of 100. We will attend her funeral in Missoula next Monday. I feel this might be the year of funerals as Hub's Uncle is very close and Hub's dad is closing in behind him.
My dance kids are performing this Friday so I am having a rehearsal with them today and tomorrow for a couple of hours.
Maybe I will try and get some ironing done, as it is in very bad need. Soon I will be naked not a good thing.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I have Hub's account back up to where it needs to be so 1/2 my goals are reached for the month. Now I have to work on getting my emergency fund back to $1000.00. Right now I only have $400.00 in the account.
Our good friend who was best friend at our wedding just lost his mom, she was 99 and just 6 days short of 100. We will attend her funeral in Missoula next Monday. I feel this might be the year of funerals as Hub's Uncle is very close and Hub's dad is closing in behind him.
My dance kids are performing this Friday so I am having a rehearsal with them today and tomorrow for a couple of hours.
Maybe I will try and get some ironing done, as it is in very bad need. Soon I will be naked not a good thing.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Tuesday, getting on
So as grief brain lingers, I am trying to move on in the right direction, but it is hard. I did not get very much done yesterday as I was sleepy and not motivated. I hope today is better. I did forget one thing on my list yesterday of money saving. I finally received my first payment from adsense. Yippee!! $176.12 was deposited into my checking account which I immediately put onto the Joel savings goal. Now this was months and months of adsense, it does not really pay well. But hey better then a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, right?
There is a large head of cauliflower in the fridge that needs to be used so I was inspired by a blog to make a salad. It was actually my first trip to the grocery store as I picked up some sesame oil and seeds, also some broccoli. That is it.
Mom really liked to go grocery shopping. She looked forward to the weekly sale adds and loved to stock up on loss leaders. I have never had such a well stocked pantry and freezers, so now my goal is to eat them down. Mom always had a food storage, I think it came from the depression and living in the Dakotas where they were snowed in or flooded in. You had to be able to eat and cook when things got bad. I just remember always having shelves of food and canned goods and bottled fruit as a child.
I walked the bridges with one of our renters last night and that was nice. Hubs cannot walk with me anymore and it was nice to have company. Then I went out to ice cream with my sister. Like a debit and a credit. You walk 5 miles and then go get and ice cream cone. I got a cherry dip cone it was SO GOOD!
I had three more bridesmaid dresses come in yesterday and several pairs of pants. I really need to get into the shop and get to work. It is going to get ugly soon if I don't. I can do this, I will report back tomorrow on my progress.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
There is a large head of cauliflower in the fridge that needs to be used so I was inspired by a blog to make a salad. It was actually my first trip to the grocery store as I picked up some sesame oil and seeds, also some broccoli. That is it.
Mom really liked to go grocery shopping. She looked forward to the weekly sale adds and loved to stock up on loss leaders. I have never had such a well stocked pantry and freezers, so now my goal is to eat them down. Mom always had a food storage, I think it came from the depression and living in the Dakotas where they were snowed in or flooded in. You had to be able to eat and cook when things got bad. I just remember always having shelves of food and canned goods and bottled fruit as a child.
I walked the bridges with one of our renters last night and that was nice. Hubs cannot walk with me anymore and it was nice to have company. Then I went out to ice cream with my sister. Like a debit and a credit. You walk 5 miles and then go get and ice cream cone. I got a cherry dip cone it was SO GOOD!
I had three more bridesmaid dresses come in yesterday and several pairs of pants. I really need to get into the shop and get to work. It is going to get ugly soon if I don't. I can do this, I will report back tomorrow on my progress.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Monday, trying to come back.....
I completed another chart and I am onto #11 which I hope to complete before the end of the month!
I need to apologize for not tending to my blog friends and this blog, but I am just still struggling, not sure what it is, I keep calling it brain fog, I just don't know when it will fade. I am not crying or even really mourning, I am just not there, and everything is so easy to forget, the simplest things are just too hard to accomplish. I feel selfish and at odds, it hasn't been quite three weeks, will I ever get back to ...... to what? I ask myself.
On a more positive note your prayers and comments have meant so much and have really helped me so thank you, thank you. Is there anything I can do for any of you?
One thing I have been doing that has really helped my grief is to de clutter. I am just giving away and getting rid of things left and right. My girls all leave here with boxes of things. Our trash can is always full which is driving Hub's crazy. Today my goal is to clean out some china cupboards in the front room, the front closet and the paper products drawer in the kitchen. I am packing up the Christmas china for one of the girls. I will have empty cupboards, wow! Downsize, down size and pare down, it makes me feel better and blesses others.
