You are never going to believe this, because I still can't.
Yesterday was a full day of sewing to get things done so I don't have to sew today. I just wanted today to be about thinking and packing, pay a few bills, cleaning up the house etc.
So I finish a small amount of work on the dirndl dress and client comes and picks it up. Then I hemmed a lab coat, and hemmed the 4 t-shirts. Two had to have lace removed and moved up, what a pain. After that I finally took the 2 mother of the bride dresses and started hacking up the first one. After I added the panels, I figured out how to get the best use of the material for making 3/4 sleeves. I inserted these and did not taper the bottoms or finish anything in the sleeve. This way I could try it on the client and taper accordingly. I figured once tried on I could serge the sleeve seam and add the bottom trim in about 15 minutes.
I was so happy. I called client and left a detailed message about how she had to come over last night and try it on and I would finish. As the wedding is on the 13th of Oct. she could not wait for me to get back. She calls back and tells me that the wedding has been cancelled so she does not need the dress. So? Am I to keep it? Are you going to pick it up? It isn't finished?
I was so dam*&d mad. She didn't think to call me? I am sure I was not on her list of people to call first but really? I spent so much time worrying about this stupid thing. (which was my fault) So I told her I was very busy and over stressed about this dress and I was not going to work on it any more until I got back. Hub's wants me to give it to her with a bill and tell her is she wants it finished it will be x amount more. That is what I am going to do.
She was so nonchalant about the whole thing I am sure if I didn't insist she would just leave it here and let me eat the money. If you go back and read a great comment a few posts back left by Linda you will see how many people feel about women who sew for others. She does not value me or my time. She sees me as less than her.
Well enough of that.
Today I have to pack and remember all the things you forget, like meds, chargers, passport. I want to clean the house some so I don't come home to a pig sty. I need to pay a few bills that will be due when we are gone. I also have to teach tonight and we are leaving right after I teach to drive to Spokane.
I can't believe I will see Sluggy in less than 2 days. Yippee!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Well I completed another chart for the month of September so I was excited about that. I will not be able to complete another as we will be gone. But I will be able to get a good chunk of another is everyone picks up. I don't plan to sew again until the 11th of October. I still have a myriad of things left to do.
I did get the last bride dress out and a hard dirndl alteration done. I had to make two trips to Joanns yesterday as my brain was stupid. I really hope to be done sewing by tonight so I can spend tomorrow packing and tying up loose ends.
One of our renters will be leaving us Oct. 5th so she is taking us out to dinner tonight. Yeah no cooking. Tomorrow we leave right after I teach dance to drive to Spokane. Our daughter will watch our dog so we don't have to board him. She will take us to the airport on Thursday morning so we don't have to pay to park our car. See I am already saving money on this trip. Hub's will pack apples and nuts, string cheese for our flight, so we don't have to buy airport food.
I am getting really excited. I printed out our itinerary this morning just to go over it. This also calms my nerves as I can see that we are confirmed.
I went over to my Lil sis's house last night so she could dye my obnoxious grey hair. It gets frizzier and greyer by the month. She does a great job and it only costs me about $7.00 in product. I am lucky to have such a talented and well trained sister.
Yesterday besides sewing, I changed the cat box, did all the laundry, actually ironed 10 pieces of ironing and plan to do more today. I make it a game every time I finish an item in the shop, or a pile I have to iron 5 pieces. As yesterday was spent on two major items it was just 10 pieces. Today will be a different story.
1. shorten hunting pants with zippers
2. shorten 4 shirts
3. replace zipper in motorcycle jacket
4. replace zippers in motorcycle pants.
5. mother of the bride
So that leaves room for 25 pieces of ironing and I am sure I have that many.
Let's see if I can get this mess done so I can concentrate on cleaning house and packing tomorrow.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I did get the last bride dress out and a hard dirndl alteration done. I had to make two trips to Joanns yesterday as my brain was stupid. I really hope to be done sewing by tonight so I can spend tomorrow packing and tying up loose ends.
One of our renters will be leaving us Oct. 5th so she is taking us out to dinner tonight. Yeah no cooking. Tomorrow we leave right after I teach dance to drive to Spokane. Our daughter will watch our dog so we don't have to board him. She will take us to the airport on Thursday morning so we don't have to pay to park our car. See I am already saving money on this trip. Hub's will pack apples and nuts, string cheese for our flight, so we don't have to buy airport food.
I am getting really excited. I printed out our itinerary this morning just to go over it. This also calms my nerves as I can see that we are confirmed.
I went over to my Lil sis's house last night so she could dye my obnoxious grey hair. It gets frizzier and greyer by the month. She does a great job and it only costs me about $7.00 in product. I am lucky to have such a talented and well trained sister.
Yesterday besides sewing, I changed the cat box, did all the laundry, actually ironed 10 pieces of ironing and plan to do more today. I make it a game every time I finish an item in the shop, or a pile I have to iron 5 pieces. As yesterday was spent on two major items it was just 10 pieces. Today will be a different story.
1. shorten hunting pants with zippers
2. shorten 4 shirts
3. replace zipper in motorcycle jacket
4. replace zippers in motorcycle pants.
5. mother of the bride
So that leaves room for 25 pieces of ironing and I am sure I have that many.
Let's see if I can get this mess done so I can concentrate on cleaning house and packing tomorrow.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Monday, Thanks, money savng madness
Thanks for all the kind responses to my dilemma. I really think the Lil penpen was right. Some people just don't value my time, or my knowledge. I need to be firmer and I have a tendency to be a push over. I want people to like me. I think I am hard to like. This makes me paranoid. I am getting better as I age but old hurts and habits die hard.
I am almost finished with my last wedding dress, then I have shirts to shorten and a flower girl dress to shorten and some zippers to tackle. I will take in nothing new until we get back.
Sluggy has purchased my diet coke so I don't have to worry about that. It is a big worry! Now I have to worry about getting ready to go. What do I pack, how much do I pack? Where is my passport, my phone chargers, my meds, my brain. What are we doing with the dog, the cats, the chickens, who will water the flowers? So much to think about. Ugh!
But I am so excited to see Sluggy and her husband. I know we will have fun and lots of laughs and see so many great things. I can hardly wait.
Money saving madness Sept.16th-22nd 2018
1. Ate all meals at home, but one
2. Used food from pantry and freezers for all meals cooked
3. Used onions, squash, tomatoes, peppers out of garden
4. Utilized wax wraps and bowl covers for food storage to prevent using plastic.
5. Made 4 loaves of home made bread, one to give away and 3 to eat. They are gone so we must like it.
6. Fed all food scraps to the chickens.
7. recycled egg cartons from friends in exchange for free eggs.
8. Accepted bread bags from friends for rug project.
9. bought only necessitates at store
10. paid attention to receipt and saw where I was over charged for an item, store reimbursed me over $10.00 and I was able to get item free as was their policy.
11. Helped little sis rearrange her kitchen as she bought a new full size fridge. So I will get my small fridge back and I will also get her and mom's small chest freezer. I have never had a freezer and I am excited about it. I will deal with this when I get home. I am so excited.
12. Used coupons at Joanns for items needed
13. Took Lil sis to get fabric to recover her dining chairs and decided we needed to do new valances in dining room, so helped her save money.
14.Flipped the collar of another shirt for hubs.
15.Used leftover wedding things to fix a wedding dress, allowing me to charge accordingly.
What have you done this week to save money?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I am almost finished with my last wedding dress, then I have shirts to shorten and a flower girl dress to shorten and some zippers to tackle. I will take in nothing new until we get back.
Sluggy has purchased my diet coke so I don't have to worry about that. It is a big worry! Now I have to worry about getting ready to go. What do I pack, how much do I pack? Where is my passport, my phone chargers, my meds, my brain. What are we doing with the dog, the cats, the chickens, who will water the flowers? So much to think about. Ugh!
But I am so excited to see Sluggy and her husband. I know we will have fun and lots of laughs and see so many great things. I can hardly wait.
Money saving madness Sept.16th-22nd 2018
1. Ate all meals at home, but one
2. Used food from pantry and freezers for all meals cooked
3. Used onions, squash, tomatoes, peppers out of garden
4. Utilized wax wraps and bowl covers for food storage to prevent using plastic.
5. Made 4 loaves of home made bread, one to give away and 3 to eat. They are gone so we must like it.
6. Fed all food scraps to the chickens.
7. recycled egg cartons from friends in exchange for free eggs.
8. Accepted bread bags from friends for rug project.
9. bought only necessitates at store
10. paid attention to receipt and saw where I was over charged for an item, store reimbursed me over $10.00 and I was able to get item free as was their policy.
11. Helped little sis rearrange her kitchen as she bought a new full size fridge. So I will get my small fridge back and I will also get her and mom's small chest freezer. I have never had a freezer and I am excited about it. I will deal with this when I get home. I am so excited.
