Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday, Early weekly savings!

 I am going with warning.  In fact, I think I should have a sticker permanently put someplace where people can see it.

I need to put Valentine bags together with the cookies Sissie made.  Yes, I bullied her into making my shortbread. I even had her make up a snack for the grandkids, as they had a short window between me picking them up and taking them to different lessons. And of course, those lessons were on completely opposite sides of the valley. Signe' met me at the last lesson and we transferred all the backpacks and boots, snow gear, into her car.  Kids come with a lot of stuff.

Today I really have to sew, and I don't want to. Have had a few days of poor sleep, mostly due to arthritis. I seem to be fine during the day, but at night I get shooting pains in joints. It keeps me awake and I am always trying to find a different position to see if I can make the pain go away. Right now, it is the shoulders. This too shall pass.  I keep telling myself.

There are now 10 wedding dresses in the shop, and I really need to start on the buggers. Next week I need a cheering section so I can start and stay focused.  I swear, I am all over the place.  Mostly it is due to lack of sleep. 

I must get a zipper replaced today and continue on the piles. I also need to pack for the cabin.  I am in charge of breakfasts.  I will make a couple of loaves of French bread this evening to take up for French toast.  I shouldn't have to buy anything as I have, bacon, eggs, canned milk, and all the other things I need to make nice breakfasts. I am also taking up ingredients for biscuits to have with a roast that Jethelyn is preparing. I will measure everything out into containers and just put together up there.  Less mess, and less to pack. 

Sissie has my car today, as she often does.  Clients will come and say I thought you would not be home as your car is not in the garage.  I tell them Sissie has it. I have nowhere to be, so why not?  Plus, she does errands for me.

So, what have I done this week to save money?

1.4 no spend days so far this week

2. Made all the Valentine treats, cookies, Sissie shortbread.

3. Dug cellophane bags out of box in garage for Valentine treats. Not perfect but we will make do.

4. Figured out what to feed people at cabin so it costs me nothing for my share of the meals.

5. Found out I overpaid the internet service, so I have a credit this month! One less bill to pay

6. Tried to stay home as much as possible.

7. bought no groceries.

8. taking things from freezer for meals, also seeing that Sissie does this. We need to eat down.

Still trying to figure out how to handle Valentines Day for the grandkids.  They will all be missing their parties due to the drive up to McCall. I can give the girls shortbread, but the grandkids.  I will ask Sissie what she thinks. Dollar store candy? McD's gift card?

I am so sleepy, but I am going to tackle that zipper!

God is good.



  1. We've got a new treat shop in McCall right where the highway turns West at the lake. Valentines celebration could be going there for an ice cream (Stella's and soooo yummy), or house made chocolates?

  2. I think it’s a cultural thing but I thought Valentine’s Day was for your partner/husband not everyone. Lisa

    1. Hubster and I strike on V-day. We choose to care every day in the little things we do for one another. Besides, it is estimated that US consumers will spend 27.5 BILLION $$$ on tomorrow. But we won't feed schoolchildren breakfast and lunch. This country is royally screwed up.

  3. You did well on your savings for the week. I once read a meme about as we get older and have all those lovely aches and pains we roll around like a rotisserie chicken to find a comfortable position. I quite agree with that.

    God bless.

  4. Whatever you do, give them something to open and eat in the car. The subsequent mess will take your mind off your pain or sewing.
