Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday, Frugal Friday! Monthly goals:


Well, here we are folks.  Did Kim get as much done this week as she wanted?  NO! But she did get something done and that is better than previous weeks. I will call that a win,

I have a wedding dress to hem today, and I don't think I will do much more sewing than that. I really wanted to spray yesterday, and it was too windy and today might prove the same.  Dang!

Stayed the night with Kelsa and Will last night as parents had a late date.  I slept horrible as in did not go to sleep until after 4, so I am definitely dragging. I had nothing to do with the kids just me. Insomnia has been bad the last few nights.  Ugh!

Anyway, enough complaining.  It is warm as in 60 and sunny.  Perfect for outdoor work, unless you want to spray. *&&^%$#

So, what frugal things did Kim accomplish this week?

1. Had 4 no spend days so that was better than last week
2.  Did not eat out at all
3. No spend on groceries
4. all meals from pantry and what I could dig up.
5. needed to buy things for a food bank activity for church and used and Ibotta gift card to not spend money.
6.  Joanns zippers were 40 % off and I was able to take advantage of that for a client, pass savings to myself
7. Started more seedling to keep from buying plants in late May.  Also, will have enough to sell and give away.

Monthly Goals that were achieved:

1. paid $800 to a savings goal and that goal is complete. Onto the next one!
2. Only bought groceries once on the 1st spent $60.12. This last week has been hard I have wanted crackers and chips and candy.  But it is the 28th and I can wait until tomorrow.
3. Pulled chicken breasts from freezer, peas, corn. Freezers are still full. Pantry is still full.
4. Had 13 no spend days so that was pretty good, almost half

Goals not achieved:
1. I wanted to pay an extra $367.00 on the mortgage but did not make that.  Just did not have the savings and did not put forth the work.  This has to change.

But overall, I am pleased with the month.  I had three savings goals to achieve this year, and one is done.  My next one I hope to be able to do next month. It takes a long time to save money, and it gets harder to do without.  Not that I do without, but I do stay out of stores and use what is here and that gets pretty boring. Boring leads savings.  How can I fix that?

Accountant called and wants my taxes next week!  So, guess what I will be taking a day to do?
Yippee! You all know how I love to do taxes.

God is good

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wednesday, Yesterday was long!

 Just ask Sissie! I sewed into the 4th hour yesterday and was lucky to get three piles done!  I was ripping into the lining of that wedding dress at 8 last night.

We have rescheduled that fitting for the 10th of March, but I will get it ready any way. I want to get the remainder of the piles done and look at a couple more wedding dresses.

I am cooking dinner for Sissie and Dan tonight plus I have to pick up the kids this afternoon and do the lesson run.  SO not as much sewing today, but enough.

I am a little achy and tired as this chest cold lingers, but not enough to really slow me down. 

I took $400 more dollars to the bank and now only have a little left to complete another large goal.  I am very proud to me!

I am trying to get all piles done before wedding season really hits, so I don't get so far behind like I did last year.  However, I have Sissie and hopefully will not have the illness factor I had last year, with the vertigo and the occipital headache that lasted for 6 weeks.  Plus, the over one month of out of the shop travel I did in about 4 months.

I cannot believe my seedlings are coming up all ready.  Well, the geraniums have sprouted. I am so excited. I do need to get out and get more seeds, will probably do that this next weekend. I also need to fill my sprayer and get out and get the garden area ready, plus spray weeds that are coming up early. Then I need to pile up all the tumbleweed and burn it! That should be interesting.

Kim with a firestarter, sounds dangerous all ready. Sen pics?  You bet.  Remember the Christmas tree from a couple of years ago?  Well, I can probably do better.  Which is why I will have a garden hose turned on and on standby next to me.

So tonight, it is fried checked fingers mashed potatoes, gravy and a veg.  Pretty boring, but I am using up thigs in the fridge and pantry.

Just realized I need to return phone call to a bride, and I don't have her phone #.  These are the things I do that make me crazy!!!!! I need to have them fill out the card, as I always forget somthing.  It is the creative brain!!!!!

God is good


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday, It is white here

 Okay I finished the wedding dress, and it took longer than expected. So made a not to self that any ball gown wedding dress that needs to be hemmed will now cost more right off the bat.  So hard to handle you almost need help or two people to hold and sew.

I have taken to timing myself to make sure I am making money and not giving my time away.  Thank you, Anne, in the Kitchen!!!!!  

Started another wedding dress last night.  Put sleeves into the dress and made the cuffs smaller.  I started on the hem but will put this aside to do some piles today.  I also have to rip into another wedding dress to have it ready for a fitting tomorrow.   But piles first.

