Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday, Onto year three...

Oh my, here I am starting year three of widow hood and I hope this next year is better. Last year was hard.  I traveled a lot to escape pain.  This year I plan to try and stay home more and face reality, which at many times sucks. But I am going to try.

There are many projects around this house that need doing and things I have been avoiding.  Like expensive things that I need to pay for, so money for travel is going to be scarce.

I can't let this house fall down around me.  The yard is beyond a mess right now and needs so much work.  But I am prepared to do it.

We had a lovely time at our daughters.  It was a long drive but was enjoyable with Kay and Dan.  The kids bought me one of those expensive robo vacuums. We will see if it works or gets stuck on the piano legs.  There are so many legs in this small house.

 Sissie is in cleaning the kitchen stove as we can't use it since she started the fire in it last week. I want to make Dan a banana cream pie and I can't until that oven is usable. Kay and I took a load of Christmas leftovers as in boxes and such to the recycle.  Kay is going to make a large batch of Swedish meatballs and cabbage rolls to freeze. Go her.  I think I am going to watch the rest of a series I want to finish. 

I have to put up and reorganize shelving in the garage, so Dan and Nathan will do that this week.  I don't want to put Christmas away until that is done. 

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas.

God is good.



  1. Kim you are like the little engine that could. I am glad you have support. My funny is that I have a robot vacuum and every once in a while someone leaves the guest bathroom door open and he gets stuck between the shower stall and the toilet. Then he bounces back and forth and whins to get help. He get stuck on my Great Grandma's sewing machine pedal. He sucks up cat toys and spits them out unrecognizable. And I would get rid of him for anything. Yes I still regualr vacuum twice a week, but I used to vacuum everyday and twice on Fridays.

    1. This is going to be an adventure for sure! I bet my dog hates him.

  2. We had a wonderful Christmas here and I'm glad you had a lovely time. I hope this next year is better for you, Kim.

    1. So happy you had a nice Christmas. I am praying that this year is better.

  3. I do not vacuum enough. I should daily and am lucky if it gets done once a week. Yes, I'm that bad. I felt like Christmas was just a day to get through this year. Some day, I'd like to enjoy it again.

    1. I am right there with you SAM. The whole holiday was painful, but also joyful. Grief is just a mean bitch. Let's embroider that on a pillow

  4. Good to see you post Kim. Hang on - slowly you figure your life out and do new things. It is never the same - but it is a new thing. It took me somewhere around the 4 year mark.
    I am glad you got to be with your daughters.
    Christmas was good here and I got to be with a lot of family. Always like that.
    Wishing you all the best in the upcoming year.

  5. I take my direction from you my friend. You are always with me and on my mind. I draw strength from your experience. I am sure not the job you wanted, but still grateful I have you.