12. Used coupons at Joanns for items needed
13. Took Lil sis to get fabric to recover her dining chairs and decided we needed to do new valances in dining room, so helped her save money.
14.Flipped the collar of another shirt for hubs.
15.Used leftover wedding things to fix a wedding dress, allowing me to charge accordingly.
What have you done this week to save money?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Saturday, motherof the bride/groom fiasco
Disclaimer: This is my fault, it has always been my fault and will continue to be my fault. This mother is a nice person, I like her. She is just well.... you be the judge. Somehow I just miss communicated. Or people think I am magic.
I have girlfriends in my church. Their daughters/sons get married. Many of them sew. They come to me with problems. Everyone knows each other as it is a small community. So this problem probably started back about 15 years ago.
Girlfriend #1. She comes to me with her daughters wedding dress and she can't gt the neck line right. As soon as I saw it I knew she had not cut the trim on the neck binding on the bias of the fabric so the fabric would not lay right. Yes she would have to remove all the beading and remove trim and start over. Now I feel her stress level rise. She shows me her mother of the bride dress pattern and material. She is a short chubby and very pretty dark haired woman. The black lace sheath dress and material she has chosen is going to do nothing for her except make her look like an old Jewish krumke. I can say this as my relatives are Jewish. Her daughters wedding colors are black and a dark burgundy maroon. So I say, "you are not wearing black to your daughters wedding. Leave me this mess and go and take care of the wedding dress, but first let me take your measurements.".
I return material and pattern to Joanns and choose a dark, maroon, shantung and a fitted straight skirt and peplum suit pattern. Yes she is short and chubby but she has a very narrow waist for her size. So I proceed to make her a fitted straight skirt that also fits and flares from the waist. I put pearl buttons on it and had her wear pearls and put her hair in a french twist. She looked stunning. She had a suit fitted to her in a monochromatic color. It emphasized her good not her bad. Of course it became public knowledge that I did this.
Girlfriend #2. Same scenario as above only she had purchased two mother of the bride assembles. both which made her look well (Hideous). She also had fabric for 7 vests she was making for the men. Tension was high. Her husband had just had back surgery and had developed an infection so was life flighted out of this small town. I just took the things away from her and took her measurements and said basically," I can do this in about 4 hours. You will not have it done in four days, let me do this for you." I made her a fitted suit in a deep purple. She was beautiful.
Myself: When you are short and not thin, putting a sloppy large dress on just makes you look bigger. Tailored clothes look better. Less material, less you. My daughter got married and I waited until the week before to find myself something to wear. Ended up with a olive green vogue suit made out of sofa material. Later sold suit and shoes to a lawyers wife for her 50th wedding anniversary.
Enter Mother of the bride#3: Same scenario but she does not sew . She and her husband both have very good jobs and she works full time. More power to her. She wants a suit just like the one I made for Girlfriend #1 but in red. Now she is going to pay for my services but would rather trade something which I thought was odd as they have money. But her husband is an electrician and I desperately needed some electrical work-in the shop. So I tell her I don't think that the pattern I used for Girlfriend #1 is what she wants. Her body is different and she is bigger through the waist she would look better in a sheath type. But no I was going to make her look like Girlfriend #1 and #2. So I proceed to make suit, which was well done but did not really scream great on her. I don't know if she wore it or not. Her husband (whom I like very much ) is quite the dandy and he might have told her she looked like a blood clot. Anyway she comes back to me and says her husband will not do any electrical work outside his job as he is tired and she needs him at home on the weekends, so she will take tickets at a dance studio show to make up for my taking 12 hours to make her a suit. I was hurt (pissed) but I did not stand up for myself and was taken advantage of as usual.
Myself: I will wait until Talbots has an 85% off sale and buy suits or dresses that are not in my size and recut them to fit. Or I will buy a dress that is too short and another and then add a piece to lengthen the dress. Now I can do this for very little money. I can also go crazy at Talbots and way overspend but those days are behind me.:) I don't go around bragging about this but it is common knowledge that I will take a $1.00 dress and add some frippery to make something really cute. You noticed I said cute. I do not have the bone structure to be beautiful, I am relegated to cute.
Now Mother of the bride/groom comes to me again with two dresses. Both are way to tight for her. She wants me to take fabric out of the smaller dress and add panels under the arms on each side to make dress bigger, and also fashion a sleeve out of the other dress. This dress has a weird bodice set up and I don't know how a sleeve will set in also it has a scalloped lace hem which has to be pieced together correctly. I just don't see it coming together like she wished. I wear a lot of sheath type dresses, I know how they should fit through the shoulders, this one is not really going to cut it. Coco Channel said a good dress falls from the shoulders. It does not fall and stop and then fall and stop. Well yes I can add panels. Yes I have done it before on my dresses but... it is like I can't tell her, or she won't listen to me. She does not get it. She just expects me to make it look good and I really have my doubts.
Okay your thoughts, let me have it. I am not out to make enemies. I like these people, I just don't get why they expect me to do what really can't be done.
I have girlfriends in my church. Their daughters/sons get married. Many of them sew. They come to me with problems. Everyone knows each other as it is a small community. So this problem probably started back about 15 years ago.
Girlfriend #1. She comes to me with her daughters wedding dress and she can't gt the neck line right. As soon as I saw it I knew she had not cut the trim on the neck binding on the bias of the fabric so the fabric would not lay right. Yes she would have to remove all the beading and remove trim and start over. Now I feel her stress level rise. She shows me her mother of the bride dress pattern and material. She is a short chubby and very pretty dark haired woman. The black lace sheath dress and material she has chosen is going to do nothing for her except make her look like an old Jewish krumke. I can say this as my relatives are Jewish. Her daughters wedding colors are black and a dark burgundy maroon. So I say, "you are not wearing black to your daughters wedding. Leave me this mess and go and take care of the wedding dress, but first let me take your measurements.".
I return material and pattern to Joanns and choose a dark, maroon, shantung and a fitted straight skirt and peplum suit pattern. Yes she is short and chubby but she has a very narrow waist for her size. So I proceed to make her a fitted straight skirt that also fits and flares from the waist. I put pearl buttons on it and had her wear pearls and put her hair in a french twist. She looked stunning. She had a suit fitted to her in a monochromatic color. It emphasized her good not her bad. Of course it became public knowledge that I did this.
Girlfriend #2. Same scenario as above only she had purchased two mother of the bride assembles. both which made her look well (Hideous). She also had fabric for 7 vests she was making for the men. Tension was high. Her husband had just had back surgery and had developed an infection so was life flighted out of this small town. I just took the things away from her and took her measurements and said basically," I can do this in about 4 hours. You will not have it done in four days, let me do this for you." I made her a fitted suit in a deep purple. She was beautiful.
Myself: When you are short and not thin, putting a sloppy large dress on just makes you look bigger. Tailored clothes look better. Less material, less you. My daughter got married and I waited until the week before to find myself something to wear. Ended up with a olive green vogue suit made out of sofa material. Later sold suit and shoes to a lawyers wife for her 50th wedding anniversary.
Enter Mother of the bride#3: Same scenario but she does not sew . She and her husband both have very good jobs and she works full time. More power to her. She wants a suit just like the one I made for Girlfriend #1 but in red. Now she is going to pay for my services but would rather trade something which I thought was odd as they have money. But her husband is an electrician and I desperately needed some electrical work-in the shop. So I tell her I don't think that the pattern I used for Girlfriend #1 is what she wants. Her body is different and she is bigger through the waist she would look better in a sheath type. But no I was going to make her look like Girlfriend #1 and #2. So I proceed to make suit, which was well done but did not really scream great on her. I don't know if she wore it or not. Her husband (whom I like very much ) is quite the dandy and he might have told her she looked like a blood clot. Anyway she comes back to me and says her husband will not do any electrical work outside his job as he is tired and she needs him at home on the weekends, so she will take tickets at a dance studio show to make up for my taking 12 hours to make her a suit. I was hurt (pissed) but I did not stand up for myself and was taken advantage of as usual.
Myself: I will wait until Talbots has an 85% off sale and buy suits or dresses that are not in my size and recut them to fit. Or I will buy a dress that is too short and another and then add a piece to lengthen the dress. Now I can do this for very little money. I can also go crazy at Talbots and way overspend but those days are behind me.:) I don't go around bragging about this but it is common knowledge that I will take a $1.00 dress and add some frippery to make something really cute. You noticed I said cute. I do not have the bone structure to be beautiful, I am relegated to cute.
