Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday, I will get something done today

 I am telling you I cannot get anything done... Probably because I have two three-year-olds here for the past 48 hours.  I am determined today to finish something besides a can of diet coke.

Slug goes in for her knee surgery in the morning, so we all need to be praying for a good outcome. Like they don't do the wrong knee, or something like that.

My computer is grinding at the slowest rate I have ever seen. Driving me crazy. 

I made a list of things to get done and one of them was blogging so while I am sitting here complaining I am actually completing a list! 

I think this is the last time I will have the kids before I leave so I want the house really clean.  Oh, who am I kidding? Something will blow the whole thing up.  How is that for a positive outlook?

I did get the spare room cleaned and vacuumed as the kids have been sleeping in there.  All of the laundry is done. I am going to get the floors done today if it kills me. As in all vacuumed and mopped.  Also get the bathrooms deep cleaned they are in desperate need. I hate coming home to a dirty house.

Signe's (daughter #2) office is blowing up and that just makes things hard, not only on her, but on me as I am the sitter.  The schedule is constantly changing, I am ready to go down there and start working as an assistant just to keep things on even keel but hold it I am the sitter. Drats, that brilliant plan won't work.  Let's think of another.

You know slow and steady; I just keep moving toward the goal.  My next task is to pick up all the toys again.  Because I have only done that 10 times in the last 24 hours.  Okay that is an exaggeration it has been 11 Times. But I cannot vacuum with toys all over.

I need to find my rubber gloves to clean the bathrooms and I think they might be outside.  Great! But I will not let that throw me.  Those bathrooms will be cleaned, I am determined.

My poor niece that is my eldest daughter's age broke her ankle and had to have surgery yesterday.  She lives out in the toolies of Idaho, so you can't even send a meal or get to her to help.  She does have sister in laws on the ranch and I hope they step up.  Her two oldest daughters are away, and it is just boys, and I know harvest is not over. 

I am loving running, it has really helped my mood, even if it has not helped my get things done button.  But I don't feel so discouraged.  Went to dinner with my bestie and she said I was glowing.  Maybe good lighting? Time for my closeup Mister Demille.

I have a funeral on Saturday.  Good friend of ours, he had dementia.  He was at Joel's funeral in a wheelchair.  It is a blessing, but still sad.  I am taking in funeral potatoes. I have to laugh because Joel despised funeral potatoes and told me he did not want them at his funeral. 

Well, I had better go find something to cover my hands so I can scrub the bathrooms, I think my gloves are out by the garden. 



  1. I truly don't know how you do ANYTHING with littles around! Leave the toys until bedtime - they will just get them out again. It is ok.
    I am glad to hear someone say you were glowing!!!! You sounds much improved. I am happy for that. Take care.

    1. Well I did leave that room for last as why bother?

  2. I love funeral potatoes! I could not get anything done at home when my kids were little and had to go to the office to work.Have fun with Sissy! Cindy in the South

    1. I did leave the toy mess for last, and did it after they left.

  3. Ok, I‘m clueless- what are funeral potatoes?

    1. Some kind of potatoes, whether, pre cooked and frozen or cooked by you, swirled in canned soup and cheese and sour cream, and baked in a pan. Take a lovely potato and cover it with so much sodium you should be eating it. Are they good? Yes, but.....?

    2. They sound delicious! ☺️

  4. I don’t know what funeral potatoes are either. I am guessing they are some form of scalloped potatoes?

    I laughed out loud at your Mister Demille comment, first I was confused, then I tied the name to Cecil B. demille. Good one! Made me use my brain. I sent prayers just now for Sluggy and her knee surgery! I feel so bad that they moved all the way to Louisiana and it is turning out to be not great.

    I wish you a huge burst of home cleaning ;). I have part of my place sectioned off due to renovations so only have to clean one bathroom, one bedroom and the kitchen and still I grouse. I timed myself vacuuming and it took me 15 minutes. I was embarrassed I mentally had such a tantrum for a 15 minute task. Oh well….

    The renovation of my townhouse/condo is in full swing. Yesterday they replaced windows, today the sliding glass door. Yikes, what a mess. I swept the floor twice and it still crunches when I walk on it. I know, you lived through much worse when they did your kitchen, but still, I complain ;). But it will be lovely to have windows that seal! Happy cleaning, hilogene in Az.

    1. Funeral potatoes are this delightful, carb and calorie heavy concoction usually consisting of tater tots or hash browns, different cheeses, sour cream, sometimes o ion, etc. Basically a potato casserole on steroids… lol. Cindy in the South

    2. I have mental tantrums all the time and then when I do the task, I say why?

  5. So glad that running is helping your mood! Fingers crossed you can get a bit done today.
