Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday, Frugal Friday, late post edition

 This is a late post, as I don't know where the day went.  I know I was busy.  Sissie came over and helped me with a spreadsheet for a new to me budget.

I have to confess when Joel died, I threw all of my common sense out the window and just buried my head in the sand. I traveled and left home at every opportunity to escape grief.  Only to lead me into financial grief.   I just refused to pay attention.  Now I am fine. I just need to pay attention and this spread sheet and keeping track has really opened my eyes.

Things that I learned about a no spend challenge.  You will be shocked at how many times you will have to spend money. Out of 31 days I had 17 no spend days.  I thought there would be many more than that.  But you have to have gas, I had to pick up three different prescriptions on three different days. So, this is the break down.

1. I filled up with gas twice and still have 1/2 a tank

2. I ate out three times, only once did I pay. I ate out with a widows group

3. I spent 52.84 on groceries so the pantry challenge has been great!

4. I spent $43.10 on canning supplies to make 32 jars of jam with free to me fruit so well worth the expense. 

5. This shocked me, I spent $249.38 on pet supplies!!!!! Now the dog needed vaccines, which are good for 3 years, He also was groomed, but daughter paid for that and that was $50.00.  He is groomed every 2 months. I also stocked up on food for both the cat and dog which I won't have to restock until March.  $100 was paid for with an Ibotta certificate.  But I never realized just how much it costs to have animals.  Worth it to me.

6. Prescriptions were well over $100, which is normal

I had to laugh as I went out one day and bought an orange to make a recipe.  It was .84 cents. but I had to have it.

I was able to get many items out of the pantry and the freezer.  Which was great!

But what I did accomplish this week? in spite of my rotten Wednesday.

1. had 4 no spend days this week.

2. sold $210.00 worth of things on Facebook marketplace

3. Used gift certificate to take Kelsa to Mcd's.

4. Was taken to lunch by my girlfriend, yum!

5. continued to work on another set of embroider pillow shams

6. ate almost all meals at home or with Sissie and used up numerous items.

So, let's talk about the month!!!

I wanted to pay at least $1500.00 to an upcoming bill and I did that through savings and cutting back and selling things on the marketplace.

I also paid an extra $1000 on the mortgage

I also was able to save $500.00 for Aunties gift in February, so that goal is done before the month even begins. What a blessing, and I will be blessing her. 

I think I had a great month. I hope to do as well next month, but the goals will be a little different.

I am so proud to me.

Did you have any goals? Did you meet them?

God is good



  1. My biggest goal was to get to Atlanta airport , fly to see grandkids in the Rockies and return flight home I always thought I was a wuss bc I loathe flying and am so happy after each successful trip and the four hour car trip (one way, so eight hours round trip) to Atlanta airport.
    Given the events of the last week, maybe me goal wasn’t so silly after all.
    I. Loathe. Flying. Cindy in the South

    1. Sorry for grammar, punctuation, and run on sentences. It is 1 am here, and I am usually in bed by 8…. lol.

    2. Glad you made it safely, and I hope you had a wonderful visit with grandkids.

    3. Well if you are in the rockies let me know I am close. Love to see you. But the Atlanta airport is so SO....

  2. I did nothing I was going to do today or yesterday. I did necessary things but had no goals that involved appointments or anything that could not be done later.

    Like Cindy, I despise flying but would to see children and grandchildren.

    1. Well we would all do about anything to see grankids.

  3. I spend a lot of money on pet supplies each month too, but they are totally worth it to me. I love them so much! You did wonderful on using up what you have and not spending much at the grocery store. We did the same this month or in January. I had to stop for cheese on Thursday and that was the only thing I bought, but I needed it.

  4. Great job with the savings goals!! Wow!!
    What a blessing for your Aunt too.
    We are proud of you and will be here cheering you on. :)

  5. Glad you got your goals done. That is wonderful. I think we all have times when we stray from money goals for whatever reason. We learn from those times and go forward in a better mindset.

    1. Well, I do have to say I had a lot of fun and don't regret it one bit. But eventually you have to face facts. Dang those facts are crap!!!!

  6. Wow, you did very well on your goals for the month.

    God bless.

  7. Great job Kim!! I spent less than half of what I normally spend on groceries, cleaning products and h and b items. I was stocked up pretty good and still have plenty. I've just been buying veg, fruit and dairy for the most part. We only ate out once when it's typically 4 x a month so that was a plus.

  8. I think you had a great month also. I did not have to spend much this month for groceries but I did a bit of stock-up for the freezer when ground chuck was at its lowest price I have seen in several months. And I might have bought 2 new pairs of shoes. oops!

    1. Ooh new shoes, I love me some new shoes. DO you want to share a picture so we can all drool?

  9. Thank you. I needs me a cheering section.

  10. Sounds busy but LORD what did you buy for that pet ? Charlotte doesn't even cost that for her heart/ worm flea meds.
