Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday, I got something done!

 And truth be told I like my idiot. Hey yesterday I was able to finish 3 wedding dresses.  Yes three!  I also got one ripped and ready. Pretty darn proud of myself.

I cleaned nothing, but I did strip the sofa and washed it the day before and hung it on the line and then put the cover on last night.  So, a little done.  But nothing else.  It will all wait. The cleaning that is.

Finally got the last two medical bills on Joels death worked out, I think.  Not that I did not verbally contact them in February and twice sent letters with all info.  No, I have to call and make contact a 4th time. So, aggravating.  It is like he will never be buried.  Well really, he is in the closet in the spare room waiting patiently.

And you wonder why I am losing it!!!!!

Anyway, back to my most wonderfullness. I got three wedding dress done yesterday.  Did I tell you that already?  Sorry I just wanted you to be super amazed, because I was. Drum roll please!  I'm not hearing it.  A little louder please... Thank you.

Today I have 4 pairs of pants to get hemmed a couple of shirts to hem and then two bags of hemming and mending and I am done for the week! So, the sooner I put my nose to the grindstone the better.  And when I am done, I can clean house.  That is my carrot.  I get to clean house.  My life is so exciting, I tell you everyone wants to be me.

Now out scouring the nurseries for the dead and dying plants on sale, to fill the garden bed.  They have to be the kind of plants that rodents and deer won't eat. I went out this morning and continued to kill spurge where it was coming up among the rocks.  I will be diligent, so this crap does not have a chance to seed itself. Last year it was such a problem, but we (Joel) let it go too far.  But not me I am on a mission to eradicate it.

Well, I am off to sew and it has been nice not to have new work coming in.  



  1. YAY - 3 WEDDING DRESSES!!!!!!!
    Ok the meme made me snort a little too loud! Glad I didn't have dink in my mouth or it would have come out my nose.
    I kind of like my idiot too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!! Somebody has to love her!

    1. YEs let's make a club and we will all agree the byline is to love our idiot.

  2. Oh how I laughed. Thank you for the humor. If I knew how to find a drum roll emoticon I would put it here!……..imagine how wonderful it would be. Anyway, congrats on three wedding dresses, holy cow, for me, that would be beyond comprehension so I commend you. I know we all have different skills and I am a whiz with excel but when I am done, I don’t have three lovely dresses to show for it…just a new file with a new version number ;). Big news here, my two home closes ( sale and purchase) on track for tomorrow! Drum roll……so by tomorrow night I will have keys and will move my dog and my suitcase in on Friday! Yeah! But as you know, nothing is simple. The place needs updating, so that will be the next step. But I am very perky about the move! Anyway, good luck getting plants and getting your house cleaned! Thanks for taking the time to write, I love opening up the iPad and seeing your posts! Hilogene in Az

    1. That is great news Hilogene! Cindy in the South

    2. I am so happy for you. I think I need to come down and help with the remodel. Just for a week. I am great at tearing off wallpaper and demolition and step and fetch.

  3. I envy you being able to laugh at yourself. I feel too serious. Like if I act silly, things will unravel more than I already am. Maybe I really should have pushed myself to learn to crochet or knit so I could fix the threads of my life.

    1. Sam give it time my dear. This is so very hard and I cry every damn day. But I also see humor in many situations. You handle this the way it works for you. You can be silly or you can be serious. Our family just always went for comedy in the most horrific situations. It come from our Jewish heritage, because well the ancestors suffered. They learned through comedy to endure. But we need you serious folks. Otherwise, we would all go around shaking our fist at the sky. Thinking of making a trip out to Minnesota. What say you?

  4. Awesome, but I am kind of giggling that your prize for getting all things done is to clean your house.

    God bless.

  5. And I'm the idiot who didn't see the meme (thought it was an ad) so I didn't even know what you what idiot you were talking about!

    We're running around covering our plants because it's going down to 36* tonight. Guess I'm glad we haven't opened our pool yet (can't really because there is so much gunk coming out of the trees still).

  6. Yay for getting so much work done!!! That is wonderful!!! Cindy in the South

  7. Cleaning as a prize for working hard? Geez, you're as nuts as I thought you were. Want to be giddy? Come clean my house too and hem these 2 pair of pants before I leave! lol 8-))

    1. I would love to. If I could get there on time. I wish we lived close.

  8. I think of cleaning the house as a punishment. Realized that was exactly what Mother would do after the whipping. SIGH. We got a frost last night. Waiting to check plants this afternoon to see what we lost. Good news is it's early enough in the season to replant. I am hoping all the lettuce didn't die though. DRUM ROLL FOR KIM!!!!!!!
