Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday, Another chart!

I am onto chart #3!  Just wish I had a little more cash flow, but then I could work harder I suppose. I have been taking it pretty easy for no other reason than that I can. This will surely bite my butt soon, oh well I could do with a smaller butt.

Sluggy and I off to take on the bad guys

I still need to make shortbread, and Sissie was here all yesterday afternoon baking.  I was hoping she would do mine but so far....

I have to pick kids up again today.  Nate is on the road and Sig is triple booked, so grandma is the lesson shuttle. Need to have some kind of a treat when they get here so I better dig through the cupboards.  Maybe Auntie Kay can come up with something.

All three of the girls and I are going to McCall this weekend and staying at a friend's cabin. All the grandkids will be there.  William has a hockey tournament. With this being a 3-day weekend, we will get together for some winter fun.  Can't wait to see all three of my girls.  It was Franka's 40th birthday yesterday, hard to believe she was born that long ago.  She and Joel are up in heaven watching us fool around down here.  That is one of the last things I said to Joel.  Go and find our daughter.  I am jealous he gets to be with her.  But not jealous enough as to leave my kids here. Jethelyn our eldest turns 44 on the 13th, and her eldest Danny turns 14 eghads!  Then we have Valentines Day so we will have a lot of celebration this weekend. I see chocolates in my future.

Sissie has finally arrived, so I had better get to work and look like I am doing something. I have a piano lesson tonight and need to go over the music. I have to replace a zipper in a wool vest, and I think I can do that in the next 45 minutes before I leave for the kids.  Again, I will be sewing tonight. Where does my time go?  I know but I won't tell you, cause Kay reads this, and I just don't want to deal with the fall out.

Off to set the world on fire I am!

God is good


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday, square in a round hole

 This is me always has been, just don't fit.  Actually, don't care to fit.  Some people like to fit. Not so much me.  But I do want to belong.  I want to be part of the reindeer games. Oh, the dilemma.  But now I must get to work.  Work is a great healer of the mind.  It is also a great healer of the pocketbook and mine right now is empty.  So, to hell with fitting in let's pay some bills.

Dan, Sissie and I finished the puzzle last night.  Such fun! I was home by 9:30 and practiced piano until 11:15.   I have hard songs for choir.  It is not that I can't play them, I just can't play them fast enough. Well, I can play them fast but then they are not in the right key with the right notes and the choir gets a little testy. Another reason I bring treats.  They are more inclined to forgive me my trespasses (that is biblical by the way).

I have a pile of little person clothes to alter.  Always a favorite. But first a set of jacket sleeves to alter also fun.  See how I classify my work as fun and exciting?  This often works with small children and now you know my secret.

Kelsa was overjoyed to frost the cookies I had saved for her, and it was so funny to watch.  My favorite part was the last cookie which she licked all over and then dipped in the frosting, I thought Uncle Dan was going to vomit.  The look on his face. That was the only cookie she did that to, but you could not convince him. This is what happens when you are medic for 25 years to a group of marines.  He is a germaphobe for good reasons. She dipped and dabbed and sprinkled to her hearts content. Just a little joy goes a long way.

I have to pick the kids up today and will leave here at 2:30, not leaving me a lot of time to get anything done, but that is my fault.  I see myself sewing into the evening. I had a wedding dress come in today and another coming tomorrow. I am good at wasting time, I should write a book.  You know all those self-help books about time management strategies.  Let's write a book about how to waste time. I am sure it will be a game changer.

Thanks for all of your support yesterday.  We all need to stand up and not try and put people into groups.  I realize groups are important and sometimes necessary but are we doing this for our comfort or for theirs.  It is too often for the comfort of the ones insisting that you go into a group.

So, I am off to get something done. I think...

Stay tuned for the unending drama that is the life of KIM

God is good.


Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday, Irritated

I am a widow.  I know I am a widow.  I was widowed younger than the average widow.  I am not in my 80's.  Not only that I look younger than I am and certainly act younger than I am.  (this may not be in a good way) I feel like I am being forced into a box as far as my service in certain parts on my life.

Because I am a widow, I need to be doing older woman widow things.  Things I am not ready to do, nor do I want to do. I don't want to do genealogy for hours. This is something that many enjoy.  Not me. I don't want to sit in front of a computer and research.  (Remember I do have a degree in computer programming)

I don't want to be labeled and put in a widow's group like I am damaged goods. I don't want to be nicely manipulated. In fact, when I smell this, I get very angry, which I know is wrong. I do believe people care; they just go about it wrong.

Do not try and fill my hours with things that you think a widow should be doing. Do not treat me like I am not of value except to do the widow things you think I am capable of.  In fact, if that is your case leave me alone.

I am a vibrant friendly, outgoing, energetic person who needs to be with people.  I am not doddering around waiting to be taken care of.  I want to be involved in all the fun things that younger people do.  I am capable. There I have said it.  Don't know if it is going to do any good.  But I have said it.

I need to get busy sewing today.  Last week was a dive and not in the right direction. I do have plenty to do. The only excuse I have for not doing it is well..... me. Dang, I need to talk to me.

I made a nice dinner for Sissie and Dan last night and we will have the leftovers tonight in the form of shepherd's pie. I am hungry now. Might not wait until dinner. Sissie and I are making shortbread today and tomorrow.  I already took cookies to my shut-ins.  I have left two dozen cookies undecorated for Kelsa.  Can't imagine what she will do with them, but we will see.

Now I have to do something constructive in the shop and I don't want to. That is my mood.

God is good, Kim is not good


Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday, Not much saving this week

 Well, other than not going anywhere and not spending any money for 4 days in a row, I have not done much.  There will be no large saving this week which makes me sad, but I am happy about the no spending!!!

Had a piano lesson this morning and received a new song for the choir.  I am beginning to realize that accompaniment is easier than playing out of a classics book.  At least the music is easier. Those classics kick my butt.

Tonight, I am taking missionaries to dinner, and I need to txt my buddy to come with us.  I think we are doing Applebees.

Then tomorrow I am going to make Valentine cookies and all of us girls and the men are going out to celebrate Dean's Retirment.  (Dean belongs to Lil sis).  We are doing sister's lunch today and this is way too much eating out, but all for a good cause, like mental stability.

So, what did Kim do this week to save money?

1. she stayed home not much fun, but it works

2. saved on gas by not driving

3. used groceries she had purchased on the first of the month

4. Used spoiled milk in a recipe and you cannot taste it

5. made cinnamon rolls for a treat for kids that wanted something sweet

6.pulled heavy duty buckles off old hockey gear to replace on existing hockey gear, saving money for both my kids and the club.

7. ordered new buckles online instead of paying outrageous prices at Joanns.

8. Went to Joanns and did not by any sale items and it was so tempting.  Got out with a 4inch .45 cent piece of cloth.  Almost a miracle 

I will try and do better next week, I might be able to scrap together $100 for saving but I am afraid that will leave me with no money.... Yikes Kim must get to work.

What are we all doing this weekend? Anything fun?

God is good


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thursday, Better!

