Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday, Vertigo SPLAT*

 So Kim has been down with Vertigo for some days now!!!!!

It hit Thursday morning as I got out of bed and face planted.  Scared Kelsa to death.  I was able to get up and shake it off. I sewed the whole day and felt fine.

Friday morning not so much.  Flat on my back, vomiting and dry heaving most of day.  It was and is awful.  You have no control.

I was so pissed as I had gotten all sewing done and I had two days to work in the yard.  Ha Ha. Daughter had to take her days off to care for me as I could not be alone. 

Daughter called my girlfriend and her daughter that are both nurses and they came over to help get me off the floor. My vitals were all normal except the abnormally low blood pressure which is normal for me.  But this condition does not help vertigo, as I can get loopy every time I stand up. I have a really low resting heartrate also.  I am sure this is from being so active all my life, but that did not help either.

I had to creep all weekend, and I am extra careful how I move. I even had to keep my eyes closed for almost 48 hours to keep from getting sick.

Signe' and I tried the Epley maneuver on Friday and 24 hours later on Saturday and it did seem to help. But it has not been a good adventure.  Do any of you or have any of you ever had this condition?  If so what did you do?

I leave tomorrow for Sissie's.  I am excited but not excited about the plane as I am afraid it will affect my inner ear.  I am stocking up on Dramamine. 

All work is done except one wedding dress, and I have called her to explain, and she was very nice about it.  Will do her dress as soon as I get home. Plus, it is a complicated alteration, and you sure don't want me doing it now!!!!

I have a few things I want to get done today and I have a wedding dress that is to be picked up today and then I need to pack.

Please say prayers for me with my health and Sissie and my trip across country, with two cats! I am actually looking forward to this adventure, such tails to tell.  Pardon the pun:)

I am so excited as Slugs and Dan will be here in September I can hardly wait. But time flies.

Miss all of you but when I get back, I will be able to stay closer in touch as I will have my drill sergeant here, to keep me on track.



  1. Check your texts and safe travels!

  2. 1st time poster, but long time reader! My mom suffers terribly with vertigo. She uses the methods they taught her in PT but also uses some essential oils to help. She takes some lavender oil and places in just under her ear lobe and swipes down her neck. After applying the lavender she adds peppermint oil the same way. Good luck and enjoy your trip with Sissie. I love reading about your adventures!

  3. The fall sounds scary. I have had bouts of vertigo. Last time, I was holding on to mattress screaming for someone to hold me down as I was going to be flung off. I have had this about six times in my life. But, I could creep about, holding onto things in a couple of hours. Compared to your complaints, I had a very mild case. I did not throw up or actually fall.

    I imagine that the plane ride will affect your ears. Maybe consult the doctor. There may be something other than dramamine. Good luck with plane ride.

    A warm, damp washcloth over face helped me. I don't remember what else I did except allergy and congestion meds.

  4. Oh my. Glen had it and took something - not Dramamine - but over the counter.
    Be careful and safe travels.

  5. My Mom suffered from Vertigo. Before getting out of bed each day, she would lie on her left side and turn head 90 degrees to look at ceiling over right shoulder for one minute. Slowly roll to right side and repeat looking over left shoulder. While similar to Epley, it seems more "gentle" and brought some relief. Best of luck.

  6. Ugh, hope you feel better, my episodes of vertigo seem to go away ; once my low vitamin d levels were raised.

  7. Yes I have it too. If you can figure out which ear is the problem, always sleep on the opposite side. Helps to have a pretty high pillow. Also when bending over, never ben9d toward the bad side. This has completely stopped mine (knock on wood.) Also went for pt and to balance classes which helped enormously. Hope this helps you. Elaine

  8. I have only had it one time and that was enough for me. I was in a hotel in New York holding on the the walls and kind of crab walking just to get to the bathroom. I feel for you because it is a miserable feeling.
    Have fun with the move?

  9. Like another poster I have only had vertigo once and am so happy that I have never seemed to suffer from it again. I hope the trips goes well.

    God bless.

  10. I get vertigo sometimes when I lay down! Epley maneuver really helps, but it takes doing it many times over a few days. Good luck on your trip.

  11. I don't get Vertigo but hub does. He evaluated carefully each of the first 3x. He affiliates it with LOW water intake days. The second he feels it, he lays down on his back, head slightly elevated facing straight up and remains that way until it passes. It has worked well for him.

    If it has to run it's course for those ear 'crystals' to travel back to their home, it is indeed a 3d process (we learned a lot when I took him to my fave ENT the first time-I'm an OR RN and it's great to have contacts).
    I'm glad you have great help!!

  12. Kim, I wish you could sew purely for your own pleasure. It's not fair you have to deal with everything on your own, and juggle your clients. No wonder your body is telling you tales. I'm glad you're getting some travel and visitors.

  13. I am so sorry. Sounds miserable, and I hope you feel better.
    Physical therapy helped my mil with the "crystals".

  14. YES I have it and just had a flare up. Changes of weather can trigger mine. I do the same exercise but my PT said to LAY on the bed not sit. I also take meclizine.Sitting long periods with your head down can mess it up.

  15. I had that for the longest time and then while I was at the chiropractor for something else, I had an episode. The chiropractor said he could help me and did some maneuvering with my back and I haven't had an episode in 4 years.

  16. I get it about once a year for about a day bc of inner ear issues. I cannot drive nor go to work. Hugs. Cindy in the South

  17. Oh, that sounds terrible. I'm so sorry & hope you feel better! I also hope you have a fantastic time with your sister! (Hawaii Planner)

  18. Yikes! Please take extra care!

  19. My friend, I am sorry. This sucks. My uncle just had this. The doctor said he had crystals in his ear canal. They did a procedure and he was good as new. Hugs and wishes for you to catch a break!

  20. Be careful

  21. I hope and pray that you are doing ok. Have fun on vacation!