We have two occupational therapists with us right now, I think this will work out fine, they are lovely young girls, and they love the puppy. Speaking of puppy he has been so much comfort to me and is doing a lot better on his potty training.
He is looking for a piece of cheese here. His legs are a little too short to get up on the sofa so we are safe, but that won't last forever. I luvs him bunches.
I have plenty to do in the shop so I will get in there and get busy. I have at least two wedding dresses that have to go out this week,possibly three should go out plus bridesmaid dresses along with other things for clients. So I have no excuse not to make money. Speaking of money, I am just shy of $100.00 to complete Hub's saving payoff that I owe or I should say we owe that account. Then I will concentrate on my $1000.00 emergency fund. That leaves two more debts, to work on besides the house and I will add one of those next month. There will be a small inheritance from mom and how to sort with that is in the fuzzy zone right now.
But as life goes on, I am ready to get back to
Monday's money saving madness: July 1st through the 8th
1. We are eating lettuce, green beans, cucumbers, onions, and squash from the garden
2. I have told myself I can by no groceries except milk and fruit until we have used up much of the freezer and food storage.
3. I found money on the street twice this past week, .35 .10 into the pig it went. I love finding money like that. It is silly I know but hey small joys.
4. We have so much food to eat from neighbors, I froze most of it so we have a lot to gum through.
5. Our bishop treated us to dinner after a funeral we went to on Saturday so we didn't pay for that meal out.
6. I touched up my roots with a kit I bought on sale for $3.49 saving a trip to the parlor
7. Lots of yard work keeps the exercise going, who needs to go to the gym?
8.returned things purchased that did not work for a refund rather than letting it go and losing the money. ( are you ever guilty of that?)
9.Reused lace from an old wedding dress to doll up a new one passed cost onto client, made a pretty penny.
10.Picked three bouquets of gorgeous flowers for my house, who needs to buy flowers?
11. Took in two boarders to help them and pay off the last two debts.
12. Received back an over payment for a medical bill. $80.00 Woo Hoo!
13. Saving money in all my normal ways, reusing containers, jars, wax wraps.
14. Received a really cute dress from daughter free
15. Eldest daughter replaced my very worn and scratched RAY BANS! Love that kid
So I am off to get some work done, and I expect the rest of you to do the same:)
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I need to apologize for not tending to my blog friends and this blog, but I am just still struggling, not sure what it is, I keep calling it brain fog, I just don't know when it will fade. I am not crying or even really mourning, I am just not there, and everything is so easy to forget, the simplest things are just too hard to accomplish. I feel selfish and at odds, it hasn't been quite three weeks, will I ever get back to ...... to what? I ask myself.
On a more positive note your prayers and comments have meant so much and have really helped me so thank you, thank you. Is there anything I can do for any of you?
One thing I have been doing that has really helped my grief is to de clutter. I am just giving away and getting rid of things left and right. My girls all leave here with boxes of things. Our trash can is always full which is driving Hub's crazy. Today my goal is to clean out some china cupboards in the front room, the front closet and the paper products drawer in the kitchen. I am packing up the Christmas china for one of the girls. I will have empty cupboards, wow! Downsize, down size and pare down, it makes me feel better and blesses others.
We have two occupational therapists with us right now, I think this will work out fine, they are lovely young girls, and they love the puppy. Speaking of puppy he has been so much comfort to me and is doing a lot better on his potty training.
I have plenty to do in the shop so I will get in there and get busy. I have at least two wedding dresses that have to go out this week,possibly three should go out plus bridesmaid dresses along with other things for clients. So I have no excuse not to make money. Speaking of money, I am just shy of $100.00 to complete Hub's saving payoff that I owe or I should say we owe that account. Then I will concentrate on my $1000.00 emergency fund. That leaves two more debts, to work on besides the house and I will add one of those next month. There will be a small inheritance from mom and how to sort with that is in the fuzzy zone right now.
But as life goes on, I am ready to get back to
Monday's money saving madness: July 1st through the 8th
1. We are eating lettuce, green beans, cucumbers, onions, and squash from the garden
2. I have told myself I can by no groceries except milk and fruit until we have used up much of the freezer and food storage.
3. I found money on the street twice this past week, .35 .10 into the pig it went. I love finding money like that. It is silly I know but hey small joys.
4. We have so much food to eat from neighbors, I froze most of it so we have a lot to gum through.
5. Our bishop treated us to dinner after a funeral we went to on Saturday so we didn't pay for that meal out.
6. I touched up my roots with a kit I bought on sale for $3.49 saving a trip to the parlor
7. Lots of yard work keeps the exercise going, who needs to go to the gym?
8.returned things purchased that did not work for a refund rather than letting it go and losing the money. ( are you ever guilty of that?)
