Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday, Here we go...

     I will attend church at 1 p.m. and then off to the theater for major tech rehearsal without any dancers.  Just lights and sets, and sound.  Still plenty to do, but the list of major things is shorter.

     Hubs and I started out very early from Boise yesterday, like 5:30 in the morning our time.  Ugh!  I wanted to kill him, but he could not sleep, so I made him drive the whole way and slept for about 4 hours of the drive. We arrived home about 10:30 and that was nice as I was able to unpack clean up, start some laundry and really clean up the shop, which daughter and teachers had been working in and it was a disaster.

      Daughter and teachers came home from rehearsal at studio where they had finished the birdcage, and we put together the tent that swings down to house the sugar plum fairy in one of the #'s.  I still have the ruffle to put on it.  I also covered a large box that hubs put on a piano dolly.  It is a bright tinseled Green and I glued sparkly snow flakes all over it, so that Drosselmier will not have to pull all the toys out of a bag.  We will just roll on the box and he can choose out of it.  So much easier, but again one more large prop piece.

     Now the shop is a wreck again!  That is okay all set pieces and costumes will be out of there this afternoon (I am sure more will come in), then I can at least greet customers in a clean environment.  I know I will be busy tomorrow, as I set up several appointments last week.  I did not receive too many calls last week for sewing and I usually don't.  But the ones I did get they were all very nice and will come in this week. I still plan on trying to sew even during the shows as I need the money.

     Speaking or I should say writing about money, I am so proud of Sarah.  She gives me hope.  I am really struggling right now.  I am not sure why as I have had so much work come in and I have done as much as possible.  But I am going backwards at the studio and it is scary.  I am still having the tuition problems, and enrollment is down and I cannot keep up on studio bills.  If things don't change and fast I will be be in big trouble. I will not borrow any more money to keep it afloat and that is what I have been doing in a nutshell.

     Yes I am making progress on debts but is has slowed to a crawl and this month has gone backwards.  I am hoping the Nutcracker can pull us out.  Then if we go non profit, I will still have to worry but I will have a board to help.  I am really ready to throw in the towel and add the studio debt to my own and call it good.  I hate to retrench but I don't know what else to do.  Parents are upset they don't want me to close, so they will have to step up to the plate and fund raise.

    In the mean time I am going to be happy about the upcoming Holidays and the performances.  The Nutcracker is Magic in itself.

Have a Peaceful and restful Sabbath.


Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday, Happy Birthday to our youngest!

     My baby is 22 I can hardly believe it.  We are still in Twin Falls and plan on leaving for Boise this evening.   I have been very busy with grandson, cooking and sewing.  Was able to get Clara's dress done, 3 pairs of bloomers with lace, and opera cape for Drosselmier, The Rat queens bloomers and top done, along with a satin blouse for under her fitted vest and pep plum.  Oldest daughter did all the trimming of costumes so that was nice as she has quite the eye and is so creative.  She also re trimmed a rather plain lilac fairy bodice and I did up a new table top tutu covers and then she be jeweled that so it will sparkle when the, lights hit.

     We were rather tired of the sewing machine in the kitchen and the church sent out an all call for some one to hem a pair of pants and two dresses for a blind lady in the ward.  So eldest text back that we could do it, well it turned out to be 11 pairs of pants and 5 skirts.  We were both so tired of sewing and now this big pile.  Ugh! So Thanksgivingtine(how my grandson says it) eve we were up at 10 :30 finishing the pile, but we will reap no blessings as we complained and moaned all through the process.

     Had a quite nice dinner with just the 5 of us.  I de boned the turkey and put the bones to boil.  Daughter has 2 nice bags of sandwich fixings and two huge batches of soup broths and meats in the freezer.  The kitchen is clean.  I feel like all I have done here is cooked, cleaned and sewed.  Not much different from home.  Except I make 3 beds everyday instead of 1 and chase a 3 year old when grandpa gets too tired.

