Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday, Still snowing and cold

 Only in Idaho, would we get 6 inches of snow in the middle of April.  I thought April showers bring May flowers.  Somehow the weatherman had a fit of some kind. The hills around the town are covered in snow again.  We have not had any stick down in the valley but have had the sleet, and hail and freezing rain off and on.  So far, my plants seem to be okay, but they are still in the greenhouse. I am really not complaining as we need the moisture.

I did turn the heat up 4 degrees yesterday.  It is up to winter levels, and I had turned it down for spring.  But with the baby here and I was chilled, I just turned it up for a few days.

I am done with the 10 Indian skirts up to putting elastic in and I want to get a few little ones done and then clean up that mess, so I can get onto the next mess.

I had a real blanket of blue hit me last night and I don't even know why.  Like out of no wear just a feeling of real depression and sadness. Nothing happened, nothing triggered it.  I was hoping that this morning I would feel better, and I really don't.

I don't like this feeling.  It is hard to motivate myself when I am blue. Maybe I am just tired.  Or maybe I need a nap.

I ran yesterday and picked up some sour cream to make sugar cookies with Will this weekend. I forgot to get egg dye. Will pick that up later this week.

I just ate, three, five, 7 caramels hoping it would make me feel better. Now my teeth ache from too much sugar, Not solving my problem people.

So I only see one solution, get to work.

What do you do when you get the blues?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int the negative.



  1. Good thing you have everything in the greenhouse. I wouldn't like getting snow this late in April. Sorry you have the blues. I hope they pass soon. Have a great day!!

  2. Have you published your dour cream cookie recipe on this blog? I found some Easter cookie cutters. Maybe that would motivate me! Thanks

  3. My friend in OR was getting lots of snow as well. Saw WA was too. Yuck.
    I hate getting the blues. It takes me a few days to get out of the funk. HUGS

  4. I'm sorry you're feeling down - be gentle with yourself. We all go through it - and right now with the whole freaking world seeming to have gone insane, it's more frequent. I pray & count my many, many blessings when I'm feeling down. And listen to some upbeat music while I'm puttering/crafting. Hang in there, Kim. ((HUG))

    1. I know. Just listening to the news will put you in a funk.

  5. I would say get outside but that might be worse... it's 70* and sunny here in CT. I say draw a hot bath, and go to bed early with a good book.

    1. I did go to bed early and I am feeling better, I think.

  6. I used to crawl into bed when I got the blues, and tell myself it would be better when I woke up. After I had kids, this didn't work, because they'd crawl in bed with me, so I'd go for a run or a walk, if weather allowed (something they couldn't do with me), or work on a project like organizing a closet, (something they didn't choose to do with me). Now, when I get the blues, I realize it's because I am overwhelmed, so I warn the household that as far as they are concerned, I don't exist until further notice. I also refuse to answer the phone when I feel down.

    1. I think much of mine right now is overwhelmed. I just need to make a list and do it and quit stewing. Stewing about how much you have to do never solves a problem. Thanks for the uplift.

  7. I know all about those waves of blue though for me, it's just a dark gray. Just know all your extended family not family is here for you. I'd add Minnesota to Idaho on the stupid spring snow.

    1. Well it is a little better today. The sun is shining but it is colder than hell out.

  8. Not only Idaho! It snowed today in my city - I'm near Seattle/Vancouver. Crazy!

    I get the blues too. I give myself permission to feel blue for a few days, and do things that make me feel good, like read a book or talk to my mom, or see a friend. It usually passes within a week. I also make sure I exercise and eat more fruit and vegetables - I too am tempted by sugar to help, but it usually doesn't. I hope you feel better soon, Kim.

    1. Thanks SHiela, I think it is just that I am overwhelmed with the amount of work and it seems never ending.

  9. Sorry that you are feeling down.

    We are in the midst of a blizzard that is going to last for a few days. According to the weather people by the time we reach the end of it we could have about 21 inches of snow. That puts paid to having the boys here over Easter.

    God bless.

  10. The last two times I felt down, I was actually becoming ill. I hate that! The weather has been beautiful today. I am glad because the sun and bright days help me feel happy.

    1. You know that helps me also. It is sunny today but very cold!

  11. It snowed... that was the trigger. Weather triggers more than we give it credit/blame for

    1. I will blame that, not my over worked shop. I keep telling myself I am blessed with work.
