Monday, February 26, 2024

Monday, I am on a roll of wedding dresses

 That was last week, I am hoping for a better week this week. Auntie and I are having fun, probably too much fun.  She could live here forever, and I would love it.  We are so much alike.  She is a joy.

We helped my middle daughter Signe' move all weekend. SO much to do.  I think I worked harder last Friday than I physically have in a long time. I was very tired. I kept Kelsa Saturday night into Sunday so they could sleep better and then back up to help unpack the kitchen.  I feel like I worked and worked, and I got nowhere.  But that is how it is moving.

They did get the house they left cleaned so that is done, now to just concentrate on the new home.  I so want to help more but I have to be here to get things done.

This week it will be a couple of piles and then wedding dresses. I want to get at least 4 done today. We will see. I have already turned down two other jobs today.  I just have to, I need to concentrate, on what I have in the shop already.  See Kim is learning, slowly.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to report that I have 4 wedding dresses ready to go.

Don't hold your breath, but I am seriously going to try.



  1. Your meme is funny - but I can't tell you how many times I have 'tried' to get out with the seatbelt on!
    Busy, busy gal - good luck.

    1. I know, our minds work faster than we think and there we are.

  2. Getting 4 of the dresses done would be amazing! I hope you succeed and report back. We'll be here rooting you on!

  3. Keep on rolling! And charge what your time is worth!

    1. I know, I just finished a dress and I thought at the price I had a lot more to do, but I didn't and wow, I made some money

  4. Do you have to turn down wedding dresses? Can you explain that your shop is full, but if they can wait to bring them in, you'll be able to get to them? Or is everyone getting married next month?

    1. I do ask people not to bring in until later as the shop is so full. I also ask that they pick up right away. I will not store dresses.

  5. Hi Kim, since you specialize in Wedding Party alterations, have you thought about only doing those & not doing the small alterations? Seems like you would or do, make more money on the dresses. I thought I read that you are the only one doing those alterations in your area. A specialty shop could charge higher rates & thus effectively giving you more time away from sewing to concentrate on life things. You are so talented.

    1. I have thought of that but as there is no one else that does any sewing I fell t like that would not go over well. Also with Sissie coming she can take over the small stuff.

  6. Sorry not anonymous but Marie in Ketchikan.

  7. You've got this Kim!! Cheering from the sidelines.
