All I can say is wow! what a year! It went by in such a blur. I think mostly because I was so intent on paying off the house. I worked like a demon ( do demons work?) I am happy to say that I did achieve that goal and I think it was one of the hardest ones I have ever accomplished, short of my double major in college, (computer science, history).
I was able to take three nice trips this last year, the most travel I have ever experienced in one year. Two of them were with my dear Sluggy and Sissie. I miss them both so much it hurts. Can't wait to see them again. I also traveled to Cancun with Lil sis and it was so wonderful and beautiful. I was able to see my niece get married and that was lovely. Lil sis and I have never traveled together and it was such a good experience. We plan to do it again. Hopefully we can get Sissie to come along.
We also saw our youngest daughter married to a great man and she is so happy. All three of the girls are married to wonderful guys and they are educated and stable. What more could a mother ask? I have so much to be grateful for.
Last night about 7 p.m. Hubs asked if I was going to sit down and I said NO! I have a list. I still need to put the china back in the cupboard in the dining room, and I left the kitchen floor for hubs to mop. There are Christmas linens drying on the line and we have another smaller load ready to take to the storage, then Christmas will be put away and stored. Of course I found 5 more things that need to go over to Lil sis's. She comes home tomorrow and I really miss her.
I need to get to Joanns and the grocery store. I must do some sewing as people are picking up later this afternoon. We have an older (snort) couple coming over to play games tonight. He (the spouse) can't make it up the stairs so I am setting up a card table in the family room. I am sure we will have fun. Need to think about snacks..... hmm have lots of crackers and cheese.
Have a you any plans for this evening? Will you stay up a to see the New Year come in?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
Monday,Boxes! every where!
I worked a little more on taking down Christmas yesterday after my nap. It seems like I get this burst of energy about 8 p.m. and Hubs then thinks he should help and he just gets in my way. He cannot see what has to be done and like a small child is right under my feet. Then when I say take all this down stairs he won't do it, because I asked him to. Men!
Anyway I was able to pack up all the china, both mine and Lil sis's. Really all that is left is the bed linens and taking things to either the storage unit or Lil sis's basement. I want to get the quilts all packed and the sheets washed before I take anything to Lil sis's house that way I can take a load of laundry to dry at the same time.
As I have been packing up Christmas I have also been packing up other things in closets. I tell myself that this item will not be used until say July and then it gets packed as I plan on not being here in July. It does make it easier. Soon there will be nothing in any closet except our clothes. Even the kitchen has an entire cupboard and closet just for Swedish baking things. Seems kind of crazy, but I refuse to give up my heritage, for minimalism, even though most of these things are only used at Christmas.
I do plan on sewing today. I have been very lax mostly due to the bad cold and not having any pressure to get things done. I need to get back into the habit of sewing a certain quota a day. As long as I have the work and the money earned will feed the remodel/redo fund for the house.
I think I need a list today: Hopefully this will inspire me to do something
1. do something ( see this is first)
2. get dressed/hair(brush it) I have already greeted two clients looking a fright in pj's)
3. strip downstairs bed and wash linens
4. empty downstairs closet to storage as much as was possible
5. go pay storage fees
6. strip downstairs bath
7. take a load of things to Li sis' house
8. take a load to dry at Lil sis's
9. Put downstairs bath back together.
10. remake downstairs bed
11. brings all upstairs Christmas down and put in appropriate piles
12. Pack up the nativity set
13. strip spare room wash Christmas linens
14. Put regular towels and linen back in spare bath
15.Remake spare bedroom and clean out all drawers and closet for storage.
16.change linens on master bedroom bed and clean
17. sew my quota
18. Make at least one trip to storage unit today.
19. put front room back together
20. Put dining room back together Still have to put away china in cabinet
21. Clean kitchen
22. Clean family room and reorganize
This could do on and on, let's see what I can get done today. On your mark get set go!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Anyway I was able to pack up all the china, both mine and Lil sis's. Really all that is left is the bed linens and taking things to either the storage unit or Lil sis's basement. I want to get the quilts all packed and the sheets washed before I take anything to Lil sis's house that way I can take a load of laundry to dry at the same time.
As I have been packing up Christmas I have also been packing up other things in closets. I tell myself that this item will not be used until say July and then it gets packed as I plan on not being here in July. It does make it easier. Soon there will be nothing in any closet except our clothes. Even the kitchen has an entire cupboard and closet just for Swedish baking things. Seems kind of crazy, but I refuse to give up my heritage, for minimalism, even though most of these things are only used at Christmas.
I do plan on sewing today. I have been very lax mostly due to the bad cold and not having any pressure to get things done. I need to get back into the habit of sewing a certain quota a day. As long as I have the work and the money earned will feed the remodel/redo fund for the house.
I think I need a list today: Hopefully this will inspire me to do something
17. sew my quota
This could do on and on, let's see what I can get done today. On your mark get set go!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Sunday, staying in church clothes
I usually get home from church and get right into comfy clothes, but today I need to meet with someone around 4 at the church and I am too lazy to change twice. Thankfully I am wearing a dress that I can nap in:) I plan a getting a good snooze after this post.
I started to take down Christmas yesterday, after I went through all the wood trim in the garage. I found out we have enough trim left over from the kitchen that I do not have to buy any. It does have to be painted. I also pulled all the paint out of the garage that we will use to touch up rooms that are not getting fully painted. Hubs decided that between him and I we can lay the molding. I just have to paint all of it. The nice thing is that it has already been primed so should not take long. The reason Christmas is coming down earlier than expected is that we cannot move furniture and start the trimming process with Christmas up. My swirling mind started to get ready to trim and then hub's pointed this out. It was like,"Oh yeah!"
I went and paid for the new carpet yesterday and also ordered new for mom's old room. They will be here on the 9th to lay it. Don't worry I will make sure the room is empty this time. Hubs and I will pull up all the molding ourselves to save money. If this turns out to be a struggle I do have a handyman that will do it.
This is the first big project for the year. After I touch everything up and do a thorough cleaning of the bath and shop (which is a continuous process), the basement will be done. Then onto the upstairs. The kitchen needs so much touch up and finishing and the entire living area and hall needs to be painted. We will probably get a professional to do this. I think we have talked our yard man into helping paint the house. He has much fewer hours during the winter and he has been on a paint crew before.
So right now there are boxes of Christmas every where. Hubs and I have a full load ready to go to the storage unit and another to Lil sis's house. Don't know if we will get any of that done today, but I do plan on having everything downstairs and in separate piles ready to go by this evening.
It is certainly easier to take down than to set up, that is for sure. I am still overwhelmed by the amount of Christmas things I have. Mom shopped every after Christmas sale every year she was able. It is insane how much she had. I only kept the things that were really nice or meant something to me and there is still too much. Yikes!
Downsize and declutter will be my mantras until we sell. I was able to get rid of all the extra cookies yesterday , but gifting them to the yard man and his sons. He was glad to get them. Plus several boxes of 1/2 eaten sugar cereal, an extra cheese ball and the rest of that large smoked brisket we are all tired of eating on. Out, out, out of the fridge.
I also told hubs I would be buying absolutely no groceries unless it is milk/fresh things. We were going to eat every freezer clean and what we would not eat was going. Also we would use up as much of the storage as possible. If we don't it will have to be given away unless it is in a bucket or canned (like wheat) I will not store food in a storage unit. It just attracts pests and vermin.
So many plans, I need a nap.
Have a blessed and peaceful Sabbath.
I started to take down Christmas yesterday, after I went through all the wood trim in the garage. I found out we have enough trim left over from the kitchen that I do not have to buy any. It does have to be painted. I also pulled all the paint out of the garage that we will use to touch up rooms that are not getting fully painted. Hubs decided that between him and I we can lay the molding. I just have to paint all of it. The nice thing is that it has already been primed so should not take long. The reason Christmas is coming down earlier than expected is that we cannot move furniture and start the trimming process with Christmas up. My swirling mind started to get ready to trim and then hub's pointed this out. It was like,"Oh yeah!"
I went and paid for the new carpet yesterday and also ordered new for mom's old room. They will be here on the 9th to lay it. Don't worry I will make sure the room is empty this time. Hubs and I will pull up all the molding ourselves to save money. If this turns out to be a struggle I do have a handyman that will do it.
