- Sissy here and I am running with scissors trying to get the Family Room put back together and I am almost done!

Yesterday I pulled the couch covers off and washed then and hung them outside to dry. I also ruined the Sofa pillows which I washed, but I did not like them so...Kim will have to forgive me.
Putting those covers back on was a true exercise in patience, but does it ever look good.
One of the Grands left an ice cream bar between two cushions and what a mess, but Spot Shot to the rescue and I got it all up.
I have pulled everything away from the walls and rolled up the rug and swept, vacuumed and mopped. The dog hair and sewing string was unbelievable and I think it is still breeding...
Also cleaned Mom's spinning wheel and now just one small portion of floor to go and it will be done!
It is 10:30 and here I go...Okay it is 11:13 and the Family Room is done! Whew!
Now I am going to fry up 10 pounds of burger and then do my onion, garlic and red and yellow peppers for my marathon spaghetti sauce making which will happen tomorrow. Both of my sisters have too many tomatoes which they cannot eat so I have cleaned and frozen them all and will start that process which is very messy. Also, we have way too many eggs from Kim's caring for Neighbors Chickens, so I am going to make Egg Foo young, and flash freeze it also.
Here I go...well I got way laid... It is now 1:50 and Husband needed me to go to Home Creepo for a new vent cover and face plates for the bathroom. I also needed more onion for my sauce so off I went, and then got a call from Baby Sister for some quick help!
However, when at Winco picking up onion they had their chubs of cheap burger for 2.49 a pound and I bought 10 more pounds, and now have 20 pounds cooked up and cooling. I will process some into taco meat and portion it out in dinner size portions. Kim has been eating horribly since Joel died and I am determined to have some quick meals for Her to heat and eat.
Will not be able to get to the vegetables or the Egg Foo young today as tomorrow is a desk day and it will take me most of the day to get so much paperwork done. So will not make sauce tomorrow, pooh! It can wait.
We have now been in Lewiston for three months tomorrow and I need to change our address with the IRS and with the Military and get my Husbands Meds in order which are a mess. Find new Doctors, and also contact Social Security with our change of address. This is just the tip of the iceberg. But what I say to Sissy always is: How do you eat and Elephant? One bite at a time.
I also thought I was finished with the Family Room and discovered that I had not cleaned or dusted the large shelf my Grandfather built which stores the Flo Blue serving pieces that came from Sweeden and I know they have not been cleaned since the hardwood floors were laid, which means pulling the very clean sofa away from the wall and getting the step stool out and pulling down all those pieces, but I will get it done, just not today.!
I need to go clean up the kitchen and then go Home and make dinner which will be steak Cesar Salad and I will have a couple glasses of wine and put my feet up! I am tired.
A productive day just did not accomplish all that I wanted, and that is okay!
It is so nice that you gals help each other out and do things to help. But I have to say - for me - sis or not (and I do love my sis) - I would be so ticked off if she came in my house and decided what I do wasn't enough or changed things.
ReplyDeleteThat is probably just me.
Glad it works for you all.
Have a great week.
Sissie is a force to be reckoned with Cheryl. That's all I am going to say. And I wish she lived near me. 8-)
DeleteSissy, you are a whirlwind.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
It sounds like Kay can do as she pleases and make Kim happy and make the place clean and organized. They both seem to be powerhouses.
ReplyDeleteWhatever works for y'all works. I know Kim will appreciate everything,
ReplyDeleteI need a Sissy at my house… lol. A housekeeper I am not……on second thought, Sissy might kick me out of my own house if she saw it… lolz. Cindy in the South
ReplyDeleteWhirlwind is a mild word for that cleaning accomplishment. Well done! And congratulations on this marathon effort. Kim is indeed lucky. Hilogene in Az.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a sister....
ReplyDeleteI want a twin sister, please!!!!! I can do with some of that help and support!