 This was yesterday as there was a snow day on the mountain and the kids were out of school.  Signe' stayed the night Tuesday night with the kids and then went to work from my house so she did not have to tackle the highway during a blizzard.  Nate of course was called out due to traffic accidents on the prairie.  So, grandma to the rescue. It was good that Sig was here that night with the kids as I was not my best and I holed up in the back bedroom for the night to get some good sleep. The kids were also very good and let me sleep in to get my rest it was lovely.  They are growing up.  William took care of Kelsa's breakfast.  So sweet of him.

Woke Wednesday morning feeling much better. Spent an hour blowing up innertube sleds with an electric pump and the kids were in and out all day. I have a great sledding hill on my property.  The kids would get wet and cold and come in, strip off I would throw things in dryer they would have hot coco and then right back out they would go.  It was sunny and beautiful.

I did develop another headache later in the day, but after getting William to hockey, Signe' was able to get Kelsa to gymnastics and I just laid down about 5:30 and really did not get up again! SO that was a good thing.

I also made cinnamon rolls with the kids.  They love to play with bread dough, and I also loved that as a kid.  Plus, a warm cinnamon roll out of the oven, is there anything better? Made a pan for Kay and Dan and then proceeded to pack up rolls for Nate and Signe' to eat while the kids had lessons. 

I have not really sewn at all this week and will have nothing to contribute to my savings, or at least not much, but that is okay.  I have had 4 no spend days in a row and that right there is a savings. I did get the book read for book club and it was okay. At least I enjoyed it.  Very mathy and scientific. Joel would have loved it so that made it all the better. It is called Project Hail Mary. 

I am going to run to Sissies later and then to book club.  I think Sissie, Dan and I are going to start a new puzzle.  Maybe Sissie will feed me dinner.... I hope.

I have a busy next few days with family and obligations.  I want to make Valentine cookies this weekend.  I think I will kill two birds with one stone and make those for choir. I usually take frosted heart cookies to a few families that are somewhat shut in, or do not get out to church due to health reasons. I also want to take cookies and shortbread up to the cabin in McCall we will be staying at over the weekend of the 14th.

This cold has been weird, more headaches, and blah than sneezing and coughing.  But I will take what this is over the later any day. Sissie came up and she was sneezing, and I think she is getting it.  Crap!

It is colder and not sunny today, so the snow did not melt at all, the roads are dry, and we are not in any kind of a dilemma here. Because we get so little snow here the city is not equipped to plow us out.  They just shut down roads.  I do have a nice snowblower but no idea how to use it.  If it did get bad, I would get Dan or Nate to show me how to start it.  Or call the brethren from the church. Joel would spend hours blowing snow for our neighbors and elderly in our church. Sometimes he would even take the day off work if things were really bad and just plough all day. If we do get into a situation like that, I am sure the bishop would have someone come and get the blower.  Not many people have them here. 

Well, I am off to get something done, don't know what probably practice the piano.

Someone made the comment that my blog is covered with adds?  I don't see them so when and where and why?  Bear with me friends and let me know if you see them.  I hope they are appropriate....E- gads!


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday, Book club

I have a blaster of a headache, and my book for book club came yesterday so I am laying down and reading. I really can say I have not enjoyed most of the books chosen, but I love getting together with the women. I have always been a reader, and I am older than most of them by 20 to 30 tears so of course I have read more, but most of the books are.... That is all I can say on the matter.

So, I am going to plow through this 500-page book in the next two days. That might be why I have a headache.

Or maybe sinus pressure...

The only thing I was able to get sewn yesterday was to repair a pair of hockey goalie pants for my grandson.  So, fun had to be done by hand. Ordered in a boat load of new buckles for said gear as all the buckles are breaking and old.  So, more fun handwork in the future.

Listed a whole lot more things on marketplace but so far, no hits.  I must be patient. Not one of my better traits.

Everything I need for my taxes was waiting in my mailbox, so I can get to work on those, but I think I will wait a few weeks, just don't want that in my brain right now.

Well, I have a book to read, I will go set my timer and read for an hour and then see how I feel about sewing something.

God is good


Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday, I have a cold!


This is how I feel, and it is only the second day.  I truly believe a cold is three days coming, three days there and three days gone. My head feels like it is stuffed with straw. If you talk to Sissie she will tell you it is stuffed with straw.

Sissie was here this morning to roust me out of bed, as I was sleeping later than usual. She ran through my house like a white tornado and cleaned it up spit spat. I had spent a couple hours cleaning last night or at least picking up after the grandkids.  But Sissie cleaned.  Now she is gone, and I feel like I need to get something done.  Don't know if that is going to happen.

I have had a couple of people send me links to send to Sluggy for her private blog.  So, if you still need to get on the list, you can put your info in comment section, and I will send to her. I am still aghast that this long-time blogging friend of mine has to resort to this, what is wrong with people. I mean really.  Are we not here to support and cheer each other on? Slugs and I have been friends for over 14 years, and she is my rock. Shame on anyone who is mean to her.

I have about 4 piles in the shop and 7 wedding dresses.  Once the piles are done, I will try and get at least 2 easier dresses out this week. But I really feel like doing nothing.  Just resting my swollen head. Right now, it is a scratchy throat and that puffy feeling in the forehead, getting worse by the hour. The funny thing is the grandkids had this about 3 weeks ago, so I don't think this is from them. But I picked it up somewhere. Drat, and double drat!

We finished the puzzle at Kay's yesterday afternoon and boy was it a toughie.  You really had to watch the details as many times pieces would fit perfectly but not be in the right place.  It threw us for a loop more than once. But it was a great way to just enjoy each other and have some entertainment and laughs. We need to find a puzzle exchange, so we are not buying new ones and just exchanging with others.

I am still waiting for a tax form from the State of Idaho so I can start working on taxes.  Fun!  My favorite time of year. When you are widowed, your income goes down and your taxes go up.  Life is often not fair. But it is also wonderful, and I am so blessed to have what I have and to have the skills to make my life better.

I am off to try and convince myself I can do something as I know this cold is only going to get worse before it gets better.  Kind of like cleaning out a pantry.

God is good


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday, February 1st!


February is a busy month for birthdays with this family.  My eldest was born on the 13th, Valentines the 14th, my first grandson the 15th, Aunty is the 11th.  She shares my late daughter Franka's birthday.  Paul and Jethelyn's anniversary is the 17th.  It is all clustered together.  We will be going to a hockey tournament in McCall over that weekend and all the girls are going.  It will be fun.  We will stay with family friend that have a cabin there. Lots of birthday cake and chocolates!

We are supposed to have a cold front and snow coming in from Canada, but sometimes it does not get down here.  We have had no snow yet this year.

I made cookies today.  New recipe with oatmeal and dates.  I had 3 -1 lb bags of date pieces in the freezer.  So, I was able to use up one bag. These are exceptionally good cookies. A great way to use up those dates! I told the grandkids they were a special kind of chocolate chip, and they like them. Sneaky I know.

So, what are my goals for February?  

1. Continue the no spend challenge on groceries and stuff in general.  However, I did breakdown and go to the store today to get, crackers, (I will not make my own) and milk, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese. A can of Crisco some carrots, bananas, tangerines and cornstarch.  It is nice to have fresh fruit again and the grandkids want it.  So, I will provide.  Hopefully this will be the only big shop of the month.

