Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday, Book club

I have a blaster of a headache, and my book for book club came yesterday so I am laying down and reading. I really can say I have not enjoyed most of the books chosen, but I love getting together with the women. I have always been a reader, and I am older than most of them by 20 to 30 tears so of course I have read more, but most of the books are.... That is all I can say on the matter.

So, I am going to plow through this 500-page book in the next two days. That might be why I have a headache.

Or maybe sinus pressure...

The only thing I was able to get sewn yesterday was to repair a pair of hockey goalie pants for my grandson.  So, fun had to be done by hand. Ordered in a boat load of new buckles for said gear as all the buckles are breaking and old.  So, more fun handwork in the future.

Listed a whole lot more things on marketplace but so far, no hits.  I must be patient. Not one of my better traits.

Everything I need for my taxes was waiting in my mailbox, so I can get to work on those, but I think I will wait a few weeks, just don't want that in my brain right now.

Well, I have a book to read, I will go set my timer and read for an hour and then see how I feel about sewing something.

God is good



  1. So sorry I got you sick! ;-) But, I know how you feel, and it's miserable. Here is hoping you feel better soon. I am finally almost feeling human. I'm not there yet, but trending in the right direction. I got a big project done today that I had an emotional block on, so that was good progress. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. My whole week has been an emotional block, I hope I come out of it!

  2. I think that my headache/sinus problems a couple of days ago was due to the change in barometric pressure. Now that the temperature has dropped my headache disappeared. Hope yours does to.

    God bless.

  3. I'm impressed that you can read with a headache. That would be a big No! for me. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. It was hard but I did it. I really wanted to sleep!

  4. As Wendi said, i can’t read with a headache, either. Our taxes went out on the 31st of Jan. the earliest we’ve ever gotten them done. I’m checking our accounts every hour in case they drop. I really expect muskrat to hold everything up.

  5. Hope you're feeling better and get the book read. Does it come in audio where you can check it out and listen to it instead? If you happen to talk to Sluggy (or if she haooens to read this), I accepted the invitation for her blog 2.0 and can read, but when I try to post a comment, it says commets are only allowed by Team members, whatever that means. Don;t know if it's a problem on my end or her end, or if I'm set up as read only?

    1. Wow Sluggy has a team? I wonder if we can get uniforms... I haven't even read it yet.r

  6. Being an English major, not reading was never a choice, especially the semester I took three graduate level English course. I read with whatever was going on. Maybe it is a sinus headache.
    I resorted to buying supplies wholesale when I sewed so much.
    What is the name of the book you are reading?
    I cannot get into her blog either after two invitations.

  7. What happened? Your blog has been taken over by ads 🙁

  8. A book club, with or without a headache on the reading end or selections that are...whatever, is a challenge. I am NOT a good book club member. Oh, I can read the book fine, but I am the one who says, "So what made you think THIS was a good choice?"

  9. I'm in a book club, too, Kim, and really enjoy the socialization with the other gals in our community (we live in a new 55+ community) - we are currently reading The Women by Kristin Hannah. We have such a great time discussing & yakking away!
    We're flying out west this weekend for some AZ sunshine & I shall spend the 5 hours on my flight to & fro reading it!!

    Hang in there - hope you headache goes away!

    1. I love the social aspect. So wish I could fly out with you.

  10. Kim, I had an invite to Sluggy’s blog but it said expired when I hit the link. Could you please tell Sluggy to send me another invite? I do not want to publish my email address to the world so I am not putting it here, but she should have it since she sent me the first link. Thanks so much! Cindy in the South