The shop is a wreck, and I am waiting for Sissie to come and rescue me.  I think the shop needs a good do over before the season really hits.  Oh, too late it already hit. I am covered in white thread, and I am having white nightmares.

I keep telling myself 4 more days until I can buy groceries.  Just trying to see how long I can go.  Actually, I could go a lot longer, but I need some fruit and crackers, and fast snacky foods.  Have you ever looked around your pantry and freezer and thought, what if I can never go to the store again?  How long would this last? How creative can I get? I can get very creative when it comes to deserts and cookies. But not so much good for you meals. Need to add that to the work on this list, which is really, really long. This prevents you from hiding said list and forgetting you made it in the first place.

I just called Sissie for a rescue, hoping she can figure out what I need.  As I have no idea what I need.  Well other than a kick in the butt to get the piles done.  There are only 4 of them well maybe 5. So here they are, in the order of me trying to do them.

1. hem three pants, fix sets of belt loops

2. mend belt loop, mend shirt, mend shirt, mend shirt, sew around a quilt to reattach binding

3. Fix a shirt, patch a hole

4. hem around a shawl, add ruffle to dress, make a skirt, mend a bag (Indian American regalia)

5. hem a pair of pants

6. get patched

7. Wedding dress ready for fitting tomorrow!

This is a long list, with a lot on it, so I may have to shorten, as the wedding dress has to be done for tomorrow and I just realized I have to call bride to make sure she is here on time as I have to leave here at 2:30 to pick up grandkids for lessons.  Ugh!

Okay Kim is off to get things done.  She is making a list and checking it twice. She knows she is naughty, but tries to be nice...

God is good


Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday, 5 days left of February!

 I have way too much to accomplish in the next 5 days.  Oh, my I knew this was coming, but I never really am prepared for it. Wedding season in in full swing.  I had a fitting this morning and this dress will be out tomorrow afternoon.  Then another late bridesmaid came in and her dress is due out tomorrow also. I have at least 4 fittings this week of existing dresses.  Yikes!  How did that happen? So, my only solution is to get busy.

I had a nice weekend.  Took care of Kelsa, went to church, took a long nap, spent time with Sissie.  Practiced the piano.  I have to play in two weeks and the song is fast, so I am really putting my nose to the grindstone. Or I should say my fingers. 

It was a rather beautiful weekend, and I was able to get my seedlings planted and I need to get more started but have to get seeds first. It was very warm yesterday.  Up to 60 in some parts of the area and this is causing flooding.  So much snow and melting too fast, the ground cannot handle it. So, we went from cold, cold to warm in 24 hours.

Aunty is coming next Tuesday, and I am excited for her arrival. Need to get her room ready, as in a deep clean. Drawers and closet reorganized so she has someplace to put things. I am sure Sissie will help with this.

Dan has been down with a low-grade fever and a cold. Actually, all of us are dragging around a bit of a cold. I really feel fine just have a cough in my chest, but it is not bad and may it stay that way!

I am going to list what needs to be done on a wedding dress just for fun.  When all these steps are done it will be ready for client.  I am thinking maybe 1.5 hours of work.

1. press in hem as pinned

2. cut hem and serge area

3. reinforce back loops

4. sew up ends of back tie

5. reattach beading and lace in three places

6. finish seams on inside of dress

7. press

8. bustle

Let's see if we can get this done!!!!!

I just need motivation.

God is good


Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday, Frugal not so much!


Well, let me see.  What did I do this week that was frugal? Not as much as I would have liked. But I was aware of what I was spending, and I wasn't just throwing money around so that is a win for me.

I will be going to the bank after this post to put $400 in that will then be transferred to a bill.  A far cry from last month.  I am still moving forward, not backward.

The week was short with the holiday and threw me a bit.  Yeah, that is my excuse.  See how I worked that in there.  For more amazing tips, check out Handy for all excuses.

Well, my party is over as I have at least 4 brides that want to know about their dresses.  So, Kim is hitting the busy season.  It is get off your keester time at the old ranch house.

Went to my piano lesson today and played badly.  But my right wrist was stiff and sore, again check the above website.  Then over to Sissies for a minute and picked up cookies she made for me.  Yeah! Now Kelsa and I will make the pumpkin ones tomorrow!

Turns out I don't have both kids this weekend but next Thursday evening.  So just Kelsa tomorrow through Sunday afternoon. Sissie, Dan and I are going to Effie burger early for dinner and then back to her house to work on a new puzzle.

