Thursday, February 11, 2021

Friday, In Twin Falls

      Well we made it with no incident, other than trying to figure out how to drive our daughters car. It is so much fancier than anything we have ever had.But we needed to take it so we could fit in car seats and pick her up at the Boise airport.

   Mom and dad did not realize we were coming.  Well dad would not even have noticed if we were there if we didn't make  him notice.  He still knew who hubs was and he recognized me.  He does not know who his real daughters are anymore, but I think he was able to link me to hubs and then knew who I was.  Mom had not slept all night as Dad had kept her up looking for an old space heater she had thrown away.  She was so tired she forgot we were coming.  I really worry about her.  She is very spry, but he has a tendency to sleep all day and then wander and keep her up at night.  Last night he got her up again with the space heater, and hubs slept throng it as he is well...deaf.  I got up and told dad he could either go back to bed or I would sit with him and put him under an electric blanket if he was cold. He chose to go back to bed.

     Mom was grateful for the good nights sleep.  But I worry.  That is so much for a woman her age to take care of.  Hubs younger sister is coming this afternoon and will stay for the next 3 nights and then we will be back on Tuesday for another checkin.

     We picked up daughter and Schmills and Kelsa at the airport and then proceeded to go onto Twin Falls.Daughter was already home from the courthouse to greet us and we had a Korean stew for dinner.  Good but spicy. 

     Schmills and James immediately started to play and Danny was with Roscoe, so everyone is happy.  Kelsa gets held through all naps, because why wouldn't you hold a sleeping princess.Today is Franka's 36 birthday and Aunt Anne's birthday.  Eldest has her 40th on Saturday, and then Dannies is on Monday he will be 10.  He is getting so tall and his hair is turning so much darker.  So that blonde baby boy is disappearing.  Breaks this grandmas heart.

  Other than eating cakes and Valentines chocolates like 15 boxes between all of us, I am  not sure what we are going to do?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I feel for your mother. My father was just mean and would keep my mother up at night. She was young but he continued it all her life. Does your mother ever get relief? Sleep is so vital, as you already know. I held my third through all her naps. We both loved it.

    1. Well it is a worry. Dad does not know what he is doing, but to keep someone awake is just plain mean torture.

  2. That is just so sad about Dad. Poor guy - I realize he doesn't know things are different, but it is so sad for all involved.
    Enjoy the remainder of your visit.

    1. Yes it is such a worry to hubs and I. But we have to let mom make these decisions, to a point.

  3. Glad you made it safely. I'm sorry about your inlaws; that is hard and sad. Would they consent to have someone come in to help for a few hours? Are there any children or grandchildren close by to offer a few hours respite?
    Happy birthday wishes to all. I think losing a child would have to be the hardest thing one could go through, sending hugs.
    Hope you have a wonderful visit with family. Happy Valentine's weekend too.

    1. You the sad part about mom and dad is that they have so many grandchildren that are close, but remember this was a family that was raised to be cheap and selfish. They are not unkind but just very selfish. The grand kids were raised that way and you reap what you sew. Hubs is really the only one with out that selfish gene.

  4. Glad you made it safely. Enjoy the time with all your family.

    1. Thanks. It is fun to be with the girls and the grand kids.

  5. I'm glad you made it there safely, Kim. You all must worry so about Mom and Dad. My heart goes out to you. I hope you enjoy your time with them immensely.

    1. Thanks Belinda. Did you survive your political attack? I worried abut you. You old rabble rouser. I worry about hubs folks and I try and step in as much as I feel I can.

  6. That sounds so challenging for both parents. I'm glad you made it there safely, & sitting around eating all of the chocolates sound lovely!

    1. I am going to be very fat by the time I get home.

  7. Glad you made it safely, my friend.
    Enjoy your time and your chocolates.

  8. Good to hear you are safe. I'm assuming Kelsa is not held at her house by parents during her naps, so a little grandmas holding won't matter much to her sleep cycle, and you get the cuddles. If she ends up being the only grand daughter, careful that she does not truly believe she is a princess. My one niece is the only girl with four brothers, and no cousins on her dad's side. It was obnoxious seeing how she behaved, and was allowed to behave, when we were at any events with her paternal grandparents. With 30 some cousins on her mom's side, she was no more special than any other grand child, and tended to then be mean to her younger cousins (my and my sisters kids). I'm not suggesting Kelsa would ever be like this, but yeah, it happens.

    1. Yeah that might be a worry, but her mom will nip that in the bud. I had a rotten little cousin like that and she was so spoiled and she turned into a rotten adult. She is actually in a low income apt. for mentally disabled, although she is not. But know one will help her or take her in and she has to survive some how.

    2. I'll add,said niece turned out OK, but only after two pregnancies before 20 (miscarriage of one), then trying to navigate college with husband barely out of high school and baby, then 2nd child right after graduating college. She learned she wasn't a princess and life can be hard work. She's a good mom and hard worker now-so's her husband.

  9. Is your grandson's name really Schmills? Is it a family name?

    1. NO I am sorry his name is Williams. But we have so many williams, bills, billie, so we started calling him Schmills. We also have 4 nathans, and 4 dans.Dan, Daniel, Danny, Uncle Dan. Get s a bit confusing here.

  10. My Aunt went through the same thing that your mother is going through. At one point the only one my Uncle recognized was my Dad his BIL.

    Glad your trip went safely. I hope you get to enjoy your visit.

    God bless.

    1. I have always been very close to my father in law. I have always spoiled him some. He was a pretty hard father and his kids are not really close to him because of it, but I just gave his crap right back to him and I think he either respected me or was a little in awe. But then I loved him unconditionally.