2. Continue to save my change although that is sparse as I am spending no money.

3. Total all monies saved at the end of the week and apply them to new savings goal.

4.  I put money for the month in my penny savings bank.

5. I already have Aunties $500 saved so that is great!

6. Try not and eat out unless for a Birthday

7. Make all Valentine treats from scratch to save on gifties.

8. Pay $800 toward another saving goal

9. pay $387.00 to house interest

10.  If I have any extra put it toward another saving goal.

11. Continue to sell things on face book marketplace. $594.00 last month so not bad.

I don't know if I can do this, but I did not think I could do what I did last month either.  Onward and upward.

The grandkids are here, for the night and the house is chaos and will continue to be until they leave. I am fine with it. I can ignore it and pick up when they leave. Or light a match whichever is easier.

Are you planning any savings goals this month?  If so, what are they? 

God is good


Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday, Frugal Friday, late post edition

 This is a late post, as I don't know where the day went.  I know I was busy.  Sissie came over and helped me with a spreadsheet for a new to me budget.

I have to confess when Joel died, I threw all of my common sense out the window and just buried my head in the sand. I traveled and left home at every opportunity to escape grief.  Only to lead me into financial grief.   I just refused to pay attention.  Now I am fine. I just need to pay attention and this spread sheet and keeping track has really opened my eyes.

Things that I learned about a no spend challenge.  You will be shocked at how many times you will have to spend money. Out of 31 days I had 17 no spend days.  I thought there would be many more than that.  But you have to have gas, I had to pick up three different prescriptions on three different days. So, this is the break down.

1. I filled up with gas twice and still have 1/2 a tank

2. I ate out three times, only once did I pay. I ate out with a widows group

3. I spent 52.84 on groceries so the pantry challenge has been great!

4. I spent $43.10 on canning supplies to make 32 jars of jam with free to me fruit so well worth the expense. 

5. This shocked me, I spent $249.38 on pet supplies!!!!! Now the dog needed vaccines, which are good for 3 years, He also was groomed, but daughter paid for that and that was $50.00.  He is groomed every 2 months. I also stocked up on food for both the cat and dog which I won't have to restock until March.  $100 was paid for with an Ibotta certificate.  But I never realized just how much it costs to have animals.  Worth it to me.

6. Prescriptions were well over $100, which is normal

I had to laugh as I went out one day and bought an orange to make a recipe.  It was .84 cents. but I had to have it.

I was able to get many items out of the pantry and the freezer.  Which was great!

But what I did accomplish this week? in spite of my rotten Wednesday.

1. had 4 no spend days this week.

2. sold $210.00 worth of things on Facebook marketplace

3. Used gift certificate to take Kelsa to Mcd's.

4. Was taken to lunch by my girlfriend, yum!

5. continued to work on another set of embroider pillow shams

6. ate almost all meals at home or with Sissie and used up numerous items.

So, let's talk about the month!!!

I wanted to pay at least $1500.00 to an upcoming bill and I did that through savings and cutting back and selling things on the marketplace.

I also paid an extra $1000 on the mortgage

I also was able to save $500.00 for Aunties gift in February, so that goal is done before the month even begins. What a blessing, and I will be blessing her. 

I think I had a great month. I hope to do as well next month, but the goals will be a little different.

I am so proud to me.

Did you have any goals? Did you meet them?

God is good


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday, I had a rotten day!

 My oh my did I have a bad day! So frustrated.  It started out great with loading bricks!  Which is a great way to start you day no matter what Sissie says.

Then home to conquer the large ball gown from hell.  Which I seriously underbid. One layer, yes just one layer of this monster was 20 yards around.  It had 7 layers, two which had to be hemmed.   Sissie finally arrived when I was just about done with it and she pressed the hems.  Thank goodness as I was about done in. The darn thing was so heavy it was really a two-person job. So, what I thought would take under an hour took two. Nothing gets to me faster than wasting my time.

Then I had a set of curtains that were raw silk, and they had been snagged and torn by a cat.  I mended them as I knew to do with raw silk which can be very difficult.  The client even though I had told her it would show wanted me to do it a different way.  So, I pulled out all those little, tiny stitches and tried it her way and the silk just kept splitting. It was such a disaster of a mess.  I sent her a picture after spending a total of 4 hours and said I was making it worse. She them admits they were 20 years old and to throw them away.  Well, what about my time?  If I knew the drapes were that old, I would have refused to work on them. All that angst and time for nothing. I know this seems like a silly thing to shut down over.  But I was so frustrated and that led to a migraine like headache.  I just was starting to make mistakes in the shop.  Stupid mistakes, and my motto is, if I make three senseless mistakes in a row, I need to get up and leave the shop.  So, I did.

Just sat on my sofa and stared into space.  An ADHD shutdown for sure. Finally moved after three hours and made two pans of enchiladas.  Then back to the couch.

But today is another day and we are going to have a better day today. You know why?  Because I said so, and I am not a quitter. I am a lot of things, but not a quitter. I will not be kept down.

Today I will accomplish what I set out to do. 

I have to go pick up Kelsa at 3 and then have clients coming, and I have a piano lesson at 6. Sissie is here to bolster me up. Bolster,bolster.

My neighbor needs her wash machine fixed and I am going to get her laundry, as I don't want her trying to bring it over with her unstable gait. She can't get a repairman in for two weeks. She was shocked when I said I would do it, and I don't see why?  We all need to rely on one another at certain times. She and I had a good laugh over my bad day.  At least I can laugh about it now.

Okay time to get to work.

Sissie brought me a cold diet coke from MCD's.  cause she loves me.

God is good


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday, Kinda lazy

 I am creating a new garden area this spring on the side of my house, and I have been perusing Facebook marketplace for free brick.  I need pathways built.  I have enough ground cloth in the shed for several pathways, now to find the cover for the least amount of money I can.

When Sissie got here this morning I made her go with me to get the brick, which was frozen and heavy and covered in cement.  We will have so much fun cleaning all of it. Sissie was not amused.  The back of my car is full, and it still needs to be unloaded. I will wait until Sissie is back from her errand to help me, because I know she will want to.  By the way Sissie is not one for hard labor, she is more of a management sort. I love surprising her with these kinds of chores

I did not get as much done yesterday as I wanted to or should have done.  Not a sentence that flows.... I don't know why, I can't think of any reason, other than I pooped around too much.  Okay TMI. But (I wrote but) today is different. I am going to get things done. 

Thawed a large package of boneless skinless chicken thighs that I am going to cook up and then freeze some. I just wanted to get that large package out of the freezer. Have no idea what I am going to cook with them I just know it involves rice.

Have another bride coming in at about 6 this evening. So now I have to get to work. Let's see what to do today... Hmmm....

1. hem a huge 7-layer ball gown most of it cutting and cutting tulle.

2. Alter 3 pairs of pants

3. hem a pair of pants

4. fix a curtain

5. alter a pair of pants

6. hem 7 pairs of pants.

7. unload brick from bac of car.

Let the fun begin!  I am trying to convince myself and it is not working.

