Monday, June 3, 2024

Two Blogs in one Day...this is Sissy's


Okay troops the Holy Medal did it! Our offer was accepted, and we are on a role... so busy!  We went through inspection, and we will pay eventually for a new furnace and A/C, after all we low bid by 36K so all is well, and we will let those two units run for a bit.

Today was the sewer inspection and it passed but still makes me nervous as the house was built in 1928 and Lord knows when it was hooked up to City Sewer?

The House is old, but we love it, and it will be out Home.  Our Home in DC, they want to close early but have not walked through the house yet?  I am sure it is an investor wanting it for a rental.

Phone call after phone call from title companies and I want to scream.  Do your job and leave me alone!  Is this not why we hire Real Estate Agents?  I think I am just out of touch, as I am tired.

We purchased our last Home 29 years ago from a builder and they took care of it all! I am spoiled!

I managed to put a roast in the oven an hour ago and it smells terrific but is not done yet.  Kim is outside spraying weeds and we have organized the shop (AGAIN) somewhat, as I have not been here all day.  Kim did finish a very complicated Wedding Dress, so She gets Kudos! 

After sewer inspection we went to a Good Furniture store and Sudo purchased three new mattresses and two leather recliners, as the Family Room (if you want to call it that is very small) and Sluggy needs Her Jeopardy and I left Her chairs behind!  There will be no TV in the formal living room and only in three bedrooms, so the Family room is it for TV.  Room for two maybe three people.

Daniel and I are still debating the purple carpet in one bedroom.  It is in very good shape and on good padding.

He says He wants it gone and I say keep it!  He is willing to get rid of two large deer heads (and when I say large, I mean it) or the Family Room will have to take them, and Guests will be impaled?  So, the debate is on.  This bedroom will be my dressing room and closet with a little white bedroom suit that was my mothers.  Twin bed but I can use this when I have Guests, or if  Sluggy cannot get into my antique bed in my Room...we shall see. NO more wounds like that past which was pure ugly, and the blood was awful! However, if She bleed on this carpet, it would never show and if she falls out of this bed, she will be fine.!

My Cat Bud is being a PIA and waking Kim up every night as His body clock has not adjusted and Kim sleeps on my side of the bed. We share the same DNA so Bud smells (Cat that is not going to get in Harvard) me and wants to get up at 1:00 in the morning.  Tonight, we are locking Him in my Husbands bedroom. 

The roast is done, and I must go.  Share the purple carpet debate. Table is set and I will serve and do the dishes and I am very tired...


Sissy (Kay)


  1. Congratulations!!!! Fantastic!!! Also, keep the purple carpet! It will look great with white furniture and it will not show dirt as much! You can get rid of it later if you don’t like it! Cindy in the South

    1. Well Cindy I can let Sluggy sleep in there and bleed all she wants. She has slept on this bed many a night, although the mattress went to the dump in DC and I have purchased another one.

    2. Bet Sluggy would love that… lol. Cindy in the South

  2. I didn't picture purple carpet in good shape. In 2024, I had visions of 80's style. So keep and see how you enjoy.

    1. Oh Sam we shall see and will keep you informed!

  3. The Purple Carpet is the color of royalty, and I decree it, so it shall stay!(at least until I come see y'all in the Fall). 8-)

  4. To get rid of the two deer heads, I would sacrifice the purple carpet. It's wonderful you got the house so low. You can call city or county or somewhere to find when the house was hooked up to city. I accidentally found out when mine was hooked up.

  5. Congratulations on the new house! So exciting!
    I think I would keep the purple carpet for now. One less thing to deal with, so you can get moved into your new home.

  6. CONGRATS!!!! So happy for you. Good carpet is good carpet. Keep it - with white furniture it will look darling. Deer heads - you have a garage or out building? He could display that way. Now the fun begins!!!

    1. Oh Cheryl; I just love you! The animal heads are going this weekend to Monatana... God Willing and the Creek don't rise!

  7. I'd get rid of those odd velvet drapes before I yanked up that perfectly good carpeting. And the color is NICE! Cheryl is right--it will look so pretty with white furniture. Not to mention it's the color of Monster Energy Ultra Violet, which is my favorite drank.
    It's your room, so why should DH care?

    Deer heads? Ugh. Ick. Death heads as decoration--never, ever understood it.
    Out with the first bulky waste pickup. Or offer them on the local Buy Nothing group.
    Tell DH they ran off one day and you haven't seen them since.

    1. Sue; You are so right the drapes are going, the window treament not sure... I have lived with Dead Animal motif for waiting for it to go...the purple carpet is staying... I have plans within plans and will keep you all posted!

  8. I can't believe I am saying this but the purple carpet is not obnoxious, and it would be one less expense. Keep it (for now)
    Deer Heads require a huge rustic room.

    1. Oh Annie the debate is still out? You have room for deer heads and Hubby is retiring, so drive out here and get one or two!

  9. I love the purple carpet. When I moved into my condo I seriously considered installing purple carpet in the master bedroom. I ended up going with laminate as carpet collects so much dust, skin cells, etc. Congratulations on your new home and good luck negotiating with your husband!

    1. Dear Ladybug;

      I understand about the muck on carpet! We vacuum at least a sweater every week from the Cats and the Lord knows what else, but still above ground so we are fine!

  10. New, old, purple or beige, carpet, in our minds, is the devil's underarm hair! What's underneath it? If the house was built in the 1920's, it very well may have nice wood floors. In the northeast where I grew up, people had a nasty habit of carpeting over beautiful wood floors. Worse still, was the linoleum over them! Our summer project one year when I was a young teen was to pull up the linoleum in the kitchen. We had to complete a certain measured amount before we were free to do anything else. Only the siblings who had to leave for part time jobs were spared this edict. Underneath was beautiful, hard rock maple wood flooring, laid in the most interesting pattern--narrow strips in the center, wider ones on the perimeter.

    1. Dear Meg: Trust me it is uneven cement floor. A true Freddy Cruger (sp?) basement. Lots of good padding! The upstairs floors are gorgeous hard wood.
      Sissy and I spent summers stripping mahogany from years of lead paint and then we wonder why we have issues! ha! ha!

  11. I'm with Meg. Carpet is an absolute no for me, and we have none in our house. But, it's in much better shape than I expected, and congrats on the house! (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Dear Hawaii: I agree, but I have Cats and Carpet hides SIN although we vacuum every day. We had a beautiful Baby Grand Piano in DC and we were in a Row Home and my mother and Sisters play beautifully. sound travels through wall and ricocheted so I did this for my Neighbors as we were an inside unit. I love carpet in a bedroom, and it depends on where you live for this warmth. If you saw the basement where my bedroom will be you will so understand. I chose these two rooms for a reason, and they must have carpet. Hardwood would be impossible due to the uneven basement floors.

      You will love it if I ever get to see you@

    2. I can imagine that the sound proofing would be super helpful. DH grew up in Iran, where you have rugs, but carpeting (maybe it's changed - he hasn't lived there since he was 16) isn't a thing. So, he's grossed out by it. When we lived in Seattle, the floors would get cold, but in California, I don't mind not having carpet at all. (Hawaii Planner). Would love to see the house!

  12. Congratulations!!!

    God bless.

  13. Our front room floor was painted deep purple, we had periwinkle (turned pink in morning and dusky blue in evening) walls Other colors was pale yellow and ivory..

  14. The purple is not as bad as I thought it would be. I say get rid of the deer heads, pretend you are OK with the carpet for now, but take it out asap anyway LOL :p I think it may work if it is just the guest room vs a room that sees major traffic, but I like you Sissy and I want you to get your way all the time :D