9.Reused lace from an old wedding dress to doll up a new one passed cost onto client, made a pretty penny.
10.Picked three bouquets of gorgeous flowers for my house, who needs to buy flowers?
11. Took in two boarders to help them and pay off the last two debts.
12. Received back an over payment for a medical bill. $80.00 Woo Hoo!
13. Saving money in all my normal ways, reusing containers, jars, wax wraps.
14. Received a really cute dress from daughter free
15. Eldest daughter replaced my very worn and scratched RAY BANS! Love that kid
So I am off to get some work done, and I expect the rest of you to do the same:)
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, July 6, 2018
Friday, Doing for others.
Last night we watched Hub's nephews youngest son for about 3 hours so I did not get the things done around the house I wanted to. And then just as the baby was picked up we got a text from our neighbors asking us to watch the littles today. We only have the baby right now and he is much easier that the 17month old who is on the go all day.
It is nice to be around babies when you are sad as they as so funny and lovable. I have gone into the spare room upstairs and emptied all the drawers and the closet, of course it is all on the bed so I have to find places for the stuff. Then I need to clean out the medicine chest and drawer in the spare bath. This is a work in progress. Finding places to put everything. I am really trying to declutter as I go and get rid of things that we don't or will no longer use. This house is so full of things. Every cupboard I open could use a good do over. But one thing at a time. You know me I have a tendency to get too many things going and then there is a disaster.
I need to pay all the bills and will do that this evening. I also was able to finish 2 wedding dresses yesterday so they should be picked up today. There is a pile of hemming I need to get done today and the ironing is taking over badly. I need my Sissy. I hate that she lives so far away.
Hub's nephew changed the belt on my vacuum last night and the neighbor is coming over on Saturday to do a few honey do jobs for me which will be nice. So I have no excuse not to clean up this place a little.
All I need to do in the basement bedroom is hang a curtain and it is ready. The upstairs I have to sort and clean, but it will get done. I just wish I did not have to do it!
We have to attend another funeral tomorrow in the tri-cities. Not looking forward to the long drive, but it is what it is.
I would really like to enjoy my summer so far it has been just a bit off.
So I am off to get some work done and see what other problems I can stir up. I am good at that.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
It is nice to be around babies when you are sad as they as so funny and lovable. I have gone into the spare room upstairs and emptied all the drawers and the closet, of course it is all on the bed so I have to find places for the stuff. Then I need to clean out the medicine chest and drawer in the spare bath. This is a work in progress. Finding places to put everything. I am really trying to declutter as I go and get rid of things that we don't or will no longer use. This house is so full of things. Every cupboard I open could use a good do over. But one thing at a time. You know me I have a tendency to get too many things going and then there is a disaster.
I need to pay all the bills and will do that this evening. I also was able to finish 2 wedding dresses yesterday so they should be picked up today. There is a pile of hemming I need to get done today and the ironing is taking over badly. I need my Sissy. I hate that she lives so far away.
Hub's nephew changed the belt on my vacuum last night and the neighbor is coming over on Saturday to do a few honey do jobs for me which will be nice. So I have no excuse not to clean up this place a little.
All I need to do in the basement bedroom is hang a curtain and it is ready. The upstairs I have to sort and clean, but it will get done. I just wish I did not have to do it!
We have to attend another funeral tomorrow in the tri-cities. Not looking forward to the long drive, but it is what it is.
I would really like to enjoy my summer so far it has been just a bit off.
So I am off to get some work done and see what other problems I can stir up. I am good at that.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Thursday, Hard getting back in the saddle
I am trying to get back to normal (what ever that was), but it is slow going. I am so behind on wedding dresses now as I lost two weeks and I have to really put my nose to the grind stone. Today I have a final fitting and another second fitting, plus a pile of hemming.
We spent the first few days after mom's death cleaning out her room and going through the personal things at my house. I wanted this done while all my sister's were here and also I just needed to have the bad memories erased. I was going to my daughter's for a few days before the funeral and I wanted to come home to an empty slate. Mom was quite the hoarder, or would have been if I had not kept it at bay as much as I could. My twin's husband came and helped my husband move mom's desk and curio cabinets back to Lil sis's basement. Grandchildren will be coming to collect belongings left to them or things they wanted. Of course my twin worked her butt off helping me and Lil sis did the very best she could. Lil sis took mom's death so hard. I really miss mom, but I am so happy she is on the other side with her loved ones. I know she is happy.
