Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tuesday, How do you eat an elephant?

Daniel and Braunwyn, Korbel August 3rd 2019
      Here are the happy couple, but no one is happier than the mom-ma, that the whole darn thing is over.  B will be 27 this fall it is hard to believe she is that old.  My son-in-law has the most beautiful blue eyes.

This is a picture of the Palouse prairie , more wheat grows here per acre than any where else in the world.  It is beautiful country.

I see her shoes are up on the wall behind her.  They sure had fun at this wedding.  Those flower stakes were actually pew bows during the ceremony.

     I will keep showing pictures as they come in.

     The whole house at least the basement and my shop are covered in wedding things.  The linens are done and need to be passed onto the next wedding.  I am going through things slowly one box at a time.

     Yesterday Hub's started to wash many of the reusable plastic plates, but not all are done.  Maybe today this will be a goal.

     Just getting laundry caught up is taking time, as last week we just ran with scissors.  When I got home the main concern was the garden and all the produce that had been picked and then the overabundance of new produce to be picked.    I ended up throwing some yellow squash and a few zucchini away due to rot.  It could not be helped.  But I had two heaping kitchen sinks full of, yellow squash, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, green beans, and I also picked 1/2 gallon of blueberries that would have gone bad.

     There was some wedding food left over that needed or needs to be eaten or made into something else.  A bag of this and a bag of that.  One salmon, 1/2 a brisket, the salads we are eating down with just one small salad left.

     So the day was spent taking care of customers and dealing with produce, and sorting wedding things.  No sewing was done.  I have to sew today.

     I was on my feet all day yesterday until about 6:30 in the evening when I finally was able to get the kitchen cleaned up.  I froze the blueberries after cleaning them.  I sorted and snapped the green beans for later this week.  I then started to clean and chop the two sinks full of veggies.  It took all day to just pick and deal with the garden.  When ever a client came by and I was waiting while they changed I sorted wedding boxes, putting things into piles to deliver back to people that they belong to.  Mostly Lil sis.

     Buy 6 p.m. I was able to put up 17 quarts of a rich think spaghetti sauce.  I used Italian sausage and burger out of the freezer and of course all of the burger was bought at below $2.00 a lb.  As I have been using up my pantry staples since mom died, I used up the last large can of tomato paste.  So I ran to a store in my apron (I was stylin) where low and behold the butcher was putting out a box of 85/15 ground beef for $1.89 a pound.  I bought all 9 packages and then had to reseal them with my vacuum sealer.  Didn't mean to add to my chaos but I could not resist and the kitchen was already so messy what is one more thing?  My sanity was long gone.

     Last night was the last of the company as Aunty flew out this morning and my girlfriends and twin sister will leave today.  Sissie was just here with all the linens washed and folded.You got to love her.

     So at 6:30 I went over to Lil sis's for a girls night.  We ate wedding leftovers, and we soaked our feet and dipped our hands and feet in wax and laughed.  Hubs (got to love him) pressure canned all the sauce while I was gone.  It was over 100 here yesterday and will get to 108 today.  So he waited until the sun went down and it cooled off to can everything out on the outdoor canning set up we have.

     You don't know how good is feels to get all of that mess taken care of and to know that the garden is picked and will be quite for a day or two.    Today I will continue to clean and deal with food from the wedding.

     I have a whole grilled salmon in the fridge to debone and freeze.   Will use this later for bisque.  It has to be done today.  Fish and company. I also am making a huge pot of stew using cut up brisket, left over carrots and celery.  I will pull onions and potatoes from the garden.  I will freeze this in gallon bags.  That should take care of all the wedding food.

     So today I have my work cut out for me.

1. debone salmon and freeze
2. make stew up with left overs
3. continue to sort and put away wedding things
4. continue laundry ( last load just went into the wash)
5. wash up all reusable dishes
6.sew, sew, sew

     The Sheriffs department just got all new uniforms and of course they came in late and all have to be in new uniforms by this week for an inspection, so I have uniforms due out today and tomorrow and more coming in every hour.  Is this my problem you ask ?  Why yes it is....  money, money. money I keep telling myself.

     I am eating this elephant one bite at a time.  Soon my life will return to semi normal.  I will never ever call it normal.  But I am sleeping well at night with no stress thoughts waking me, it is wonderful. I am grateful for family and good friends.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I know dealing with the leftovers and the produce is time consuming enough. Just sorting and returning items is also a big chore. Thank God for family and friends who will help with things like laundry and canning!

  2. Beautiful couple! I am happy for you. ... Now, one bite at a time ...

    1. I am so pleased and they are beautiful if I do say. Thanks!

  3. Host a party for all the helpers? I'm just kidding. You have really great family and friends.

  4. Your daughter and son in law make a lovely couple! I can't believe how hot it is and I have been thinking about you down in the valley. It is 100F out on my shade back porch right now. UGH! I've been cooking at night and slept in until noon today. This heat just zaps me!

    1. It is hot here, but I really don't mind the heat that much.

  5. What a stunning couple! So happy for them.

    As you said, tackle things one bit at a time and they will all get done.

    1. Thank you I think they are pretty special. You are right one pile at a time.

  6. Now, you can breathe.

    Your husband was very helpful canning all that for you. Well, it is for both of you.

    Your daughter is stunning. I biggified the picture at the table, and he does have beautiful blue eyes.

    And, you have jumped back in, feet first. Sewing is money, so you will not have difficulty getting back into the thick of that. But, the deadline of the wedding is behind you.

    1. I know, I love those eyes. I am getting plenty of sleep but the shop does not sleep.

  7. A beautiful couple, a beautiful prairie picture, and a beautiful wedding from the looks of that table! It's good to hear that you soaked your feet with your sister, and that your husband canned the sauce. Now you'll be a different kind of busy, with less pressure on yourself for time.

    1. It is kind of weird having the pressure gone, but I am so grateful it is over!!!!!

  8. I love getting to see the pictures and your daughter is stunning!

    1. She is a beauty. She works in a sewer plant as a biologist. So pretty to be playing with poop....

  9. Your getting there and it was s worth it. The bride will remember it forever! And full freezers! Result!

  10. Our girls share the same name ( my girls is spelt different and she'll be 27 in the fall too)... Looks like it was a great day!

    1. I allowed Hub's to pick out a Gaelic name as the other 3 girls all had Swedish names. Her name means dark child, or dark one.

    2. Her's the welsh version and means purity of heart...

  11. What a beautiful couple!!! Congrats!!

  12. Such gorgeous photos! The wedding looks perfect. I love the prairie photo.

    As for today, one small task at a time. You've got this!

    1. I just want the crap gone, but it will take a few more days!

  13. A beautiful couple! The pictures are spectacular. One bite at a time sister! You inspire me.

  14. What a beautiful couple your daughter and SIL are. I wish them many, many years of happiness. My MIL always told me to "eat the elephant one bite at a time". You do a great job at that.

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