Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday, Back and working

 I don't think myself is going to return.  But I have altered a ton of wedding dresses!!!!

There are 4 dresses in the shop now.  Two for October which I will do this week.  One for November and One for December.  I do have one coming in tomorrow for January. I hope I can keep better control of the work now that Sissie is here and helping, and nagging😜😝😝 She is so good at that.

I will start a wedding dress right after this blog. Yippee!

I worked in the yard all day Saturday and I am still a little sore.  I just got the front done.  I am hoping today to get out sometime this afternoon. Dan is here mowing, and we are going to plant grass seed in the front.  That may be all we get done this year.  There are three areas that need to be reseeded.  Plus, I have a back area that is totally weeds and needs to have something done. Have not figured that out yet.

I can really tell you it is so nice to have the pressure off. I feel like I can breathe, and I have not felt that way for a long time.  It was actually chili this morning and I have turned the air conditioner off. We will see where the thermostat goes.  I put on a sweater which is such a weird feeling. When you wear shorts or a skirt for months and then put on pants and feel like you are getting strangled; or my legs feel like that are getting strangled.

Well, I am off to get a few things done. 



  1. That working in the yard will definitely make you sore! I'm sore from pulling up carpet in the hallway today. Ugh.

  2. Nice you are getting so much done.
    Hon, you will never be the self you were before - but you sure can be a new you. Look forward and not back - I know how hard that is, but I know it is very important too.

  3. I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling more relaxed! That is awesome news. I thought it would be cooling down this week, but it's supposed to hit 100 again. I hate the hot weather, as it makes it so hard to be outside. I'd much rather have the 70s. (Hawaii Planner)