Now Mother of the bride/groom comes to me again with two dresses. Both are way to tight for her. She wants me to take fabric out of the smaller dress and add panels under the arms on each side to make dress bigger, and also fashion a sleeve out of the other dress. This dress has a weird bodice set up and I don't know how a sleeve will set in also it has a scalloped lace hem which has to be pieced together correctly. I just don't see it coming together like she wished. I wear a lot of sheath type dresses, I know how they should fit through the shoulders, this one is not really going to cut it. Coco Channel said a good dress falls from the shoulders. It does not fall and stop and then fall and stop. Well yes I can add panels. Yes I have done it before on my dresses but... it is like I can't tell her, or she won't listen to me. She does not get it. She just expects me to make it look good and I really have my doubts.
Okay your thoughts, let me have it. I am not out to make enemies. I like these people, I just don't get why they expect me to do what really can't be done.
Friday, September 21, 2018
Friday, 2 in a row no way!
I had such great plans for yesterday and it started out so well. But before I got my pile leftover from the day before done, my sewing machine broke. I mean flat our would not pick up a stitch. This machine was purchased for me by Hub's for Christmas so is still under warranty. So frustrating. I did everything I could think of, but to no avail. So loaded up the machine and took it back to the shop where it was purchased to be sent int. Then I returned to open a new machine which I had on hand.
Now I have to learn the ins and outs of a new machine. Luckily I have sewed enough I can get the jist of the basic stitches, but it is still going to be a learning curve for everything. When I was finally able to sew again, I get a text from studio owner. The fair is going on and her daughter's 4-H modeling has been announced at the time she teaches an advanced tap class, can I go down?
I continued sewing and actually did get down what I had planned for the day, so I can't complain about work. I really enjoyed the class. It is fun to work with dancers you can just throw choreography at and they pick it up. All of us really got a work out.
Then is was onto a relief society meeting. About twice a year we have a Zion's market where we clean out our homes and bring anything extra to the church to trade or bless others. What is not taken is then taken to Goodwill. There was a lot of nice stuff there, but I only took home hangers for the shop. Hub's threatened to frisk me when I got home to see if I brought anything we did not need. The shop always needs hangers. I was safe.
While I was helping clean up I received a call from D#2 she was in town with Will and was going to stay over night at Lil sis's as we had no beds. So both Hub's and I went over to Lil Sis's to see our sweet William and daughter. He is so funny and cute. I am telling you grandchildren are the best.
Today I have the littles and William so it is a houseful. Both littles are teething and very cranky today. They are usually so good. I just had a bride try on and the dress fits great it is now time for me to finish it. So I will try and fit that in after the chaos quiets down. I also have a dirndl (German) to enlarge that I tore up yesterday. I am getting there. I have a lab coat to shorten the sleeves, 4 shirts to hem, the horrid mother of the bride I have been avoiding, some zippers to replace and coats to alter. If I don't take in anything new I think I can do all of this before we leave.
I just broke up a fight and came back to sit on a truck, ouch and now I think there are some stinky pants to change and I am not talking about Hub's.
I am off to conquer the world one diaper at a time.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Now I have to learn the ins and outs of a new machine. Luckily I have sewed enough I can get the jist of the basic stitches, but it is still going to be a learning curve for everything. When I was finally able to sew again, I get a text from studio owner. The fair is going on and her daughter's 4-H modeling has been announced at the time she teaches an advanced tap class, can I go down?
I continued sewing and actually did get down what I had planned for the day, so I can't complain about work. I really enjoyed the class. It is fun to work with dancers you can just throw choreography at and they pick it up. All of us really got a work out.
Then is was onto a relief society meeting. About twice a year we have a Zion's market where we clean out our homes and bring anything extra to the church to trade or bless others. What is not taken is then taken to Goodwill. There was a lot of nice stuff there, but I only took home hangers for the shop. Hub's threatened to frisk me when I got home to see if I brought anything we did not need. The shop always needs hangers. I was safe.
While I was helping clean up I received a call from D#2 she was in town with Will and was going to stay over night at Lil sis's as we had no beds. So both Hub's and I went over to Lil Sis's to see our sweet William and daughter. He is so funny and cute. I am telling you grandchildren are the best.
Today I have the littles and William so it is a houseful. Both littles are teething and very cranky today. They are usually so good. I just had a bride try on and the dress fits great it is now time for me to finish it. So I will try and fit that in after the chaos quiets down. I also have a dirndl (German) to enlarge that I tore up yesterday. I am getting there. I have a lab coat to shorten the sleeves, 4 shirts to hem, the horrid mother of the bride I have been avoiding, some zippers to replace and coats to alter. If I don't take in anything new I think I can do all of this before we leave.
I just broke up a fight and came back to sit on a truck, ouch and now I think there are some stinky pants to change and I am not talking about Hub's.
I am off to conquer the world one diaper at a time.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Thursday, Yesterday went as planned
Don't be shocked, but yesterday my life went exactly how I planned it should go. I was able to sew quite a bit and teach and come home and get a few more things sewn. Now I did not get everything done I had put on the pile, but as I always think I can get more done than is humanly possible, I was pleased with what was accomplished. I had dinner prepared, so that did not slow me down.
Today I will complete what was left over from yesterday's pile, coat zipper, peg 2 pairs of pants and take a waist in on a pair of pants. Then I have to tackle the next batch of things. A couple of bridesmaid dresses, prom dress, a mother of the bride fiasco and a wedding dress are on the pile for today.
I have decided to take in no new work, unless it is like an easy 5 minute job, such as hem this pair of pants.
My whole day will be sewing, sewing. I have to get caught up.
Hubs will have beans and a polish sausage on a bun for dinner, I have a church dinner to go to at 6:30.
I do have to run to the store tonight as we are out of several things, fresh fruit, carrots, celery, I also need to pick up or order a prescription. But I can do the shopping after the church meeting.
So my day is planned, now I wonder can I have two days in a row where things go as I planned?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Today I will complete what was left over from yesterday's pile, coat zipper, peg 2 pairs of pants and take a waist in on a pair of pants. Then I have to tackle the next batch of things. A couple of bridesmaid dresses, prom dress, a mother of the bride fiasco and a wedding dress are on the pile for today.
I have decided to take in no new work, unless it is like an easy 5 minute job, such as hem this pair of pants.
My whole day will be sewing, sewing. I have to get caught up.
Hubs will have beans and a polish sausage on a bun for dinner, I have a church dinner to go to at 6:30.
I do have to run to the store tonight as we are out of several things, fresh fruit, carrots, celery, I also need to pick up or order a prescription. But I can do the shopping after the church meeting.
So my day is planned, now I wonder can I have two days in a row where things go as I planned?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Wednesday, Hump day

I am trying to clean up a replace overgrown plants in the flower beds. We have lived in this house for 20 years and many things that I planted over the years are so over grown. The problem is hand strength and time. I also had a issue with ivy overgrowing a sprinkler head that prevented good watering of this area. I usually pay more attention, but this summer was just a bust. I will keep working on these beds this fall. Hubs will help by hurking the old plants out so I can put new ones in either this fall or next spring. I am fighting with my blog frame today, so who knows what this post will turn out like.
I wish I had gotten more sewing done but that is the way it is. I have dinner ready for today when I go teach and I can catch up if I really concentrate. Concentrate: not just for orange juice any more. Embroider that on a pillow.
Here are a couple of pictures of my bread I made. This recipe will make 5 large loaves, but I made one pan of rolls. I love how the rolls turn out. They are chewy and seedy like the expensive artisan rolls you can get at a local bakery 6 for $8.00. Yes that price is right. Now consider that I can make 4 loaves of bread and 10 rolls for about $2.00 in ingredients is pretty good money savings.
![]() |
Yum rolls! |
The large pot of chicken soup I mad was from boiling down all the chicken carcasses from when mom passed. So the chicken was free. Plus I added all the broth I had made in the freezer. Added carrots, celery, onions, fresh herbs garlic, and made my own egg noodles. Again it took 8 eggs but as I have chickens I don't count this as an expense. SO a pot of chicken soup that would feed 4 families for maybe $1.50 in veggies. I grow my own spices, garlic and onions. How can I beat that. I am telling you cook from scratch. It tastes better and is far cheaper than trying to buy things at the market.
Two loaves ready for the oven.
Well I need to go and set my hair, as I bathed and let it dry, so I look like a wicked witch. I have to teach today and I have a pile of sewing to complete before I leave and when I get home. I will not have a repeat of last week.
I had another bride pick up her dress so now I only have one that I need to get done and I hope to do that tomorrow. I think I have everything under control in the shop if people would just stop coming. Yeah like that is going to happen.
Arthritis is still bothering me way more than it should. I am trying to be patient but it is so hard.
I had better get to work as no magic fairy is going to come and do it for me. Drat!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Tuesday, Get her done addition
Last night Hub's and I went shopping for a gift for one of our littles and we also picked up some diapers and newborn clothes for a family in our ward that is getting a foster baby from the NICU. It is nice to be debt free as it allows us the opportunity to bless others with abundance. The abundance used to go to interest.
