Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tuesday, Playing with worms

 This picture was taken years ago, and just sent to me by my sister-in-law.  We were out moving sprinkler pipe in potatoes up by West Yellowstone. 

This is Cindy (Joel's little sister and her son Bo and me in the middle). We headed out really early to get this done so TY (brother-in-law could go with us to get some fun as we say. I think those muck boots were way too big for me, but I sloshed along.

Oliver is here today and last night I worked for about 2 hours in the rock.  We found many worms and Oliver was thrilled. I made him leave them outside.  So, this morning we had to go find more worms.  Who knew this would be so fascinating?

Finishing up a wedding dress today and continuing to sew on prom dresses.  Just so much to do.  But I am determined to get a little rock work done every day. 

Took Auntie to the airport this morning and I will sure miss her.  She has been here just short of two months. I hope she can come again next year. She gets around amazingly well for someone her age.

Oliver just dropped his worms on the shop floor. Yikes!



  1. Worms - oh my!!! I am NOT a fan! Little boys sure do like creepy things.

    1. I know, he had to bring them inside now I am afraid to look for them.

  2. Oh, I think the worm find is great! Though, not on your shop floor. I'm glad you have such a lovely family. Mine are burning me out.

  3. I just hope you gathered all the worms before they got to the pro dresses or wedding gowns.

    1. I was just thinking about if one slithered out in the middle of the wedding…. lol. Cindy in the South

    2. Well they were mostly kilt and replaced.

  4. My youngest loved worms and bugs. My son was okay with them, other daughter was not a fan at all. Like you, I did not want them in my house, but the youngest would sneak them in. Thankfully, I never had them on the floor. I am glad you and Oliver had fun.

    1. My youngest was a girl.
      Practical Parsimony

    2. No they were contained in tupperware that has now been thouroughly washed.

  5. Dear Kim, I lay awake at night wondering if you saw my apology for the comment I made not too long ago. Siobhan called me out on the comment saying it was unpleasant and I should not have commented at all. Please know I was just trying to convey to you how you inspire me and it bothers me so much that my comment came across the wrong way. I think you are an awesome lady in so many ways. My apologies and though I will continue to look forward to your posts I promise not to comment anymore as sometimes my written words do not reflect the true meaning I am trying to share. I didn't know if you saw my reply apologizing after being called out. Busted&Disgusted

    1. Oh Sweetie I did not take is wrong. Do not worry. Love you always.
