Friday, August 23, 2024

Sissy here and Happy Friday!

So yesterday was a little crazy and I did not get done what I wanted to, but priorities change!

My Husband has been complaining about his ears being plugged and gurgling and his sinuses were stuffed up.  This has been going on for a while.  I suggested that He take some allergy meds, as it did not appear to be an infection.

Well, it got much worse, and He was not sleeping as it was driving Him crazy, (which was driving me crazy, and trust me it is short trip to crazy for me) so yesterday morning I insisted that He go to an urgent care. We did and it is not His ears, but his sinuses and they are very swollen red and sore.  The Doctor said definitely allergies, but also put Him on an antibiotic for the swelling and we bought allergy meds.  I am so hoping he will get some relief in a day or two.  We were there for four hours but got some answers and then had to wait for the prescriptions to be filled.

I brought Him up to Kim's as He wanted to mow the grass and do a little work outside and I started on egg foo young and fried rice.  I was able to make 18 egg foo young patties (used up some of the overstock of eggs!) and enough fried rice for dinner last night and made 8 servings for Kim's freezer.  Today I will make more gravy for each serving and freeze that also in glass Oui yogurt containers.

This recipe freezes beautifully, egg foo young patty on bottom, add fried rice and a layer of saran wrap to prevent freezer burn and then the lid.  Thaw in fridge, dump in bowl and nuke it covered for 1.5 minutes.  Easy nutritious dinner.

I flash froze the leftover patties and took them home to my freezer and will make more fried rice in the next few days.

This morning, I had to go to Walmart which I hate, but there is very little shopping here and sometimes Walmart is it!

Kim was out of toilet paper and I needed to buy a mattress pad for Her new mattress that hopefully will be installed tomorrow

The Kids were supposed to come today to help Dan, and I put the furniture back in Kim's bedroom, but their plans changed, and they will do so tomorrow.  Dan is home working on our yard, and I am up at Kim's doing a few chores.  I will meet my Lil Sis for lunch, and then back to Kim's to do some more cooking.  Today I plan to make eight pie crusts and put together, chicken and beef pot pies.  I am stocking my freezer with prepped meals, and Kim's also!  If I can get this done in a timely manner, I will also make egg rolls.  We shall see.
This method really does prevent freezer burn.
Just try it!

I order these heavy weight Chinese to go plastic containers from Amazon in pint and quart size and they last a very long time and so much cheaper that Tupper ware type containers.  I use a black sharpie on the lids, and it will wash off when soaked for a bit.  I cooked for so many Seniors during Covid and they were not afraid of breaking glass containers.  Dan and I do not like to waste nor do like a lot of leftovers, so I have learned to cook and portion out for meals, and this saves me so much time and a lot of money.  If you cook in bulk, when things are on sale (loss leaders) you can save a ton!

Hope you all are having a wonderful day, now I am going to dust the guest bedroom, and it will be done!




  1. Yay for Friday!
    Hope your husband feels better soon.
    Thanks for the tips for meal prepping. I had no idea that you could freeze egg foo young. That sounds so good with fried rice. You are a great sister to do all the painting and cleaning and cooking.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Food sounds so delicious! Cindy on the South

  3. I could easily feel guilty after reading this. I was just at the grocery store and decided I did not want to cook tonight so I bought a bag of PF Changs beef and broccoli and a bag of pot stickers. On second thought I don't feel guilty, just lazy.

    1. Anne: My middle kid loves PF Changs beef and broccoli, and the fried rice. I love pot stickers. Sounds good to me! I am the queen of convenience .. lol. Cindy in the South

  4. If Hubs sinuses are giving him a problem, don't make him mow the lawn. Doing outdoor work is no friend to allergies.

    1. Slug; You know how stubborn He is, and I had not thought of that? Will discuss with Him. He is being a Bear!

  5. I usually cook in bulk and freeze for later- it’s so sweet to find a ready meal in the freezer! I made two double portions of lentil soup today- it’s something we can’t live without!πŸ˜‹Bless you for taking such good care of your sister ❤️ Ricki in NY

  6. I am sorry to read about hubbys sinus problem - that is no fun. You are a miracle worker for sure Sissy - I am wondering if you might like a trip over to New Zealand - I could do with a hand at my house πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

  7. I was just giving a woman tips on cooking and freezing for future meals. You and Kim will both benefit from your industry. Even driving around where people are mowing irritates my allergies and sinuses. Maybe you can get some masks for him to wear while mowing to mitigate the effects of allergies. My sinuses are perpetually inflamed and full. So, my ears let me know.

  8. I so hope that your husband feels better soon. I have made a few meals for the freezer, but really need to make a few more just to take care of garden produce this year. Soon I will be freezing tomatoes and dehydrating tomato skins to make tomato powder.

    God bless.

  9. I've never heard of Egg Foo Young patties - will have to google to see if we'd like them.

    I wonder if your husband's allergies are because he's in a different part of the country than he's used to? My mother once went to South Carolina to play golf and had to come back home because she was so allergic to the pine trees!

    1. Yes that is what the Doctor said, but we were raised in Montana where the climate is also very dry. I just do not know!

  10. Mowing the lawn is not the best plan for your husband. A mask might help somewhat, if he insists on doing it anyway. Also, a hot shower can help loosen up the stuffiness along with a warm hot water bottle (or a warm cloth), held against the sinus area, rotating from side to side. I have allergies and sinus issues, and these things help me as much or more than the medication. Just suggesting as it may help reduce his anguish. Ranee (MN)

  11. Hope your husband feels better. And, you crushed it with the meal prep! Well done. (Hawaii Planner)
