Financial :
1. Save a ll change in the pig bank DONE
2. save all 5$ bills DONE up to $120.00
3. Pay an extra $1000.00 on mortgage DONE
4.Keep adding to savings charts and I did complete one and I am onto #2 DONE
5. Set up budget for groceries of $50.00 a week DONE so far have a carry over of $49.00 we are eating out of the pantry and the freezers.
6. Set up a budget FAIL Did not write one out but I did pay all bills on time
7. We had two major repairs this month to pay that took money away from my Christmas pay off . Hub's cell phone was close to $170.00, and our dryer repair of $127.00. So WIN and FAIL
Health Goals:
.1. Lose 20 lbs.( Lost 4) WIN
a. get 10,000 steps a day working toward 12 FAIL
b.stick to low carb diet FAIL
c. exercise for my heart one hour a day, 5 days a week. FAIL
2. Give up diet coke. I started strong ended up with other related problems, so now have one or two a day. I have no soda in the house. So I call this a FAIL/WIN
I can honestly say my arthritis is not bothering me at all, which is a win, and the monetary savings are huge another win.
Spiritual goals:
1. be better to myself , rest, sleep, relax more WIN
2. Bless others WIN
3. Study more FAIL
4. Continue to sing in choir and practice piano every day FAIL I was gone so much of the month and then sick so will do better next month.
5. Continue to work on projects , embroidery, quilts, rugs. WIN
I have 11 wins and 8 fails so I will call the month a success. I did the best in the financial category. I think losing 4 lbs this month was a win and I did have 13 days of low carb, exercise and steps accomplished. If I could even boost that up to 20 I would be doing well. I am really proud of the diet coke goal as this continues to be a struggle and I am working at it everyday. Staying home will help with the piano and study goal.
Now I had a January goal of getting rid of 500 items and I only rid myself of 290 things. So this will obviously have to continue. We have several places to attack in the house and I am not afraid that this won't be net soon.
Okay any thoughts, words of encouragement, how about beating me up?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.