God is good


Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday, New week

 Kelsa was dropped off Saturday evening by her exhausted parents and they only had her a little over 24 hours. She and I made two kinds of muffins for choir practice the next day, using up two cake mixes I need to use up.  I thought they were okay but too sweet for me.  The kids loved them, and all were eaten so I guess that worked.  We send all the littles to the nursery while we practice and then everyone gets treats after. It works.

Took Kelsa back home after church and helped Signe' a little around the house, Nate took kids to a jump place, so we had no interrupters while cleaning.  I ate dinner with Kay and Dan.

Kay has started her own blog called," I am not bossy, I just know what you should be doing."  Please try and find it.  It is on blogger.  This way she can boss you also. And report all the really dumb things I do on a regular basis.

When Kelsa and I went to Kay's yesterday, Kelsa trips up the brick stones in front of Kays place instead of using the stairs.  I thought it was so cute so I would follow her. But unfortunately, my clodhoppers are not a size child's 6 and halfway up I proceeded to hit the bricks and fell face first onto Kay's frozen front yard.  Skinned both my knees and ruined my jeans.  Of course, Kelsa was horrified. "Grandma, you okay!"  I looked around to see if anyone saw me and then thought, what does it matter they will just think I am Kay.  Problem solved.

I had a bride in here this morning, and I have one at 1:00 and one at 6:00.  I have a couple piles to finish and two prom dresses to get altered.

Goals this week are to try and get $250.00 put aside to complete the Aunty challenge.  Also to stay out of the grocery store and not spend any unnecessary money.  On Friday I can total up my spending for the month and just see where the surprises are.   

Kay's Dan is home with some kind of bug, and I did not get up on the right side of the bed this morning with my stomach either.  SO, I think Kay is trying to poison us. I will keep you informed.

My bathroom has been visited way too often today for my liking, just saying.

God is good


Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday, Frugal Friday!

 Well, here we are on Friday again.  This month is really moving fast for me and usually, January's drag.  We have had more Sun than usual and that helps.  I almost always socks in here and we live in doom and gloom for 3 months.  Sunshine is so important even if it is cold.

Kelsa is much better today.  No fever and just more chipper. I had her stay the night last night as I knew Signe' did not get any sleep the night before. She slept well after we treated her itchy skin with a bath and lotion. Today I have Will also as there is no school and Signe's office, which is closed on Friday is doing a training day for new assistants.  Rather than throwing them into the fire, which I think is a smart move.

Made a large pot of cowboy beans yesterday, enough for Sig to take home dinner to the family tonight. Used everything from the pantry. Although is does not look like I have touched the food in this house.  I have taken bags and bags of frozen fruit out, but it still does not look like I made a dent.  So, I think this pantry challenge will last another month.

Did not get as much sewing done yesterday as I wanted, and I hope to make that up today. We will see, with both kids here who knows.  I do know Aunty Kay is coming with Pizza later so that will be a hit. Gotta love that Sissie. We were supposed to do sister's lunch, but they will be short one sister. I did not want to drag drippy nose to the eatery.

Tomorrow, I have a lunch date with a widow's group, my friend is trying to start.  But boy is it hard to get any of them to make a decision.  This friend and I are the youngest in this group and the rest have so many health problems.  Is this what I have to look forward to?  Yikes!

SO, what did Kim do this week that was Frugal?  Actually, what did I do this week that was not frugal?

1. Had 4 no spend days!  stayed home no gas used.

2. Went to JoAnns, which might be going out of business.  Purchased what I needed to finish a quilt for my bedroom.  All things &70% and 40 % off. So, it was a good time to get supplies.

3. Bought dog and cat food with a $100.00 ibotta card I had earned.  This should last 6 weeks.

4. Bought a package of string cheese and that is it for groceries.

5. Sold $133.00 worth of things on Facebook marketplace.

6. Used my phone# and Sissies and Dan's to purchase soda on a limit one purchase.

7. Paid cash for gas to save .10 a gallon.

8. Cooked all meals at home or ate with Sissie. 

9. Used meat and canned goods from freezer and pantry, still does not look like I have used anything.

10. Compared prices at Costco and Walmart on garbage bags and on dish soap.  Wal-mart won. Also name brand garbage bags cheaper per use than wal-mart brand.  Pays to check.

11. Dog is getting groomed today, which would cost $50.00, but daughter paying it for me, as I have been very helpful with kids this last week.  I don't mind, but it is nice to be loved.

So those are my savings this week.  My financial goals are complete for the month, and I have $200.00 ready to Aunties money next month.  There are still 7 days left of this month so maybe just maybe I will complete that goal next week?  Let's hope and work toward it.

I am going to sneak into shop and see if I can get some work done, without a little helper...

God is good


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thursday, Sick grand baby

 Received a call very early from Signe' Kelsa sick all night.  Just a bad cold.  But you know how toddlers run a fever at night and then are running goblins during the day smearing nose gunk everywhere. So, she can't go to school.  But can I come meet her at the office and take her to my house?  Great!  So, she is now jumping rope behind me with a measuring tape.

Well just so you can be really proud to me... I completed my goal for the month a week early.  I put $1500.00 towards a savings goal!  Since I am early, I am going to start a goal that I had scheduled for next month.

I always give my aunt $500.00 for her birthday to help her pay her taxes.  She will turn 90 on the 11th of February.  So, I am going to save $500. So far, I have $150.00 toward this goal. 

Made peanut butter cookies this morning with Kelsa.  Gave some to the man that comes to spray for ants, and a few to clients.  Of course, Uncle Dan needs some and so does Kelsa's dad.  I don't think the double batch will last long.

 Sissie is taking my neighbor (who has Parkinson's) to her outpatient surgery today because I am stuck with Kelsa.  I told Kay to make sure that our neighbor was very stable on her feet before she let her go home.  She falls so easily now, and I would rather have her in the back bedroom until she is stable.  She is always sporting some gigantic bruise from a fall. We try and keep a close eye on her.

I am still selling things on Facebook marketplace and an elderly woman came to look over some antique dishes I had listed.  When I went to get her change, she picked up my cell phone thinking it was hers and put it in her pocket.  I knew within a few minutes she had my phone because my watch was not pairing, indicating that the phone was more than 300 feet away.  What a fiasco.  Also said elderly lady is from out of town.  So over to the neighbor to call Sissie, to have her call phone over and over until lady answered to return phone. Talk about a nightmare.  Here I am running a business and no phone. Plus, the cost of a new phone if not returned.  Also, the pictures on the phone the info on the phone. We set too much of our lives on these dang devices.  But they sure are nice! Long story short phone is back.

Well hopefully I can get a little sewing done today.  Kelsa is by my elbow, oh hold it, it is not Kelsa it is a kitten.  I have just been told this emphatically. I need to go get kitten some milk.  Grandma needs a pill of some kind.

God is good


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday, Sluggy's Birthday

 I am not sure which is a true likeness, but we do have a birthday girl in our group. Happy Birthday to the Slugster. Wish I was there to help you celebrate. I love me a Sluggy moment. By the way Slugs has lost so much weight, she is disappearing. We should all have, such will power.

We could be out perusing the donut shops right now.  We live way too far apart. But when we get together, watch out world. I love you and miss you, my friend.