     I have not been able to get to a rite aid as there isn't one in town and I have $38.00 in points I must use by Monday.  Then I have 22.00 worth of reward credits at Walgreens and enough points for a $50.00 gift card.  I will open my pig when I get home.

     I am anxious to get home but also really nervous as we go into hell week and open on Thursday.  It will be so busy.  In the mean time I must pay the remaining November bills. and get $500.00 ready for our December house payment.  I think that there will be about $200.00 waiting for me when I get home to help with that.

Out My Window:  It is flat here and windy.  I have a hard time telling my  directions with no mountains or land marks.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!


Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, dreading the weekend.

    Tomorrow is the lighting of the Christmas park in our town.  Our dancers perform at this lighting.  We are in Nutcracker rehearsals all day with a lighting rehearsal thrown in between.  We finish at 3:30 and have to be back at the park in the dark and the cold at 5:30 and then we freeze the kids dance and I collapse.  I used to really enjoy this performance, it made me realize the holidays were here.  But now it is just cold nasty work.  When did the magic disappear? Hopefully I will get some joy out of my students faces as they perform.

     Sunday we will travel 9 hours to Twin Falls, at least I can get some hand work done in the car.  It is a long drive.  We will stop at Hub's parents for a short rest.  I am excited about seeing my grandson.

     Everything in the shop that needs to be done is done and I am just going to sew madly on costumes all day and all night.  I will take with me what I don't get done.

     The theater was a disaster yesterday as they are tearing down from young Frankenstein and rebooting for us, but it looks like everything is a go and we will be fine, I leave that to their hands. So nice to not have to worry about every little thing.  My daughter and one of my teachers have really worked hard down at the theater.  I think I am just coming to the realization that I don't want to run the studio any more and I need to find a way out or a way that I have less on my shoulders.  I also need to take a real good look at the house we live in and the neighborhood. 

     Changes need to be made.  Not today, but the future needs to be different.

Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, my oh my

   Up and bathed and sitting with a wet head here typing.  Had a discouraging day yesterday mostly to do with the studio, but I will not bore you with that.  I am getting closer and closer to getting out.  I am sure the stress is the upcoming show.

     We had a parent volunteer meeting at the Theater last night and many showed up.  I was teaching but was told it went well.  We have enough help so that is good. Still working on costumes.  Drosselmier's(sp) fit great and am now working on Nutcracker itself.  The lady that is designing the head, text me yesterday and it is done so she is mailing that.  I hope to have nutcracker/prince done tonight.  Mother who is doing waltz of the flowers showed up and took all 12 of those.

     I have a couple of pairs of pants to hem and two dresses to alter today and then I will get back into costumes.  So that will leave me, Clara's dress, robe, Peacock alteration, Queen Rat, Lilac fairy skirt, and a cape.  But I was hoping to find that at the civic closet.  Tuxes will be altered the week of the show.

   We took the growing tree to the theater to finish painting.  It was just too large even with the high ceilings at the studio.

     I have no idea what to cook for dinner tonight.  Blah....  Hub's came down last night and said there were no socks in his sock drawer.  Well most of the laundry is done, just not put away.  I am falling down on the job.  Well he can figure it out.  I think?

     I am really looking forward to next week with my grandson.  I will take a lot of hand work with but it will be nice to just get away.

Have a great and productive day!


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, Lot's going on in blog land!

     Lena had her babies and they are beautiful and healthy and she is home! Send her a quick prayer and a well wish she is going to be one busy woman.

     Practical Parsimony needs help.  Go to Sluggy's blog and get the info as I am so blog challenged that I can't get the connecting done.  If we all help even a little it will go a long way.  I know everyone I blog with is struggling, but not as much as this  blogger right now.  Remember that is takes a village and if we all pitch together we can make a huge difference in this blogger's life. I truly believe that by giving we receive and I have seen the law of the harvest in my own life. So break out those purses or piggy banks ladies and gents and send a little gift her way.

