Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday, Cabbage for sale!

 I need so many life lessons right now!  The kids and I went to get chicks yesterday and they were sold out in two hours. You cannot get chicks here.  I will have to get up at 6 tomorrow and wait in line to see if more come in.  My grandkids were so disappointed.  We set up the baby coop and got all ready for baby chicks. They were so good yesterday so I could get my sewing done and then we would go get our chicks.  They had even named them.  This is now my mission, and I have so many other things I need to mission about!

Went and bought 8.69 worth of cabbage today, as it was on sale for .69 a lb. versus $1.69 a pound.  I mean really, we have come to the point in our economy that we have to stock up on cabbage. Who knew?

Yesterday I was able to do three second fittings and I have another one today.  Then I will be hell bent to finish all of these by next week.  I so badly want to get out in the yard.  Thank goodness the weather is not cooperating. Making it easier for me to stay inside.

So today is hand work on at least two dresses. Hoping to get two finished and maybe a third. I know I have to have three finished my next Monday.  So, much for the luck of the Irish.

I am feeling overwhelmed right now and I don't like it.  I need to calm myself down and realize that there is only so much I can do and prioritize.  All things will get done and this feeling will pass. I don't really know what is causing this anxiety. Well, I do, it is the news.  I am going to have to cut myself off from social media.  Just too much flip flopping and threatening. There is nothing I can do. I have written those who need to know my opinion for what it is worth, I need to let go!

How many of you are suffering from the news drama?

God is Good



  1. Yes, I am not listening/watching news anymore. I know this is high stakes poker and I just get too anxious waiting for the end of the game. Sigh. So I am starting to read more.

    I am sorry the chicks are getting snapped up, I can see why the grandkids were so sad. I always wanted baby animals but never lived anywhere it made sense. Happy handwork! Hilogene in Az

  2. Considering I have another turning back retirement date of April 8, I'm scared pretty well that I made the biggest error in my life. My retirement account is tanking and that's what was supposed to be so strong to prompt my early retirement. I can't get widows SS until December, if it's even still there. But, I've but friends and family and ingenuity. I won't let the liars in charge run me to the ground. I see the chick ads too...mighty tempting but I've enough pets to care for. ( I know the chicks aren't pets but seem a lot of work.)

  3. I hope you do manage to get some chicks Kim - I can imagine how disappointing it was when they were all sold out. I hate that overwhelming feeling but I definately think switching off social media for awhile is helpful to our brains.

  4. Lots of people are saying the same thing about chicks. In only buy cabbage 2 or 3 times a year when on sale. Kroger here has it for .49/lb. this week,

  5. US inflation fell to 2.8% last month (lowest rate in 4 years). Interest rates will be lowered soon and the market will be jumping again. That's what markets do. We also have to fix all that has been hidden, broken and laundered in the past 4 years (researching the . The current admin is smart and business savvy and is quickly trying to find all the waste, fraud and abuse (and try to lower our budget deficit of $1.8 trillion dollars)! But we'll get there very soon!

  6. Same thing with the chicks in Central Indiana. We were very fortunate to get some. They are selling so fast that the farm store has a sign stating they have to stay in the store for four hours after delivery in order to warm. They list the time they arrive and the time that they can start selling. It's crazy!

  7. It is a hard decision: Mental Health or being Fully Informed (and not by other's opinion of what they heard).

  8. I cannot NOT watch the news and read. Old Orange man is deranged. He knows nothing about business. How many businesses has he driven out of business? The economy is starting to scare President Musk, too, and he is a billionaire.

    I am so disappointed for the children who were so good in anticipation of chicks. \

    Cabbage was 44 cents/lb today and I passed it. I regret that, but I had just cooked cabbage and we still have not eaten that. But, that was wrong thinking. Tomorrow, I will get cabbage. Stockpiling cabbage is ridiculous, but necessary, I suppose. After paying over $3/lb for cabbage, I almost choked! It was something like $1.89/lb. What was I thinking?

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