It is sunny and warm here today and I went out and weeded the 100-foot flower bed.  I need to mix up weed killer and start killing weeds soon. So much yard work here. I think I will wrangle the missionaries for help soon. I love to be outside, and I love yardwork, but my body, rejects repetitive movement. It just stops and freezes up.  I really dislike that, but what is a girl to do? Hopefully this too shall pass.  My favorite saying. 

Frugal list:
1. only ONE no spend day.  Will do better next week.
2. No real meals out, ate at home!
3. Used McD's app for saving when buying the grandkids dinner.  
4. ordered a used book on Amazon for book club.
5. Used my $100 gift card to order a walking pad. Waited until it was 30% off and free delivery. So, $16.00 out of pocket.
6. Used up, pork chops, potatoes, frozen corn, dates, pumpkin, last of the tortilla chips, out of the pantry this week. 
7. Sissie came up and retrieved nuts, from the stash!
8.  Put $400 toward a saving s goal or bill
9. sold an item on Facebook marketplace
10. Sissie keeping track of the cheapest places to buy diet soda, so I don't spend a fortune, just a small one.
 Not a really big list, but every little bit counts.

Spent 3.5 hours on a wedding dress yesterday, mostly hand work, which is why the wrist is rebelling. I only have about an hour left on it but need to do a final fitting next week. Possibly 4 more fittings next week on existing dresses. Yikes! Take a deep breath.

Grandkids and I put out the St. Patrick's day decor.  Not much but they loved it!

Any fun plans for the weekend? 

God is good

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thursday, Acting like a Grandma!

 Hockey bags stink!!!!  They have their own special kind of stink.  If you leave one in the garage as to avoid the stink in your house, your garage will be unlivable.

Got William to hockey practice, and I am trying to help him dress.  So much protective gear, you could throw them down the stairs and they would not get hurt. I have no idea what I am doing and the coach kept giving me pointers. Goalies have way more gear than the others.  Which means two stinky bags. 

So, As I am dressing this child, I tell him he reeks.  The clothes are damp, from the sweaty gear and the whole thing needs a good air out.  Then his response is, "Now you are acting like a Grandma." So, I learned you don't tell Hockey players they stink. Not just William the whole dang crew! 

But then again, I hugged every one of my dancers after class.  Those sweaty bodies never bothered me.  I guess my nose has gotten better from retirement.

Dan and Sissie here last night for dinner of porkchops.  It was very good.  Sissie is making cookies today and I asked her to make a double batch, so I would only have to do the pumpkin cookies. Win, Win.  We went through my inside small freezer attached to fridge and I still have 3 more bags of dates, and 5 more bags of dried cranberries, and two more large bags of dried blueberries.  I can make scones forever.  Every batch I make uses another container up and I can see a small difference, I think. 

My right eye flared again last night, so painful.  I have steroid drops on hand and used them immediately, but it takes a good 24 hours to get the pain under control.  Slept at Sissies and had to get up at midnight and make an ice pack for eye and take pain killers.  But this morning all pain is gone, and I will use drops for two weeks. I am happy with this regime and not having to run into specialist every time. Just one more aggravation of having an autoimmune disorder.  Now what about the brain disorder?  No comments please, I get enough from the Sissie.

I have a lot to do on this wedding dress and I need to get busy. Off I go!  Seam ripper in hand!

God is good


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wednesday, I did some sewing!!!!

I thought this looked like me!

 Hey, I was able to get all the little person alterations done.  You know that pile I started working on two weeks ago.... Yes, that one.  It took me 2 hours.  He picked it up this morning!  I am so proud of me.  I think the getting work done dam I had built has finally been breached. Sissie is ready to kill me. And you can tell I am really bothered by that.  NOT!

Signe' called me from her office saying she was triple booked over her lunch break and to please bring her a sandwich and a large diet coke.  I sent Sissie on this errand. If she has time to go out to lunch, she has time to take care of her niece. Also, Sig asks that I stop by the house and pick up hockey bags, sticks and Kelsa's gym uniform as she was running late this morning, and they are not in her car. Oh, and don't forget to pick up the kids at school.  SO, I have my marching orders for the day.

Kay and Dan are coming over for dinner.  I am having Pork chops and baked potatoes, some kind of vegetable from the pantry.  I am almost out of potatoes, so this using up thing is working. We started a new puzzle last night.  Such fun! 

Today I tackle a wedding dress that is due for a fitting tomorrow. Also hope to get to a few piles.

I pulled some frozen pumpkin out of the freezer, and I am going to make a pumpkin cookie with it.  Trying to see what will be good for choir practice this week. Not everyone likes pumpkin, but I do have chocolate chips that need to be used so I can throw a batch of those together.

