Right now the back deck is tore up and I need to go buy paint, which cannot be applied until tomorrow as we are expecting another rain shower. The kitchen, bedroom, bathrooms, family room, stairs, hallway, front room, dining room, indoor plants, back hallway, laundry room and the shop and the the spare bedroom all need love. There are a lot of boxes laying around full of wedding things and I need to get those all into one pile in the back hallway. Really I just need to organize. Not my strong suit.
I have this feeling of wanting to run away. I will have to be firm with myself and quit wasting time. I have started my second load of laundry and cleaned the cat box today. So proud of myself. Waiting for an out of town client and will then go get paint.
I absolutely have to get 9 pairs of pants hemmed (all jeans) and then let out another dress pair. I have wedding dress on the ironing board ready for hemming. Then I am going to organize the shop into what needs to be done next. There are so many wedding dresses in there along with everything else. Crazy busy.
I pulled moms box of flannel out yesterday to see if there were any boy burp cloths left and found several. There is enough flannel for several blankets and need to make up a few baby gifts. I could just go buy something but I want to save the money and use up what I have. Plus homemade is so much nicer. So I am putting that on the list. I know it seems stupid to add something like this to my work load right now, but stopping the insanity to create something beautiful and soft in the middle of chaos is comforting for me. I will just take a couple of hours to do something I love and that will help me feel more grounded and less like I am just working, working, WORKING.
I do think is I can get at least the wedding dress and the all the pants done I will feel better. Time just seems to fly around here. If I get the shop things stuff done, it will take load off just knowing what needs to be done next. Then I can face the house.
I am due at my friends house tonight 5pm to stay the night with her parents so they can take their 8 yr old son on one night of camping. When you are a full time caregiver you don't get out very much if at all. So I will just spend the night there and try to do a little cleaning for her.
I am just so happy it is Friday, although tomorrow will be a cleaning, painting, work day at least I won't have to listen for the shop.
Do any of you just stop in the middle of your chaos to create something, whether it is batch of cookies, bake a pie, sew a little something, mess in the garden or do a craft?
Does it help you feel better and reflect?
I know it helps me deal with my crazies, which are at an all time high right now and will probably stay here for the next 5 weeks. (WEDDING OVER)
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.