I was able to get everything done on the list, except the last zipper which I do have basted.  But my back was protesting. I can only sew for about three hours now before it starts to complain.  I listen to the complaints, or I pay for it. 

So, I will start today with the zipper I did not get done yesterday. Plus a few more piles!  I also must run to Joanns for a few things sometime today.  I am out of string cheese, and I really need that.  Silly I know but there are just some things that are a need. 

I have long wanted to do a frugal post on my thrifted, free master bedroom makeover. I was having trouble sleeping in the master bedroom after Joel's death.  The huge King size bed, and the bedroom set we had made for us.  It was just haunting to me.  But I am not one to buy furniture, especially when the things I have are fine. So, I went on a mission to redo the room without a great deal of expense.

Our daughter moved into a house, where they had left a beautiful four poster bedroom set.  Sig and Nate did not want it, and it was given to me.  I stored it is the garage for months.  Contemplating when and how I was going to do this exchange. 

When Sissie arrived, she put things into action. Dan is a professional painter by trade.  I mean he has done some of the most expensive houses in the DC area. He is a perfectionist. He helped me pick out paint and while I was gone on a trip, he and Sissie, stripped the room and he painted.  Now we have to put it back together with no money! Or very little money. So here are picks of my new to me thrifted/free bedroom.

Look at this beautiful bed.  Free!  The picture of Christ is from Kay and Dan.  It is a double matted professionally framed piece, and I love it. They did it have room for it in the new house.

Here are the side tables that came with the set.  Ignore the mess on top that is all me.  Books I am reading and scriptures and of course Kleenex.  The lamps are from Sissie and Dan's storage.  These were purchased over 40 years ago and they had no use for them.  So, freebie!  The waste can I have had for over thirty years and has been spray painted numerous times to match decor. Spray paint $3.47 a can.

I love this chalk sketch that was given to me years ago.  Sissie picked it up in an antique mall.  Again gifted/free.

This picture of Joel and I was taken for our engagement.  I purchased the frame and mat I purchased together at a thrift store for $2.00.  Beside this on the wall are Joel's retirement plaques.  Underneath is a shelf that I received from Sissie and Dan.  It contains my parent's ashes, a picture of my baby girl Franka, a sweet card that came with her coffin bouquet and the purple ribbons we wore at the baby's funeral.  (My niece and nephew that were killed).  Kind of a memorial shelf if you will.

I love this corner. Picture from Mom and Dad.  A charcoal from an artist who was Jewish.  He disappeared going across country on foot during the second WW.  The mirror came from Lil sis's boyfriend's house.  He thought it was too feminine, perfect for me and free!  The table I bought off of Facebook marketplace for $135.00.  It is birds' eye maple and lovely.  The little wrought iron angels were a gift from my mom along with the birch box and marble dish.

 My pig bank that I have had for years and a stool I bought at good will and toll painted. Kelsa uses it to put on makeup with Granma.

Pictures I found of Joel when he graduated High school and playing the violin even though the negative was backward.  Frames from Wal-mart on sale 2/10.00.

The beautiful large dresser.  Of course, top is a mess.  Llardro figurines gifts from my mother. Picture of Sissie in a silver frame when she was singing in college and almost famous. The smaller mirror was from Crista Lund, my dad's place in Sweden. Other things thrifted, like the hurricane lamp and the candle stick given to me. The picture on the wall was thrifted (frame/mat) for my youngest daughter's wedding photos.

Finally, the mirror was from TJ Maxx marked down twice so $13.69.

It is a lovely room, and I spent very little money on anything.  The mattress was supposed to be free, but when moving into the house, mouse nests were noticed, and the mattress was trashed. Sissie called the girls, and they all pitched in and bought Mom a new set. I am loved.

I know so much of this is being in the right place at the right time.  But if you are willing to wait and always be on the lookout for what you want, you can have a beautiful home for pennies on the dollar. You must be willing to accept things and redo things.  I am a scrounge what can I say?

Well time to get to work, Dan is here to go to Jo anns with me.  I must quit having fun now.

God is good


Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday, A new week!

       Anyone else suffering from adulthood?  It kinda sucks sometimes.  But I am going to be positive this week. I have so (sew) much to do.  I am blessed with work.  I just don't want it to get ahead of me and that is so easy to do with my scatter brain ways.

Had a great weekend with Kelsa, although she runs me ragged, and I don't get enough sleep.  My need for alone time starts the minute she goes down and I stay up too late and then she is up with the chickens.  But Sissie stayed the night, and I slept in and Sissie cleaned most of the house bless her.   She has my car right now doing errands or other fun stuff.

Kelsa and I baked cookies for Uncle Dan and for choir practice. Yes, I use bribery to get the men there. We made Oatmeal chocolate, chip with raisins and nuts.   I had choco chips that needed to be used, and Sis and I have so many nuts in the freezer we need to use up.  It was a very, healthy cookie and so yummy.  We also sewed more doll bedding with scraps of flannel.  She has so much fun playing with her dolls.  So, do I. I think Mom and Dad and Will had a good weekend at the tournament. So, all are happy.

Sissie cooks for me so much, that I had Dan and Kay for Sunday dinner. Found two nice rib eyes in freezer, and had baked potatoes, salad, beets and corn.  Also, made a batch of homemade rolls, then had vanilla ice cream for dessert with the fresh strawberry jam I just made last week.  So good.  We didn't even finish one steak, so I have meat for several meals this week.  I am okay with that.

I need to have savings of $400 this week to reach my goal for the month.  I guess I do have two weeks to get that done.  I will get an add sense pay out on the 22 that will be 1/4 of what I need. The shop is full of piles!!!! Plus, I have a wedding dress that is done and needs to be picked up!  

Let's address the piles.  (Just had my little person arrive with a whole batch of things and I need to get to work).  I just don't want to get behind this year like I did last year.  There are 4 wedding dresses in so far and more scheduled in the upcoming week.  This is early in the season to be getting so many.  But I do have my Sissie to take up the slack if I get too many alterations and that makes me a little less stressed. She will also keep me on track.  Nag. Nag, Nag.  But it is good for me.

Let's make a list, shall we?

1. 5 pairs of pants and one top to shorten

2. one pair of pants shorten

3. 4 pairs of pants shorten

4. two pairs of pants mend pockets

5. one shorten and one patch job

6. shorten 5 shirts replace button

7. replace zipper

8. replace zipper

That is more than enough for today don't you think? 16 hem jobs plus the rest I think it is doable.  But I won't know until I get started.  Getting started isa the hard part.

God is good


Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday, Frugal Friday and Progress report!

 My first chart of the year!  This means $1000 has been saved through all of my scheming. I took $500 to the bank to apply to my first goal of the year. That means this month I have applied $1,100 to this goal. This is from the 5 dollar bills I save using cash when I need to buy something.  Leftover money from things I did not buy. I only sold $25.00 worth of things on market place this week, but still have several things listed. 

I am pretty proud to me I will tell you. There is so much work in the shop for next week, so I hope to be able to complete my goal of $1,500 toward my savings challenge for the month. at first, I thought I was playing with the Fairies when I made the goal, but now I think it is doable.