I also have the kids this weekend, but I am not sure which night.  Need to find out. They love to bake with grandma, so we will wait and see. Pumpkin spice cookies with cream cheese frosting, don't those just sound yummy?  Plus, it will use up a bag of pumpkin and 1/2 a cube of cream cheese. (I need to use.)

It is all about using things up here, and every time I pull something from the freezer, I find more goodies to use. Amazing how much food one can accumulate, and not really buy many groceries. Just things on close out sales. I also have a turkey and a ham.  Yikes!  Will have to invite kids for dinner.

It is calving season here and I heard bellowing last night but so far have not seen any new calves. They are probably top side where I can't see them. Can't wait until they start galivanting around in groups, they are so cute. Also saw a cayote pair yesterday probably looking for a den so she can have her pups.  I hope they find it far away from here, I don't need the hassle.  So much for life on Kim's farm.

Well, I am off to start hemming a wedding dress and then ripping the top apart.  My life is so exciting! Please let me know if yours is more so...

God is good


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tuesday, back in the saddle

 I am totally determined to get my butt in gear this week! I have really been taking it easy since January.  You can see this from my ability to add to my savings.  Maybe I was too hard on myself last month... That will be my excuse.  I am good at excuses. I think I took a class in excuse making in college. If I didn't, they should offer one.

The weekend was fun. William was goalie for three games.  They are still building a team and are starting to figure out how to work together.   They won one game, and he received the MVP on one game for blocking shots. 

I was proud of my brood. Signe and Nate came up with pizzas that they had purchased at a fund raiser.  We all passed out Valentine candies.  The kids loved the homemade chocolate dipped shortbread.  (Thank you Aunty Kay). There were only 2 boxes of chocolates, opposed to the 10 or 12 we usually end up with, so when those were gone, they were gone.  No one complained.

I did breakfasts all with things I had in the freezer, or I made.  We had French toast, bacon, then Jethelyn bought sandwich fixings, for lunches.  She also put a large roast in a crockpot to cook all day while we were at games.  That evening she mashed potatoes, and we had fresh green beans.  I made gravy and homemade biscuits.   I made enough biscuits for the next day.  I made bacon, toast and eggs for breakfast on Sunday. There was roast left over and potatoes and gravy and Sunday night we had beef and gravy over biscuits and French dips sandwiches.  We used what we brought and made do. Jethelyn had brought snacks for the boys so no real eating out or expensive grocery trips. 

The boys had so much fun.  The girls took them to a sledding hill, and they came home tired, wet and sore. Lots of laughs and stories.

Signe' and Will and I drove home yesterday and except for coming off the ski resort the roads were great!  Although it snowed constantly, and I think at least 8 inches while we were there. So beautiful but I am happy I don't live in that all the time.  I have lived in places with that much snow and made do, but I am grateful for the milder weather we have here.

While I was gone Sissie and Dan came up and started up my new vacuum.  This is a gift from the girls.  They went in together.  Sissie said they had her go through the whole house twice and no problem going under beds, or furniture.  She didn't get stuck on the piano legs or any legs for that matter.  They had her run the house twice and said it was amazing what was picked up!

 I have named her Clean Elizabeth and I am so grateful for this gift. With strings, sequins, pearls, dog hair, my hair, and glitter, you can imagine I need a good vacuum.  So thrilled!!!!  Thank you, thank you girls.

Kim needs to sew.  I mean anything, or something.  Like actually thread the machine and sit down at it and push something through the needle.  YES, Kim that is how it is done, in case you forgot. 

I am going to get my nails done tonight and then over to Sissies to harass her for a couple of hours. Best to keep her on her toes.

I am trying so hard this year to stay more positive.  When sadness and intrusive thoughts come into my brain, and they come in many. many times, a day, I just say to myself.  No more bad days! It helps a little and so do all of you! I don't think you have any idea what a pick me up you are in my life. Thank you.

God is good


Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday, Waiting on the youngest!

Happy Valentines Day!  For those of you who celebrate.  I am not one to spend a lot on what I would call a made-up Holiday, to sell cards and consumerism, but I still love me a holiday and well it does have chocolate involved so.... 

 I am driving to McCall with my youngest daughter Braunwyn.  She cannot leave the plant until 11:30 and then has to drive down here.  So, I am expecting to get out around 1:00. I was going to leave earlier, but too much snow on the Polouse where she works, and she said she had been plowing the plant all morning and it does not look like she has done anything.

It has stopped snowing here.  I am not worried about the roads, as I have all wheel drive and good tires, and I am careful.  Now if all the other drivers are careful, I should be okay.