I am making a huge pot of home made chicken noodle soup today to take some in to another family. Tonight we will go and deliver our goodies.
I had one of my brides that was to pick up today text that she was called into work and the other has not contacted me yet. But the one dress that I don't have done wants to come in today. Isn't that just the way it goes?
I feel like I have a huge stretch of time in front of me today to just get everything that has been bugging me done or at least added to my tackle list.
So here is the list my friends:
1. start soup (Chicken boned from mom's funeral) Started, onions, carrots, celery, garlic chopped, stock and bones boiling.Cooking waiting for noodles
2. laundry (start and organize) started Done boom!
3. straighten family room and DUST! It is shameful let me tell you started Done!
4. dig and replant front flower bed Done
5. cut back ivy to see why front flower bed not getting the water it needs Done
6. organize shop into piles of what needs to be done and there are a lot of piles. Done
7. make a batch of home made bread to go with soup started raising #1 raising #2, in oven
8. make home made noodles for soup Done
9. sew like a woman on fire Trying not much energy left
Some times I don't know why I try as while I was composing the above list I had three fully lined jackets come in that have to be tailored in the sleeves and shoulders. Also four tops to be hemmed and lace moved up. Just kill me now. It is only 10:46. I have been open 45 minutes.
Actually I can get the family room done in under 10 minutes. The laundry is a work in progress, requiring a few minutes here and there. The front flowers bed and ivy maybe a 1/2 hour. I will make the bread and let it rise twice it only takes about 10 minutes to make it. I can work while it rises and then I will put noddles into soup when I put bread in oven. In between I can organize shop and sew. See how I plan? Now let's see if it works.
"Oh ye of little faith" I will return and report when I get something done.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I am making a huge pot of home made chicken noodle soup today to take some in to another family. Tonight we will go and deliver our goodies.
I had one of my brides that was to pick up today text that she was called into work and the other has not contacted me yet. But the one dress that I don't have done wants to come in today. Isn't that just the way it goes?
I feel like I have a huge stretch of time in front of me today to just get everything that has been bugging me done or at least added to my tackle list.
So here is the list my friends:
1. start soup (Chicken boned from mom's funeral) Started, onions, carrots, celery, garlic chopped, stock and bones boiling.Cooking waiting for noodles
2. laundry (start and organize) started Done boom!
3. straighten family room and DUST! It is shameful let me tell you started Done!
4. dig and replant front flower bed Done
5. cut back ivy to see why front flower bed not getting the water it needs Done
6. organize shop into piles of what needs to be done and there are a lot of piles. Done
7. make a batch of home made bread to go with soup started raising #1 raising #2, in oven
8. make home made noodles for soup Done
9. sew like a woman on fire Trying not much energy left
Some times I don't know why I try as while I was composing the above list I had three fully lined jackets come in that have to be tailored in the sleeves and shoulders. Also four tops to be hemmed and lace moved up. Just kill me now. It is only 10:46. I have been open 45 minutes.
Actually I can get the family room done in under 10 minutes. The laundry is a work in progress, requiring a few minutes here and there. The front flowers bed and ivy maybe a 1/2 hour. I will make the bread and let it rise twice it only takes about 10 minutes to make it. I can work while it rises and then I will put noddles into soup when I put bread in oven. In between I can organize shop and sew. See how I plan? Now let's see if it works.
"Oh ye of little faith" I will return and report when I get something done.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Monday, Late post, funeral
Well I finished chart 16 and I hope to have 17 completed before we leave on our trip on the 27th. That gives me 10 days.
Lil sis and I attended a funeral for a man that I have known for 30 years. I coached with him when we first moved here. He also went to Lil sis's church. Such a funny man and we would get together for dinners at Lil sis's. It was a lovely service, but the reception memorial was long. Lil sis came home with me and helped me cut the tulle on one of my wedding dresses. It was a ball gown style and a I did not want my healing blisters to break open she did the cutting for me.
I have finished two more Wedding dresses and they should be picked up tomorrow. I have one more to do and a boat load of alterations. So tomorrow I will work hard on getting everything organized so I can finish things up before I leave. As I get work in every day , I do need to get all things out until I start to tell people they cannot have their things until I get back and I probably won't start that until next week.
I don't want to speak too soon but my arthritis seemed to be a little better this morning. I am hoping I am over the top of the flare.
As I was finishing up the last of the wedding dress I realized I needed to go pay the water bill and I made it to the office with 3 minutes to spare. I like to live on the dangerous side. Not.
Money saving madness Sept. 9th-16th 2018
1. Ate all meals at home except one and then we used a giftcard
2. Used food and meat out of pantry and freezers for all meals.
3. Ate lettuce, squash, peppers, tomatoes out of garden.
4. Purchased, 4 boxes of cereal for .99 a box, artichokes .99 a piece bought 4
5. Only bought milk, fresh things and the above for groceries this week.
6. turned the collar on one of hubs shirts that was wearing.
7. continued to work on plastic bag rug.
8. took a house warming gift of 12 pullet eggs wrapped in one of my large wax wraps. Practically free to me!
9. Used coupons at Joanns for purchases.
10.Was able to save the bottoms of 4 pairs of blue jeans that will make 24 quilt squares for my next jean car quilt
11. Used wax wraps and reused jars and saved plastic containers for leftovers.
12. Fed all food scraps to chickens.
13. Ate all of our leftovers
14.found a total of .51 for my pig bank.
What did you do to save money this week?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Lil sis and I attended a funeral for a man that I have known for 30 years. I coached with him when we first moved here. He also went to Lil sis's church. Such a funny man and we would get together for dinners at Lil sis's. It was a lovely service, but the reception memorial was long. Lil sis came home with me and helped me cut the tulle on one of my wedding dresses. It was a ball gown style and a I did not want my healing blisters to break open she did the cutting for me.
I have finished two more Wedding dresses and they should be picked up tomorrow. I have one more to do and a boat load of alterations. So tomorrow I will work hard on getting everything organized so I can finish things up before I leave. As I get work in every day , I do need to get all things out until I start to tell people they cannot have their things until I get back and I probably won't start that until next week.
I don't want to speak too soon but my arthritis seemed to be a little better this morning. I am hoping I am over the top of the flare.
As I was finishing up the last of the wedding dress I realized I needed to go pay the water bill and I made it to the office with 3 minutes to spare. I like to live on the dangerous side. Not.
Money saving madness Sept. 9th-16th 2018
1. Ate all meals at home except one and then we used a giftcard
2. Used food and meat out of pantry and freezers for all meals.
3. Ate lettuce, squash, peppers, tomatoes out of garden.
4. Purchased, 4 boxes of cereal for .99 a box, artichokes .99 a piece bought 4
5. Only bought milk, fresh things and the above for groceries this week.
6. turned the collar on one of hubs shirts that was wearing.
7. continued to work on plastic bag rug.
8. took a house warming gift of 12 pullet eggs wrapped in one of my large wax wraps. Practically free to me!
9. Used coupons at Joanns for purchases.
10.Was able to save the bottoms of 4 pairs of blue jeans that will make 24 quilt squares for my next jean car quilt
11. Used wax wraps and reused jars and saved plastic containers for leftovers.
12. Fed all food scraps to chickens.
13. Ate all of our leftovers
14.found a total of .51 for my pig bank.
What did you do to save money this week?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Sunday, Sunny, cooler, beautiful
Arthritis is still at an all time high. I am hoping for some relief within the week. This is a rotten disease. I think I am doing really well and then bam it reminds me who is boss.
I cleaned the shop and started the laundry yesterday while waiting for bride. She came and picked up dress and seemed very happy. then I went to the bank and purchased a few more moms on sale. I want to put them into a section of the front flower bed that I am redoing. Yeah like my hands and wrists will allow me to dig anything right now. Laugh/cry/laugh.
Youngest daughter came down yesterday to take things out of Lil sis's basement that belonged to mom. She took a very large over sized dresser that had been down there for 3 years. She also took the day bed that was purchased for mom in her last year. This bed was used at Lil sis's for mom to sleep in downstairs. Getting mom upstairs at night during those last few months was just too hard. So now these things will grace the spare room at B's.
Lil sis and I went out a did a little grocery shopping for the few things I needed. I also took her to Joanns to buy new fabric to cover her dining chairs. Then we visited for about an hour. She had washed and cleaned all her bed linens upstairs from having company, so I helped her remake the three beds.
I have the lesson in Relief Society today, so I have been looking that over and mulling it around in my brain. I think I will go and walk the bridges this morning and see if that helps loosen up my upper body. I am desperate for any thing that helps.
