Let us not forget the sacrifice so many have made for our freedoms. This is a special day for our nation. SO many of my uncles served in the military and so did Hubs. Lost a couple of Uncles in the second world war, and our family was changed forever.
It is crazy busy here and I am alone in the house as Hubs and eldest went up to daughter #2's this morning. I wanted to stay home and just catch up on laundry and blog. I actually needed some peace and quiet. The boys stayed up with Schmills last night so we came home to peace and quiet, but I was not feeling well. I chalked it up to just over working last week and trying to get things done before the kids came and then the general running with the kids and lack of sleep. But I figured out this morning it was a medication mixup. I have to take these arthritis drugs at particular times. When I get busy or the schedule it chaos I forget and the side affects are grueling. It doesn't happen very often but when it does it is not good. These meds are designed for release over a 24 hour period and without one of them I can get very sick very quickly. But I am feeling a little better now. Last night and this morning were not fun, which is why I am glad to be alone and recovering.
We are actually going out to eat in Moscow this evening. D#3 gets off work at 3 and we are all going to meet up there at a restaurant that is outdoors with a play area for the boys. I have been doing laundry all morning and the last load is in the dryer. I also needed a bath and a hair wash. Getting an empty shower has been hard around here. And let me tell you the silence is golden.
Sunday as I was cooking a big breakfast for the crew
I made a huge batch of home made biscuts and a pan of sausage gravy and we had hash browns. There were leftovers for tomorrow's breakfast. I also cooked up a big pot roast and two pies which were easy as all the prep work was done.
I had frozen pie crusts that I had made earlier. I usually do 8 at a time with my bosch mixer (that does all the work) then I freeze so all I have to do is pull out the number of crusts I need. I also had apples sliced and frozen in pie portions and blueberries so it was just a matter of throwing the pies together in the oven with the roast.
We took dinner up to D#2's and all ate well and then had a fire pit and also had smores for the kids.
There is left over pie here but it will not go to waste.
Yum blueberry, wish Slugs husband was here as he loves blueberries. This will be gone by tonight I am sure.
Hubs favorite is dutch apple and I am sure he will see that this is finished soon. Well the last load in the dryer just went off, so I am going to put my face on and then go do a little shopping by myself and meet the kids and hubs!
Have a great Memorial day everyone. Anything exciting happening around your places?