Stayed at Sissie's last night as they were nervous about the snow.  Ended up having to make French bread as no stares had it again due to snow.  That is okay, as mine is better.

Hey Sis if you read this just wanted to know if you are coming up to clean up my house while I am gone?.....  I just put this stuff in here to irritate her.

I am hoping to have a really fun weekend with the girls.  Lots of laughs, good food. What could go wrong?

God is good


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday, Early weekly savings!

 I am going with warning.  In fact, I think I should have a sticker permanently put someplace where people can see it.

I need to put Valentine bags together with the cookies Sissie made.  Yes, I bullied her into making my shortbread. I even had her make up a snack for the grandkids, as they had a short window between me picking them up and taking them to different lessons. And of course, those lessons were on completely opposite sides of the valley. Signe' met me at the last lesson and we transferred all the backpacks and boots, snow gear, into her car.  Kids come with a lot of stuff.

Today I really have to sew, and I don't want to. Have had a few days of poor sleep, mostly due to arthritis. I seem to be fine during the day, but at night I get shooting pains in joints. It keeps me awake and I am always trying to find a different position to see if I can make the pain go away. Right now, it is the shoulders. This too shall pass.  I keep telling myself.

There are now 10 wedding dresses in the shop, and I really need to start on the buggers. Next week I need a cheering section so I can start and stay focused.  I swear, I am all over the place.  Mostly it is due to lack of sleep. 

I must get a zipper replaced today and continue on the piles. I also need to pack for the cabin.  I am in charge of breakfasts.  I will make a couple of loaves of French bread this evening to take up for French toast.  I shouldn't have to buy anything as I have, bacon, eggs, canned milk, and all the other things I need to make nice breakfasts. I am also taking up ingredients for biscuits to have with a roast that Jethelyn is preparing. I will measure everything out into containers and just put together up there.  Less mess, and less to pack. 

Sissie has my car today, as she often does.  Clients will come and say I thought you would not be home as your car is not in the garage.  I tell them Sissie has it. I have nowhere to be, so why not?  Plus, she does errands for me.

So, what have I done this week to save money?

1.4 no spend days so far this week

2. Made all the Valentine treats, cookies, Sissie shortbread.

3. Dug cellophane bags out of box in garage for Valentine treats. Not perfect but we will make do.

4. Figured out what to feed people at cabin so it costs me nothing for my share of the meals.

5. Found out I overpaid the internet service, so I have a credit this month! One less bill to pay

6. Tried to stay home as much as possible.

7. bought no groceries.

8. taking things from freezer for meals, also seeing that Sissie does this. We need to eat down.

Still trying to figure out how to handle Valentines Day for the grandkids.  They will all be missing their parties due to the drive up to McCall. I can give the girls shortbread, but the grandkids.  I will ask Sissie what she thinks. Dollar store candy? McD's gift card?

I am so sleepy, but I am going to tackle that zipper!

God is good.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday, Another chart!

I am onto chart #3!  Just wish I had a little more cash flow, but then I could work harder I suppose. I have been taking it pretty easy for no other reason than that I can. This will surely bite my butt soon, oh well I could do with a smaller butt.

Sluggy and I off to take on the bad guys

I still need to make shortbread, and Sissie was here all yesterday afternoon baking.  I was hoping she would do mine but so far....

I have to pick kids up again today.  Nate is on the road and Sig is triple booked, so grandma is the lesson shuttle. Need to have some kind of a treat when they get here so I better dig through the cupboards.  Maybe Auntie Kay can come up with something.

All three of the girls and I are going to McCall this weekend and staying at a friend's cabin. All the grandkids will be there.  William has a hockey tournament. With this being a 3-day weekend, we will get together for some winter fun.  Can't wait to see all three of my girls.  It was Franka's 40th birthday yesterday, hard to believe she was born that long ago.  She and Joel are up in heaven watching us fool around down here.  That is one of the last things I said to Joel.  Go and find our daughter.  I am jealous he gets to be with her.  But not jealous enough as to leave my kids here. Jethelyn our eldest turns 44 on the 13th, and her eldest Danny turns 14 eghads!  Then we have Valentines Day so we will have a lot of celebration this weekend. I see chocolates in my future.

Sissie has finally arrived, so I had better get to work and look like I am doing something. I have a piano lesson tonight and need to go over the music. I have to replace a zipper in a wool vest, and I think I can do that in the next 45 minutes before I leave for the kids.  Again, I will be sewing tonight. Where does my time go?  I know but I won't tell you, cause Kay reads this, and I just don't want to deal with the fall out.