     Sarah, has officially beat me, but that is okay.  I am still in the running with her to the end!  So two pieces of great news and one not so great, however together we will solve the problem.

     I made it through yesterday by the skin of my teeth.  I planned on coming home and sewing last night but I fell asleep on the sofa instead.  I have nothing crucial in the shop today so I can concentrate on costumes.  Hooray!  I will continue doing laundry as I am almost caught up.  I made a huge stew yesterday, that will do for dinner.  I am going to sew, sew, sew until I have to go to the studio and then I will try to come home and sew some more.

     I need to make a batch of bread, so after the housekeeper leaves, I will go start a batch, water the chickens and have the bread raising while I work.

Out My Window:  Very unseasonably cold here this last week.  It is supposed to warm up some by the weekend.

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, sorry forgot to blog!

     I am too busy.  I am also so proud of Sarah, she has officially beat me to the under 100 thousand mark.  But I am so happy for her I don't even care.  However I do want you all to know that this is not over I will win in the end....... ( I always do.....)

     Can anyone drive to Lewiston to help me?  I feel like I am fading. The shop was so busy yesterday and a wedding that I thought was for April has moved to December 6th!  Add that to my schedule.  My house is falling down around me.  Laundry is backed up, the kitchen is a pig sty.  Garbage cans are all full.  It is just too much.  On top of everything my arthritis is flaring terribly.  So how is everyone else, as I am so jolly!

     Trying to stay positive, that this will all get done.  It will; but at what cost to me?  I keep asking myself that?  The board is in play so I will keep moving. Health first, I insist on trying to get enough sleep.  I could set my alarm and get up earlier, but I am such a night owl, I end up getting less and less sleep.  So I will sleep until 8 or 9 and then get to work.

     I did assign all the flower costumes to alter to a mom yesterday, so I am trying to delegate as much as possible and asking for help. Also on Saturday I am going to assign  Mom's to do other things and they will.

     Sunday I made a huge and I mean huge batch of chicken Parmesan to (freeze half).  I also made a huge pot of pasta with vegetables on the side.  It was gone yesterday?  How did 4 people eat so much?  I know daughter stopped over and I asked her if she wanted to join us and she said I ate but that looks delicious.  I do have two men in the house.  But really?

     So today I am up and laundry started, some things put away, I cleaned the sty kitchen, I have myself ready to go as in hair/makeup.  There are all the makings for a large stew upstairs along with my Judy and I was hoping daughter would stop by and I would send her up to peel the veggies.  If she is not here by noon I will go do that also.

     I have at least 10 pairs of pants to hem before I start on Nutcracker sewing.  Speaking of Nutcracker sewing it is slow going as I am so busy doing everything else.  Hub's is complaining of all the costumes and props blocking the doorways, but the studio is so full it is a fire hazard.  We can't move into the theater for at least a week.  Okay so there is a giant birdcage in the garage, but it needs to be decorated yet.  There is no room for it at the studio.  It will have to stay, sorry.

     Shop was cleaned up late Saturday night and it looks like a tornado hit in there.  How can one day of sewing do that?

     On a good note, I get to see my grandson in less than a week, I am getting my ducks in a row for the holidays. I am still in a positive mood.  What else can I ask?

  Have a great and productive day!


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday, rehearsing, judging, sleeping..

     Started the morning with a three hour rehearsal for the Nutcracker, then drove to Moscow to judge and Irish Dance Competition.  Bought myself a new polar fleece vest and a couple of long sleeves t-shirts. Came home about 5 and took a short nap.

     Gas dropped to below $3 a gallon so I am one happy camper.  I still have no voice and the inflammation from this virus has affected my hands and jaw.  Eating a banana is painful.  Hope I feel better tomorrow.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, have to get out of these PJ's

  I am still in the PJ's from Wednesday and they are getting a little Um.......  Too much information I think.  Definitely need to visit Mr. bathtub this morning and the family room needs to be disinfected.  My voice is totally trashed.  When I answer the phone people hang up as they think no one is there.