It is a beautiful Sabbath, and I can't wait to get out in the cooler sunshine.
Have a peaceful and restful Sabbath.
I cleaned the shop and started the laundry yesterday while waiting for bride. She came and picked up dress and seemed very happy. then I went to the bank and purchased a few more moms on sale. I want to put them into a section of the front flower bed that I am redoing. Yeah like my hands and wrists will allow me to dig anything right now. Laugh/cry/laugh.
Youngest daughter came down yesterday to take things out of Lil sis's basement that belonged to mom. She took a very large over sized dresser that had been down there for 3 years. She also took the day bed that was purchased for mom in her last year. This bed was used at Lil sis's for mom to sleep in downstairs. Getting mom upstairs at night during those last few months was just too hard. So now these things will grace the spare room at B's.
Lil sis and I went out a did a little grocery shopping for the few things I needed. I also took her to Joanns to buy new fabric to cover her dining chairs. Then we visited for about an hour. She had washed and cleaned all her bed linens upstairs from having company, so I helped her remake the three beds.
I have the lesson in Relief Society today, so I have been looking that over and mulling it around in my brain. I think I will go and walk the bridges this morning and see if that helps loosen up my upper body. I am desperate for any thing that helps.
It is a beautiful Sabbath, and I can't wait to get out in the cooler sunshine.
Have a peaceful and restful Sabbath.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Saturday, I am a screwball...
I sometimes think I need a keeper. Well I guess I should say I really do need a keeper. I have three wedding dresses hanging up on all the shop hooks so it looks like a ghost movie in there. One came yesterday morning, for a try on and I expected her in the afternoon. I have to no sew at least 7 yards of lace back on the the bottom of the dress and put on hooks and bustling buttons. Then that monster is done.
I have a another that is done. It is hanging ready for a try on this afternoon at 2:00. Bride comes from out of town. This one was the one that was 18 yards around and blistered my hands. I will be glad to see it go.
The third was a bride that I thought was another bride. She text me and said she was coming at 3 yesterday but as I had her mixed up her dress was not ready. SO it was a whirlwind try and get it somewhat ready and I did. With two small children in tow I might add. Whew. I hate it when I screw thing up like that. Anyway, I should have these three out by next Monday or Tuesday and then I just have one left to get out before we leave. It is crazy in there.
I want to get my nails done today and I have a lesson I need to prepare for tomorrow for church. Also daughter is coming in for a few hours and I am hoping to get some laundry and house work done this weekend.
I was so wiped out last night. Morning was tears and sever arthritis pain, the little all day, the bride fiasco, by the time the Littles were picked up I was beyond, beyond. I had all the ingredients for homemade pizza, but was so tired. Hub's offered to open a can of something but I told myself to get upstairs as pizza dough takes 5 ingredients and 5 minutes to make. So while we watched the news our pizza bakes. 1/2 white pizza with fresh garden tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, the other 1/2, sausage, pepperoni, green pepper, olives. It was so good. We will have leftovers today.
Sometimes you just have to make yourself do things even when you don't feel like it and the results are great. I am hoping the three wedding dresses are like the pizza.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I have a another that is done. It is hanging ready for a try on this afternoon at 2:00. Bride comes from out of town. This one was the one that was 18 yards around and blistered my hands. I will be glad to see it go.
The third was a bride that I thought was another bride. She text me and said she was coming at 3 yesterday but as I had her mixed up her dress was not ready. SO it was a whirlwind try and get it somewhat ready and I did. With two small children in tow I might add. Whew. I hate it when I screw thing up like that. Anyway, I should have these three out by next Monday or Tuesday and then I just have one left to get out before we leave. It is crazy in there.
I want to get my nails done today and I have a lesson I need to prepare for tomorrow for church. Also daughter is coming in for a few hours and I am hoping to get some laundry and house work done this weekend.
I was so wiped out last night. Morning was tears and sever arthritis pain, the little all day, the bride fiasco, by the time the Littles were picked up I was beyond, beyond. I had all the ingredients for homemade pizza, but was so tired. Hub's offered to open a can of something but I told myself to get upstairs as pizza dough takes 5 ingredients and 5 minutes to make. So while we watched the news our pizza bakes. 1/2 white pizza with fresh garden tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, the other 1/2, sausage, pepperoni, green pepper, olives. It was so good. We will have leftovers today.
Sometimes you just have to make yourself do things even when you don't feel like it and the results are great. I am hoping the three wedding dresses are like the pizza.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Friday, Blisters!
All I did yesterday was cut around wedding dresses I swear and I still have two more to go. I have a final try on today and then I can finish it. One of the dresses I worked on yesterday had several layers of tulle that were 18 yards around, so I cut and cut forever.
My arthritis has really been out of control in my wrists and hands and shoulders. This makes cutting hard and I try to compensate by cutting differently, this just led to blisters on my hands. Any way there are at least three dresses ready for try on and I will finish next Monday. I am taking a few days off to try and rest my joints although I doubt it will help. I think I will have to break bad and call the specialist as something is definitely wrong. I just pray it doesn't mean a new medication. I keep thinking that this will pass like it has done before, I beginning to have my doubts as I was in tears this morning and I am not one to cry much I keep going.
I am sorry but I blog in the morning when my pain is at its worst, so you get the full extent of my whining. But late this afternoon I should feel pretty good.
The weather is so much cooler but I know our 90 degree days are not over. Hub's and I have been on the levy almost every night this last week. I walk and he rides his bike. It is ice to enjoy the cooler temperatures and the free time.
For some reason I feel like baking cookies. I cannot eat them as I am trying hard not to eat sweets and carbs, so I would have to take them to someone. I also dread making cookies as I have not done so since mom passed. We made cookies all the time and I just stir up sad/happy memories. But I am going to have to bake some some time.
I am making pizza for dinner as I have the leftover mozzarella cheese, also sausage and pepperoni. With fresh cheeses and tomatoes from our garden and fresh basil, yum.
Looking forward to a nice weekend, maybe some weeding and yard work. Just time to enjoy outside. Our youngest daughter is coming down this weekend so I am looking forward to seeing her.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
My arthritis has really been out of control in my wrists and hands and shoulders. This makes cutting hard and I try to compensate by cutting differently, this just led to blisters on my hands. Any way there are at least three dresses ready for try on and I will finish next Monday. I am taking a few days off to try and rest my joints although I doubt it will help. I think I will have to break bad and call the specialist as something is definitely wrong. I just pray it doesn't mean a new medication. I keep thinking that this will pass like it has done before, I beginning to have my doubts as I was in tears this morning and I am not one to cry much I keep going.
I am sorry but I blog in the morning when my pain is at its worst, so you get the full extent of my whining. But late this afternoon I should feel pretty good.
The weather is so much cooler but I know our 90 degree days are not over. Hub's and I have been on the levy almost every night this last week. I walk and he rides his bike. It is ice to enjoy the cooler temperatures and the free time.
For some reason I feel like baking cookies. I cannot eat them as I am trying hard not to eat sweets and carbs, so I would have to take them to someone. I also dread making cookies as I have not done so since mom passed. We made cookies all the time and I just stir up sad/happy memories. But I am going to have to bake some some time.
I am making pizza for dinner as I have the leftover mozzarella cheese, also sausage and pepperoni. With fresh cheeses and tomatoes from our garden and fresh basil, yum.
Looking forward to a nice weekend, maybe some weeding and yard work. Just time to enjoy outside. Our youngest daughter is coming down this weekend so I am looking forward to seeing her.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Thursday, Kim plans, God laughs
I was a busy beaver yesterday as I only had about 4 hours to complete sewing tasks before I taught. So I quickly steamed these three dresses and left them to dry.

Then I hemmed the jeans on the left. and I also hemmed 8 more pair of little boys pants that I did not take a picture of. They wreaked of cigarette smoke and I had a hard time getting through them, but, I was on a roll as I was able to complete all of this by noon. Now I had time to do up 5 pillows for a client. I planned to do the hand work when I got home from teaching. All I had left to do was hem a wedding dress. I had already taken off the lace bottom and I was able to cut 8 layers and hem one and get the horse hair braid layer ready to sew. It was now about 2:30 and I was getting a little headachey so I decided to stop and take some Aleve and rest before teaching. As I was getting up from my machine I saw halos of lights around my eyes and I thought Oh, Oh this is a migraine symptom, but I really just had a sight headache.
I went in and sat down by Hub's to check messages on my cell phone. Looking at the screen made my head exploded. Hub's told me to go up and lay down to see if it would pass. I ended up vomiting and laying in a darkened room for 4 hours. Hubs came in and held me and rubbed my head for about an hour, no dance, no sewing, no banking. I never miss teaching, I was so shocked this came on so fast but it did. In the evening I was very light headed and queasy, sick to my stomach, sweaty, it was so much fun.
