Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday, Slow down!

 I think I spend more time in the whatever phase.  Sissie is in the overthinking. We are twins split down the middle.

Worked in the yard yesterday and we are almost done with the long walk.  Just have three shorter walks to go.  I should be able to do those myself.  I think? Anyway, worn out and opted to order pizza last night and it was good!

Also paid an additional $1000 to a goal so I treated myself to Pizza!  Tonight, I am making chicken fingers, mash potatoes and veg.

Signe' picked us up at about 9:30 to go to Verizon as my phone has been giving me fits with the volume.  She also wanted to get Aunty a new I pad for her birthday!  Turns out all my gardening and rock cleaning (remember last year) has filtered so much dust into iPhone speakers. I always carry my iPhone in my topmost overall pocket and wear bib overalls about 4-5 days a week.  Well, when I come in from all my outdoor projects I am covered by a fine layer of dust.  My washcloth tells me so.  This has filtered into the upper pocket. Resulting in iPhone replacement.  But Signe' purchased it for me for my Birthday!  We also got a good deal as my iPhone was under a warranty.  But they had never heard of this kind of malfunction. I am blessed!

Dan is out finishing the walk, and I want to be outside so bad, But NO! After we did the iPhone, we went to Home Depot for my cedar boards for the garden. Signe' dropped me off at the nail place to get my monthly nails done and then went and unloaded the 12-8-foot boards and ran to Wal mart for a new screen protector and case for the new phone. Then back to pick me up.  It was a whirlwind morning.  Now home to get some sewing done, I hope. I hope a lot you notice.

I really have to sew today but want to be outside. OUTSIDE is calling me!!!!!

I have book club tonight on I think the stupidest book I have ever read, or it is a close second.  But I love the comradery. 

I play in church this weekend, so practicing has become paramount. Not that I don't try and sneak in a practice daily, I am just concentrating on smoothing out the snags.

I am so glad many of you let me know that you feel the weight of larger projects, so I don't feel so overwhelmed and alone.  Have to keep reminding myself it will be worth it.

Well, I am off to get at least three piles done!  Hurrah! for the piles said no one ever.

God is good



  1. Outside was my day. Met a friend for lunch and then we walked the lake. Delightful.

    Congrats on the extra grand. Exciting :-)

  2. Outside is a lovely place to be when weather permits - but this old body gets tired.

    1. It is aggravating to feel your body betray you. Still, I am happy to be able to do what I do!

  3. I so wish I could be outside and getting things done in the garden. Not going to happen as the backyard still has lots of snow. I am glad you got a new phone replacement.

    God bless.

    1. Yes you up north will not see s[ring conditions for a while.

  4. I am ready to be outside! I am pushing myself to clean, clean and clean some more so I can be spend more time outside. The grass is getting green so I know it is coming sooner rather than later!

    1. I just need to really get some sewing done so I can get rid of the guilt!

  5. Awesome job on the saving and treating yourself to a pizza. Small treats are so important for our moral.

    1. I am a big believer in small treats when you meet a goal!

  6. You can't leave us hanging on the stupidest book you've ever read!

    1. LADY JANE, dumb, insipid, badly written can I go on... It is in teen adult fiction.