     I did manage to sew a little yesterday just sitting in front of the TV and doing hand work.  After my bath I may venture out, if I can convince myself to put on clothes.

     On a good financial note gas is down to $3.05 here and is below $3.00 a gallon in many surrounding areas.  Also our new Winco is open and I think we will see a significant grocery drop here.  Nice that these things are happening right before the Holidays.

     Speaking of holidays, I am going to get Hub's folks gifts done before we leave for Thanksgiving so I can take them wrapped with me.  I will get oldest daughter and her family done while I am in Twin Falls.  Then I will just have to worry about immediate family here.  Oh by the way my stockings are done except candy.  Yippee!

     I am also thinking that I am not going to do much Christmas baking this year.  The Nutcracker will be over as of the 15th but we have a Wedding to attend on the 19th down in Nampa.  Maybe I will do a few things when I get back.

     The bathtub is calling and I have a few things in the shop that need my attention.

Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, Sick with bad cold.

     Sorry sick with cold.  Hard to type as wrists are frozen.  Did get my nieces wedding dress done yesterday.  She looked beautiful. They came in late Tuesday eve.  We started working and I got a lay out of what had to be done.  Went to bed.  Up at 8 and started working on dress at 9 worked all day through to teaching at 5 and then came back to do some beading.

     They left this morning.  There was still the beading to do around the neck, but her mom can finish that in a couple of hours.  I had to add lace sleeves, and a lining to the sheer bodice, we also built up the neck line with lace.  It is a long involved job, but it came out well. 

     I have a very sore throat. I also lost my wrist watch.  It is not on my wrist and I have no idea where it is.  Did I take it off in bed becsue3 my wrist was sore?  I am waiting for daughter to come over so I can get in a hot bath.  My Thursday teacher is also very sick.  As I have customers coming to the shop I cannot get in the tub until I have someone to answer the door.  I will shiver in jammies until she arrives.

     Very behind on costume stuff and I don't even care right now.

     Met with the pyro technician last night for the show and it looks like all of the fire stunts will be easy.  We have at least 8 per show.  Then sent daughter and Ballet Mistress down to  theater to meet with builder to reuse some set pieces and they came back with good news.  But the seamstress and executive director of this upcoming event is behind and has a very bad cold.  I wonder if she will pull it together?  Only time a will tell.

     I will probably have to go to the doc tomorrow.  I hate to waste the time but with the chemo I take they will want to do blood work.  Now I am going to shiver off to bed.  Take care.

Out My Window:   COLD, unseasonably cold for this part of the country.

Have a great and productive day, Do some work for me as I don't think I will accomplish anything.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday, slow going...

     I did not get any where near done what I wanted yesterday.  Very frustrated.  I had a ton of new work come into the shop however.  Just what I need more work.  I am hoping today will be better.  I think I am working on a good old chest cold and that has me moving a little slower and more groggy than I'd like.

     I did a rite- aid shop yesterday, just a few things really.  Hub's needed deodorant, so I bought two both had coupons on them for one dollar off each plus I had a 3.00 off when you buy two, they were on sale and with up's they cost nothing.

    Then I bought two packages of cough drops that were on sale.  I had two coupons making the 3.00 purchase 1.00 and that was paid with ups.

All told I rec'd 4.00 more in up rewards, so I still have $11.00 in ups to spend by next week.  I hope the adds are better.  You do have to pay your own tax here and I had .76 cents in tax.  Well I had left my wallet out in the car like an idiot, so the cashier offered to pay the tax for me.  (he was an old drama student and probably still scared of me)  So I paid nothing!!!!!!

( Sluggy beat that one)

     I did get everything ordered as far as costumes go yesterday.  I will still need to place a shoe order, but as we have to drive to Spokane to get the custom made Nutcracker head, I will get daughter to pick it up later this month.

