Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday, Happy St. Patrick's

 Happy St Patrick's Day to you all! We celebrated yesterday, and I am beat! Sissie, was a big help, and so was Dan, but as usual, by the time dinner was ready I could not eat, (except for dessert) and I am not feeling well today.  Just very weak and tired.  But still plugging along.

I pulled out the corned beef I had frozen on Saturday and after church I started them in a boil. The first one just smelled so bad.  Like nauseating.  After getting all three tips in water the smell of them boiling was putrid.  I pulled them and Sissie ran to the store and bought the last three they had, and I started over.  But I was off my feed from then on.  I remember Joel getting so sick on bad corned beef.  They packages will go back and I will get my money back. Not a way to start a dinner for others.

Saturday, I was trying to finish cleaning the kitchen and I pulled out my stainless-steel cleaner to polish the appliances. By the way hate stainless steel but it was here with the house. It is a pain.  I sprayed away and started to polish, and it has a strange caustic smell, but this was so strong, and I was coughing, pretty soon everyone coughing. But it polished beautifully, Then I went to put polish away and realized it was Ant Killer.  The cans are similar color.  We had a good, horrified laugh and had to completely reclean all kitchen surfaces.  Then polish with regular polish and they really do work the same and smell a lot alike, just missing the nerve agent. So, if you run out of stainless-steel polish put on a gas mask and use Ant killer.  Stay tuned for more cleaning tips from Kim!

Friday after I was done sewing and I mean I was DONE!  I went outside and Dan and I set this sidewalk up.  It took about 4 hours of backbreaking digging.  I love how it looks.  Now I have 3 more to do. SO Much work! But the free stones are perfect,

Saturday, I spent at Sissies working in her yard.  We cleaned out a shady area on one side of her house.  It was hard but not as hard as Friday.  It is nice to work together.  It is motivating and Dan can do the grunt work.  We do the step and fetch, which I am good at.

I have a wedding dress to finish today, all that is left is the hem.  But it was a toughie.  Signe' has this week off and is here as she had a doctor's appointment and has a bad sinus infection.  She is in my bed, and I will go pick up the kids at school as she has another appointment at 3.  They will get to see their chicks today. 

Have two more brides picking up after 5 today and then I am going to collapse for at least a day.  I am done in I tell you. I think we might have killed Sissie. Witches are hard to kill, but I am pretty sure I saw her feet curl up under the foundation of the house this morning.

Goals for the week:

1. at least 3 no spend days if not more

2. try and pay a good chunk on my next goal for the month

3. complete another 1000 chart

4. try not to eat out at all

5. try not and spend any money

6. get a little more rest

May the road Always Rise to meet you!

God is good



  1. There's no smell worse than spoiled meat. I'm so sorry. I did a similar but not nearly as toxic, error and grabbed Orange Glo for wood instead of the orange colored Spic Spam to clean up a mess on the kitchen floor caused the dog on Sunday night. When I realized it I too had to first, remove with just water-twice, then clean again with the Spic and Spam. We are on good company with each other and our use of the wrong cleaning product.

  2. I am laughing at the ant killer/polish and also Kay's feet curling up. I am so glad the two of you have each other close by now. The antics have endless possibilities!

    1. I howled about the ant killer and Sissie with her disappearing feet! 😂. Cindy in the South

    2. CIndy we seem to have a similar (dark) sense of humor. We have to make it a point to meet up sometime. Geographically it's a no brainer.

  3. Wooooo, what a weekend! Sounds like a lot of funk going on!! LOL Glad it all came together. I think you need to rest or you will be sick.

  4. I think I am sick now! That was a toxic situation in the kitchen. Good thing you got rid of the meat. I hate the smell of bad meat cooking. The walkway looks great. That will keep your feet out of mud. Rest two days.

  5. Those are great goals. I am sorry that the boiling meat was not good and so glad that you were able to get good meat going. I doubt I would have felt like eating after that. Lovely walkway.

    God bless.

  6. Yuck on the meat! I don't think I would be able to eat after that . I may have laughed way too hard at the ant spray story! The sidewalk is looking great. You got a ton accomplished in four hours.