So now I am playing catch up, crap. Double crap.
Anyway enough complaining, I did go down and pay another $700.00 on the house principle so I have made my $1000.00 goal for the month. I can probably do more but all other monies will be put in savings as I don't know how much our trip will cost and I want some money put aside. I also have to pay for the things I purchased in Missoula, for my nieces, hotel, meals, etc. No debt for me. When the bill comes in it is paid from now on.
All in all not a bad day, but I always think I am invincible and I am not.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.

Then I hemmed the jeans on the left. and I also hemmed 8 more pair of little boys pants that I did not take a picture of. They wreaked of cigarette smoke and I had a hard time getting through them, but, I was on a roll as I was able to complete all of this by noon. Now I had time to do up 5 pillows for a client. I planned to do the hand work when I got home from teaching. All I had left to do was hem a wedding dress. I had already taken off the lace bottom and I was able to cut 8 layers and hem one and get the horse hair braid layer ready to sew. It was now about 2:30 and I was getting a little headachey so I decided to stop and take some Aleve and rest before teaching. As I was getting up from my machine I saw halos of lights around my eyes and I thought Oh, Oh this is a migraine symptom, but I really just had a sight headache.
I went in and sat down by Hub's to check messages on my cell phone. Looking at the screen made my head exploded. Hub's told me to go up and lay down to see if it would pass. I ended up vomiting and laying in a darkened room for 4 hours. Hubs came in and held me and rubbed my head for about an hour, no dance, no sewing, no banking. I never miss teaching, I was so shocked this came on so fast but it did. In the evening I was very light headed and queasy, sick to my stomach, sweaty, it was so much fun.
So now I am playing catch up, crap. Double crap.
Anyway enough complaining, I did go down and pay another $700.00 on the house principle so I have made my $1000.00 goal for the month. I can probably do more but all other monies will be put in savings as I don't know how much our trip will cost and I want some money put aside. I also have to pay for the things I purchased in Missoula, for my nieces, hotel, meals, etc. No debt for me. When the bill comes in it is paid from now on.
All in all not a bad day, but I always think I am invincible and I am not.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Wednesday, There must be a leaving town radar
I swear the more I try to catch up the be hinder I get. I was down to three wedding dresses in the shop and they are all very hard dresses and another came in yesterday all having to be done before we leave on our trip at the end of the month. Plus the two bridesmaid dresses the 8 pairs pf pants the two sets of suit jackets. It just never ends. All is good for the bottom line but I swear the stress level never goes down.
Is there a radar out there that knows when I am leaving town. Every one has to have something last minute? It is crazy. It is like when you finally get your car paid off and then it breaks down requiring you to make and additional two or three payments to fix.
I know the universe lends itself to entropy, but does my life have to go there also? Let me answer this question! Me, me me! (hand raised) Yes, yes it does.
I walked my new puppy for the first time last night. Well the first time on a long walk. We did about 2.5 miles as I did not want to over tire him and when he gets tired he has to be carried and he is getting heavy. But he did great stayed right with me on the leash and had very good manners. As his breed is for a short strong cattle dog he should eventually be able to do the bridges which is just a hair under 5 miles.
I teach dance tonight and have to leave for the studio at about 3:15. In the mean time I need to go to the bank some time today.
To get done:
Finish one wedding dress hem (10 layers and reattach 8 yards of lace, bustle)
finish 4 pillows
hem one pair of jeans
hem 8 pairs of pants
steam 3 dresses
try to start on another wedding dress.
The shop is just crazy. I know October is the busiest wedding month here, but I thought I had this under control. Apparently not.
Okay enough of my complaining about my blessings, I mean really, slap me will some one please.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Is there a radar out there that knows when I am leaving town. Every one has to have something last minute? It is crazy. It is like when you finally get your car paid off and then it breaks down requiring you to make and additional two or three payments to fix.
I know the universe lends itself to entropy, but does my life have to go there also? Let me answer this question! Me, me me! (hand raised) Yes, yes it does.
I walked my new puppy for the first time last night. Well the first time on a long walk. We did about 2.5 miles as I did not want to over tire him and when he gets tired he has to be carried and he is getting heavy. But he did great stayed right with me on the leash and had very good manners. As his breed is for a short strong cattle dog he should eventually be able to do the bridges which is just a hair under 5 miles.
I teach dance tonight and have to leave for the studio at about 3:15. In the mean time I need to go to the bank some time today.
To get done:
Finish one wedding dress hem (10 layers and reattach 8 yards of lace, bustle)
finish 4 pillows
hem one pair of jeans
hem 8 pairs of pants
steam 3 dresses
try to start on another wedding dress.
The shop is just crazy. I know October is the busiest wedding month here, but I thought I had this under control. Apparently not.
Okay enough of my complaining about my blessings, I mean really, slap me will some one please.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Tuesday, Realization
Yesterday was just a very nice day. It was not too hot or too cold. The sun was out and the sky was blue. It was just beautiful. I sewed and had many customers in and out. About 4 in the afternoon I laid down for an hour and then made dinner. We ate squash and tomatoes out of the garden and a nice salad. I grilled chicken skewers. Then Hubs rode his bike and I walked the bridges. When we got home I was able to work on my plastic bag rug for a couple of hours and watch a documentary with Hubs. Just a nice peaceful day and I could use a few more months of these.
Not that there were not aggravations, as in the dog disappeared twice and we had to look for him, I was on the phone and trying to finish something at the sewing machine and Hubs came in and demanded a new check book, so that caused an eruption. (by the way he still has no check book) I get very frustrated when my work is interrupted by nonsense.
Life is never continual blue skies, even when we want it to be.And boy can I complain when things go wrong. Whine, sniff.
This debt free journey ( 40 years, I am like the children of Moses) has been so long. I longed for the freedom and contentment of the freedom from debt. I am scarred and scared, but I am also at peace.
I think the realization that I have enough. Not wanting to accumulate more stuff. I don't need anything. I have clothes to wear, good food to eat, a roof over my head. I am trying to develop new habits to fill the time I used to spend shopping. Shopping is fun and I do enjoy finding a good bargain, but do I need that item? If I buy it as a gift will the other person need that item? It was so easy for me to shop for bargain gifts, justifying that they were not for me, but they still put me over budget.
When I finally mastered not buying things to satisfy my craving to spend, I started buying food. now I justified this because we would use the food. Pretty soon the freezers are full and the pantry is groaning and you are still looking for bargains in the food sales to spend your grocery budget on. So if your budget is $300.00, but you have enough of everything except say $100.00 worth of fresh, you can put the other $200.00 toward debt. I made myself this year starting in January quit buying any item at the grocer unless it was needed. Sometimes I broke my rules if it was meat on a very good sale.
Let's face it,I just like to spend money. These three things have helped me to realize I have enough and to help me stop spending to try and get out of debt.
1. Make a game out of saving money
a. What can I eliminate to save money?
b. What do I have on hand that can replace that item?
c. What skills do I possess to make the item?
2. Stop going into stores that tempt you to spend. (Ross, TJ Maxx)
a. If you are bored have some low cost projects you can work on.
b. Bake something from scratch for someone, make a presentation
c. take a walk a long walk get yourself tired out, then collapse in front of the TV it is free.
3. Stop going to the grocery store except when you truly need something.
a. If the item can be substituted do that. Stay out of the store.
b. change you strategy, so you wanted to make chocolate chip cookies but no chips, then make peanut butter instead. Use what you have.
c. Plan meals around what you have. If am item is missing then switch the game plan.
d. if you cannot switch then only buy that item. Go in with a $5.00 bill or whatever it will take so you can't peruse.
By using these three strategies this past 9 months I have really reduced my spending. Now that I am so close to being out of debt, I don't even really desire to by things I don't need.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Not that there were not aggravations, as in the dog disappeared twice and we had to look for him, I was on the phone and trying to finish something at the sewing machine and Hubs came in and demanded a new check book, so that caused an eruption. (by the way he still has no check book) I get very frustrated when my work is interrupted by nonsense.
Life is never continual blue skies, even when we want it to be.And boy can I complain when things go wrong. Whine, sniff.
This debt free journey ( 40 years, I am like the children of Moses) has been so long. I longed for the freedom and contentment of the freedom from debt. I am scarred and scared, but I am also at peace.
I think the realization that I have enough. Not wanting to accumulate more stuff. I don't need anything. I have clothes to wear, good food to eat, a roof over my head. I am trying to develop new habits to fill the time I used to spend shopping. Shopping is fun and I do enjoy finding a good bargain, but do I need that item? If I buy it as a gift will the other person need that item? It was so easy for me to shop for bargain gifts, justifying that they were not for me, but they still put me over budget.
