Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Tuesday, I need calm


Went out last night just before dusk to water all the flowerpots and came upon a rattlesnake right by my back deck steps.  Scared me to death!  I screamed threw the hose in the air and ran in the house.  I still had watering to do, so ran to neighbors and got him to come over with a shovel and kill it.  Not very large about 1 inch in diameter and 18 inch long.  This picture is not a picture of my snake.  Anyway, it is dead and thrown out into the pasture.  I was so keyed up I did not sleep until after 3 p.m. 

I always do a perimeter search before I let my grandkids off the porch, and they are not allowed in the bottom of the lot where the tall grass is.  I will have Nate do a snake fence walk and see where the hole is that this rascal got through and fix it before the kids are allowed back in the yard.
Any way I slept very late and the missionaries woke me with sewing to do,  ( shirts to shorten the sleeves as the 103 temps here are just too hot for long sleeves.) Finally got them and a bride taken care of but was needed at an elderly woman's house to help her with her phone problems. My best buddy was already there when I arrived late and what a mess.

I had taken rubber gloves and an apron with me and then did not put on gloves and got bit by some spider.  Dumb me.  My buddy found the phone and low and behold it worked so that crisis was averted.  Then we proceeded to try and clean a little.  This poor sister is somewhat of a hoarder.  I don't think she always was; it is just as she has aged, and her memory is slipping she thinks she needs everything. We stayed for about 1.5 hours and cleaned just around her chair.  Two large bags of trash and magazines, old phone books etc.  Made sure to take it home so she could not go through it and put everything back.  I had an asthma attack while there due to dust. Next time will take inhaler. 

So we made a plan to return once a week for a couple of hours and try to clean small sections at a time.  It is all we can do.  But in the meantime, I had a bridal pick up at noon that I was late for that as I got stuck in some construction hold up.  Luckily daughter had stopped by house and told people to wait for me.

I now have a terrible headache.  I have taken something for it.  I have the wedding dress from hell to get ready for a fitting tomorrow.  Sissie is due in at noon tomorrow.  The house is a wreck, and she is going to kill me.  But I don't care as I am so excited, she is coming.

Sissie sent Lil sis and I a package and said we could not open it until she gets here.  But Lil sis is so horrible at waiting.  I have had to fight her off for a few weeks now.  Yesterday she was here and wanted some scissors and I told her no as I knew she would go open the package, This is what I found.

Trying to use her teeth. 

 A close up of her obnoxious self.

Then I see this... Trying to sneak out the door.  She is impossible.

Anyway, I need to go sew or rest my head. Between, snakes, sisters, spiders, missionaries, I just need calm.



  1. Holy cow, you lead an exciting life ;). A hair on fire kind of day indeed! A few days ago, I found a scorpion in my new home, on the carpet. While living in Phoenix everyone finds a scorpion occasionally, this one was in my living room and the same color as the horrible original carpet. In my last house, we had tile floors so any wildlife stuck out and was very visible. Here the scorpion and the carpet are beige. I ran and got my windex and sprayed the crap out of it till it stopped moving, then got BBQ tongs and took it outside and killed it even deader. Ha! Anyway, you are doing great in the wedding dress department, the end is in sight! Hilogene in Az

    1. KAy said I had to learn to kill snakes deader like Hilogene.

  2. Oh crap - a rattler!!!! I would be moving!!!!!!!! That would have scared the begesus out of me too. Hey, it is your house and you can keep it in order you so feel. Don't let sis get on you. I figure if you don't like what you see when you come to my house - then leave. That is just me!
    Hope you sleep tonight.

  3. Yikes! I'd have set a world record for the high jump, even with my bad ankles!! From the pics (above) you house looks pretty darned good to me. Love the flooring. It reminded me we need to run the Roomba. LOL! Very kind of you to help the elderly woman. It's going to be nice to have your Sissy there, when you and Lil Sis can open the package and you can all spend some time together and (as we say here) "chillax." --Elise

  4. AACK!!! That would be scary so close and close to your grandchildren. Don't they make a snake repellent?
    When I was younger, I got caught helping elderly people and it just about took over my life some days. But, I was young and healthy. Next time, wear a mask along with the gloves.
    Was she sneaking off to find scissors at her place?

  5. Laughing at Hilogene's "Killed it deader" I would be right there with you Hilogene!
    Wishing you a Diet Coke, doughnut/s and some intense calm

  6. We get 8 feet of snow in April and technically a rattler is possible, but I'll take the snow over a snake in my back yard. That poor older woman- and I feel for how her house got in that state as my kids dug me out of clutter and chaos.

    1. Oh Sam I worry about the same thing. Saving every rubber band.

  7. Yes, Hilogene's "Killed it deader" gave me a chuckle. My kitties have been bringing me presents of a garter snake once in a while. I'm usually screaming for my Husband to come and get it and he hates snakes too.

  8. Oh wow on the snake! So glad the neighbor helped. I'm like Indiana Jones in that I hate snakes. So sweet of you to help the older lady clean. Hope that your head and allergies are better. Your lil sis is so funny. Hope you have a wonderful time with family.

  9. double barrel shotgun... I think the snakes around here know I will shoot on sight. OMG. The worse was finding Charlotte rolling on what I thought was a snake and thought it had bit her, it was the skin of a garden snake and she had been stung by a bee that she killed on the snake skin. Wasn't thrilled to find a fox on my patio chair either. It heard Charlotte and ran like it was being burn with the flames of Hades... just life in the country now day.

    1. When rattlesnakes roll over their belly is bright white.

  10. YIKES on the snake, but I am laughing out loud over sis and that package. 😂

  11. Sis trying to open the package with her teeth: Best. Photo. Ever.
