Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday, Frugal Friday

 Here it is Friday again and the week goes by so fast.  But then again, I was busy and that always makes time fly. Slept terrible last night, don't know why.

Anyway, up and changing sheets and doing housework.  Had my piano lesson and I think I am ready for Sunday.  Well, I had better be! 

Sissie and I put away St. Pat's decorations and put out Easter. Almost all of it is my mother's, as I am not one to buy much.  Although I drool every time I enter home goods.  If I was wealthy, I swear I would turn into a consumer's consumer, so probably a blessing I am not.

Made chicken salad this morning, so that is off my list, and I also made the frogeye salad that will stay in fridge until tomorrow.

Valerie our cousin arrived early at the airport, and I have not seen her yet, as I had a client.  So, I ran Dan a chicken salad croissant sandwich, as he is home with his very swollen leg up. I think I broke him. E gads! The troops went out to lunch, and I skipped that. Trying really hard to not eat out and it is hard with this group.  I know we (they) are going out tomorrow for lunch.  I may not make that either.

Joel's cousin just called, and they are an hour away. I still have the pillow shams to the spare room in the dryer.  I have everything set out for the things I have to make this weekend. I did go to the grocer last night to buy bread, and milk, one package of Jello, and some pudding mix, and cool whip. Also ice cream on a loss leader for $1.97 tub, limit 2. Total came to $33.16 both stores. But I was so blessed to have almost everything on hand.  Hoorah for a working pantry!

Hoping to catch a short nap before cousins get here.  Have no idea what the sisters have planned for this afternoon, just know dinner is at Lil sis's.

Frugal Friday:

1. Ate pizza out this week, so one eat out but used a coupon!

2. planned entire weekend food around what I have saved a ton of money

3. Sissie, filled my car with gas as she uses it so much

4. Was able to get 40 building bricks from Sissie's house to complete walkway.

5. Shopped loss leaders, strawberries, ice cream, soda, fruit

6. turned heat down some as house gets too hot, but not ready to turn off yet.

7.  Either I cooked dinner or Sissie cooked saving us time and trouble.

8.  Was able to put $1500 on my savings goal, so total so far is $1900 of the $2000 I am pretty stoked!

I so hope I sleep better tonight as tomorrow will be a busy day.

What are you weekend plans!  Anything fun?  I hope so.

God is good



  1. Those pantries sure are useful! Have a wonderful weekend, whatever you do.

  2. Enjoy visiting with your family. You are doing so well on your savings plans.

    God bless.

  3. I'm new to your blog. Is Sissie your sister?

  4. You are amazing! Cindy in the South

  5. You truly are the energizer bunny, I read through your days and am astonished ;). Good luck this weekend! Hilogene in Az.

  6. Our weekend? Concert weekend and even though Warren is no longer the ED, he is still the Symphony timpanist and a lot going on across all fronts!

  7. Isn't it awesome to have a full pantry and be able to put a nice dinner together with little to no shopping? Great job on your savings. I hope you enjoy the weekend.

  8. That was nice is Sissie to fill your car for you. I’ve not been able to turn our heat off completely either, YET. Lol Hoorh for working pantries!