When I finally mastered not buying things to satisfy my craving to spend, I started buying food. now I justified this because we would use the food. Pretty soon the freezers are full and the pantry is groaning and you are still looking for bargains in the food sales to spend your grocery budget on. So if your budget is $300.00, but you have enough of everything except say $100.00 worth of fresh, you can put the other $200.00 toward debt. I made myself this year starting in January quit buying any item at the grocer unless it was needed. Sometimes I broke my rules if it was meat on a very good sale.
Let's face it,I just like to spend money. These three things have helped me to realize I have enough and to help me stop spending to try and get out of debt.
1. Make a game out of saving money
a. What can I eliminate to save money?
b. What do I have on hand that can replace that item?
c. What skills do I possess to make the item?
2. Stop going into stores that tempt you to spend. (Ross, TJ Maxx)
a. If you are bored have some low cost projects you can work on.
b. Bake something from scratch for someone, make a presentation
c. take a walk a long walk get yourself tired out, then collapse in front of the TV it is free.
3. Stop going to the grocery store except when you truly need something.
a. If the item can be substituted do that. Stay out of the store.
b. change you strategy, so you wanted to make chocolate chip cookies but no chips, then make peanut butter instead. Use what you have.
c. Plan meals around what you have. If am item is missing then switch the game plan.
d. if you cannot switch then only buy that item. Go in with a $5.00 bill or whatever it will take so you can't peruse.
By using these three strategies this past 9 months I have really reduced my spending. Now that I am so close to being out of debt, I don't even really desire to by things I don't need.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, September 10, 2018
Monday, Money saving madness
I haven't been able to do a Monday post for a while with my crazy schedule, so it is nice to be home on a Monday to get one done. Even when I am traveling I am trying to find ways to save money and I do. So among my list today will be things I did while out of town.
You might think these things are silly or unnecessary but they really add up. All of these small savings can eventually affect your bottom line. I don't feel like I cannot do things that I enjoy like planting flowers and giving gifts. I just try and spend as little as possible when doing these things. My life is full of beauty and giving and that makes me happy.
1. We (sister) packed a cooler with drinks to and from Missoula so we did not have to stop.
2. Found .65 left in a change receiver at Albertsons.
3. found .10 on ground outside hotel.
4. Went shopping and bought new pj's 80 % off.
5. When trying to purchase clothing for my nieces, I happened upon a woman returning clothes at Old navy. All her things were clearanced out for .97 or 1.97. I asked to buy them as they were the right sizes. So 2 beautiful sweat suits, 5 tops, for girls and two shirts for grandson for $22.00 no tax in Montana. Over $300.00 in clothing.
6. Ordered water when dining out most of the time.
7. split meals with sisters as portions are so large.
8. made 3 large pans of lasagna using pantry ingredients to feed others and save money.
9. ate tomatoes, squash, lettuce (second planting) from the garden
10. only ran the dishwasher once this week when full.
11. found small mums on sale for $1.00 a piece in Missoula so purchased 20 with no tax.
12. Had hubs buy potting soil on close out for pots. End of season clearance.
13. cooked all meals while home from scratch.
14. Went to store, bought only what was needed and use coupons for some items.
15. flipped the collar on one of husbands short sleeve shirts.
16. used coupons to buy supplies at Joanns.
17. Purchased 2 pairs of dansko clogs from girlfriend who didn't like them. They have not even been worn, so gifts for younger daughter, birthday and Christmas.
18. When in Missoula put back many things I was about to purchase, telling myself I did not need them. I am getting better at this.
19. Continued to use wax wraps and used food containers to save, on buying new plastic and tinfoil.
20. neighbor gave us peaches and I cut them up and froze for muffins later.
21. down sized 3 pots form my outdoor pots, I have to many and they get harder to take care of.
22. found weed spray and plant food on close out for $1.00 a bottle and .50 a pack. It works great! what a bargain!
23.Fed all food scraps to chickens
24. saved all my change from Missoula to add to my pig bank.
So I continue my frugal life style with my goal to pay off the house asap. Right now it is just to add at least $1000.00 a month to the principle. If I do that we should be in the $20's before the new year.
I found myself in Missoula with all the shopping and debt free. I could have gone crazy, but my no spending habits are becoming more ingrained. I did buy things but very few. I just don't need anything.
I have a boat load of things to do in the shop today, plus all the ironing from things wore this last week. There are 4 wedding dresses to be altered before I leave on our vacation, plus a myriad of other things. I am blessed with work and I am so excited about being able to use almost all our free money toward the house.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
You might think these things are silly or unnecessary but they really add up. All of these small savings can eventually affect your bottom line. I don't feel like I cannot do things that I enjoy like planting flowers and giving gifts. I just try and spend as little as possible when doing these things. My life is full of beauty and giving and that makes me happy.
1. We (sister) packed a cooler with drinks to and from Missoula so we did not have to stop.
2. Found .65 left in a change receiver at Albertsons.
3. found .10 on ground outside hotel.
4. Went shopping and bought new pj's 80 % off.
5. When trying to purchase clothing for my nieces, I happened upon a woman returning clothes at Old navy. All her things were clearanced out for .97 or 1.97. I asked to buy them as they were the right sizes. So 2 beautiful sweat suits, 5 tops, for girls and two shirts for grandson for $22.00 no tax in Montana. Over $300.00 in clothing.
6. Ordered water when dining out most of the time.
7. split meals with sisters as portions are so large.
8. made 3 large pans of lasagna using pantry ingredients to feed others and save money.
9. ate tomatoes, squash, lettuce (second planting) from the garden
10. only ran the dishwasher once this week when full.
11. found small mums on sale for $1.00 a piece in Missoula so purchased 20 with no tax.
12. Had hubs buy potting soil on close out for pots. End of season clearance.
13. cooked all meals while home from scratch.
14. Went to store, bought only what was needed and use coupons for some items.
15. flipped the collar on one of husbands short sleeve shirts.
16. used coupons to buy supplies at Joanns.
17. Purchased 2 pairs of dansko clogs from girlfriend who didn't like them. They have not even been worn, so gifts for younger daughter, birthday and Christmas.
18. When in Missoula put back many things I was about to purchase, telling myself I did not need them. I am getting better at this.
19. Continued to use wax wraps and used food containers to save, on buying new plastic and tinfoil.
20. neighbor gave us peaches and I cut them up and froze for muffins later.
21. down sized 3 pots form my outdoor pots, I have to many and they get harder to take care of.
22. found weed spray and plant food on close out for $1.00 a bottle and .50 a pack. It works great! what a bargain!
23.Fed all food scraps to chickens
24. saved all my change from Missoula to add to my pig bank.
So I continue my frugal life style with my goal to pay off the house asap. Right now it is just to add at least $1000.00 a month to the principle. If I do that we should be in the $20's before the new year.
I found myself in Missoula with all the shopping and debt free. I could have gone crazy, but my no spending habits are becoming more ingrained. I did buy things but very few. I just don't need anything.
I have a boat load of things to do in the shop today, plus all the ironing from things wore this last week. There are 4 wedding dresses to be altered before I leave on our vacation, plus a myriad of other things. I am blessed with work and I am so excited about being able to use almost all our free money toward the house.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Sunday, Just a happy day
Well I should add Just a happy day if I don't have to muzzle the Hubby. He likes to super control my free time and he is doing it now so I might have to kick him to the curb. We will see.
We had stake meetings today, which both of us did not know about. (old age) and I slept in allowed by hubby as he knows how bad my arthritis has been. When I did get up and realized I would have no meetings, I decided to walk the bridges. Now hubs cannot do this and he cannot keep up with my pace walking. But he is insisting on taking the dog and only walking as much as the dog wants to. Great, but last time we did this you left me to walk home another mile up hill, which caused a week of hip flaring pain. Is he going to do that again? So his response is "carry your cell phone" "NO" it is large and heavy and I am not going to have my walk interrupted by his controlling antics.
See how being married 40 years to a control freak is so much fun. I may have to kick him again.
Yesterday I worked in the yard and switched out more flowers boxes. I planted kale and mums and replanted several flowers that were still doing well. I also sat for an hour on the deck and just enjoyed the weather. There is still so much more yard work to do, but it will wait.
Today is about enjoying the beautiful weather, maybe taking a late nap.
If you will notice I added $330.00 to the house principle, so I have $670.00 to meet my monthly goal. Woo Hoo!
Have a a peaceful and restful Sabbath.
We had stake meetings today, which both of us did not know about. (old age) and I slept in allowed by hubby as he knows how bad my arthritis has been. When I did get up and realized I would have no meetings, I decided to walk the bridges. Now hubs cannot do this and he cannot keep up with my pace walking. But he is insisting on taking the dog and only walking as much as the dog wants to. Great, but last time we did this you left me to walk home another mile up hill, which caused a week of hip flaring pain. Is he going to do that again? So his response is "carry your cell phone" "NO" it is large and heavy and I am not going to have my walk interrupted by his controlling antics.
