Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday, Frugal news!


Well, well, well, here it is Friday, and I need to report my frugal ways for the week. But before I do that, I must tell you about my days.  Because you are all waiting, I am sure. And I just need to spill.
I went into the year with this no spend challenge and guess what?  You do have to spend.  So frustrating. I had to purchase a few groceries and my beloved Diet coke.  As I was out of milk, eggs, cheese, sour cream.  I need these things for baking. I also wanted to buy a couple of boxes of cereal that was somewhat good for you, but not Grape nuts. Bitter, nasty stuff.  Kind of like me!!!

Yesterday, my daughter came down and she and Sissie and Dan and I worked all day putting all the Christmas away and labeling and cleaning.  This of course had effects on me as it flared my carpel tunnel and arthritis in my right hand.  By evening I could not open or close it without extreme pain.  It is still bad this morning, but I am trying to work and ignore it.

The house still needs a good dusting a vacuuming, floors mopped, but that will have to wait as my hand can only do so much.  And of course there are the Christmas droppings.  These are the things that you discover after you have wedged every last thing into a tote and have put all said totes away.  You find a blanket in the car that is now in the wash and belongs in a Christmas blanket bin.  (There is no room in the Christmas blanket bin) Then there is the cast iron advent candle, and the entire box of Christmas books.  How do you miss and entire box of books?  It is easy follow my steps for KIM brain.  On second thought don't.

So now I must find a way to put these things away and I just don't know if I can. I wiped down every dirty tub in the garage with warm water and soap.  I think the wringing of the rag is what spurred the wrist malfunction. Anyway, onto frugality.

1. I stayed out of the stores except for loss leaders.  Cheese was $5.99 for two lbs. limit two, Milk was 2.37 a gallon and also a large sour cream, limit 2, I bought one of each. Now how do I stock up one diet coke you ask?  Well Albertsons has buy two twelve packs get two free limit one time.  I use my phone #, I use Sissie's phone number, I use Dan's phone number.  So, I shelled out for 12/12 packs which should last a long while.  What a bad habit but it is my only vice... If you believe that, I have a home for you. Sissie is picking me up eggs, so I will see what I owe her (my life).  She was going to Winco which is the cheapest store here and eggs were outrageous at Alberton's.  SO, total spent for the week on groceries and Diet coke, $82.14

2. @ Had to go to get a prescription and paid $62.54.  I swear it goes up every month.

3. Bought too many brackets for new shelving and took back 7 brackets giving me a 27.87 credit to my CC.

4.  No money eating out in the last ten days.  No diet cokes at McDonalds.  This was hard.  Say that in a whiney voice several times.  I want you to get my true feelings.

5. Sissie was tired yesterday after I worked her to death and wanted to go out.  She would have paid for my meal, but I said NO!  I whipped up some mashed potatoes, a can of corn, pulled out the frozen boned chicken and added it to gravy, then made a nice, tossed salad. No spend plus enough left over for Kelsa and I tonight!

6. Kelsa and I made sheets and pillows and blankets for her dolls beds with fabric and batting I had.  She was thrilled; no money spent.  Hours of play.  We also made cinnamon rolls, as a sweet treat for the weekend. We are making chocolate chip tonight when she comes over as I need to use up chips.  Treats for the week.

7. I saved on gas by staying home as much as possible. 

8. Sold $210.00 dollars' worth of stuff on Facebook marketplace.

9. Total savings for week with $5.00 bills added plus budget line saving $570.00.  Woot, woot!

Now I don't expect this kind of savings every week, I expect more!  It is always better to think positive.

How did you save money this week? Do you have a habit that costs money?

God is good



  1. Good job on your savings challenge. Since the beginning of the year, I've spent around 30.00 at the store for fresh veggies and fruit, some dairy and eggs. I did use a free Domino's reward for a free pizza, added a couple extra toppings and an 18 count of bread bites for less than 6.00. Not too shabby for 10 days, I guess.

  2. Well done Kim!! I think we need to give ourselves credit for any savings at all - not just the big amounts but those small ones add up too. I don't think diet coke is a bad habit to have .. mine is probably chocolate & as I got given lots for christmas I have a good secret stash in my sewing room. (which will not last long believe me!!) Also fabric buying, & nice soaps, candles .......................... I think I will stop now 😐 Have a great weekend Kim xx

  3. What fun you had sewing for a doll bed. I would love that. I suppose Diet Coke CF is my splurge.

    1. It was fun. Kelsa loved it. She plays and plays with her doll and bed clothes.

  4. You did well, and of course one needs to spend at times. This is why I track no spend days rather than try for no spend months.

    God bless.

  5. Wow, what a great week for you, Kim, other than hurting your wrist. It’ll be hard to #handmade #sewing #sew #etsy with it like that. I hope it feels better soon.

    1. It is a pain. Better now, but I just cannot over do it. I am the Queen of overdo.

  6. We have done the same since New Year's Day--less driving, no restaurants, but did go grocery shopping (but only bought the basics that were on sale). Good job making that much money on FB Marketplace!

    1. I wonder how many others are trying to behave when it comes to spending?

  7. You did good. Still haven't left the house here. Gosh, no wonder with all the sewing that you have carpal tunnel - that is so hurtful. Hope your hand feels better.

    1. I have to be so careful and it drives me nuts. I so enjoy embroidery work in the evenings, and I could not do that at all. I am on my second set of pillow cases for the year.

  8. My wrist is super aggravated by using the yard trimming tools. I told DH that I would no longer be trimming all of the bushes. He went out & bought a much lighter pair that doesn't bother my wrist. Drat. It was the perfect excuse. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Got to love that man! Joel always said never plant aq garden bigger than your wife can weed!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks April, my arthritis is a menace right now. SO many flares. I have been on this med for 8 years and I don't think it is working as well. I have a booster drug with it, but the pain is worse and worse. Shoulders and hips are really achy. It does not slow me down, but I keep wondering when it will. I know you can relate. Like when will this ax fall?

  10. Look at you! My habit is Dunkin. I can go through that Drive Thru and spend too much on a coffee I could make perfectly well at home. Something about sipping it from a styrofoam cup with a plastic lid maybe? Anyway, take it easy today and stay cozy!

    1. I know. Mine is McD's. That first icy taste from the strw.

  11. Even with as little decorations put out this year, I still have those droppings. I'm avoiding any treats for a bit. December kicked my butt financially and now I need to prepare for the cost of hearing aids.

  12. Chocolate chip cookies are never a bad idea. I just like to eat the dough.