Off to set the world on fire I am!

God is good


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday, square in a round hole

 This is me always has been, just don't fit.  Actually, don't care to fit.  Some people like to fit. Not so much me.  But I do want to belong.  I want to be part of the reindeer games. Oh, the dilemma.  But now I must get to work.  Work is a great healer of the mind.  It is also a great healer of the pocketbook and mine right now is empty.  So, to hell with fitting in let's pay some bills.

Dan, Sissie and I finished the puzzle last night.  Such fun! I was home by 9:30 and practiced piano until 11:15.   I have hard songs for choir.  It is not that I can't play them, I just can't play them fast enough. Well, I can play them fast but then they are not in the right key with the right notes and the choir gets a little testy. Another reason I bring treats.  They are more inclined to forgive me my trespasses (that is biblical by the way).

I have a pile of little person clothes to alter.  Always a favorite. But first a set of jacket sleeves to alter also fun.  See how I classify my work as fun and exciting?  This often works with small children and now you know my secret.

Kelsa was overjoyed to frost the cookies I had saved for her, and it was so funny to watch.  My favorite part was the last cookie which she licked all over and then dipped in the frosting, I thought Uncle Dan was going to vomit.  The look on his face. That was the only cookie she did that to, but you could not convince him. This is what happens when you are medic for 25 years to a group of marines.  He is a germaphobe for good reasons. She dipped and dabbed and sprinkled to her hearts content. Just a little joy goes a long way.

I have to pick the kids up today and will leave here at 2:30, not leaving me a lot of time to get anything done, but that is my fault.  I see myself sewing into the evening. I had a wedding dress come in today and another coming tomorrow. I am good at wasting time, I should write a book.  You know all those self-help books about time management strategies.  Let's write a book about how to waste time. I am sure it will be a game changer.

Thanks for all of your support yesterday.  We all need to stand up and not try and put people into groups.  I realize groups are important and sometimes necessary but are we doing this for our comfort or for theirs.  It is too often for the comfort of the ones insisting that you go into a group.

So, I am off to get something done. I think...

Stay tuned for the unending drama that is the life of KIM

God is good.


Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday, Irritated

I am a widow.  I know I am a widow.  I was widowed younger than the average widow.  I am not in my 80's.  Not only that I look younger than I am and certainly act younger than I am.  (this may not be in a good way) I feel like I am being forced into a box as far as my service in certain parts on my life.

Because I am a widow, I need to be doing older woman widow things.  Things I am not ready to do, nor do I want to do. I don't want to do genealogy for hours. This is something that many enjoy.  Not me. I don't want to sit in front of a computer and research.  (Remember I do have a degree in computer programming)

I don't want to be labeled and put in a widow's group like I am damaged goods. I don't want to be nicely manipulated. In fact, when I smell this, I get very angry, which I know is wrong. I do believe people care; they just go about it wrong.

Do not try and fill my hours with things that you think a widow should be doing. Do not treat me like I am not of value except to do the widow things you think I am capable of.  In fact, if that is your case leave me alone.

I am a vibrant friendly, outgoing, energetic person who needs to be with people.  I am not doddering around waiting to be taken care of.  I want to be involved in all the fun things that younger people do.  I am capable. There I have said it.  Don't know if it is going to do any good.  But I have said it.

I need to get busy sewing today.  Last week was a dive and not in the right direction. I do have plenty to do. The only excuse I have for not doing it is well..... me. Dang, I need to talk to me.

I made a nice dinner for Sissie and Dan last night and we will have the leftovers tonight in the form of shepherd's pie. I am hungry now. Might not wait until dinner. Sissie and I are making shortbread today and tomorrow.  I already took cookies to my shut-ins.  I have left two dozen cookies undecorated for Kelsa.  Can't imagine what she will do with them, but we will see.

Now I have to do something constructive in the shop and I don't want to. That is my mood.

God is good, Kim is not good


Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday, Not much saving this week

 Well, other than not going anywhere and not spending any money for 4 days in a row, I have not done much.  There will be no large saving this week which makes me sad, but I am happy about the no spending!!!

Had a piano lesson this morning and received a new song for the choir.  I am beginning to realize that accompaniment is easier than playing out of a classics book.  At least the music is easier. Those classics kick my butt.

Tonight, I am taking missionaries to dinner, and I need to txt my buddy to come with us.  I think we are doing Applebees.

Then tomorrow I am going to make Valentine cookies and all of us girls and the men are going out to celebrate Dean's Retirment.  (Dean belongs to Lil sis).  We are doing sister's lunch today and this is way too much eating out, but all for a good cause, like mental stability.

