Monday, December 18, 2023

Monday, More sewing, trying to stay calm.

 I need this on a t-shirt. It could be my motto.

I have Kelsa here today and she has been with me for the last two nights.  She has had a snotty cold but was much better yesterday. Seems to be over it today.

I have sewing to do all day today and tomorrow and then onto cookie baking.  

Lil sis and I got hers done on Friday, but lefsa took almost her whole day.  Next year we will just have a lefsa day.

I do not plan on doing any sewing after tomorrow.  Everything can wait until after the New Year.

Only one more present needs to arrive for gift giving and I am done. Amazon is a game changer I tell you.

I am not sleeping well.  I can't get to sleep no matter how tired I am.  Once I am asleep, I am fine.  But I watch the clock until 3 in the morning and I need to find a way to break this cycle.  I am so tired all the time.  I cannot take a nap every day.

I am sure it is just stress, and grief.  Trying really hard to mitigate this, but so far nothing has helped.  It is just time.

I am missing Slugs really bad and she is going to see Sissie after Christmas and I want to be there, but no go.  THEY HAD BETTER NOT HAVE FUN WITHOUT ME.....



  1. Oh, we WILL have fun despise your wishes. hehehe But we will miss you....8-(
    Try some melatonin for the sleep....or get on your hamster wheel and race around until you drop. 8-)))

    1. turn clock so you can't see it along with melatonin. No phone in reach of bed either. No tv an hour before bed. Try music that bores you to sleep

  2. It takes time - a lot of time. I needed something on quiet and low for a steady drone of noise. The normal fan wasn't enough. I turned the TV super low or the radio (couldn't really hear the words) - just had noise (like when hubs was here.) It really did help calm me.
    Time all in time. HUGS

  3. Hi Kim! I’m a Norwegian living here in NY since 1990.. and I made lefse this year too! It does take a long time!! I’m so sorry you’re having a hard time falling asleep.. but I can imagine your mind not being able to rest, with this being the first Christmas without your dear husband😢Sending much love and light to you and your family.. xo, Ricki/Rigmor in NY ❤️

  4. (((Hugs))). Time is what this will take, but I agree with Cheryl, try some white noise and see if that helps.

    God bless.

  5. White noise helped me, but it no longer works. I use a cd of Rod Stewart's American Songbook I. It may not put you to sleep. Melatonin worked for a few years. Sleeping pills last about 20 hours, but I cannot be groggy that long. Now, i am on a sleep two hours, stay awake 4 or 5 and then sleep the rest of the day--not good. Sorry, but I understand not sleeping. It is the worst. At least you have given yourself a deadline for stopping all work.

  6. I'm glad you're almost finished sewing for the year. That will be a nice break. Hugs and prayers for you my friend.

  7. A few things i do when I can't sleep:
    -No phone or electronics an hour before bed (i read)
    -Keep our room cool, and consider a fan, both for white noise as well as a light breeze
    -Some stretching before bed - particularly useful as my back is often a reason I don't sleep well
    -If I'm super desperate and haven't slept in a while, I take one Tylenol (back pain) & one Tylenol PM.

    1. HP - these help me out as well. Especially the stretching

  8. I would suggest you read "Lord Jim" before bed. It is still at the top of my worst books ever and if it will not put you to sleep nothing will. (Except maybe The Mill on the Floss, which is actually pretty decent but hard to get into. Elliott is the master of wordy run on sentences.)

  9. I had a period of time after my husband died that I could not go to sleep. My doctor, who is also a personal friend, gave me a prescription to help me get to sleep. I used it 7 times. It helped on those nights that I could feel that I wasn't going to get to sleep.

  10. (((((Kim))))) Love and Hugs to you.

  11. I have been thinking of you as you finish off 2023 without hubs. Hugs to you Kim ❤️
