Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday, Not so Frugal Friday

 Well, the week was not so frugal, as I picked up chicks and chick food.  Bought things for St Patrick's day, stocked up on a few loss leaders at the store.  But all worth it!

I was able to get three wedding dresses done and ready to go out the door in 3.5 hours yesterday which is about my limit for sewing anymore.  If I work longer, I get back and shoulder pain.  So, I make myself stop.

Worked out in the garden area for 1.5 hours last evening but was having trouble keeping my lines straight.  Dan came up and ran a plumb line.  Something I should have done.

I am making shrimp tonight with artichokes and asparagus. All those lovely veggies you get in the spring and can't afford any other time of the year.

Sissie is fighting to get Aunties meds and she is in an uproar as she hates people wasting her time, and don't we all? Poor Sissie!

I am excited to work in the yard today and I hope to get to Sissie's tomorrow to help in their yard. I love to be outside.

Frugal Friday

1. one no spend day Thanks goodness for the Sabbath!

2. saved over 80.00 at the grocery store on loss leaders.  Although I spent $60  so was that a savings?

3. refused to go out for meals when asked 3 different times, big savings

4. ate out of pantry

Not much of a list this week, but I did get 4 wedding dresses done and I have one more to go that I will finish Monday.  The season is heating up.

What did you do this week to save?  I hope you did better than I!

God is good



  1. I think it is a good list. You sew so fast - I could never do that.
    I got a few specials today - and nothing else. Cabbage, asparagus and some Brussel sprouts! Yum on all.

    1. Cabbage, asparagus and artichokes, the spring veggies!

  2. Sounds like you got a lot done. That's wonderful. I love me some spring and summer veg. So good! I did go out to lunch today with a friend and it was lovely. Not expensive either so that is good too.

  3. If you saved 80 and spent 60, it cost you nothing because you bought it with the money you saved. I am a master at convoluted logic!

  4. Nice work with the dresses, and also knowing your limit. I saw cabbage for $.35/lb. I almost bought some, but I'm going to be traveling & don't want it to go bad while I'm gone. I ate a lot of leftovers last week, so there's that.

    1. Wow that is the lowest I have heard of. Good on you for eating things up before you go!

  5. Hello! You are the queen, you know that, right??? Have a cozy weekend, my friend.

  6. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!
