Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, Messy cook

      I am a messy cook.  I always have been.  My mom was a messy cook and so was her mom.  It must be genetic.  Now I am not saying we were or are not good at it, just messy.  In home ec  or should I say Homewreck  I always got A's in product and D's or F's in station cleanliness.  Last night after I sewed most of the day, I started to makeup the things that we will use at the open house.

     This one might be a little scary. The compost bucket gets filled and emptied once a day with what ever scraps there are left.  I must say my chickens love me.

     I started with the almond cakes as I could double the recipe and they could cook for 50 minutes while I assembled the other dough.  So after I had them in the oven, I made up a batch of Peppekakkor( a flat ginger cookie that will be rolled out, cut and decorated)  this is my favorite cookie.  I also did a batch of ginger rounds which is a cookie that is made into a ball and then baked and dipped in chocolate, much like German lebkucken. I also made up a batch of Kokkokasser a refrigerator sliced cookie.

     I am happy to say that I started a little after 7 p.m. and a little before 9p.m. the kitchen was spotless.

     Do you see this open cupboard? That is points off.  Oh and the open jar of molasses?  Points off? Dirty counter?  Contaminate,points off?  I don't think I will ever learn.  I just need a keeper.

     I guess my mind is just onto the next thing and I figure if I will need an ingredient again it should just stay out and open.  Right?  If I constantly wiped the counters they wold be wet and then where could I flop things, like my cell phone and diet coke?  If you could see the condition of my recipe cards (or I should say mom's) you would be shocked.  But that is just me.  I am a work in progress mess.

Look at this mess.  I mean really.  Put things away.  Nope!  Not until I am done.  Sorry this is my way. I find it very effective and I think it saves me time.

     But here are the results.  In less than two hours.  Three doughs ready for the fridge and the almond cakes will be frozen.  I will make two more almond cakes and two more doughs hopefully this evening.

     I am going to run pick up the great nephews and take them to get Sunday dress shoes. Why do they grow so fast?   Little monkeys become big monkeys. They will of course be starving so we will stop for a burger and then to the shoe store.  I hope to be home a little after 7.

     I would like to get Sucra citron kasse (lemon sugar cookies) and Swedish sour cream cookie doughs done tonight  and put in the fridge.  The other cookies are made on irons or the dough must not be refrigerated. So if I can get all these in the fridge than I can lay out my parchment paper and start baking.  I will do the ball cookies together and then the rolled and cut cookies.  The sliced refrigerator cookies go very fast.

    I also need to take the ingredients for the meatballs out of the freezer to thaw.  I am careful about meats.  So not quite as messy:)

     I have 9 hems to do today and I want to get started on a wedding dress alteration.  I must also run to the store for real margarine and Albertsons has butter 1.99 limit one.  I will go back several times.
One of the stores was advertising butter on sale for $3.49.  I laughed. Really?

     Yesterday I paid the house payment and added $300.00 of the extra $1000.00 I will try and pay this month.  Anything above that will go to Christmas. It was a very enjoyable, rather relaxing day for me.

      I am still suffering the side affects of the new medication.  I really dislike the constant headaches.  Like my head is in a vice or there is a tight rubber band around it all the time.  Sometimes it makes me queasy. I hope it passes soon, not liking it one bit.

     Tomorrow is pig day!  I am excited to see how much I saved this year!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Can't wait to see how fat your hog got!!

    1. Quit talking about my butt like that. And I don't mean Joel.

  2. I'm a really messy cook too. For some reason my DD like to clean up, so I miss her when I cook now, LOL.

    1. Good for you, My oldest was great to clean up and I sure missed her when she left.

  3. I'm one of those who cleans up as I go. A mess would drive me nuts!

  4. Another messy cook, here! You definitely know when I've been making something! Today, it was a batch of strawberry jam. My whole kitchen is kind of sticky! :D But the jam is delicious!

    1. Do your feet go shwack, shwack, shwack when you walk across the floor?

  5. You must thrive on busy-ness. It makes my head swim to hear of your activities.

    1. Yes I guess I do, but I also take a lot of time to do what I enjoy.

  6. Holy Cow! You call that a really relaxing day?? You're amazing! Remember how I told you no one reads my blog anymore? Well, I posted a couple of pictures of 3 of the grandkids and I got a call from the father of the 3 and he asked me to take them off please. Someone saw it, called his wife and she called him and reamed him out. I have no idea who even see's my blog anymore!! Grrrrrr, Well, my grandkids in Lewiston are going to drop me like a jilted girlfriend for YOU!!! You are so good to them and we are so grateful they have you and Joel! Thanks

    1. We only have the three girls and no sons so Stillman whether he likes it or not is it. Plus with so few grandchildren they are just so fun to spoil. Last night it was dress shoes and I about cried when Alex fit into a pair of mens shoes. He had missionary feet. I spit on him in an old Jewish curse to keep him from growing.

    2. You are hilarious!! We love that you and Joel have taken the kids under your wings. They love it! Keep up the good work! We sure appreciate it! SPIT AWAY!!

  7. I am hungry just reading your post. The cookies you are making will be delicious. I hope you got some rest too!

    1. Oh I will, but steroids make it hard for me to sleep.

  8. Yesterday I paid the house payment and added $300.00 of the extra $1000.00 I will try and pay this month. Anything above that will go to Christmas. It was a very enjoyable, rather relaxing day for me.
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