Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday, I had a rotten day!

 My oh my did I have a bad day! So frustrated.  It started out great with loading bricks!  Which is a great way to start you day no matter what Sissie says.

Then home to conquer the large ball gown from hell.  Which I seriously underbid. One layer, yes just one layer of this monster was 20 yards around.  It had 7 layers, two which had to be hemmed.   Sissie finally arrived when I was just about done with it and she pressed the hems.  Thank goodness as I was about done in. The darn thing was so heavy it was really a two-person job. So, what I thought would take under an hour took two. Nothing gets to me faster than wasting my time.

Then I had a set of curtains that were raw silk, and they had been snagged and torn by a cat.  I mended them as I knew to do with raw silk which can be very difficult.  The client even though I had told her it would show wanted me to do it a different way.  So, I pulled out all those little, tiny stitches and tried it her way and the silk just kept splitting. It was such a disaster of a mess.  I sent her a picture after spending a total of 4 hours and said I was making it worse. She them admits they were 20 years old and to throw them away.  Well, what about my time?  If I knew the drapes were that old, I would have refused to work on them. All that angst and time for nothing. I know this seems like a silly thing to shut down over.  But I was so frustrated and that led to a migraine like headache.  I just was starting to make mistakes in the shop.  Stupid mistakes, and my motto is, if I make three senseless mistakes in a row, I need to get up and leave the shop.  So, I did.

Just sat on my sofa and stared into space.  An ADHD shutdown for sure. Finally moved after three hours and made two pans of enchiladas.  Then back to the couch.

But today is another day and we are going to have a better day today. You know why?  Because I said so, and I am not a quitter. I am a lot of things, but not a quitter. I will not be kept down.

Today I will accomplish what I set out to do. 

I have to go pick up Kelsa at 3 and then have clients coming, and I have a piano lesson at 6. Sissie is here to bolster me up. Bolster,bolster.

My neighbor needs her wash machine fixed and I am going to get her laundry, as I don't want her trying to bring it over with her unstable gait. She can't get a repairman in for two weeks. She was shocked when I said I would do it, and I don't see why?  We all need to rely on one another at certain times. She and I had a good laugh over my bad day.  At least I can laugh about it now.

Okay time to get to work.

Sissie brought me a cold diet coke from MCD's.  cause she loves me.

God is good



  1. Sorry you had a bad day and I hope today makes up for it in the best way!

  2. Same sentiment: hoping today makes up for all the mess.

  3. I would have felt the same as you regarding that clients curtains Kim. I well remember that feeling - how customers seem to think your time is worth nothing at all. You have the right attitude regarding having a better day today - its all in the attitude. Onwards & upwards Kim - especially with Sissie on your tail. xx

  4. So sorry that you had a bad day. I would charge the woman who wanted the curtains repaired for your time. That is only fair. Today will definitely be a much better day.

    God bless.

  5. BILL HER! Include something in a note about doing it her way and her way did not work, that if you have known the curtains were so old, you would not have even tried to mend. She owes you something! Is she a regular or someone who might come to you another time.
    Talk about
    I can imagine bricks are easier.

  6. Wishing you a better day today, Kim. And how blessed are you to have your Sissy there with you. Seriously. ((HUG))

  7. Wow, just wow! I can't imagine taking 20 year old curtains to have them mended. It would be nice to get something for your time, but I would have no idea how to approach it.
    Wishing you a better day

  8. Oh that lady wasting your time ought to be ashamed!! But then again, asking for 20 year old curtains to be mended and lying and beating around the bush like that means she must have no shame :/
