Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday, Already?

 Yes, every year we have buffalo deaths.  They are large, quiet, usually stand very still.  As they are allowed to roam, they can congregate by roads, or buildings.  Their heads are larger than a Volkswagen. In fact, their heads are the largest part of their body.  When they hit you, it hurts.  Leave them alone.  Just stand far away, park far away, take a picture far away.  If you are in the frame with the buffalo, you are too close. Little tourist tip for you guys. Just in case you thought of coming out to our smoke-filled region of the country.

Kay and I went to Wally world last night as I needed bridal buttons.  Also, Joanns for bridal satin.  We are getting a hobby lobby here and I am so excited as it will be so much cheaper to get notions.  Mostly I order from WAWAK.  It is a tailoring supplier.

I can't believe it is Thursday already.  What happened to the first 3 days of the week?  I know I lived through them.

Had a dental appointment scheduled, but had some problems with vertigo yesterday, and I know going to the dentist is one of the triggers, so I cancelled that puppy.  I am going to run a Hamberger, fries, and a milk shake lunch to an elderly couple in about an hour.  He is on hospice. Just a nice little change to what they usually eat.  Then back here to the grindstone.

I was able to get quite a bit done yesterday and just have to make a long tie for a lace up back to complete a wedding dress.  Then onto the next one.  I think there are 4 or 5 for August and I want them done by the end of the month. Then my model came in with a pile of things that are due out for the 28th  photo shoot.  So, there is no rest around here.

We had terrific lightning storms last night with not so much rain, so I have no idea what the forest fire situation is, but it can't be good.  Ahh summer when it heats to 110 and you can't breathe. 

Also, piano lesson tonight, and Dan gave me his beloved metronome.  I think he is trying to tell me something, but the grace notes in this march I am learning are killing my rhythm.  He asked if my teacher gave out demerits. Funny, funny man...

Stay busy, have some fun, or better yet make fun of someone, this always helps my mood.  Sissie makes it so easy.



  1. I know you will perfect the piece. Maybe you can make fun of him. Serves him right. I thought at first you were teaching piano lessons and wondered how you could do so much. The people petting buffalos are crazy!

  2. You are sure one busy gal. Work, work, work!

  3. There are also the idiot people that want to swim in the pools at Yellowstone, only issue is they are 5,000 degrees hot or something equally bad, plus even if you didn’t get fried, the chemical make up would eat you alive. Makes the Buffalo people look smart. Hilogene in Az

  4. I am always shocked that people will run up to a huge wild animal--bear, bison, moose--and try to take a selfie with them. That's insane!

  5. Many Many Darwin Society Award Candidates out there! lol Sometimes the gene pool needs thinning. ;-) I am alive and not quite well up here in VA. Surgery might be next Friday. Cross fingers....