All from just cutting back and not going to the store and using what I have.  I did have to go and buy some canning seals, and pectin to complete my jam that I started.  But I was able to make 28 pints of strawberry jam and 4 pints of blueberry, and 8 jars of blueberry syrup.  So delicious.  Pectin, sugar, and fruit.  No high fructose corn syrup and crap they put into store jams. I was glad to get all that fruit out of the freezer.  Now it won't freezer burn, and the family will have jam for the year.  I will take some to my mother-in-law along with some syrup. Also, all the girls will want some and of course Sissie.

Frugal things this week:

1. all meals from scratch at home or at Sissies

2. roasted 5 whole chicken legs, froze the meat and add three quarts of homemade stock to freezer.

3. sold 2 items on Facebook marketplace that were taking up space.

4. Made homemade scones for church and also cookies last week for goodies.

5. Used a cake mix and frosting to make a cake for church funeral

6. used up salad fixings for a funeral as I could not possibly eat them all.

7.  Made Kelsa's baby doll new pj's with flannel scraps

8. made lots of jam and syrup for the year with fruit I had that was free!  So only sugar and pectin.

9.Tried to stay home so I did not use a lot of gas

I have Kelsa for the weekend as WIlliam has a hockey tournament in Cour D Alene.  He has three games in one day too much for Kelsa to handle, so she is with me.  I have a bridal from out of town coming tomorrow morning.

We will make oatmeal, raisin cookies tomorrow and I also need to make muffins for Choir practice Sunday.  I will be busy with Kelsa, she keeps me hopping.  I am sure more doll clothes will be made and lots and lots of messes.

What are your plans for the weekend?

God is good


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday, Doctors report...

 My protest for the day.  At the Docs at 8 a.m. She wants me to take a larger booster dose of the drug I am already on.  Meaning a double dose of the booster and the XZeljanz.  SO, my insurance will not pay for the Xzeljanz, or they will only pay about $2300 of the $5,100 cost per month.  The booster is about $700.  They will pay for that.  I have been living on drugs given to me by a friend who could not tolerate the drug.  The company that makes Xzeljanz will help you pay for said drug if your income is low enough.  Mine is low enough but paperwork and taxes must be done for the year.  I left the office with $25,000 worth of Zeljanze or a 5 month's supply.  Enough to get me through until the drug company agrees to help with costs. That is a relief, but I also may have to go off drug in three months.  It is a waiting game at this point. So, we will cross that bridge when it comes.  I am so grateful for the Drug reps that leave these supplies with the doctors.

I was able to get both my dresses ready yesterday, one bride just tried on and I can finish that up today. 

My day will be busy. I made up a sheet cake, last night, for a funeral for the church, I did not know the brother who passed.  My buddy was to make a salad, but when she called, I told her not to as I had too many salad fixings in fridge (thank you Sissie), so I threw together a nice, tossed salad and ran those to the church this morning.  Gee two trips out of the house before 10 that is somewhat of a record.

I am making 4 batches of strawberry jam to get the frozen berries out of the freezer that I froze last fall.  I had to go buy 2 boxes of certo.  But I figure that will make 24 pints of jam and then I must do a couple batches of blueberry. I also roasted 5 whole chicken legs, and I need to pull off the meat and boil the bones. Sissie was saying," how can you do all this and sew?" Well, I can't but I need to let chicken cool, and the strawberries have to defrost.  I can have many plates in the air at one time.

So, my first line of work after this blog is to get that chicken off the bone and get a pot simmering for the bones and then I will sew.

Sissie is taking Lil Sis and I out to dinner tonight.  I am looking forward to that.  Have not gone out for almost a month now.

I am off to get things done by golly.

God is good


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wednesday, Must stay motivated

 The real problem is that I am not really afraid of failure.  It just means I start over, right?

I was a busy girl yesterday and today will be no different. Two wedding dress, one to finish and one to start.  I have a fitting tomorrow at 11:00 for the later dress.

The shop was busy with several clients yesterday and today will be no different.

Sissie is busy cleaning my kitchen, because I have not done the dishes for two days.  I do not count cereal bowls as dishes.  My house desperately needs a deep clean, as in floors and base boards, dusting, windows.  But alas that is for another time. Today I have to go up the hill and pick up Will and Kelsa, for lessons.  Mom will pick them up later.  I also have a piano lesson.

The first order of business is to get those dresses done!  I don't think I will be able to get to any piles today.  I will save that for tomorrow.  There is nothing in the sale adds to tempt me at all, so groceries this week.

I am still listing things on Facebook marketplace, but sales have slowed down.  That is okay I can be patient. It is 1/2 way through January, and I have done really well on the grocery challenge so far.  It is the other bills that have opened my eyes, like the dog, and medical.  Don't even get me started on medical, it is just too discouraging.

Tomorrow, I have a rheumatology appt. and I am sure I will be switched to a different med and that always brings about concerns.  But I am not going to buy trouble.  Just too many break through flairs, and I have been on this T-biologic for 8 years which is pushing the limits for any of these drugs. I am having so much more pain.  Shoulders, hips, general body aches.  I mostly ignore them but find myself reaching for the Aleve bottle at least once a day, which I have never done before.

We will see.

I will report.  I might be crying while I do it.


God is good, insurance companies are not good.


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday, the party is over...


Not the grief party that still lives on.  It is the shop not having a lot of work party.  The tsunami has hit earlier this year and now I have to buckle down and get to work.  Drat this being able to do what I want most days is coming to an end.  Well, I should not say doing what I want as my family keeps me very busy.

We had a cow go down out in the pasture on Sunday. I noticed she was away from the herd at feed time which I thought was unusual.  Then she laid down and her buddy came and stayed around her and tried to get her to get up and she would only raise her head.  Yesterday morning she was gone and still in the same place. I called the farmer, as I did not know if she dropped from disease and sure enough after feed time many cows came down and circled her. A cow funeral. Farmer came with a tractor bucket to get her and hauled her off, but her friend from the day before slowly followed that tractor.  Animals are funny.  Now there is a big pile of wood where her body lay to prevent the cows from rummaging around the death site.  I have had calves dropped that did not make it but never a cow.  Farmer said she was one of his oldest breeders. Interesting living so close to these creatures.

Yesterday I had such plans to sew and had a 10:30 eye specialist appointment. As I had long suspected I had a secondary cataract growing over my left eye, so stayed and had that zapped.  Eyes were dilated and now only one eye, which leads to really poor depth perception, which leads to not sewing. Sissie came over to help me navigate.  Not a good way to start the week but I can see so well out of my left eye I am not going to complain.  So blessed are we with modern medicine.

Now I really have to get busy.  The shop has had client after client all morning long. I think I need me a list today to stay on track. How would you like a list?  I think I am hearing a YEAH!

1. hem a pair of jeans

2. hem a pair of jeans

3. mend a coat

4.mend a coat

5. hem two pairs of pants

6. replace a jean zipper

7. mend and replace binding on 2 shirt cuffs

8. hem 7 blouses

I think that is enough for today, but I now have 4 wedding dresses and several more piles to sew.  I think the slow time is over. It has been nice, but Kim needs to work.  She has plans and goals. So many plans and goals.

