Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday, sometimes yard work is fun!

     I spent all day Friday in the yard.  It has frosted really hard the last 3 mornings so the rock wall I the front was impossible to weed.  I spent my time in the back yard.  The strawberry plants and blueberries are weeded.  The garden is ready to plant.  I have my mini green house out with my seedlings underneath it.  The pond in up and running.  All the flower boxes are up and full of soil waiting for planting.  I still have some work to do around the wood pile and a little around the pond.  Also the back large berms need attention.  But things are looking good.

     Now I really have not touched the front, however I believe I will have the beds done before the end of the week.  As long as the weather holds.  The front is easier to care for then the back.   I have everything in perennials now.  We have decided to rock the very front this year.  I also need to buy mulch.

     My little sister and I started to make cushion covers for her back deck, but did not complete them.  I finished up the four cushions last night and am working on making her some place mats and mug rugs out of the scraps.  I want to get these in the mail on Monday so she can have them by Easter.

     Mom and I had such a nice time yesterday after the breakfast.  We took a nap, had a lot of laughs and then had a late lunch on the deck.  Then we just sat and talked for 3 hours.  We have not had any time together that has not been run, run, run for over a month.  It was so nice just to have a peaceful day and time to waste and chat.  I get that so seldom.

     Mom is feeling better I think and then she surprises me when I see how really weak she has become.  It worries me.  Sometimes she can barely make it around a grocery store.  She gets very frustrated with herself and it makes me sad.

  Well I need to get in the tub and wash off yesterdays dirt from the gardening.

Have a peaceful and restful Sabbath.



  1. So glad you had a day to do what you felt like doing instead of being pulled in a million directions!

  2. premium cleanse You can arrest fifteen seconds and then you going to do it again and you're going to see how many rounds you can do total person for me I haven’t did a lot around this before.
