Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday, Kinda lazy

 I am creating a new garden area this spring on the side of my house, and I have been perusing Facebook marketplace for free brick.  I need pathways built.  I have enough ground cloth in the shed for several pathways, now to find the cover for the least amount of money I can.

When Sissie got here this morning I made her go with me to get the brick, which was frozen and heavy and covered in cement.  We will have so much fun cleaning all of it. Sissie was not amused.  The back of my car is full, and it still needs to be unloaded. I will wait until Sissie is back from her errand to help me, because I know she will want to.  By the way Sissie is not one for hard labor, she is more of a management sort. I love surprising her with these kinds of chores

I did not get as much done yesterday as I wanted to or should have done.  Not a sentence that flows.... I don't know why, I can't think of any reason, other than I pooped around too much.  Okay TMI. But (I wrote but) today is different. I am going to get things done. 

Thawed a large package of boneless skinless chicken thighs that I am going to cook up and then freeze some. I just wanted to get that large package out of the freezer. Have no idea what I am going to cook with them I just know it involves rice.

Have another bride coming in at about 6 this evening. So now I have to get to work. Let's see what to do today... Hmmm....

1. hem a huge 7-layer ball gown most of it cutting and cutting tulle.

2. Alter 3 pairs of pants

3. hem a pair of pants

4. fix a curtain

5. alter a pair of pants

6. hem 7 pairs of pants.

7. unload brick from bac of car.

Let the fun begin!  I am trying to convince myself and it is not working.

God is good



  1. You just have too much fun! Glad it is you and not me.

    1. I keep telling Sissie that and she does not believe me!

  2. you are working for your enjoyment for your retirement yeah , like that will ever happen) LOL

  3. You are definitely one busy lady. I hope you both get that brick unloaded without putting your backs out.

    God bless.

  4. If you are loading and unloading bricks you are not being lazy!

  5. I'm down for kitchen prep & cleaning, but count me out for the bricks! (Hawaii Planner)