Life is fun and hard and amazing.  Let's see if I can knock out this list and amaze myself.

God is good


Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday, Frugal news!


Well, well, well, here it is Friday, and I need to report my frugal ways for the week. But before I do that, I must tell you about my days.  Because you are all waiting, I am sure. And I just need to spill.
I went into the year with this no spend challenge and guess what?  You do have to spend.  So frustrating. I had to purchase a few groceries and my beloved Diet coke.  As I was out of milk, eggs, cheese, sour cream.  I need these things for baking. I also wanted to buy a couple of boxes of cereal that was somewhat good for you, but not Grape nuts. Bitter, nasty stuff.  Kind of like me!!!

Yesterday, my daughter came down and she and Sissie and Dan and I worked all day putting all the Christmas away and labeling and cleaning.  This of course had effects on me as it flared my carpel tunnel and arthritis in my right hand.  By evening I could not open or close it without extreme pain.  It is still bad this morning, but I am trying to work and ignore it.

The house still needs a good dusting a vacuuming, floors mopped, but that will have to wait as my hand can only do so much.  And of course there are the Christmas droppings.  These are the things that you discover after you have wedged every last thing into a tote and have put all said totes away.  You find a blanket in the car that is now in the wash and belongs in a Christmas blanket bin.  (There is no room in the Christmas blanket bin) Then there is the cast iron advent candle, and the entire box of Christmas books.  How do you miss and entire box of books?  It is easy follow my steps for KIM brain.  On second thought don't.

So now I must find a way to put these things away and I just don't know if I can. I wiped down every dirty tub in the garage with warm water and soap.  I think the wringing of the rag is what spurred the wrist malfunction. Anyway, onto frugality.

1. I stayed out of the stores except for loss leaders.  Cheese was $5.99 for two lbs. limit two, Milk was 2.37 a gallon and also a large sour cream, limit 2, I bought one of each. Now how do I stock up one diet coke you ask?  Well Albertsons has buy two twelve packs get two free limit one time.  I use my phone #, I use Sissie's phone number, I use Dan's phone number.  So, I shelled out for 12/12 packs which should last a long while.  What a bad habit but it is my only vice... If you believe that, I have a home for you. Sissie is picking me up eggs, so I will see what I owe her (my life).  She was going to Winco which is the cheapest store here and eggs were outrageous at Alberton's.  SO, total spent for the week on groceries and Diet coke, $82.14

2. @ Had to go to get a prescription and paid $62.54.  I swear it goes up every month.

3. Bought too many brackets for new shelving and took back 7 brackets giving me a 27.87 credit to my CC.

4.  No money eating out in the last ten days.  No diet cokes at McDonalds.  This was hard.  Say that in a whiney voice several times.  I want you to get my true feelings.

5. Sissie was tired yesterday after I worked her to death and wanted to go out.  She would have paid for my meal, but I said NO!  I whipped up some mashed potatoes, a can of corn, pulled out the frozen boned chicken and added it to gravy, then made a nice, tossed salad. No spend plus enough left over for Kelsa and I tonight!

6. Kelsa and I made sheets and pillows and blankets for her dolls beds with fabric and batting I had.  She was thrilled; no money spent.  Hours of play.  We also made cinnamon rolls, as a sweet treat for the weekend. We are making chocolate chip tonight when she comes over as I need to use up chips.  Treats for the week.

7. I saved on gas by staying home as much as possible. 

8. Sold $210.00 dollars' worth of stuff on Facebook marketplace.

9. Total savings for week with $5.00 bills added plus budget line saving $570.00.  Woot, woot!

Now I don't expect this kind of savings every week, I expect more!  It is always better to think positive.

How did you save money this week? Do you have a habit that costs money?

God is good


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Wednesday, trying to set a new habit

 I looked at the number of posts to blogger I had done in 22 and it was 280.  The first year after Joel's death they dropped to 124, last year it was 98.  I know blogging keeps me on track in so many ways.  Maybe it is the mind dump.  I am sure it is the connection to many of you.  It is a sort of reporting, and no one wants to report their own stupidity. I am very good at stupid.

One of my new goals is to blog more consistently.  I am sure it will help me with my financial goals.  Yuk, yuk.

Yesterday was expensive.  New shelving in the garage set me back $200. Plus, I had to get cat litter and some dog treats. It actually hurt me to spend the money.  That is good as it will make me more aware of frittering money away on needless things.

Sis and I made bone broth on Monday. Two packages of chicken that needed to be used were boiled down and stripped. Then we boiled the bones again.  #.5 quarts of good chicken stock in the freezer.  Plus, a large bag of bones chicken. As I am trying to use up food we already have, I decided to make chicken enchiladas. I did not have flour tortillas; I had some corn.  I had very little cheese.  So, I made the pan with corn tortillas and used a can of mushroom soup, again I would have liked to have made my own white sauce, but I also had no milk.  I did have cream and broth.  SO, I put together the pan with a few slices of left over provolone, and some mild cheddar.  They actually tasted pretty good.  At least the boys putting up the shelves in the garage thought so, (Nate and Dan). That was the plan use up what you have!  I still have enough chicken in the freezer for a nice chicken salad or more enchiladas. 

I am 8 days in, and I have to go and get milk, eggs, soda, cheese.  All are on loss leaders this week except the eggs which we all know are outrageous. I think the missionaries will stop buy late Thursday so I will pick up a couple of boxes of cereal for them.  They like to pop in about 9 p.m. for a late snack and they love cereal. That is the grocery list and hopefully nothing else for at least another week or maybe two.

My garage is all torn up and the car is outside until we can get things organized. I am really excited about this new storage solution.  It will put almost all things within each in the garage.  Much of Christmas is down in another shed below on the property and I want it more accessible. 

Everything has to be wiped down and labeled.  Sissie is a labeler. I am a let's tear into every box to find something and then leave the mess for two weeks.... 

I did pule many boxes into the house last night that held Christmas decorations.  My bedroom and bath have been switched over and also the spare bath.  You cannot see the bed or walk into the spare room.  It is a Kim kind of chaos. I am especially good at this, sorry to brag. So other than the dining room and Christmas china, the tree and the spare room, I have most put away.  I have been wiping down all the storage containers and stacking them in different rooms.  AT this point I cannot take anything out to the garage without help.

THAT IS NOT TRUE I COULD DO EVERY BIT OF THIS MYSELF, BUT IT WILL NOT BE TO SISSIE'S SATISFACTION!!!!! So, I will wait until she tells me how she wants this done.

In the meantime, the shop is crazy full of hemming and mending.  Oops SIssie is here and I am in trouble... have to run.

God is good


Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday, The first of the new year!

Why even when the new year started last Wednesday do I feel like it is starting today? Because all things start on Monday. I had three of my four girls on Monday, or should I say Momday.....

Anyway, I digress, so far, I have not spent money 4 of the 6 days of this New Year. I think that is great.  Although I wasn't one to spend every day either.  So that part of my life has not changed much.  I really stopped the Mcd's diet coke thing when they raised soda to $2.00 here.  I still go but only when I am going out of town for a long drive. I just can't seem to make myself pay that.  It will affect the coin savings, but oh well.   

