Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday, company coming!

 Well I completed another chart yesterday.  They are coming on fast and furious as the shop is busy and I have not bought any real loss leaders at the grocer.  The pantry and freezers are full, full.  Saves money.

I also was able to get all the sewing done by about 5 p.m. last night, so I don't have to worry over the long weekend.

There was so much I wanted to and I did what I could.  The house is clean except for the kitchen, but I left that for last as I want to make some cookies and I figured I could clean as I go.

I also need to pay all next months bills. Several are due around the first and with family here I will probably forget. So I am going to do that right after I do this blog post.

I did not have any problem loading pictures today.

Finally got this picture of the snake down loaded.  I wonder what he ate?  I see the big lump in his belly.  He was not large, but  these are harder to see, so more dangerous. Just creepy.

This was a really busy week in the shop, and I started my usual worry about trying to get all things done and perfect and I am trying to take Cheryl's advice and slow down. Things will be there tomorrow.  I can't do it all and to just take a more relaxed approach to my lists and not let them become worries.  The worry does no good.

 These flowers boxes last year were so beautiful when they grew out.  I am hoping for the same results this year.  I just love gardening and working outside.  I wish I could get more outside time in, but too many weddings.  Well I am going to pay bills and get the kitchen cleaned.  

Do you have any plans for the weekend?  Will you take flowers to the cemetery? I have girlfriends that will go put things on Franka's grave and on mom and dads.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.

Oops forgot a dance costume that is due for a recital today, better go get that done.  It is always something.



  1. I bet those flower boxes will be lovely. Did you put vining plants in them?
    Today is a rainy day -so staying inside. I did pay all bills I have here. Nice to be ahead a little.
    I hope you DO slow down and enjoy your weekend. I already did my flowers at the cemetery a couple weeks ago.

    1. I was not able to asparagus fern this year and I usually put that in so I went with vinca vine and diasia, so we will see. Well these grand kids are keeping me hopping.

  2. So glad you finished everything so you can enjoy the weekend without stress. I have a four day weekend so I am excited. We do have one graduation party to go to tomorrow but the rest of the weekend will be at home, relaxing. Have a great weekend!!

    1. I need to get checks written and all my graduation cards sent out, might do that today if I can catch a break from gran kids.

  3. My goal for the weekend is to "worry less". There's a lot going on with finals week, & Sam's grades, the sale of our vacation house & drama with the inspection & just the usual array of life. None of it is in my control, and I need to remember to let things go more, and focus on the things I can change.

    1. That is so true, but also very hard to do when you have my (our) personality. When you figure out the secret to worry less please let me know. But for right now enjoy the weekend.

  4. Trying not to stress over the bathroom reno here. meh. Have a donut my dear....

  5. Yikes on that snake.
    Congratulation on another chart! Glad you were able to get the sewing done so you can relax and have fun.
    Enjoy the visit with you daughter and grandsons. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I am having a good time but boy is company so much work! Happy work, but work.

  6. It's good you have gotten sewing done and can stress over something We have nothing planned that is exciting. Have fun with your family.

  7. Congratulations on getting another chart filled out, Kim. You are such an inspiration. That is great that your freezers are full. :)

    1. I know I need to take out some pie crusts and make a blueberry and an apple pie as all the kids will be here tomorrow.I really need to free up freezer space.

  8. One of my niece's is an event planner in San Francisco. Her calendar is packed into December with just 2 weekends off. Last year's weddings are piled on top of this year's!!!

    1. I know all about that. I have 8 dresses just for the 26th of JUne and this is a very small community.

    2. Holy moly 8???? Yikes! Time for another tailoring seamstress up on the prairie?