     Right now, I have to run through the house, start a batch of bread, finish up some laundry, get myself beautified (that will be the hardest job)  and try to deal with hub's who is home for veterans day.

Out My Window:  Very cold here today, we have a cold front moving in and I am not ready for winter.

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, whirlwind weekend!

  I do not like weekends where I feel like I ran all the time.  I just realized that the next 4 or 5 will be like that.  I will really need a Christmas break by the time is gets here.  I did however sneak in a nap between rehearsals on Saturday and a musical Saturday evening.  I also ate like a pig all weekend and my hands are so swollen, that now I have to be good.  Dang!

     I am sewing costumes all day today until 6 p.m.  I hope to get as much done as possible.  I am working on the Spanish Male dancer costume and then want to do the two maids.  If I can get those done today I will be thrilled. Tomorrow I want to do the toymaker.  Then I have Clara's dress and night cover.  I have a skirt for the lilac fairy  The Nutcrackers, uniform and a ton of alterations on core costumes.  One day at a time.  I also need to keep up in the shop.  Of boy what fun!

       Police man dropped off another jacket I will do that first and then get busy.  It is not like my life stops when I have a show to do.  But I do make people realize they may not get their things as quickly or not until after the show.  That is why I have worked so hard to get caught up.  Ha ha I just said caught up.

     I am going to make up some biscuits for dinner tonight and have leftovers from dinner last night.  I might make up a big old pot of clam chowder tomorrow.  I also need to make bread.  I will throw that into the mix of today.

Out My Window:  Sun is shining after a weekend of steady rain.  So nice.

Have a great and productive day!


Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, dumb mistakes.

     I am starting to make dumb financial mistakes.  Mostly because I am too busy to do what I am supposed to do as in pay attention.  Nothing rash.  But enough to cost money that is unnecessary.  Is the fact that I can pay my bills really for the first time in my life making me careless?  I wonder some times.

     I do not like wasting money.  It is too hard to earn.  When ever I get really busy this happens.  I am busy a lot.  The next 6 weeks will be no exception.  So how am I going to confront this problem? Maybe I need to go back to my old way of book keeping.  Crossing off bills as paid and in a timely manner.  If you pay the electric bill late, you get dinged.  It is only a few dollars but is adds up. I just need to pay attention to due dates.  I never pay house payments or CC's late so why the light bill?

     I think it is the punishment factor.  The utility bills are unknown faces that don't exist in my mind, so it is okay.  Well it is not!  I am making very good progress on paying down my debt and I don't need bad habits creeping in to derail me.

     I have been sewing so hard this week to catch up that the house is in desperate need of attention.  I have just a couple more things to catch up on in the shop and I can start costumes.  It is going to be a busy weekend, with rehearsals and costuming.

     Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday, thou shall not kill thy neighbor....

     Okay I love my neighbor, he fixes our cars and I do all sorts of strange sewing crap for his antique car business, usually upholstery, which I hate, but I only do it for him, so I can some what control the flow.  This morning I have a large boat pull up in front and you have to get on a ladder to get into it.  The old guy is (too old) to remove said boat top and bring it in to have it fixed, so I am out there for an hour hand sewing with extra strong thread this old guys boat top.  My fingers are all poked and bleeding and I told Clem (neighbor) that he had better go hide.  He is not to give my name out the old coot.  Like I have time to do this kind of work.

     Still trying desperately to get caught up in the shop.  I just might make it if I can ever get in there. I had to run a edited commercial to the TV station this morning and then do a run to Walgreens for there crisco baking sticks.  They are outrageously expensive but so nice and convenient for pies.  They have them on sale 2 for 4 and coupons for 55 cents off each one making them $2.90 for 6 sticks, which is really a good price.  I am stocking up. 

     Customers have been in all morning and I just have to get busy.  I did go to bed at 8:30 last night and slept until midnight then was up until 2 and back to sleep until 8 so I got a good nights sleep even if I did wake up in the middle.  Hopefully will put the insomnia behind me for a while.