So not I have to let you know that the hospital contacted me and they have occupational therapists coming in that need places to rent for 3 months, I agreed to rent out mom's room and it has to be set up again. That is a work in progress. Then because my brain is in a 1/2 fog (let's call it grief brain) I did not realize that there were two different therapists texting me and I agreed to take two. So now I have to figure out where to put all the crap that is crammed into the upstairs bedroom drawers and closet and this house has very limited storage. Ugh! This dilemma does at least allow me to focus on something other than my feelings. Work is a great panacea for anguish.
Financially I am just in limbo and I will continue to limp along until I get my drive back. The wind has been knocked out of my sails a bit.
I have so much to do and here I am putzing around. Kick my butt would you, mom is no longer here to do it!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
We spent the first few days after mom's death cleaning out her room and going through the personal things at my house. I wanted this done while all my sister's were here and also I just needed to have the bad memories erased. I was going to my daughter's for a few days before the funeral and I wanted to come home to an empty slate. Mom was quite the hoarder, or would have been if I had not kept it at bay as much as I could. My twin's husband came and helped my husband move mom's desk and curio cabinets back to Lil sis's basement. Grandchildren will be coming to collect belongings left to them or things they wanted. Of course my twin worked her butt off helping me and Lil sis did the very best she could. Lil sis took mom's death so hard. I really miss mom, but I am so happy she is on the other side with her loved ones. I know she is happy.
So not I have to let you know that the hospital contacted me and they have occupational therapists coming in that need places to rent for 3 months, I agreed to rent out mom's room and it has to be set up again. That is a work in progress. Then because my brain is in a 1/2 fog (let's call it grief brain) I did not realize that there were two different therapists texting me and I agreed to take two. So now I have to figure out where to put all the crap that is crammed into the upstairs bedroom drawers and closet and this house has very limited storage. Ugh! This dilemma does at least allow me to focus on something other than my feelings. Work is a great panacea for anguish.
Financially I am just in limbo and I will continue to limp along until I get my drive back. The wind has been knocked out of my sails a bit.
I have so much to do and here I am putzing around. Kick my butt would you, mom is no longer here to do it!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, July 2, 2018
Monday, My oh My!
Just let me say that I am back, but I am still in that state of half done, that comes with death. It is like an out of body experience where your mind goes with the deceased and you only stay in your mind half the time. So it takes twice as long to do anything and you usually have to repeat it because you have lost what you are working on.
Thank you so much for your well wishes and Sluggy dear for your phone call. We didn't need anything for the funeral but I love you for offering to send food, what a great friend you are.
I have so much to tell you but I can't seem to place an order in my brain fog. Things to tell you on the financial front. I met my goals for last month and I have new ones for this month.
Also we replaced my car the day mom passed away. I was actually at the car lot when I got the call from D#3 that mom was having a melt down and I needed to get over there. So I hurried the salesman and went over to Lil sis's to get her. The reason for the purchase as I was trying to wait until all my debt was paid off, but .... there is always a but.... On Monday the 18th of June I came close to getting into a bad accident because I was having a real hard time shifting my car. My right hip was pinching badly every time I lifted my foot to put in the clutch. This has happened before but no as badly or as consistently. Also the clutch on my car stuck flat and there I was in traffic with a hip that would not allow me to shift and when I was finally able to shift a clutch that stuck. Scary. I was to leave to go down to Twin Falls to watch my grandsons that following Friday. When I got home from teaching and told hub's he flipped out and said we were replacing the car. The truck is just too hard for me to shift anymore and also needs to be replaced. In fact we were going to replace that first but this was the straw. By the way car was replaced with the very same car in the very same color only 8 years newer, and because fate has a sense of humor, my hip has not pinched since.:)
I guess at this point I just don't care as we are in a much better place to pay for a car and I will get my other debts paid off and pay off the car. It is just life and mine will go on. It is what it is.
My goals for this month are to pay Hub's account back $1200.00 and Add 1000.00 to my emergency fund. I still have two more debts to pay off but will see where everything falls next month. I just don't want to do anything too fast as I feel like purchasing a car was not in my plan and with mom's death I am all in a dither and things will work out I just have to trust.
As for right now thanks again for your prayers, I am sad and I miss her so much. I miss the happy mom that I did not get to see as much as I would have liked. I can't even bear to think about baking again without her. I know where she is and I know that she is happy and I am happy for her. It was time and the last 10 days of her life were especially hard. I am grateful she did not last long after her second seizure as she was confused and afraid. At least we were able to control her pain and that was a blessing.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
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