This is the first big project for the year. After I touch everything up and do a thorough cleaning of the bath and shop (which is a continuous process), the basement will be done. Then onto the upstairs. The kitchen needs so much touch up and finishing and the entire living area and hall needs to be painted. We will probably get a professional to do this. I think we have talked our yard man into helping paint the house. He has much fewer hours during the winter and he has been on a paint crew before.
So right now there are boxes of Christmas every where. Hubs and I have a full load ready to go to the storage unit and another to Lil sis's house. Don't know if we will get any of that done today, but I do plan on having everything downstairs and in separate piles ready to go by this evening.
It is certainly easier to take down than to set up, that is for sure. I am still overwhelmed by the amount of Christmas things I have. Mom shopped every after Christmas sale every year she was able. It is insane how much she had. I only kept the things that were really nice or meant something to me and there is still too much. Yikes!
Downsize and declutter will be my mantras until we sell. I was able to get rid of all the extra cookies yesterday , but gifting them to the yard man and his sons. He was glad to get them. Plus several boxes of 1/2 eaten sugar cereal, an extra cheese ball and the rest of that large smoked brisket we are all tired of eating on. Out, out, out of the fridge.
I also told hubs I would be buying absolutely no groceries unless it is milk/fresh things. We were going to eat every freezer clean and what we would not eat was going. Also we would use up as much of the storage as possible. If we don't it will have to be given away unless it is in a bucket or canned (like wheat) I will not store food in a storage unit. It just attracts pests and vermin.
So many plans, I need a nap.
Have a blessed and peaceful Sabbath.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Saturday, Thinking about the New Year

Hubs and I put in mission requests yesterday, so we will see how that goes in the new year. As we have never done this before it will be a very different experience. Hub's served a mission when he was 19 in Philadelphia and we would like to return to that area, but will probably serve in another place first. So now it is wait and see where or if we are placed.
The main thing I will be focusing on besides the shop, will be selling our home. There are many things that need to be done to get it ready and we to make all the necessary repairs. So there will be many lists and projects and then how to pay for them.
I also need to concentrate on paying off the two remaining debts plus a few CC bills from Christmas. Obviously the Christmas bills will come first. The car is at 0 percent so it will be last. I am not worried about any of this as last year I paid almost $30,000 to the house on top of all the other bills. It is not scary to me like it once was.
I also want to start several savings plans that will be fun for me. I want to save all my $5.00 bills. Last year that netted me over $2500.00 and helped pay off the last of the house. I also loved the penny a day can, which made over $600.00 to help pay off the house. Then of course my pig bank, which was $180.00 and paid for Christmas food and dinner. I am looking for a new fun challenge if any one has any ideas, let me know.
Right now I think getting all the trim painted and set in the basement, plus new carpet in moms room will be on the agenda for the next couple of weeks. There will be lots of painting around here. I would like to list the house at the end of March. I want the yard to be nice as I think it will help set the house off nicely.
All of this will of course be affected by when and where we get called on our mission. But the need to hurry and get projects done to sell the house will be of the utmost priority.
I am excited. I kind of love new adventures and this certainly will be an adventure.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Friday, They are all gone....
They are all gone. They left in dribs and drabs. The last 4 to go this morning. Hubs and I are sad. Now we have to look at this Christmas house and have only memories and a lot of clean up! I don't know when we will ever get all of us together again in one room. It was such fun. We ate and ate and ATE.
Our son in law Nathan had a buddy make that that Montana grizzly sign. That is Hubs and my Alma mater. It will look great in a cabin we think we might build someday. Ha! But for now it will hang over the fireplace in the family room. I love it!
What am I going to do with all these left over cookies? Yikes and I did not bake as much as I normally do. At least the caramels are all gone. My of my do I have my work ahead of me.
Nathan is a huge tease, here he is at their house, when Daughter #2 was trying to do some rearranging. He is always up to something. Which is probably why Schmills has the personality he does.
It is so quite here.... Is this my house? My Lil sis is out of town so I can't escape the silence and go to her place. I guess I could clean something.
Yesterday we had 4 huge baskets of wet laundry and we took it to a laundry mat with the boys in tow. Our oldest grandson loves washing machines. It is not his fault he is a little strange. Look at his parents. They had a ball while we dried all the clothes. Eldest daughter and I reminisced about going to that same laundry when she was about 10. We were between houses and stuck in a little tiny one bedroom apartment, without washer or dryer. We lived there about 5 months until we found another house.
The kids do not tolerate my cheap (inexpensive ways very well) Like the micro wave needed to be replaced as Hubs dad tried to make toast (dementia) in it and lit it on fire. But I was hoping to get it to last until we sold the house same with not replacing the dryer. I will just make do. They just shake their heads at my ways. Our TV remote has no markings any more and is held together by duck tape. So they replaced the micro wave and the remote. Well the TV is so old the remote would not work. They want us to replace our TV as the sound is really bad let alone the picture. Why we will move in a few months? The dryer was a big subject. Our eldest was not excited about using a clothes line to dry her undies. Really? Who raised these whiners? It is not like they were deprived of any necessity. Now they all make a lot more money than Hubs and I ever had, so maybe sacrifice does not come up in there minds. My whole life was sacrifice.
Well at least they will have mother and dad stories for the office. I am sure we gave them plenty of fodder.
Hmmmm.... What to do with myself? Perhaps sew, I could do that. Or maybe get dressed? I don't want to push myself.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Thursday, It was a Merry, Merry Christmas!
Well chaos did reign here, but it was wonderful. Christmas eve we stuffed ourselves and a few opened presents. My Lil sis had to leave to catch a flight to Chicago, so we opened her gifts and our youngest had to be back to work at her plant early the 25th so she opened her gifts also. Each of the 7 boys also opened one gift. It was quite the exciting time. After we got the younger three to bed we did stockings and slipped off to sleep ourselves.
A table full of desserts, and my mother's collection of Mary Englebrit Christmas dishes. We were well fed let me tell you and we are still eating leftovers and will be for at least today, maybe tomorrow. We will at least finish the sea food today or it goes to the chickens.
This was the boys table for Christmas eve dinner all set and ready to go. Most would not eat sea food, (dang!) But they sure played and had fun.
We started dinner at 4 p.m. so Lil sis could get out and make her flight, you will notice no snow this year, which is pretty normal.
Tables were set up in the living room for the 25 adults, here is our oldest grandson trying to light the butter warmers.
Here comes Dad to the rescue, Daughter #1 and baby James are getting ready to eat.
All the food was ready to be delivered to the guests.
A table full of desserts, and my mother's collection of Mary Englebrit Christmas dishes. We were well fed let me tell you and we are still eating leftovers and will be for at least today, maybe tomorrow. We will at least finish the sea food today or it goes to the chickens.
This was the boys table for Christmas eve dinner all set and ready to go. Most would not eat sea food, (dang!) But they sure played and had fun.
We started dinner at 4 p.m. so Lil sis could get out and make her flight, you will notice no snow this year, which is pretty normal.
Tables were set up in the living room for the 25 adults, here is our oldest grandson trying to light the butter warmers.
Here comes Dad to the rescue, Daughter #1 and baby James are getting ready to eat.
All the food was ready to be delivered to the guests.
This Nativity set was purchased at an auction by my mother and given to me on her last Christmas. So many pieces and we even broke one and refused to put another out. I really decorated this year. Lil sis helped me so much and I borrowed many things from her. The whole house screamed Christmas. It was fun, but so much work. Now it will all be taken down and returned. Between the things mom has given me over the years and all that I inherited I will never be short on Christmas things. I will only keep what I really cherish and that is still so much.
Yesterday Eldest daughter made a prime rib dinner, because well we had not eaten well enough the night before.... There is so much food in this house.
I need to get dressed and clean up and perhaps get the huge bass violin out of the master bath. A little sewing needs to be done and so much laundry. I might just spring for a laundry mat to dry about 4 loads of clothes. ;)
I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas, full of love and family.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Tuesday, Merry Christmas Eve!
