Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, Truckin along......

     Well I got nothing done on my list yesterday, but I did get a few things started.  Like B's paperwork will not be as hard as I thought.  Right after this post I am on my way to put stuff away at high school.  I also really cleaned down the steps of the basement and started laundry and sorted the ironing.  Does that count?  B did straighten up the family room.

     We are completely out of small bags of white flour, which is a rarity at our house so I am going to stop at the restaurant supply after the high school and pick up10 bags.  Making bread and all my things from scratch does take a great deal of flour.

     I have to find some meat in the freezer to get out and thaw for dinner, I think it will be chicken breasts, that way I can use the leftovers in salads.  Hubs had leftovers last night and I am going to find something to do with the left over potatoes he did not eat.

     I sewed for several hours last night and I have some goals to finish today.  The shop was really busy from 3:30 until about 6.  New work came in and that is good.  I must pay the studio rent today and I don't want to as I hate to dip into my savings but it has to be.  I just want to hold onto my money like a little miser.

     Okay by tomorrow I hope to report a few things actually of my list of I don't want tooooooooos.......

     Hubs and I took an hour long bike ride last night but he insisted that he put the bikes in the back of the truck and take them down to the levy instead of us riding down the steep hills and then walking bikes back up.  I guess me collapsing and vomiting last Monday in the drive way must have sacred him.  It didn't scare me, I had just over done it.  So now he won't let me ride down and come back up on my own.  Personally I think it almost killed him too.

  It was much cooler yesterday only 91.  I want to get the front yard beds weeded, and I know I have to hand water today and check the garden for produce.  Also ironing is out of hand and I am down to my last pair of cotton shorts, so tomorrow I must wear a skirt or be naked.  Slowly, slowly working on my goals, I just wish they were more fun!  Like a new project.

Okay, I am off to the salt mines.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I'd say you got a LOT of things started and that counts big time in my books :) You call 91 a lot cooler? Hoo boy you must be having one hot summer! In PEI it's been hot and humid the past few days but there's a nice cool breeze blowing today thankfully. Today don't start anything new - just finish up 1 or 2 things from yesterday!!

  2. I sewed last night too and hope to again over my lunch break today.
