Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday, weather is turning

     It was cold this morning!  When did this happen?  I am not ready.  Please Indian summer get here and give me a few more hot days.  I actually put on a long sleeve knit shirt and clogs this morning.  I might even have to plug in my space heater.

     Taught dance last night and it was so fun.  The kids worked really hard.  The new owners youngest boy who is not quite 2 came into class and was dancing with the kids.  It was  so cute and funny.  His older brother and sister take Irish dance and there he was going around the circle with his big brother trying to lift his little right leg and jump.  It looked more like a wobbly goose step but we all were laughing and then he really loved having an audience.  I am going to have my phone ready next week.

     I spent the day yesterday getting my finances for the month in order.  Still have a ways to go.  Will finish cleaning up the desk tonight.  I also had lunch with my buddy and we laughed and had such fun.  We both have snarky senses of humor and very few people can read me like she does.  What can I say great? (and crazy) minds think alike. 

     I was able to skim about $90.00 off of our phone and internet bills yesterday by looking at them and complaining and switching.  You have to watch those people like a hawk.  I swear I am on the phone with them every few months.  They are rip off artists.

     I must really sew like crazy to day as I have been very lazy the last two days.  Now it is catch up time!

Have a great and productive day.


1 comment:

  1. Oh so envious of the chill. It is about 95 here, but the leaves are beginning to fall. Who want's to rake when it is sweltering?