Well I finished chart #25 for the year. So that is a great way to have a Merry Christmas. I don't plan on doing much sewing between now and the New year. I have a few things I have to get done, but mostly vacation.
The family enjoying the boys who have played hard.
B sitting next to the upstairs Christmas tree.
Downstairs bedroom ready for another nights sleep!
Cots set up for the boys next to the small tree in the bedroom. The boys all sleep like a bunch of puppies. So cute.
The girls and I made peppekakkor yesterday and lefsa. We have to go and pick up the sea food in a few minutes. D #2 is vacuuming for the 10th time in 2 days. There are 22 due for Christmas eve dinner. 15 adults and 7 kids.
shrimp cocktails
oyster stew
shrimp cold/hot
Cheddar biscuits
baked potables
cheese balls and cheeses/crackers
We will all starve I am sure because tomorrow we will do a prime rib. Really? I am already full.
Have a Merry, Merry Christmas my friends.
The family enjoying the boys who have played hard.
B sitting next to the upstairs Christmas tree.
Downstairs bedroom ready for another nights sleep!
Cots set up for the boys next to the small tree in the bedroom. The boys all sleep like a bunch of puppies. So cute.
The girls and I made peppekakkor yesterday and lefsa. We have to go and pick up the sea food in a few minutes. D #2 is vacuuming for the 10th time in 2 days. There are 22 due for Christmas eve dinner. 15 adults and 7 kids.
shrimp cocktails
oyster stew
shrimp cold/hot
Cheddar biscuits
baked potables
cheese balls and cheeses/crackers
We will all starve I am sure because tomorrow we will do a prime rib. Really? I am already full.
Have a Merry, Merry Christmas my friends.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Monday, When the kids all come home...
When the kids all come home you will:
Never have enough toilet paper in each bathroom. (there are 3 of them so you would think?)
Never step into a clean room.
Never keep a candy dish full.
Run out of the emergency paper towel roll immediately. (I don't use paper towel, just one roll for emergencies )
Cook at least 2 large meals a day.
Put on an apron in the morning and never take it off.
Use an 18 pack of eggs and then some for every breakfast.
10 lbs of potatoes will last one day.
Run the dish washer almost continually
Make a double batch of everything, popovers, baking powder biscuits, Swedish pancakes and eat every last morsel.
Go through 2-3, 1/2 pints of jam a meal. (have to top those biscuits and popovers and toast)
Love, kiss, pat and console,wipe, dab on a continual basis.
Love every minute of the long exhausting day!
I hope you are all enjoying this holiday time. I know I am.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Never have enough toilet paper in each bathroom. (there are 3 of them so you would think?)
Never step into a clean room.
Never keep a candy dish full.
Run out of the emergency paper towel roll immediately. (I don't use paper towel, just one roll for emergencies )
Cook at least 2 large meals a day.
Put on an apron in the morning and never take it off.
Use an 18 pack of eggs and then some for every breakfast.
10 lbs of potatoes will last one day.
Run the dish washer almost continually
Make a double batch of everything, popovers, baking powder biscuits, Swedish pancakes and eat every last morsel.
Go through 2-3, 1/2 pints of jam a meal. (have to top those biscuits and popovers and toast)
Love, kiss, pat and console,wipe, dab on a continual basis.
Love every minute of the long exhausting day!
I hope you are all enjoying this holiday time. I know I am.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Saturday, catch up!
IT was a fun event, although Hubs admitted he knew I had paid off the house, as I had told him I would do it before Christmas. It was still fun to have friends over. Sluggy and Dan would have made it the best, but alas missed the festivities.
Hubs forced me to go to the doctor on Wednesday. He just said go to the express care, get on line and make an appointment they will contact you 1/2 an hour before your time and you can run over. I was dubious. Waiting in a room for hours with other sick people is never my favorite thing to do. But I did as instructed. They confirmed my 1:15 appt immediately and then a 1/2 hour before I also got a message. So I headed over and was up at the desk with my mask on at 1:13. The woman says, you are not on our list. By the way the waiting room was full of sick people, like lots of sick people. I told her that was impossible as I had two messages on my phone confirming my appointment. I tried to shove my phone in her face. Her reply was that sometimes when two people are trying to make an appointment at the same time it will kick one out. My reply well then why do I have two confirmations if I was kicked out? No answer....I was then told I had a two hour wait behind all the sick people, I argued that I had proof of an appointment again showing her so I should have my scheduled time. No this was a walk in clinic and people had to go in order of show. But you want us to register on line? Why would you do that? Answer: It allows you to save your place in the cue. So I did that see? more phone shoving. This logic or lack of it continued until I realized it was an infinite loop ( computer term). I then got angry and they made me an appointment with a doctor upstairs for an hour and 45 minutes later. No they did not waste my time..... It took hours for my blood pressure to return to normal. I did tell the doctor upon seeing her all about my express (not) care visit and she just shook her head. What a mess, anyway got an antibiotic for secondary sinus infection and some good cough syrup. The river that was running down the back of my throat has abated, but the rest of the symptoms are about the same.
Thursday: The carpet layer came and we were told that they would help us move the larger furniture. When the men came in they were both about 6'4" and weighed in at 300 lbs a piece. I could not imagine how two OLD (very Old) men who were that large could lay carpet. They threw a fit that the room was not emptied and stormed out staying they would be back in an hour. Leaving me alone with a sectional to take a part and move by myself. I called the company and they had lost their regular guys so these were contracted people. It about killed me but I got the damn sectional apart and moved. They came in and grunted and heaved for about 4 hours. I thought someone was having a baby downstairs. I also decided if someone died I was not going to try and save them. The rude sons a &^%$#. But after they were gone the new carpet looks so good and the room looks great, we just have to put in the base boards, which we will do after Christmas.
Swedish Christmas tree. Most of these wooden things were painted by my older sister who passed away from breast cancer about 15 years ago. See the new grey carpet? So pretty.
Antique rocking chair that was great grandpas, could not be complete with out a pillow of Aunt Lil Sis scaring all the young ones.
Grandmas antique milk glass lamp, our old furniture with those stretch covers(I would highly recommend) We are not keeping any of the old furniture down here when we move only the antiques. That would be me and Hubs.
I love how the fireplace turned out and of course the traditional Yule bok stands sentinel over the fireplace.
I decorated mom's bath for our Oldest who is coming this evening with her family.
The new $500.00 basement toilet. IT flushes. That is all I care about.
Thursday a girl friend and I made caramels and rosettes for three hours and then I took a nap. Just exhausted. That has been the worst thing about this cold, is how tired I am. Friday D#2 came in at about noon and she cleaned non stop (I had left the kitchen a grease bomb mess) for 6 hours until Hubs party. Bless her. I was able to get a wedding dress done so today all I have is a little sewing and a couple of things to pick up. I also want all the gifts wrapped but daughters will help with that.
I feel like Christmas is ready to land here.
How are preparations going at your place? Any last minute things you need to do?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Hubs forced me to go to the doctor on Wednesday. He just said go to the express care, get on line and make an appointment they will contact you 1/2 an hour before your time and you can run over. I was dubious. Waiting in a room for hours with other sick people is never my favorite thing to do. But I did as instructed. They confirmed my 1:15 appt immediately and then a 1/2 hour before I also got a message. So I headed over and was up at the desk with my mask on at 1:13. The woman says, you are not on our list. By the way the waiting room was full of sick people, like lots of sick people. I told her that was impossible as I had two messages on my phone confirming my appointment. I tried to shove my phone in her face. Her reply was that sometimes when two people are trying to make an appointment at the same time it will kick one out. My reply well then why do I have two confirmations if I was kicked out? No answer....I was then told I had a two hour wait behind all the sick people, I argued that I had proof of an appointment again showing her so I should have my scheduled time. No this was a walk in clinic and people had to go in order of show. But you want us to register on line? Why would you do that? Answer: It allows you to save your place in the cue. So I did that see? more phone shoving. This logic or lack of it continued until I realized it was an infinite loop ( computer term). I then got angry and they made me an appointment with a doctor upstairs for an hour and 45 minutes later. No they did not waste my time..... It took hours for my blood pressure to return to normal. I did tell the doctor upon seeing her all about my express (not) care visit and she just shook her head. What a mess, anyway got an antibiotic for secondary sinus infection and some good cough syrup. The river that was running down the back of my throat has abated, but the rest of the symptoms are about the same.