     Have a great and productive day!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday, Not sleeping!

     I really hate  (yes I said hate) it when I can't sleep.  I tossed and turned all night.  Finally got up at 5 and went back to bed at 6 to get up at 8.  I did not sleep well the night before.  Hopefully tonight I will be so exhausted I will finally sleep a little.  Too many details for the show and aggravations, mostly brought on by overzealous teachers.

     I am however catching up in the shop.  Not much has come in this week.  That is good.  I just need enough for my share of the house payment and gas and groceries. I have enough studio money so far to make payroll and that is always a worry.  I will do that this afternoon.

     I am really looking forward to making costumes.  I love to create one of a kind costumes.  Sewing is calming for me, believe it or not.  I have several kinds of meat thawed out and still have no idea what to make for dinner.

     Grocery adds came out today and nothing good is on sale.  I have one more right aid run before the week is out, or I may go get my Zantac at Walgreens and save the points until next week.

     Need to order a few things for the show this morning.  I am waiting for daughter to come over and prompt me.  I just cannot do it on my own.  Actually I will do it wrong and she needs to oversee my incompetence. After all she came out the womb with all of my skills and didn't even have to work at it.  (This is her story:)

     I am heading for the shop and the laundry room.

Have a great and productive day.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday, staying focused

     I was able to cut through a real pile of sewing yesterday.  Not as much as I wanted of course.  I did get measurements taken for a few costumes, which is always a good sign.  I just ran like a raped ape yesterday and I don't want to do it again today. Just too many details yesterday.

     I am sitting here in a semi coma if there is such a thing.  What am I going to have for dinner?  I don't know.  Do I even care? Not really.  At least Hub's sort of cleaned the kitchen last night, so I can go up and figure something out.

     I did not have one customer in the shop yesterday, which was terrific, but I am afraid today will be different.  I also have to stay at the studio late tonight as we have adults coming in for the party scene and I will have to play a part to keep things going.  I am really getting spoiled being able to come home early most nights.  I usually sew a little.

Out My Window:  Cold and rainy today, but the leaves are glorious.  I wish I could stay outside and just ride my bike around and enjoy them.

Dinner, hmmm, dinner,  I hate that feeling.

Have a great and productive day.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, the pressure is mounting.

    As we getting closer to Thanksgiving the pressure mounts toward the Nutcracker!  Busy, busy am I.  I wish I could get my Sissie to fly out and help me for a month.  However she is as busy as I am with all the rain and now the snow and freeze back east.  No way she can leave her business at this time.  I am just trying to take deep breaths and do what I can to catch up and stay that way.  (like that is going to happen....)

     Sorry for not posting on your blogs lately just so busy and with the computer problems I have to give up something for a time.  I am pretty sure now that I created the virus input by trying to be Sluggy with coupons and as we all know, there is just know one who can match her, but a girl can try right?  So Sluggy come clean where do you get your coupons?  I cannot get them here in Sunday papers.

     Hub's and I had a great weekend visiting friends and doing some church work.  Made a roast, stuffed squash and potatoes for dinner.  Also made three large loaves of homemade bread.  That should last us the week and there is enough food left over from yesterday for today's dinner.

     I think I am getting a cold.  I hope not.  Doctor gave me a flu shot on Friday and I expect to be healthy forever.  I had a good doctor visit, will get test results soon.  I need to see primary doctor sometime this week.  Have to fit that into the schedule.  Today I am manning the phones at a political headquarters for three hours so I had better get into the shop and get busy.  Yes I get to call people during their dinner hours and bug them, I think I will call Sluggy, then Jane, then Lena, and.......

Out My window:  Fall is so beautiful.  The oak tree in the front yard is  burnt orange,orange, yellow and green.  All on one tree. Amazing, I could just sit and stare at it, well actually I did for a few minutes this morning.  Deep breaths.

Have a great and productive day.