I have been going through things in the house and putting things on face book marketplace.  This last 5 days I have made over $200.00 with just things that I did not use, that I needed to get rid of.  I also went down to the dreaded shed that is the size of a small garage and perused the place. It is full of Hub's equipment, and it is time to let it go! So, I will keep listing things and cleaning out and adding to my cash box.  Every Friday all monies saved will go to the bank to a specific account for future to do's. 

Sissie is still cooking like a crazed woman.  She made several pans of cabbage roll this weekend.  She used things in the freezers. We have to eat down these freezers.  Kelsa and I also made cinnamon rolls. She had her own little pan and rolling pin.  She was so proud, and her brother and mom raved about how good they were.  It was so cute.

I have a busy sewing day ahead of me if I can just get my but in the shop.  I have to finish a wedding dress today. Then onto the piles and there are a few piles.  I am blessed with work.

I am going to have to light a fire under my son in law and brother-in-law to get shelves put up in garage.  I don't feel like I can put Christmas away until this is done. But oh well I have better things to worry about. Like Kim gained 5 lbs over the Holiday and now she must be good. I hate being good.  Someone give me a caramel. 

Time to get to work, what are you plans for the day or week?

God is good


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thursday, I made it one day!

 I did not spend any money yesterday!   I made it one day.  I stayed home and went nowhere. Sissie was up and I sewed some and Dan and I did a little quilling.  I also finished a set of pillowcases I had been embroidering.  It was a peaceful day.

Today however.... I filled the car with gas and paid cash so $2.97 a gallon I am hoping it lasts the month. I also took Roscoe in for 2 vaccines, total was $53.00. I paid cash.  I was supposed to go to lunch with girlfriends, but the birthday girl cancelled so we will reschedule.

I have been cancelling subscriptions like crazy.  They really add up and I hardly watch most of the dang things.  I will go with one service and that is it.

Kelsa is coming down tonight and will be here most of the weekend as William has a Hockey tournament. She cannot handle the schedule, so she will only go to one game and the stay with me. 

Kay made a cheese soup last night with leftovers from New Years eve.  We also had a nice salad.  There are more veggies (cauliflower/broccoli) in the fridge and tonight I am baking a sweet potato. I will make a small salad and that will be dinner.

I had a tryon of the bridal I am working on and now I have to hand baste the sleeves into this dress as she will be back tomorrow at 9.

Sissie is helping me do up a spread sheet for my bills and savings strategies. It helps me stay on track, as I am an off-track person most of the time.  It also allows her to boss me more.  But don't you worry I am very good at ignoring her.

So, I am off to get something done, so I can play when Kelsa gets here.

God is good


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Wednesday, Happy New Year Spooks!

 So, Kay was tired of doing all the work and managed to slice herself really, really well on a mandolin. Probably should have had stitches. Now she is a Kitchen gimp, which means she will only make banana bread and cheese soup today.  I shredded the new cheese.  It is all about no spending and using what we have in the pantry for us this New Year. 

First of all, I really do not cook any more, and I am going to try and cook at least two days a week.  I usually eat with Sissie and Dan. We have all this food, and it needs to be used. We are going on a no buy food challenge for this month and see where we land!  Now we can buy milk and perishables, but only after we have exhausted our brains and used what we can find.  We are planning meals around what we have, and we have a lot.!

Does anyone else want to do this challenge with us? We can repost what we made or used up on a daily basis.

Today Sissie (Kay) is using up bananas and nuts left over from Christmas.  She also had cheese sauce and cauliflower and broccoli, left over from last night's festivities, so that will be our dinner of veggie cheese soup. We way over bought butter for holiday baking and that will be a blessing in the upcoming months.

As for the no spend challenge, I have made a list for myself, and I will see if I can live by these rules.

1. No new clothing, when Sis and I cleaned my closet, I had 9 new suits or dresses for church I had never worn.  As my size has really not changed for 30 some years, my dress cloths do not wear out.  I am not a fast fashionista, so I can wear things forever. I really don't need clothing of any kind.  I can go a year without.  But I so love to shop and buy clothes. 

2.Not purchasing odds and ends for the grandkids just so I can shop.

3.  No nick knacks or things for the house. My house is full!!!!!!

4.  No travel on a monthly basis.  Things were a little out of control last year as I ran from grief, only to come home and feel worse.  This year I will face it, fight with it and hopefully win a few battles. I plan on taking one nice trip don't know where or when yet.  I can go see the kids, but no shopping.  I can travel for emergencies, like funerals or illness but no grief shopping.

5. I can still go to lunch; I can still buy things for others if needed. 

I am just going to keep a calendar and see how many days I can spend nothing.  This will be fun in a way because I love a challenge. As I said before I have some major household issues that I want to take care of, and I need to save the money to do these things.

I am also starting my money saving challenges again or continuing the ones I have had in the past.

1. save all my change, this will not be lucrative, as I will not be stopping at McDonalds on a regular basis.  And if you use what you have you really don't spend money.

2.I will save all my $5 bills but will put these toward a savings goal at the end of every month.

3. I will save a penny a day challenge, usually add the money for the month at the beginning of the month.

4. I will list and sell all unwanted items on Facebook marketplace or eventually give away.

5. I will use cash for all purchases, this will help with sticking to the list. Except when traveling, but then we are going to travel much less.

6.I will pay an extra $1000 a month on my home loan, which is in the 40's now.  Woot woot!  I stuck to this all-last year and watched that sucker shrink. 

7. I would also like to do the save a $1,$5,$10,$20 bill challenge every week and then add to a savings goal at the end of every month, but I don't know if that is possible right now as the shop is slow in January.

Today I have to get started on a wedding dress that is due out next week, and yesterday quite a bit of hemming came into the shop. A New Year, and I want a new me, but this me is still very sad and disillusioned with life. Help me please! Kim spends most of her time pretending she is okay. 

Well, I had better get to work, blogging is a great way to avoid what I really should be doing... like sewing.😈😈

God is good


Kay here and my finger has finally stopped throbbing.  I hit the bone, and I could feel it! But I did not want to go to the emergency room for stiches as they would have made too big a deal out of it and probably called in a hand surgeon.  If you have good insurance, I swear it is all about the money.

My Husband is a retired medical Corpsman and he doctored me and I am on the mend, ( after three days) but it will leave a very ugly scare.  Oh well, my hand modeling days are over and I will not be doing dishes for at least a couple of weeks!  Yeah!

My brocolli and cauliflour soup is on the stove in homemade chicken broth and I will add the cheese right before dinner.

Two loaves of banana bread in the oven.  I must run home once the bread is out and make a fresh boquet for my Neighbor as today is Her 87th birthday.  I went to Albertson's early this morning and bought flowers and will make an arrangement.  I save vases and worked in a flower shop for a time, so I can do this as well as any Florist for 1/4 of what they want.  Will send a pic tomorrow.

Sis and I are really serious about our no spend challenge and my goal is to bank at least 2500.00 this month.

I have been bleeding cash since we moved and it has to stop.  The freezers are fully stocked, and we are ready to tackle.

I hope you all had Great Holidays!  Happy New Year!


Kay who is wounded!