Thursday: The carpet layer came and we were told that they would help us move the larger furniture. When the men came in they were both about 6'4" and weighed in at 300 lbs a piece. I could not imagine how two OLD (very Old) men who were that large could lay carpet. They threw a fit that the room was not emptied and stormed out staying they would be back in an hour. Leaving me alone with a sectional to take a part and move by myself. I called the company and they had lost their regular guys so these were contracted people. It about killed me but I got the damn sectional apart and moved. They came in and grunted and heaved for about 4 hours. I thought someone was having a baby downstairs. I also decided if someone died I was not going to try and save them. The rude sons a &^%$#. But after they were gone the new carpet looks so good and the room looks great, we just have to put in the base boards, which we will do after Christmas.
Swedish Christmas tree. Most of these wooden things were painted by my older sister who passed away from breast cancer about 15 years ago. See the new grey carpet? So pretty.
Antique rocking chair that was great grandpas, could not be complete with out a pillow of Aunt Lil Sis scaring all the young ones.
Grandmas antique milk glass lamp, our old furniture with those stretch covers(I would highly recommend) We are not keeping any of the old furniture down here when we move only the antiques. That would be me and Hubs.
I love how the fireplace turned out and of course the traditional Yule bok stands sentinel over the fireplace.
![]() |
Swedish Christmas memorabilia love all of it! |
I found this pillow face in an old box of Mom's Christmas things. It was done by a Great Aunt Sigrid in Sweden. I made it into a pillow cover and I think it is so beautiful. Now all the girls want it.
I decorated mom's bath for our Oldest who is coming this evening with her family.
The new $500.00 basement toilet. IT flushes. That is all I care about.
I feel like Christmas is ready to land here.
How are preparations going at your place? Any last minute things you need to do?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Wednesday, To the Doctor I go
Well I have given up getting better. Although my throat does not burn like it did when I cough, I now have a rattly chest and severe sinus drainage done the back of my throat. Also body aches and a low fever indicating an infection, so I am scheduled to see the Doc at 1:15 today. Hubs would have drug me there without and appointment if I had not made one. I really would like to feel like myself again.
Even thought I did quite a bit of sewing yesterday, I still have things that need to be out by Friday. So many things are happening around here and I am not on top of anything.
We had the toilet replaced in the basement this morning. it has never worked right and it had to be a basement flush high pressure toilet. So expensive. Then we have carpet layers coming tomorrow to do the family room and stairs. I really need some help around here moving stuff. I know they will do the big stuff. I will tip them, that always seems to work. I feel very behind although I just keep lowering my expectations and that seems to work.
Things that have to get done either today or by Friday:
1. Kim doctor
2. empty family room as much as possible
3. alter wedding dress
4. make veil
5. put patches on a leather vest
6. hem three dresses
7. make cheese ball for Lil sis
8. make potato soup for us and friend
9. alter suit for wedding Saturday
10. get to Wal-mart with a list
11.x-fer money for toilet from savings
12. get kitchen ready to make rosettes and caramels
13.take cream out of freezer
14. go to Winco for a few things
15. get gift cards for nephews
So I will get done what I can. It is all I can do. I think Daughter #2 will be down late Thursday if the weather is good. She will be of tremendous help. We are having a burn the mortgage party Friday night with a few close friends for Hubs birthday which is tomorrow. He still has no idea I paid off the house. It has been killing me to keep this secret.
My head is going to explode I swear.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Even thought I did quite a bit of sewing yesterday, I still have things that need to be out by Friday. So many things are happening around here and I am not on top of anything.
We had the toilet replaced in the basement this morning. it has never worked right and it had to be a basement flush high pressure toilet. So expensive. Then we have carpet layers coming tomorrow to do the family room and stairs. I really need some help around here moving stuff. I know they will do the big stuff. I will tip them, that always seems to work. I feel very behind although I just keep lowering my expectations and that seems to work.
Things that have to get done either today or by Friday:
3. alter wedding dress
4. make veil
5. put patches on a leather vest
6. hem three dresses
9. alter suit for wedding Saturday
10. get to Wal-mart with a list
15. get gift cards for nephews
So I will get done what I can. It is all I can do. I think Daughter #2 will be down late Thursday if the weather is good. She will be of tremendous help. We are having a burn the mortgage party Friday night with a few close friends for Hubs birthday which is tomorrow. He still has no idea I paid off the house. It has been killing me to keep this secret.
My head is going to explode I swear.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Tuesday,It might live....
This is a cartoon of me yesterday. Honestly my coughing was less and my throat was not as on fire, but my energy was the worst. I spent most of the day in bed and I just slept. Poor hubs hasn't had a hot meal in I don't know how long, can't think of when he will get one either. We cancelled the littles until later in the week if at all.
I really tried yesterday to get up and moving. I did get dressed but that was as far as it got. Then I went back to bed. Today seems a little better. I think. We will see.
I started to cut out curtains for the basement last night and I could not even convince myself to get one done. Just no motivation. It is the weirdest feeling. Just no energy. I have hardly been eating, nothing sounds good and everything tastes weird. That is a bonus.
I do feel better today, not sure how long it will last, I am hoping to get more done or at least attempt to get something done. There are quite a few things I need attention in the shop. Maybe if I make a list it will help. Don't worry about me over doing, this cold will just not allow it.
I wander around the house, that needs to be vacuumed and swept and just sigh, I have 4 more days before people will come so I have time to get things cleaned up right? Just not going to worry about it now. I have to be able to stay out of bed for 8 hours straight, so far I don't see that happening.
The list:
1. hem 4 pairs of pants
2. alter two sport coats
3. hem three pants
4. mend 4 items
5. fix dress
6. replace zipper
7. fix zipper or replace
8. hem three dresses
9. make three small curtains for basement windows
10. make large curtain
11. Make wall curtain to split laundry form hall
12. make wedding veil
13. alter wedding dress
I made that list and still feel like I can go in the shop maybe I am recovering? I certainly hope so, this has been miserable.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I really tried yesterday to get up and moving. I did get dressed but that was as far as it got. Then I went back to bed. Today seems a little better. I think. We will see.
I started to cut out curtains for the basement last night and I could not even convince myself to get one done. Just no motivation. It is the weirdest feeling. Just no energy. I have hardly been eating, nothing sounds good and everything tastes weird. That is a bonus.
I do feel better today, not sure how long it will last, I am hoping to get more done or at least attempt to get something done. There are quite a few things I need attention in the shop. Maybe if I make a list it will help. Don't worry about me over doing, this cold will just not allow it.
I wander around the house, that needs to be vacuumed and swept and just sigh, I have 4 more days before people will come so I have time to get things cleaned up right? Just not going to worry about it now. I have to be able to stay out of bed for 8 hours straight, so far I don't see that happening.
The list:
8. hem three dresses
12. make wedding veil
13. alter wedding dress
I made that list and still feel like I can go in the shop maybe I am recovering? I certainly hope so, this has been miserable.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Monday, scaring Hubs
This is day 7 of coldmagedon. I stayed home from church yesterday and slept for 15 straight hours. Just sat in pj's and vegged all day. I am still down today and did not get up and get dresses until after 11 which had Hub's all worried and standing in the doorway of the bedroom staring at me. He does not handle me sick very well. Well the fact that I am always sick does not help, but when I go down as in I don't move he really starts to worry. As he should.
I would like to get some sewing done today but I think I will just go try and take a nap. I'm just so tired. I will call a few people for pick up and take stock on what needs to be done. I really would like to get a fw Christmas things sewn but who knows.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I would like to get some sewing done today but I think I will just go try and take a nap. I'm just so tired. I will call a few people for pick up and take stock on what needs to be done. I really would like to get a fw Christmas things sewn but who knows.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Saturday, Hubs is pushing his luck and me

Then as I was leaving the nail salon I ran a red light on the busiest street in our town. Luckily I was able to avoid an accident, but I knew something was wrong with me. After the horrid pain at the nail place and then to be so dumb while driving I went home to stay. Turned out I had a fever which explains the sharp shooting pains in my hands and back. I tried to rustle up a batch of crack chicken for Hubs party and took a couple of Aleve. After the fever broke we found a couple of white elephant gifts and I decided I could go as long as I stayed away and didn't hug anyone. I know Hubs really wanted to see people and would not go without me.
