I am still in the PJ's from Wednesday and they are getting a little Um....... Too much information I think. Definitely need to visit Mr. bathtub this morning and the family room needs to be disinfected. My voice is totally trashed. When I answer the phone people hang up as they think no one is there.
I did manage to sew a little yesterday just sitting in front of the TV and doing hand work. After my bath I may venture out, if I can convince myself to put on clothes.
On a good financial note gas is down to $3.05 here and is below $3.00 a gallon in many surrounding areas. Also our new Winco is open and I think we will see a significant grocery drop here. Nice that these things are happening right before the Holidays.
Speaking of holidays, I am going to get Hub's folks gifts done before we leave for Thanksgiving so I can take them wrapped with me. I will get oldest daughter and her family done while I am in Twin Falls. Then I will just have to worry about immediate family here. Oh by the way my stockings are done except candy. Yippee!
I am also thinking that I am not going to do much Christmas baking this year. The Nutcracker will be over as of the 15th but we have a Wedding to attend on the 19th down in Nampa. Maybe I will do a few things when I get back.
The bathtub is calling and I have a few things in the shop that need my attention.
Have a great and productive day!
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