See how being married 40 years to a control freak is so much fun. I may have to kick him again.
Yesterday I worked in the yard and switched out more flowers boxes. I planted kale and mums and replanted several flowers that were still doing well. I also sat for an hour on the deck and just enjoyed the weather. There is still so much more yard work to do, but it will wait.
Today is about enjoying the beautiful weather, maybe taking a late nap.
If you will notice I added $330.00 to the house principle, so I have $670.00 to meet my monthly goal. Woo Hoo!
Have a a peaceful and restful Sabbath.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Saturday, I'm fussy
I left a terrible mess on the back deck yesterday and only got 1/2 my pots done. The babies kept me busy and the shop had many drop offs and pick ups even though I only hemmed one pair of pants.
I was able to make up three pans of lasagna and stuffed shells, a cake, and four loaves of french bread. Hubs had to go and buy two containers of cottage cheese as he ate those while I was gone. Everything else came from the pantry. I cannot say enough about having a large pantry of things you cook regularly. It just saves so much money. If I had gone out and bought all the ingredients for this much cooking it would have cost me:
cost buying today Pantry cost store bought all
loaves french bread $8.00 Home made $1.00 4 loaves $8.00
cake mix $1.89 sale cake mix .69 bundt cake $7.99
pasta 2 boxes $5.00 sale pasta .89 x 2 $1.78 3 pans frozen las/shells
2 lb bag of mozzarella $8.99 sale price stored $3.99 $ 38.97
Sauce/premium 4 jars $12.00 home made frozen $2.00 realize cake would be
cottage cheese 2 lg containers $3.70 same $3.70 smaller and las/shell
Parmesan cheese $3.79 sale .99 pans would be less deep
and smaller
Total $43.37 $13.15 $54.96
Plus all extra ingredients used were either grown by me and picked fresh (herbs) oil was purchased on sale, eggs used in cheese mix and cake were from our chickens.
I was beat to death last night but at least I have enough left overs for today and Sunday dinner. So I don't have to cook.
I will try and go out and finish my boxes today if possible.
I am fussy as my arthritis is flaring again and has been all summer. While I was out with my sisters my left shoulder froze and was so painful, now is is my right shoulder and hand. My right hand and wrist and elbow have been giving me fits off and on for a while but add the shoulder and it is almost impossible to work. Like brushing your hair, or pulling your pants down and up to go to the bathroom, let alone potty duties. (okay TMI) but I am telling you when it gets to the point that I cannot even take care of myself I get a little fussy.
I have taken 2 Aleve and have sat here typing and reading for a an hour and I am feeling better, typing better, so maybe I dare go move around a little. I just don't like having to compromise my lifestyle for this stupid disease.
I will keep fighting.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I was able to make up three pans of lasagna and stuffed shells, a cake, and four loaves of french bread. Hubs had to go and buy two containers of cottage cheese as he ate those while I was gone. Everything else came from the pantry. I cannot say enough about having a large pantry of things you cook regularly. It just saves so much money. If I had gone out and bought all the ingredients for this much cooking it would have cost me:
cost buying today Pantry cost store bought all
loaves french bread $8.00 Home made $1.00 4 loaves $8.00
cake mix $1.89 sale cake mix .69 bundt cake $7.99
pasta 2 boxes $5.00 sale pasta .89 x 2 $1.78 3 pans frozen las/shells
2 lb bag of mozzarella $8.99 sale price stored $3.99 $ 38.97
Sauce/premium 4 jars $12.00 home made frozen $2.00 realize cake would be
cottage cheese 2 lg containers $3.70 same $3.70 smaller and las/shell
Parmesan cheese $3.79 sale .99 pans would be less deep
and smaller
Total $43.37 $13.15 $54.96
Plus all extra ingredients used were either grown by me and picked fresh (herbs) oil was purchased on sale, eggs used in cheese mix and cake were from our chickens.
I was beat to death last night but at least I have enough left overs for today and Sunday dinner. So I don't have to cook.
I will try and go out and finish my boxes today if possible.
I am fussy as my arthritis is flaring again and has been all summer. While I was out with my sisters my left shoulder froze and was so painful, now is is my right shoulder and hand. My right hand and wrist and elbow have been giving me fits off and on for a while but add the shoulder and it is almost impossible to work. Like brushing your hair, or pulling your pants down and up to go to the bathroom, let alone potty duties. (okay TMI) but I am telling you when it gets to the point that I cannot even take care of myself I get a little fussy.
I have taken 2 Aleve and have sat here typing and reading for a an hour and I am feeling better, typing better, so maybe I dare go move around a little. I just don't like having to compromise my lifestyle for this stupid disease.
I will keep fighting.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Friday, Lots to do!
I sewed hard yesterday as I had to make up for my trip and I had customers that needed things. Today I will only hem of pair of pants as the littles are here and they take almost all my time.
We had a young couple in our church have a baby yesterday and she had triplets three years ago. I am making some stuffed shells and some lasagna. The sauce is done and I just pulled it out of the freezer, so it is just a matter of assembly. I can get some cooking done with the babies. I am going to throw some french bread into the mixer also as it is so easy and really the mixer does the work. Dessert will be a cake mix. Yeah!
I also am going to go out back and empty all my flower boxes saving what plants are healthy. I will replace the soil and replant with mums and ornamental kale. I can do this with the babies. Hub's will help referee.
This will be a busy day for me, I hope I can handle it!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
We had a young couple in our church have a baby yesterday and she had triplets three years ago. I am making some stuffed shells and some lasagna. The sauce is done and I just pulled it out of the freezer, so it is just a matter of assembly. I can get some cooking done with the babies. I am going to throw some french bread into the mixer also as it is so easy and really the mixer does the work. Dessert will be a cake mix. Yeah!
I also am going to go out back and empty all my flower boxes saving what plants are healthy. I will replace the soil and replant with mums and ornamental kale. I can do this with the babies. Hub's will help referee.
This will be a busy day for me, I hope I can handle it!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Thursday, It is done
We finally got mommy put next to our beloved Fred in Missoula. There was no chaos with DA brother. The restraining order was served last Friday and we had smooth sailing all weekend. Both Lil sis and I I have to go to the court house today at 1:30 to have the order finalized. I am so done with the drama.
Our baby brother was not happy with the outcome of the will although all three of us gave him a little something. But that also is done. I feel that I have given and given and I am no longer going to be bullied by my mother to support my brothers. It is a great feeling to be able to make these decisions on my own.
It was a fun but long 5 days and I was happy to get home. My new dance students are sweet and I was happy to teach again.
I have really been eating very poorly since mom died. I stress eat. When things go wrong I want sugar and carbs and I have been very, very bad. So I have to be good these next three weeks so I can be bad when I am with Sluggy on vacation. She knows my need for bakery treats.
The shop is going to be crazy busy this next few weeks and I will really have to put my nose to the grind stone. I am going to get right into the shop after this post and assess the situation. then I will get busy.
The laundry from the last weekend is started and I know what I am cooking for dinner. I have not looked at the garden as I am afraid to.
There are so many different things I want to do, like write a new budget, make up a meal plan, make up a chart for the house pay off. But all those things can wait until I get a few things done around the yard.
I purchased moms on a close out 5/5.00 ad some kale to replant the back deck and the flower posts. They are a shameful mess, I paid no attention to anything in the yard once mom passed, except to keep up with the garden.
I have work to do. How about you?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Our baby brother was not happy with the outcome of the will although all three of us gave him a little something. But that also is done. I feel that I have given and given and I am no longer going to be bullied by my mother to support my brothers. It is a great feeling to be able to make these decisions on my own.
It was a fun but long 5 days and I was happy to get home. My new dance students are sweet and I was happy to teach again.
I have really been eating very poorly since mom died. I stress eat. When things go wrong I want sugar and carbs and I have been very, very bad. So I have to be good these next three weeks so I can be bad when I am with Sluggy on vacation. She knows my need for bakery treats.
The shop is going to be crazy busy this next few weeks and I will really have to put my nose to the grind stone. I am going to get right into the shop after this post and assess the situation. then I will get busy.
The laundry from the last weekend is started and I know what I am cooking for dinner. I have not looked at the garden as I am afraid to.
There are so many different things I want to do, like write a new budget, make up a meal plan, make up a chart for the house pay off. But all those things can wait until I get a few things done around the yard.
I purchased moms on a close out 5/5.00 ad some kale to replant the back deck and the flower posts. They are a shameful mess, I paid no attention to anything in the yard once mom passed, except to keep up with the garden.
I have work to do. How about you?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
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