So, what did Kim do this week to save money?

1. she stayed home not much fun, but it works

2. saved on gas by not driving

3. used groceries she had purchased on the first of the month

4. Used spoiled milk in a recipe and you cannot taste it

5. made cinnamon rolls for a treat for kids that wanted something sweet

6.pulled heavy duty buckles off old hockey gear to replace on existing hockey gear, saving money for both my kids and the club.

7. ordered new buckles online instead of paying outrageous prices at Joanns.

8. Went to Joanns and did not by any sale items and it was so tempting.  Got out with a 4inch .45 cent piece of cloth.  Almost a miracle 

I will try and do better next week, I might be able to scrap together $100 for saving but I am afraid that will leave me with no money.... Yikes Kim must get to work.

What are we all doing this weekend? Anything fun?

God is good


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thursday, Better!

 This was yesterday as there was a snow day on the mountain and the kids were out of school.  Signe' stayed the night Tuesday night with the kids and then went to work from my house so she did not have to tackle the highway during a blizzard.  Nate of course was called out due to traffic accidents on the prairie.  So, grandma to the rescue. It was good that Sig was here that night with the kids as I was not my best and I holed up in the back bedroom for the night to get some good sleep. The kids were also very good and let me sleep in to get my rest it was lovely.  They are growing up.  William took care of Kelsa's breakfast.  So sweet of him.

Woke Wednesday morning feeling much better. Spent an hour blowing up innertube sleds with an electric pump and the kids were in and out all day. I have a great sledding hill on my property.  The kids would get wet and cold and come in, strip off I would throw things in dryer they would have hot coco and then right back out they would go.  It was sunny and beautiful.

I did develop another headache later in the day, but after getting William to hockey, Signe' was able to get Kelsa to gymnastics and I just laid down about 5:30 and really did not get up again! SO that was a good thing.

I also made cinnamon rolls with the kids.  They love to play with bread dough, and I also loved that as a kid.  Plus, a warm cinnamon roll out of the oven, is there anything better? Made a pan for Kay and Dan and then proceeded to pack up rolls for Nate and Signe' to eat while the kids had lessons. 

I have not really sewn at all this week and will have nothing to contribute to my savings, or at least not much, but that is okay.  I have had 4 no spend days in a row and that right there is a savings. I did get the book read for book club and it was okay. At least I enjoyed it.  Very mathy and scientific. Joel would have loved it so that made it all the better. It is called Project Hail Mary. 

I am going to run to Sissies later and then to book club.  I think Sissie, Dan and I are going to start a new puzzle.  Maybe Sissie will feed me dinner.... I hope.

I have a busy next few days with family and obligations.  I want to make Valentine cookies this weekend.  I think I will kill two birds with one stone and make those for choir. I usually take frosted heart cookies to a few families that are somewhat shut in, or do not get out to church due to health reasons. I also want to take cookies and shortbread up to the cabin in McCall we will be staying at over the weekend of the 14th.

This cold has been weird, more headaches, and blah than sneezing and coughing.  But I will take what this is over the later any day. Sissie came up and she was sneezing, and I think she is getting it.  Crap!

It is colder and not sunny today, so the snow did not melt at all, the roads are dry, and we are not in any kind of a dilemma here. Because we get so little snow here the city is not equipped to plow us out.  They just shut down roads.  I do have a nice snowblower but no idea how to use it.  If it did get bad, I would get Dan or Nate to show me how to start it.  Or call the brethren from the church. Joel would spend hours blowing snow for our neighbors and elderly in our church. Sometimes he would even take the day off work if things were really bad and just plough all day. If we do get into a situation like that, I am sure the bishop would have someone come and get the blower.  Not many people have them here. 

Well, I am off to get something done, don't know what probably practice the piano.

Someone made the comment that my blog is covered with adds?  I don't see them so when and where and why?  Bear with me friends and let me know if you see them.  I hope they are appropriate....E- gads!


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday, Book club

I have a blaster of a headache, and my book for book club came yesterday so I am laying down and reading. I really can say I have not enjoyed most of the books chosen, but I love getting together with the women. I have always been a reader, and I am older than most of them by 20 to 30 tears so of course I have read more, but most of the books are.... That is all I can say on the matter.

So, I am going to plow through this 500-page book in the next two days. That might be why I have a headache.

Or maybe sinus pressure...

The only thing I was able to get sewn yesterday was to repair a pair of hockey goalie pants for my grandson.  So, fun had to be done by hand. Ordered in a boat load of new buckles for said gear as all the buckles are breaking and old.  So, more fun handwork in the future.