I slept the one hour drive there and I enjoyed seeing people but could not really eat or make conversation. Then slept the one hour home. I went right to bed and slept until 10 this morning. My throat is raw and sore and I am still achy. Now hubs says we need to go and check out a missionary apartment at noon. What? He needs to get his paper work in and this is the last apartment. It has girls in it and he cannot go alone. I told him this was the last thing I was doing out of the house unless it was my choice. He knows he is pushing me beyond my limits so he went and bought me a Large diet coke at McD's. Yes I can be bribed even when I am sick.

So other then feeling like I have been run over by a mac truck things are going along quite well here. I am slow oceaning my way through my to do lists and today I will rest a whole lot more than normal. The kitchen is a wreck and I am behind on laundry, but those two things may just stay as they are.......
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Friday, what happened to the rest of the week?
How can it be Friday? My mind is a blur, as is my life right now. It must be the cold, not outside in my head. I have also lost my voice which Hubs is grateful for. He finally has a day off and I want to boss him and he can't hear me. Or he pretends to not hear my squeak. I have been moving slowly along.
I stayed in the shop yesterday and it was busy. But I swear everything I touched I screwed up. If it could be done wrong or messed up I did it at least twice. Much, much more work came in, so I will continue to be busy. I am only going to finish a coat to day and then just take it easy. * Snort*
I have yet to cash in my pig bank that I usually do on the 7th of December, but I have been too busy or too achy to deal with it. Perhaps today it can be done. Realize it is going to be a small amount as I saved my 5's and my penny a day which took much of my slush money. But it will be fun to see just how much is there.
Hubs has a work party tonight for his old office. He really wants to go. I will see if I can get the energy to try and go. I missed the church womens cookie exchange and dinner last night. I really wanted to go, but was too tired and could not even think of making cookies. I hope today is better.
I have the whole house decorated except the kitchen, which is a sty. I rally need to scrub both upstairs bathrooms, but that can wait. If I can get through this list I will feel like I can rest. Ha!
1. get dressed
2. make bed
3. start another load of laundry
4. take down laundry that is dry and put away
5. take a load of laundry to Lil sis's to dry
6.finish hemming a coat
7. call clients
8. make a dish for Hub's party
9. get two white elephant gifts for hub's party
10 cash in my pig bank
11.finish antique pillow
12. clean and decorate the kitchen (not much decor)
13.get nails done
14. order one more gift for son-in-law
15. attend Hub's party
That is quite a list, but I think I can pull it off. As several of these things just require a trip around town. Then spending time in the kitchen. I can do this.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I stayed in the shop yesterday and it was busy. But I swear everything I touched I screwed up. If it could be done wrong or messed up I did it at least twice. Much, much more work came in, so I will continue to be busy. I am only going to finish a coat to day and then just take it easy. * Snort*
I have yet to cash in my pig bank that I usually do on the 7th of December, but I have been too busy or too achy to deal with it. Perhaps today it can be done. Realize it is going to be a small amount as I saved my 5's and my penny a day which took much of my slush money. But it will be fun to see just how much is there.
Hubs has a work party tonight for his old office. He really wants to go. I will see if I can get the energy to try and go. I missed the church womens cookie exchange and dinner last night. I really wanted to go, but was too tired and could not even think of making cookies. I hope today is better.
I have the whole house decorated except the kitchen, which is a sty. I rally need to scrub both upstairs bathrooms, but that can wait. If I can get through this list I will feel like I can rest. Ha!
5. take a load of laundry to Lil sis's to dry
7. call clients
12. clean and decorate the kitchen (not much decor)
That is quite a list, but I think I can pull it off. As several of these things just require a trip around town. Then spending time in the kitchen. I can do this.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Thursday, Another Chart!

Yesterday was slow motion or slow ocean if you quote the Schmills. The kids were thrilled with all the Christmas things they could play with and I was achy and down most of the day. By down I mean sitting and not working. Finally when they left I was able to get up and get a few things done but again in slow ocean.
The downstairs bath had not been deep cleaned since a renter moved in in July. She was only here for about 4 months. She left in October and the rooms have not been touched. I did change the sheets on the bed, but the bathroom we started to use when we painted the basement. The scrubbing was intense and awful. I realized I was out of most cleaning products as I have not been buying anything unless I had too.
Hubs and I made a quick trip to the dollar store after he arrived home from the High School. I was too woozy to drive, from vertigo. I even fell into the cart at the store. I hope people did not think I was drunk. I did manage to get the downstairs bath cleaned and done up, and a few loads of laundry done and line dried. I also made up a large batch of Swedish sour cream cookie dough that my Lil sis will pick up this afternoon. Lil sis does not do the baking I do. But she will roll and cut out and then we will frost on Saturday.
I am not sure where this cold is going and I think I feel a little better today. I do have some sewing I have to do today and I will keep plugging along at the Christmas decorating, cleaning. Just have two bathrooms and two bedrooms and the kitchen.
After I get cleaned up, I am going out to do errands, like run stuff to good will, stop and get a couple of pillows, as the ones downstairs are going to the dog pound for recycle. I have to sew today as more work is coming in all the time, actually more than I anticipated this time of year.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Wednesday, The duster is gone!
Well she loved the outfit and I think it will be perfect for officiating a wedding. This picture makes her look much larger than she is, as she is quite tall. Everything is made out of her husbands shirts. This will be cute with boots and warm for winter. She loved it. The wedding colors are sage green and blue. Quite the eclectic number.
I liked the ruffle in the back, she loved it. You cannot see the detail of all the tags and buttons I pulled off the shirts that are sewn into the robe. So happy to see this out of the house and with the happy owner.
Kim then hemmed 8 pairs of pants and an emergency bridesmaid dress and I finally started cleaning. Of course the trash can was full and is at the curb so I have 6 bags of garbage waiting to be taken out. This downsizing and decluttering leads to so much trash. Something that I am really concentrating on not bringing back into my life.
The littles are here today and Hubs is at the High School most of the day so I am on my own. I also feel like I am coming down with a cold. This is the second day, (you know 3 days coming, three days there, three days gone) Just a scratchy throat, stuffy, drippy nose and a little achy. I hope it is not a bad one. I just don't need that right now.
There is laundry to do and I need to get to Lil sis's tonight to get things dried. I also am going to make up a couple of big batches of cookie dough. Lil sis will cut out the sugar cookies tomorrow with her friend and then we will frost on Saturday. I will roll and frost the peppekakor tomorrow. Hubs cleaned the kitchen yesterday, but it was a hubs clean and I need to get up there and really get things done and put away.
I had over 17,000 steps on my fit bit yesterday so I was one tired girl last night. The house is coming along. I still have three bathrooms and two bedrooms to do before I can call it done. Then I need to make curtains for the basement. Also have a pillow I want to finish. When I get the house decorated I will feel like I have accomplished something and then I can concentrate on the baking.
We are not having Mom's open house this year and I am grateful for that. This means I will not be doing as much baking. I will just make the family favorites. I do miss mom this time of year. She loved Christmas. All of my decorations are hers (or lil sis's) and they bring back memories. She loved to bake and it is hard not to have her sitting on the other side of my counter telling me I am doing it wrong.
I have no idea what I am making for my friend for dinner today and I also need to take one of the littles to dance class before I deliver the dinner. So I am going to go dig through the freezer and maybe get dressed?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I liked the ruffle in the back, she loved it. You cannot see the detail of all the tags and buttons I pulled off the shirts that are sewn into the robe. So happy to see this out of the house and with the happy owner.
Kim then hemmed 8 pairs of pants and an emergency bridesmaid dress and I finally started cleaning. Of course the trash can was full and is at the curb so I have 6 bags of garbage waiting to be taken out. This downsizing and decluttering leads to so much trash. Something that I am really concentrating on not bringing back into my life.
The littles are here today and Hubs is at the High School most of the day so I am on my own. I also feel like I am coming down with a cold. This is the second day, (you know 3 days coming, three days there, three days gone) Just a scratchy throat, stuffy, drippy nose and a little achy. I hope it is not a bad one. I just don't need that right now.
There is laundry to do and I need to get to Lil sis's tonight to get things dried. I also am going to make up a couple of big batches of cookie dough. Lil sis will cut out the sugar cookies tomorrow with her friend and then we will frost on Saturday. I will roll and frost the peppekakor tomorrow. Hubs cleaned the kitchen yesterday, but it was a hubs clean and I need to get up there and really get things done and put away.
I had over 17,000 steps on my fit bit yesterday so I was one tired girl last night. The house is coming along. I still have three bathrooms and two bedrooms to do before I can call it done. Then I need to make curtains for the basement. Also have a pillow I want to finish. When I get the house decorated I will feel like I have accomplished something and then I can concentrate on the baking.
We are not having Mom's open house this year and I am grateful for that. This means I will not be doing as much baking. I will just make the family favorites. I do miss mom this time of year. She loved Christmas. All of my decorations are hers (or lil sis's) and they bring back memories. She loved to bake and it is hard not to have her sitting on the other side of my counter telling me I am doing it wrong.
I have no idea what I am making for my friend for dinner today and I also need to take one of the littles to dance class before I deliver the dinner. So I am going to go dig through the freezer and maybe get dressed?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Tuesday, SO tired....
I am really tired of my house, it is such a wreck. I am still not done with the duster project although I sewed on it none stop all day into the night. Finally at 1 a.m. I went to bed, just frustrated. This is why I do not do custom work. Too much time and I will never get my money out of it. I still have about an hour of sewing and steaming to do on the (*&^% thing. Other clients are calling and I have to make excuses as to why I have not gotten their things done. I cannot get to any cleaning or decorating as I have to get this out.
I know I am in the downward stretch but just so tired. It is starting to affect Hubs, he keeps saying are you still working on that thing? You never should have agreed to do it. ( I know. I know!) The house is so torn up and I know that is getting to him also. Although he cannot really help me with anything. However yesterday he did make a trip up to Moscow to deliver a huge 5 piece entertainment unit to our daughter. Getting that out of the house was a major lift. He took the 2.5 hour break he has in the late afternoon to do this so I was really appreciative. Even managed to have a good hot dinner for him to scarf down in the15 minutes he had between returning home and having to be back at the theater. (okay so it was a frozen homemade pan of eggplant parm) but it was very god and enough for tonight or lunch. It pays to bake ahead and freeze.
Hubs schedule this week is rehearsal 2 times a day from 9-noon then from 12:20 to 3 then back for shows at 5:30 until about 8. He will do this until Friday when we have his old work party. Okay enough complaining... as it is accomplishing nothing. I need to buck up and just do. The littles are coming tomorrow and I cannot have the house as torn up as it is as it is dangerous.
So today's to do:
1.finish (*&^% duster)
2. finish under dress to duster
3. alter 6 pair of pants
4. hem two pairs of work overalls
5. clean and organize shop
6. put away all painting supplies
7. get boxes moved back to garage and Lil sis's
8. get family room decorated
9. get downstairs bedroom clean and decorated
10. get downstairs bath clean from all the painting (ugh)
11. do a load of wash and take to Lil sis's (afternoon)
12. clean kitchen
13. Get another load of wash dried at Lil sis's tonight
14. collapse
15. call roto rooter set appointment
Are any of you behind on this holiday season? Is all your shopping done? Are you baking? Are you losing your mind? Are you staying positive?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Everything is just so messy right now, I never thought I would be excited about getting the sewing done so I could clean! I can hardly wait. It is like Christmas!
I know I am in the downward stretch but just so tired. It is starting to affect Hubs, he keeps saying are you still working on that thing? You never should have agreed to do it. ( I know. I know!) The house is so torn up and I know that is getting to him also. Although he cannot really help me with anything. However yesterday he did make a trip up to Moscow to deliver a huge 5 piece entertainment unit to our daughter. Getting that out of the house was a major lift. He took the 2.5 hour break he has in the late afternoon to do this so I was really appreciative. Even managed to have a good hot dinner for him to scarf down in the15 minutes he had between returning home and having to be back at the theater. (okay so it was a frozen homemade pan of eggplant parm) but it was very god and enough for tonight or lunch. It pays to bake ahead and freeze.
Hubs schedule this week is rehearsal 2 times a day from 9-noon then from 12:20 to 3 then back for shows at 5:30 until about 8. He will do this until Friday when we have his old work party. Okay enough complaining... as it is accomplishing nothing. I need to buck up and just do. The littles are coming tomorrow and I cannot have the house as torn up as it is as it is dangerous.
So today's to do:
10. get downstairs bath clean from all the painting (ugh)
13. Get another load of wash dried at Lil sis's tonight
Are any of you behind on this holiday season? Is all your shopping done? Are you baking? Are you losing your mind? Are you staying positive?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Everything is just so messy right now, I never thought I would be excited about getting the sewing done so I could clean! I can hardly wait. It is like Christmas!
Monday, December 9, 2019
Monday, What a weekend!
I worked hard this weekend and I am happy it is over. The recital was cute, the studio is not putting on the quality of productions we did , but it is not mine and I have to let go. In fact I did not go to the second show. I stayed home and helped the kids finish up the panting. I ran to the theater at 8:30 to pick up some things I had loaned them and then came home. I did no cleaning, I did not tear up the floor. Hubs said when they left (he was setting up for Mondays school performance) the high school a pig sty. I always stayed and cleaned it up. As they were packing I was cleaning, but then again as I have worked for the district for over 30 years I know where everything to clean with is kept. I also did not want to be charged the outrageous fee for janitorial wages. They will be charged for the janitorial. Again as much as I want to help it is not mine and I had things that needed to get done at home.
Yesterday after church and choir practice Lil sis came over and started to help me decorate the house. The front room and dining room are done the rest of the place looks like we had Christmas vomit every where. It is work in progress. One room at a time. Lil sis will come over today and keep working.
I will take pictures and post when everything is done. Right now I have to finish up the duster and make a dress to go under it. So I am going to cut out the under dress and get that done and then work on the duster, I will do nothing else until her fitting at 3. I hope to really be able to complete most of it. Ugh! This is why I do not do custom work very often. t takes way too much time and you cannot charge enough and then you fall behind on other work. Like other clients, housework, laundry, decorating, cooking.... the list goes on.
The kids did a nice job with the panting. They had to leave yesterday to avoid the horrible fog storms. They actually had a 70 car pile up outside Spokane a few weeks ago. Son in law is a trooper and he is very cautious. I have a lot of tools and paint things to clean up, but I will get to that hopefully later today after my fitting. I also have to get some sewing done today for other clients. Yikes!
I was so happy when the weekend was over and now I will be even happier when this duster is out of the shop!
Have you started Christmas decorating? I am having such fun looking at all the things we have had over the years. Daughter and I were laughing about the fact that we only found two things I had purchased in all the Christmas boxes. The artificial tree and the wooden bead strands we have had for over 15 years. Everything else was given to us by my mother (the super consumer). I never had any money for Christmas decorations when the kids were home or in college, I have the money now but no desire to buy crap I don't need. I will use the crap I have and don't need.:) Still I love Christmas. Or I am trying to learn to re-love Christmas.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Yesterday after church and choir practice Lil sis came over and started to help me decorate the house. The front room and dining room are done the rest of the place looks like we had Christmas vomit every where. It is work in progress. One room at a time. Lil sis will come over today and keep working.
I will take pictures and post when everything is done. Right now I have to finish up the duster and make a dress to go under it. So I am going to cut out the under dress and get that done and then work on the duster, I will do nothing else until her fitting at 3. I hope to really be able to complete most of it. Ugh! This is why I do not do custom work very often. t takes way too much time and you cannot charge enough and then you fall behind on other work. Like other clients, housework, laundry, decorating, cooking.... the list goes on.
The kids did a nice job with the panting. They had to leave yesterday to avoid the horrible fog storms. They actually had a 70 car pile up outside Spokane a few weeks ago. Son in law is a trooper and he is very cautious. I have a lot of tools and paint things to clean up, but I will get to that hopefully later today after my fitting. I also have to get some sewing done today for other clients. Yikes!