Listed a whole lot more things on marketplace but so far, no hits.  I must be patient. Not one of my better traits.

Everything I need for my taxes was waiting in my mailbox, so I can get to work on those, but I think I will wait a few weeks, just don't want that in my brain right now.

Well, I have a book to read, I will go set my timer and read for an hour and then see how I feel about sewing something.

God is good


Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday, I have a cold!


This is how I feel, and it is only the second day.  I truly believe a cold is three days coming, three days there and three days gone. My head feels like it is stuffed with straw. If you talk to Sissie she will tell you it is stuffed with straw.

Sissie was here this morning to roust me out of bed, as I was sleeping later than usual. She ran through my house like a white tornado and cleaned it up spit spat. I had spent a couple hours cleaning last night or at least picking up after the grandkids.  But Sissie cleaned.  Now she is gone, and I feel like I need to get something done.  Don't know if that is going to happen.

I have had a couple of people send me links to send to Sluggy for her private blog.  So, if you still need to get on the list, you can put your info in comment section, and I will send to her. I am still aghast that this long-time blogging friend of mine has to resort to this, what is wrong with people. I mean really.  Are we not here to support and cheer each other on? Slugs and I have been friends for over 14 years, and she is my rock. Shame on anyone who is mean to her.

I have about 4 piles in the shop and 7 wedding dresses.  Once the piles are done, I will try and get at least 2 easier dresses out this week. But I really feel like doing nothing.  Just resting my swollen head. Right now, it is a scratchy throat and that puffy feeling in the forehead, getting worse by the hour. The funny thing is the grandkids had this about 3 weeks ago, so I don't think this is from them. But I picked it up somewhere. Drat, and double drat!

We finished the puzzle at Kay's yesterday afternoon and boy was it a toughie.  You really had to watch the details as many times pieces would fit perfectly but not be in the right place.  It threw us for a loop more than once. But it was a great way to just enjoy each other and have some entertainment and laughs. We need to find a puzzle exchange, so we are not buying new ones and just exchanging with others.

I am still waiting for a tax form from the State of Idaho so I can start working on taxes.  Fun!  My favorite time of year. When you are widowed, your income goes down and your taxes go up.  Life is often not fair. But it is also wonderful, and I am so blessed to have what I have and to have the skills to make my life better.

I am off to try and convince myself I can do something as I know this cold is only going to get worse before it gets better.  Kind of like cleaning out a pantry.

God is good


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday, February 1st!


February is a busy month for birthdays with this family.  My eldest was born on the 13th, Valentines the 14th, my first grandson the 15th, Aunty is the 11th.  She shares my late daughter Franka's birthday.  Paul and Jethelyn's anniversary is the 17th.  It is all clustered together.  We will be going to a hockey tournament in McCall over that weekend and all the girls are going.  It will be fun.  We will stay with family friend that have a cabin there. Lots of birthday cake and chocolates!

We are supposed to have a cold front and snow coming in from Canada, but sometimes it does not get down here.  We have had no snow yet this year.

I made cookies today.  New recipe with oatmeal and dates.  I had 3 -1 lb bags of date pieces in the freezer.  So, I was able to use up one bag. These are exceptionally good cookies. A great way to use up those dates! I told the grandkids they were a special kind of chocolate chip, and they like them. Sneaky I know.

So, what are my goals for February?  

1. Continue the no spend challenge on groceries and stuff in general.  However, I did breakdown and go to the store today to get, crackers, (I will not make my own) and milk, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese. A can of Crisco some carrots, bananas, tangerines and cornstarch.  It is nice to have fresh fruit again and the grandkids want it.  So, I will provide.  Hopefully this will be the only big shop of the month.

2. Continue to save my change although that is sparse as I am spending no money.

3. Total all monies saved at the end of the week and apply them to new savings goal.

4.  I put money for the month in my penny savings bank.

5. I already have Aunties $500 saved so that is great!

6. Try not and eat out unless for a Birthday

7. Make all Valentine treats from scratch to save on gifties.

8. Pay $800 toward another saving goal

9. pay $387.00 to house interest

10.  If I have any extra put it toward another saving goal.

11. Continue to sell things on face book marketplace. $594.00 last month so not bad.

I don't know if I can do this, but I did not think I could do what I did last month either.  Onward and upward.

The grandkids are here, for the night and the house is chaos and will continue to be until they leave. I am fine with it. I can ignore it and pick up when they leave. Or light a match whichever is easier.

Are you planning any savings goals this month?  If so, what are they? 

God is good