I was so happy when the weekend was over and now I will be even happier when this duster is out of the shop!
Have you started Christmas decorating? I am having such fun looking at all the things we have had over the years. Daughter and I were laughing about the fact that we only found two things I had purchased in all the Christmas boxes. The artificial tree and the wooden bead strands we have had for over 15 years. Everything else was given to us by my mother (the super consumer). I never had any money for Christmas decorations when the kids were home or in college, I have the money now but no desire to buy crap I don't need. I will use the crap I have and don't need.:) Still I love Christmas. Or I am trying to learn to re-love Christmas.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Friday,Things that have been in the works
Here is a picture of the fireplace down stairs in the family room. It was a golden yellow and quite ugly. But was fine for the time when burgundies golds and green were all the rage. I would have left it but because we are selling the house it had to go. So I started with a the Cottage white which we are painting the whole room, then added the castle grey for the brick part. Then decided to paint the top grey also to break up all the white. The gold screen was in good condition so I had little sis come over and spray the screen with black stove paint. It took awhile to tape and cover all the glass and the
This is how it turned out and I really like it. I have not started decorating but have moved things to the places I will put them later. That little rocking chair was a gift from my mom when I was a year old. I crocheted the rug from bread bags. I am a saver like that. The nativity and wreath were also from mom's stash. I really can't remember buying many decorations over the years. Mom always gave me things she was tired of.
We are having new grey/light tan carpet laid on the nineteenth of December. I can hardly wait. The kids are finishing up the painting in the hall and the laundry room. One section of the house will be done. Yippee! It looks so clean and nice.
I have also been stressing on a project for one of our daughters teachers. All three girls had her in High School. She was married to the WSU football coach and he played pro ball for years before he became a coach. He passed away from cancer 2 years ago and had a 4 page write up in the local paper. Quite the celebrity. Any way she is officiating at their youngest sons wedding and she wanted a Boho duster made out of his shirts. Quite the project. I have spent hours thinking and rethinking this design, which is hard as you have very little material to work with as far as yardage is concerned. So here is a lay out of the front.
I will add laces and crocheted motifs with buttons and make it really artsy. She loves it I will get a final picture when it is done. So this is what I was working on yesterday and worrying about. I just needed to start. I prayed the whole 5 hours I was working on it and it was a hit. So grateful. I still have a load of work to do on it, but I am in the down ward side of things.
On top of that I have had so many bags and containers of berries in the upstairs freezer, taking up room. I have wanted to make jam for Christmas gifts. This has been a frustration, as it is hard to use the upstairs freezer. I finally got fed up and pulled 12 containers and large bags out of the freezer. I did this as I was making the meatballs Wednesday. I had a gallon of huckleberries, a gallon of blueberries, and 1.5 gallons or red raspberries. I mashed all the fruit in a large bowl and then put each kind of berry in a bowl and put them on the back deck where it is cold. Then when I was cleaning up the kitchen from the 12 dozen meat balls and two pumpkin pie fiasco, ( I can mess up a kitchen like no bodies business). I pulled every jam jar out of the closet on the back porch and put them in the dishwasher to sterilize.
So yesterday after sewing all day, I was able to go upstairs at about 4:30 and by 6:30 had 4 batches of jam made. One batch of Huckleberry which is like gold around here,one batch of blueberry, one batch of triple berry, and one batch of red raspberry. It does not take long if every thing is ready and you assembly line the mess. Hubs is upstairs processing right now. I can hear the seals going pop, pop, pop. I love that sound.
I did 34 assorted sizes. These will be Christmas gifts. Home made jam is just so much better than the corn syrup dyed crap they sell in the stores.
The pressure canner is full and we just bring it up to pressure.I think Hubs had to do three canners full. But it is almost done.
I have to be at the high school today to lay the floor as the studio owner just had major surgery. I also ripped the Navy dress uniform and have to finish that today. Then just keep up with the kids who are here painting. It will be a long day. But not as long as yesterday.
I think after this week end my stress level will go down. But the shop is very behind and I will have to concentrate on that for a few days.
What are you guys going to do this weekend? Any plans? Are you decorating, cooking, come on make me jealous
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
This is how it turned out and I really like it. I have not started decorating but have moved things to the places I will put them later. That little rocking chair was a gift from my mom when I was a year old. I crocheted the rug from bread bags. I am a saver like that. The nativity and wreath were also from mom's stash. I really can't remember buying many decorations over the years. Mom always gave me things she was tired of.
We are having new grey/light tan carpet laid on the nineteenth of December. I can hardly wait. The kids are finishing up the painting in the hall and the laundry room. One section of the house will be done. Yippee! It looks so clean and nice.
I have also been stressing on a project for one of our daughters teachers. All three girls had her in High School. She was married to the WSU football coach and he played pro ball for years before he became a coach. He passed away from cancer 2 years ago and had a 4 page write up in the local paper. Quite the celebrity. Any way she is officiating at their youngest sons wedding and she wanted a Boho duster made out of his shirts. Quite the project. I have spent hours thinking and rethinking this design, which is hard as you have very little material to work with as far as yardage is concerned. So here is a lay out of the front.
I will add laces and crocheted motifs with buttons and make it really artsy. She loves it I will get a final picture when it is done. So this is what I was working on yesterday and worrying about. I just needed to start. I prayed the whole 5 hours I was working on it and it was a hit. So grateful. I still have a load of work to do on it, but I am in the down ward side of things.
On top of that I have had so many bags and containers of berries in the upstairs freezer, taking up room. I have wanted to make jam for Christmas gifts. This has been a frustration, as it is hard to use the upstairs freezer. I finally got fed up and pulled 12 containers and large bags out of the freezer. I did this as I was making the meatballs Wednesday. I had a gallon of huckleberries, a gallon of blueberries, and 1.5 gallons or red raspberries. I mashed all the fruit in a large bowl and then put each kind of berry in a bowl and put them on the back deck where it is cold. Then when I was cleaning up the kitchen from the 12 dozen meat balls and two pumpkin pie fiasco, ( I can mess up a kitchen like no bodies business). I pulled every jam jar out of the closet on the back porch and put them in the dishwasher to sterilize.
So yesterday after sewing all day, I was able to go upstairs at about 4:30 and by 6:30 had 4 batches of jam made. One batch of Huckleberry which is like gold around here,one batch of blueberry, one batch of triple berry, and one batch of red raspberry. It does not take long if every thing is ready and you assembly line the mess. Hubs is upstairs processing right now. I can hear the seals going pop, pop, pop. I love that sound.
I did 34 assorted sizes. These will be Christmas gifts. Home made jam is just so much better than the corn syrup dyed crap they sell in the stores.
The pressure canner is full and we just bring it up to pressure.I think Hubs had to do three canners full. But it is almost done.
I have to be at the high school today to lay the floor as the studio owner just had major surgery. I also ripped the Navy dress uniform and have to finish that today. Then just keep up with the kids who are here painting. It will be a long day. But not as long as yesterday.
I think after this week end my stress level will go down. But the shop is very behind and I will have to concentrate on that for a few days.
What are you guys going to do this weekend? Any plans? Are you decorating, cooking, come on make me jealous
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Thursday, Actual panic.....
I feel very behind. The recital is this Saturday and although I am not in any way in charge, I have that recital panic feeling and I don't like it. I used to live my life this was 24/7. But in the last 5 years I have slowed down so much as far as outside work is, concerned and I have not had this heart racing panic for such a long time. I think I am not used to having so much on my plate at once anymore.
For instance, there is a ward Christmas party on Saturday as well as the towns annual Christmas parade. Also a show (recital) at One and at seven. Old Kim would have put herself on the list for food warm up to be delivered to the church, also would have pulled all Nativity costumes for the party which I would have delivered as I was running from the parade where I would have had kids dancing, in between shows. Then back to the theater to perform and tear down. But I said no to costumes this year, and I will not sign up for food. Also will be skipping the parade, sorry. All I can handle is the recital shows and even those are becoming over whelming in my mind. I am not in charge, just there for back up.
The kids are coming down tonight to finish the painting. I have so much sewing to do and one project that will have a fitting this afternoon. It is all I will work on once I get into the shop. I think I am just nervous about this and what I really need to do is SOMETHING. If it is wrong I can fix it, but to not start and just worry is not solving anything.
So today I have a list which all I can do is tick off and quit beating myself up. It will get done. Don't add anything else to the mix. No I will not be available to heat up a ham.I did get all 5 of my Sissie's Christmas aprons done a day ahead of schedule so that should be a little less stress.
1. clean up/ so I can face the public ( Why is this so hard)
2. mail Sissies package.
3. Stop by carpet store
4. work on duster and only duster until it is try on ready
5. sew up 4 army hats (costume)
6. fix green costume dress
7. Navy dress uniformRipped
8. make jam late in the evening. All is prepped and ready Hub's will process
There I should feel better. I just need to do something. Sitting and racing my brain just makes me wonky. I think part of it came from the littles being here yesterday and hubs was called into the High School from 9-12 and then from 1-3 and I had the kids by myself and was trying to make meat balls, and sew and make a couple of pies. Yum, pumpkin pie for breakfast. I feel better all ready. Hubs is reading the paper at the Veterans home and then I assume he will be at the High School all day off and on. SO I just need to attack that list. I can do it.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
For instance, there is a ward Christmas party on Saturday as well as the towns annual Christmas parade. Also a show (recital) at One and at seven. Old Kim would have put herself on the list for food warm up to be delivered to the church, also would have pulled all Nativity costumes for the party which I would have delivered as I was running from the parade where I would have had kids dancing, in between shows. Then back to the theater to perform and tear down. But I said no to costumes this year, and I will not sign up for food. Also will be skipping the parade, sorry. All I can handle is the recital shows and even those are becoming over whelming in my mind. I am not in charge, just there for back up.
The kids are coming down tonight to finish the painting. I have so much sewing to do and one project that will have a fitting this afternoon. It is all I will work on once I get into the shop. I think I am just nervous about this and what I really need to do is SOMETHING. If it is wrong I can fix it, but to not start and just worry is not solving anything.
So today I have a list which all I can do is tick off and quit beating myself up. It will get done. Don't add anything else to the mix. No I will not be available to heat up a ham.I did get all 5 of my Sissie's Christmas aprons done a day ahead of schedule so that should be a little less stress.
There I should feel better. I just need to do something. Sitting and racing my brain just makes me wonky. I think part of it came from the littles being here yesterday and hubs was called into the High School from 9-12 and then from 1-3 and I had the kids by myself and was trying to make meat balls, and sew and make a couple of pies. Yum, pumpkin pie for breakfast. I feel better all ready. Hubs is reading the paper at the Veterans home and then I assume he will be at the High School all day off and on. SO I just need to attack that list. I can do it.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Tuesday, kickin thru the important stuff
I will be happy when this upcoming weekend is over. There will be so much going on. After completing the costume sewing I realized I had forgotten another dress that has to be altered. It is an easy alteration, but still has to be done. Also I agreed to make 5 soldier hats that I forgot about so need to mock up a pattern for those. I just have one more apron to get done and I can ship those off to Sis.
My good friend came over yesterday and helped my distribute all the Christmas boxes to the right places and also clean up all the Thanksgiving things. So sweet of her. I was limping pretty bad but by late afternoon the pain was all gone. I realize now it is the RA as the left knee started to show signs of swelling. I have also had bad night sweats, and my hands have been falling asleep at night due to wrists swelling. I just have to deal with it. But having your knees affected is the worst, it really limits you and is very painful.
Babies are here today and Hubs has to work at the High school so I am on my own. They are watching cartoons and I might just try and go into the shop and make the last apron. I also could start a load of laundry. I want to get all the Thanksgiving linens washed and stored. There is 12 pounds of burger and sausage thawing out upstairs for me to make a huge batch of Swedish meatballs. I will take some into my friend and freeze a good part of them for future meals. These are easy and cook up quick, serve with potatoes and a vegetable. Probably serve with some kind of cake. Have not thought of it yet.
Just ticking things off my list. trying to make sure I get the most important things due out first. The kids are coming down Thursday evening to finish the basement painting, and even thought they offered to pull the carpet, I found out it will only save $55.00 so I will pay that and keep the carpet until the layers are here,they will pull the carpet. The carpet measuring people are due here at 10 today.
I have to get jam started. It has been on the to do list for 3 months now, but it is for Christmas gifts and I need the room in the freezer. Really once the berries are thawed and the jars are all sterilized in the dish washer it is just a matter of cooking it up. Hubs can water bath it on the back deck. It doesn't take long to make up a batch of jam. I just have to do it.
I guess I have enough to keep me busy or crazy, not sure which.
To do:
1.start laundry
2. iron apron parts
3. sew apron
4. thaw meat for meat balls
5.make meat balls
6. take dinner into friend
7.make up a pattern out of newspaper for army hats
8. cut out 5 army hats
9. make up army hats
10. continue working on duster
11. pull all fruit out of freezer to thaw
12. bake the last 6 pumpkins for pie filling to freeze
13. greet and get carpet 1ayers here for quote
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
My good friend came over yesterday and helped my distribute all the Christmas boxes to the right places and also clean up all the Thanksgiving things. So sweet of her. I was limping pretty bad but by late afternoon the pain was all gone. I realize now it is the RA as the left knee started to show signs of swelling. I have also had bad night sweats, and my hands have been falling asleep at night due to wrists swelling. I just have to deal with it. But having your knees affected is the worst, it really limits you and is very painful.
Babies are here today and Hubs has to work at the High school so I am on my own. They are watching cartoons and I might just try and go into the shop and make the last apron. I also could start a load of laundry. I want to get all the Thanksgiving linens washed and stored. There is 12 pounds of burger and sausage thawing out upstairs for me to make a huge batch of Swedish meatballs. I will take some into my friend and freeze a good part of them for future meals. These are easy and cook up quick, serve with potatoes and a vegetable. Probably serve with some kind of cake. Have not thought of it yet.
Just ticking things off my list. trying to make sure I get the most important things due out first. The kids are coming down Thursday evening to finish the basement painting, and even thought they offered to pull the carpet, I found out it will only save $55.00 so I will pay that and keep the carpet until the layers are here,they will pull the carpet. The carpet measuring people are due here at 10 today.
I have to get jam started. It has been on the to do list for 3 months now, but it is for Christmas gifts and I need the room in the freezer. Really once the berries are thawed and the jars are all sterilized in the dish washer it is just a matter of cooking it up. Hubs can water bath it on the back deck. It doesn't take long to make up a batch of jam. I just have to do it.
I guess I have enough to keep me busy or crazy, not sure which.
To do:
9. make up army hats
10. continue working on duster
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Tuesday, Bum Knee?

Did not get to any costumes yesterday, but I did get all the Christmas decos from my sister's house that she had borrowed. We had to carry many loads up and down her basement stairs, is that where the knee decided to rebel? Can't say. What I can tell you is that neither one of us closed the back gate to my pickup and I was strewing boxes of Christmas all the way home. When I pulled into the driveway with a 1/2 loaded truck, I realized that I needed to go on an egg(Christmas) hunt. Lewiston is on a series of steep grades and hills (think Seattle). So I retraced my route which by the way was less than a mile and picked up all I had lost. Felt like an idiot. Because I am. Nothing damaged or broken except my pride. I was stopping the truck, putting on my flashers and picking up boxes in the middle of the street where cars were swerving around them. Fun with Kim. Is this where my knee said halt? Getting in and out of a large truck several times.
I will be limping about my shop today, getting those costumes I said I was going to do yesterday done. Also have to sew two more aprons, and I have another project in the works. Maybe should try and sew a little on something that can make money. The thought....
Now the back hall to the shop is loaded with Christmas decos, and that drives me crazy, but I have a girl friend coming over and I hope she will help me distribute the crap to the rooms it belongs in. I really dislike it when the back hall is full. Plus all the painting is done there and I want to out things back together.
So today's list is as follows:
What are you guys going to do today? Anything fun? Anything boring? Anything you have been avoiding?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
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